Relationship and family issues

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Chris_B PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING: 3 important tips to get the most out of this section
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Hi everyone, The Relationships & Family Issues section is one of the busiest here on our forums. It's also one of the areas where we find members can get themselves into trouble! Before posting here, take a deep breath and be mindful of the following... View more

Hi everyone, The Relationships & Family Issues section is one of the busiest here on our forums. It's also one of the areas where we find members can get themselves into trouble! Before posting here, take a deep breath and be mindful of the following 3 tips: 1. Do you really want to share this with the world? This is a public forum. Are you thinking of posting something that could identify you to a friend or family member? Once you've posted, you can't delete what you've written and we don't take posts down from here unless they've broken one of our community rules. This is because our members spend a lot of time composing replies, and there is a much wider audience that gets a lot out of reading what has been written. It's not fair to ask the community for support, then ask to have it removed once you've read it so others can't also benefit. Use discretion when posting here - think about the level of detail you are sharing, and think also about who might know you are posting here. Also, please keep it clean: this is an all ages forum and explicit discussions about sexual problems are not permitted. Threads and posts of this nature will be removed and your account placed on a moderation hold. 2. What do you want to get out of posting here? Relationship and family issues are stressful. Members sometimes post here seeking advice about a relationship that has broken down, but find themselves getting upset when they don't agree with the response they get. This is a peer support forum, meaning we are not mental health professionals. We are people of all ages and backgrounds, with a wide range of life experiences. While we aim for our discussions to be conducted respectfully, people here will respond with the truth as they see it, from their own experiences and perspectives. We are not here to take sides. Offence is almost never intentional, but it can be sometimes taken. The advice you will see here is not intended to be a substitute for professional counselling. 3. What other support do you have? Most people posting on our forums (about any issue) use this space as a supplement to other supports. This forum is not and cannot be a substitute for offline supports, but it is often a good place to start the ball rolling and find the courage for seeking help. If you are relying solely on an internet forum to resolve your relationship or family issues, you are likely to be disappointed. Check out the Healthy Homes section of our Healthy Families website for further information and resources.

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white knight When to cut ties with family
  • replies: 6

Yet again this xmas just passed I've endured toxic family behaviour which halved our xmas numbers as the family imploded. At 66yo it's not new to me. A family of which most have a mental health issue of sorts but even so patience wears thin over time... View more

Yet again this xmas just passed I've endured toxic family behaviour which halved our xmas numbers as the family imploded. At 66yo it's not new to me. A family of which most have a mental health issue of sorts but even so patience wears thin over time. In my case narcissistic tendencies, triangulation, emotional blackmail and other horrible personality disorders make maintaining any stability near impossible. Even my wedding was ruined. So cutting ties, when and how do you go about it? If you suffer any kind of guilt excess than normal that would make it hard to move on- you should IMO give every opportunity for some members to redeem themselves. Such opportunities are fair and kind to the younger adults that have got caught up, or in my case have fallen victim to become "flying monkeys" (google) which are people that follow blindly their narcissistic leader into battle. Before you know it you are in conflict with 2,3,4 or more people and the person you had an issue with is sitting back winding up his/her puppet strings. Most psychs say there is no cure for narcissism! What is terrible is that some of these situations result in losing several family members when, had one of the 2 initial members in conflict had rang the other and tried to sort it, it could have been contained. Certainly in a situation with a narc and some others, no contact is best. Communication will result in twisting your words. Silence can be seen and used as a weapon also, so be sure you aren't using it as leverage but to protect your mental well being. Dont forget you have rights- embrace them. Going NC could mean losing grandchildren, children, parents and so on. So remember one thing- ... as hard as the grief will be life eventually sorts itself out especially when you find stable empathetic and wonderful people to share it with. And that young boy down the road that doesnt fit in at the footy field just might enjoy your train set or Billy cart you make for him. The heart can go on and on... TonyWK

white knight Emotional blackmail- surviving it
  • replies: 32

For me and many others that are subjected to emotional blackmail, it can have lasting lifetime effects. What is emotional blackmail? In my experience emotional blackmail develops in a person that, for whatever reason, believes their conventional meth... View more

For me and many others that are subjected to emotional blackmail, it can have lasting lifetime effects. What is emotional blackmail? In my experience emotional blackmail develops in a person that, for whatever reason, believes their conventional methods of accomplishing control, no longer work. They think of other techniques in a desperate attempt to maintain their status rather that using other tools like love and persuasion. EM can also develop when a parents children turn to adults, an era when a parent often loses the control they once had over their child. The parents lack of control is unacceptable to them and unless they do accept their child as having the ability to make adult decisions, it becomes a downward spiral that wont recover. The parents demands become louder and their techniques more desperate. Sometimes the child/adult child is unaware of such unacceptable conduct like emotional blackmail being used. I was 27yo before it hit me between the eyes. I was educated at a GROW meeting and a chapter was dedicated to the topic in one of their booklets. From then on I had a fight on my hands with my mother as the EB continued. I had a girlfriend at the time that my mother didnt like "if you dont split up from her I'm going to pack my bags and go visit my cousin for 2 weeks"... my answer "I'll help you pack". Sounds nasty but you need to equalise the injustice/car for yourself. The people that use EB are desperate souls so it isnt limited to that technique to get you to do what they want you to do. Triangulation is another hurtful form of manipulation. Have a fall out with the parent, parent rings your sibling to get them on side, you then have a serious fall out with your sibling. It's all about power and power over an individual isnt freedom. It isnt developing strong relationships. Sadly you have few options. In fact my sister and I stopped all contact with our mother 11 years ago. She is now 90yo and no children in her life nor 3 grandchildren as they were treated similar (not from our influence or that would make us as guilty). I'm convinced there is mental illness at play however strong denial means nothing can be done to save the situation. Refusal to get treatment by a perpetrator means they also often deny themselves of family and friends and, sadly, thats a choice they make for their own lives. Those with EB can be tyrants. The victims can be scarred for life. Make the best out of a bad situation and seek peace. TonyWK

-sensitivesally Fighting for nothing
  • replies: 4

My husband and I have been together for 12 years. We have 2 kids together. Our relationship has had its ups and downs but for the most part, we are happy. My husband is a good man and a good father but he has always struggled to deal with my emotions... View more

My husband and I have been together for 12 years. We have 2 kids together. Our relationship has had its ups and downs but for the most part, we are happy. My husband is a good man and a good father but he has always struggled to deal with my emotions when I'm upset. He ignores me, is mean to me and makes me feel worthless which is the opposite of how I need to be supported. I have expressed this to him but when he is annoyed he is a different person. Mean, heartless and stubborn. I do 90% of things for our house and family and lately I've been feeling pretty burnt out. I also work part time and study at uni part time so I don't get a lot of free time. When my husband gets home from work sometimes he claims he is too tired for anything so I cook, clean and do it all. Give him a massage ect anything to make his day better. When I'm exhausted and looking for the same treatment, I'm told no and that's just what wives do. I am a very equal role household so to hear my husband say I should be doing 90% because I'm the wife, makes me speechless. Tonight we were meant to have a movie night with our son. Instead he went to the pub and got drunk, letting my son and I both down. Letting me down has definitely happened on many occasions when he is the mean version of himself, but to let my son down broke my heart. I believe he isn't happy with me any more which is why is he so cold and heartless. He claims it's un true but actions speak louder than words and I don't know how much longer I can go on feeling undervalued, unloved and worthless. It makes me feel lower than I've ever felt before. He holds this power over me that can make me feel my happiest or my absolute worst. Sorry for rambling but any advice would really be appreciated.

MummaF Struggling!
  • replies: 1

Does anyone have any experience dealing with your ex moving in with his girlfriend (she was my best friend of 18years at one stage) when you have 2 children together and 50/50 care... This is not a person I want around my kids (which I know I can't s... View more

Does anyone have any experience dealing with your ex moving in with his girlfriend (she was my best friend of 18years at one stage) when you have 2 children together and 50/50 care... This is not a person I want around my kids (which I know I can't stop) but with a toxic recent history, taken her own kids away from their father and so many other reason I find it hard to deal with. My kids already feel the pressure that they are sometimes second best to her daughter, it kills me to hear some of the things my youngest comes out with about how she feels sometimes. I say that she needs to speak with daddy about her feelings but he never listens as she puts it. Hearing what has been said about this possible new change and hearing how my kids are already being left out, I just can't!

anon143 Young son rejecting parent
  • replies: 5

My young son is only 4 & is starting to vocalise not wanting to contact his father. The marriage & separation between his father and I has been a toxic, DV & hurtful situation for all involved. We 1st separated when he was over 1 y.o however I have s... View more

My young son is only 4 & is starting to vocalise not wanting to contact his father. The marriage & separation between his father and I has been a toxic, DV & hurtful situation for all involved. We 1st separated when he was over 1 y.o however I have stupidly gone back throughout the last 3 years to rekindle a relationship for myself & my son. My son & I are safe and are renting our own home that we have lived in for almost 3 years. Over the years we have stayed with his father and his fathers family who he lives with as we both live in separate states. During those stays (the first stay was only supposed to be for 2 weeks which turned into 8 months thanks to Covid) his father made very little effort to bond or spend quality time with my son. He failed to see my sons worth and would discipline my son over tiny things by slapping him or really yelling at him like he is a grown man (only 2 turning 3). Obviously I made it known that his behaviour is not on. I tried to encourage his father to make an attempt to bond with my son however he was busy working & drinking. My son rarely asks about his father, very rarely will ask to ring his father without me encouraging it. His father and I have a parenting plan in place after he had a DVO. In the parenting plan, there's no set amount of contact they need to have, we have outlined the avenues of how communication can be held. Overall, I am unsure how to support my son during this time as I know he is only young but I know he is not stupid. He has a very good memory. I haven’t had a good relationship with my father either which is partly why I kept pushing for my sons father to be around. I'll ask my son if he would like to call his father and he always says no. When I ask him why, he always responds because he doesn’t want to. Now that my son is openly communicating with me that he doesn’t want to engage in a conversation with his father, I don’t push for it. Am I doing the right thing by listening to my son? His father will rarely make contact and when he does it is not about my son. I feel upset that my son doesn’t want to contact his dad. The reason I feel upset for my son is because he realises his father is unavailable to his needs and that his father does not meet his needs. I have given up on reaching out to his father as it has always been one sided from me and he continues to manipulate me by becoming abusive if I refuse to give in to his demands.

adamc Mum Forbidding Me Seeing My Young Sister For Christmas
  • replies: 7

Firstly, I'm 39-years old, have my own bank account and when I see something in in the shops I want to buy, like a new release DVD, I get it. But mum tries to dictate what I can and can't buy. Back on Mum's birthday, my 26-year old sister stood up to... View more

Firstly, I'm 39-years old, have my own bank account and when I see something in in the shops I want to buy, like a new release DVD, I get it. But mum tries to dictate what I can and can't buy. Back on Mum's birthday, my 26-year old sister stood up to Mum and told her that I have every right to buy what I like with my own money. Mum didn't like that and since demanded an apology off her which she won't get. As my sister said, she's not apologising for speaking the truth. Mum doesn't like anyone standing up to her. She wants me and my two sister to be exactly how she was with her parents; "Yes mummy, whatever you say mummy." My 42-year old sister is already doing it and it's disgusting. Mum told my sister until she apologises, she is not to come over. Now, I have naturally bought my sister and two young nieces presents for Christmas and Mum is forbidding me from going over there to see them. She's even stated "Don't ask your father to take you over as that'll say he's siding with her." I find the whole thing disgusting. As I said to my Dad while out on a walk earlier to get today's paper, what right does my Mum have to prohibit me from visiting my sister and nieces for Christmas?

Nautanki Feeling unsupported by boyfriend of 3 years
  • replies: 3

My boyfriend (31m) and I (29f) live together. I'm Indian and he's American. We have an older neighbour lady in her 70s who is quite sweet for the most part. In September 2022, my boyfriend's mum was coming to visit us. She was going to stay with us f... View more

My boyfriend (31m) and I (29f) live together. I'm Indian and he's American. We have an older neighbour lady in her 70s who is quite sweet for the most part. In September 2022, my boyfriend's mum was coming to visit us. She was going to stay with us for 5 days and I was super anxious (I hadn't met her before). The morning of her arrival, neighbour lady pulls me in to her house when I'm alone and tells me that no mother would ever want her son to be with a cheap sl** like me, and I should just stay quiet and stay out of their way so his mom doesn't see me as the cheap sl** in a bar. I was shook and ended up having a panic attack before they arrived. Later on, I told boyfriend about it. He said that she's just crazy sometimes and I shouldn't be too upset coz his mom is gonna love me. I was kind of reassured, but later that day he was talking to neighbour lady all friendly and hugged her as though nothing had happened. I felt upset and told him that I felt like he forgave her too easily for saying that stuff and dismissed the hurt she caused me. I also felt like he didn't have my back. Since then, we've been having issues because he'll keep trying to point out her goodness like as though I hate her (I don't), but doesn't understand that I feel betrayed by him not being upset with the person who called me a cheap sl**. How do we move on?

Lyssaa Insecure about lack of relationship experience
  • replies: 5

Hey guys,I'm an 18 year old girl who's just finished her first year out of high school. I've been feeling really insecure lately because of my lack of romantic and sexual experience. I dated one guy in high school when I was 14 for a few months and i... View more

Hey guys,I'm an 18 year old girl who's just finished her first year out of high school. I've been feeling really insecure lately because of my lack of romantic and sexual experience. I dated one guy in high school when I was 14 for a few months and it wasn't a very healthy relationship, and I recently had a situationship with a guy I liked that never ended up turning into anything. These are the only two guys I've ever kissed and I've never done anything more than that with a guy before. I know that if I wanted to have sex realistically I could (I was on Tinder for a short period of time and the offer was made to me by a few guys) but I know that I'm not someone who would be able to have sex with a complete stranger who didn't care about me, at least not the first time. After my first boyfriend in high school I wasn't interested in any of the guys at my school and didn't have many guy friends at all, and I had a pretty tight social circle so I didn't know any guys outside of school for me to be interested in. There were a few guys at school that possibly had crushes on me but they never did anything about it and I wasn't interested in any of them anyway. I guess I'm just feeling insecure because I feel like I've "missed out" on that experience of love and having someone truly love you. I also feel partially 'obliged' to participate in casual sex or hook-up culture instead of waiting for someone who truly loves me, mostly because I just can't see how I'm meant to meet someone who wants to be in a relationship with me anytime soon, partially because I feel like so many people have already had that first love experience and partially because I just genuinely don't know where I'm meant to meet someone. I don't want to hookup with someone just to get it over and done with, but I'm afraid that I'm never going to meet someone who loves me so I'll just be a virgin forever, and that if I do meet someone when I'm older they're just going to judge me for my lack of romantic and sexual experience. It just sucks knowing that some people are lucky enough to have already met someone, or multiple people, who care about them and love them, but that just happened to me yet. And I know I'm only 18, but I just feel so behind. Anyone have any advice or any consolation at all to help me feel like I haven't missed out? Thanks! Lyssa

Roger2839 Is this cheating
  • replies: 2

Hey. So I have been in a relationship for 5 years but for some reason tonight I thought I’d try and go to a brothel. Once I got there I stopped myself from doing anything and went straight home. Is this cheating? I feel guilty just for thinking about... View more

Hey. So I have been in a relationship for 5 years but for some reason tonight I thought I’d try and go to a brothel. Once I got there I stopped myself from doing anything and went straight home. Is this cheating? I feel guilty just for thinking about it. I know I’m my heart I’d never even consider that again.

Ej40 My left me and im really struggling.
  • replies: 3

7 days ago my wife left me and it has been really hard on me. My wife has a 8 year old from previous relationship and I class her as my daughter she called me dad and we have a great connection we only been married 12 months out of a 2 year relations... View more

7 days ago my wife left me and it has been really hard on me. My wife has a 8 year old from previous relationship and I class her as my daughter she called me dad and we have a great connection we only been married 12 months out of a 2 year relationship. Though it's hitting really hard im really not coping cry daily nights are worse I still live in the house and all her stuff is still here as well so lots of memories around me. My wife said I need to heal I have issues and she is also healing im currently speaking to a mental health person to help with my issues. I have bad anxiety issues which is not helping my current situation I really want to work on our marriage because this is my first marriage and I'm 40yrs old so I gave it my all and now I feel I failed our marriage and feel lonely lost hurt guilt I really love this woman and I have said I will do anything to work on our marriage but she won't try councillors she just says I have to heal and find myself again and I have no idea what this do i stop thinking about her and help myself I'm very concerned for myself because just when I think im starting to get better I hit bottom again over and over the only contact I have with her is via email and I try to give her space but it's so very hard to not email constantly and i cant just stop caring loving the woman of my dreams I really don't know how to get through this how to be strong and push through the pain especially when I'm still in love with her.