Grief and loss

Support and advice following the loss of a family member, partner, spouse or someone close to you.


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Sophie_M Welcome to the Grief and Loss section
  • replies: 27

Everyone’s experience of grief or loss is unique. You might experience all kinds of difficult or overwhelming emotions, and you might sometimes wonder if the sadness will ever end. This is a normal reaction to loss. There is no right or wrong way to ... View more

Everyone’s experience of grief or loss is unique. You might experience all kinds of difficult or overwhelming emotions, and you might sometimes wonder if the sadness will ever end. This is a normal reaction to loss. There is no right or wrong way to grieve, but it can help to allow yourself to: share your grief, and let others support you. This forum category is for all discussions relating to how grief and loss has affected you, providing a space for you to express your feelings, discuss difficult moments and anniversaries, and honour the memories of your lost loved ones. Please be aware that threads in this forum may contain discussions of self-harm and suicide.

All discussions

everhopeful87 I am struggling to cope...
  • replies: 4

Um...not really sure where to start on something like this, but I am struggling with coping with my down thoughts all the time. About 3 years ago my partner of 2.5 years left me with his final words being "you are no longer worth my time, and you don... View more

Um...not really sure where to start on something like this, but I am struggling with coping with my down thoughts all the time. About 3 years ago my partner of 2.5 years left me with his final words being "you are no longer worth my time, and you don't deserve to be happy". Ever since then I have had a string of "relationships" where it either ends up that I am only being used for one thing or it turns out that they are "not ready for a relationship." I finally met someone about 3 months ago that new everything about me, we got along great, he wasnt the most attractive, but his personality won me over. Things were going great, he knew that I was afraid of getting hurt and that I had walls built up, but he managed to make me not want to have walls with him and so I let my guard down. Out of nowhere 3 weeks ago he pulled the usual "Im just not ready for a relationship". I spiralled down hill fast, not so much over the breakup but to me it feels like I will never find that happiness with a partner. I am constantly afraid of being alone and am so lonely that it makes getting out of bed difficult each and every day. I have seen a dr and can't get in to a psychologist until the end of sept and I just needed to vent to people that I hope would have some understanding. What coping mechanisms can I use to get me through this? I seriously don't want to be alone for the rest of my life, and I am petrified of being the crazy cat lady. I am 27 by the way. When my partner left 3 years ago my soul felt like it was crushed, and it took me months to recover, and I developed a codeine addiction. I have since kicked the habit, decided alcohol is not my friend and am trying to make positive changes in my life, but on bad days it feels as if I have taken 1 step forward but 30 million backwards. How do you convince yourself that you are worth something when everything and everyone around makes me feel like I am not? I know there are worse things going on in people's lives, and whinging over a breakup seems so petty to me. but I just can't escape the bad thoughts in my head, and constantly hope that the next morning I won't wake up, because then I don't have to deal with this anymore. Sorry about the rant.

Taz22 Lost and sad.
  • replies: 1

Hi, This is my first time posting so feel a bit silly but I know I need to start somewhere before I take another step in the wrong direction. I'm recently out of a 3 and a half year relationship. The thing with it was that for 2 years of the relation... View more

Hi, This is my first time posting so feel a bit silly but I know I need to start somewhere before I take another step in the wrong direction. I'm recently out of a 3 and a half year relationship. The thing with it was that for 2 years of the relationship, we did it long distance between Ireland and Australia. I'm only 22 but I based my whole life plan around it and my goal was to move back there next year after Uni. He broke up with me though because of the distance and my world seemed to shatter. Nothing made sense. This is when the bad choices started.. I was very quickly approached by what seemed to be a knight in shining armour who distracted me from the pain and had me convinced that I was wonderful when I felt so low.. I knew I wasn't over my ex and might never be but he assured me I was worth the wait etc.etc. And admittedly the distraction really did help. Up until the point where he decided to end it by txt the morning of my half-way ball that I invited him to but still went himself. I then got so drunk that I woke up in bed the next day and didn't know how I got there.. I was told that I cried, fell, shouted... and overall made a fool out of myself. I'm so embarrassed and I was so scared.. I've always been a happy person and I don't know how I reached this point where I don't want to leave my room out of embarrassment and shame.. My mum is also going through a bit of a scare as she has to go for a biopsy for possible breast cancer and I can't seem to think anything but the worst. She may have nothing wrong but I can't think anything but the worst.. I can't stop crying about that either. I've never felt so lost. I'm surrounded by people but I feel embarrassed and that I deserve to stay in my room. I'm worried my mum is sick. I always thought I'd move back to Ireland next year but now I don't know if I can.. I'm a girl who needs a plan and I have none.. I feel too embarrassed to go to class tomorrow because I don't know how to face anyone.. I don't know how I became the girl who drinks so much that I black out and cry... I'm scared that I reached that point.. I feel lost and feel like I need to hide in my room and stick my head in the sand and that everyone is judging me because I know I'm judging myself... I just don't know where to start to be me again. Any advice would be amazing and so totally appreciated because I've never felt so lost. Thank you

joanyl husband is depressed, lost nephew to suicide
  • replies: 3

My husband is a good man and this is in no way a running down session, he has been depressed for a while we were having financial problems that he blamed me for as it was a credit card that i spent on. this went on food car bills etc, but he was a an... View more

My husband is a good man and this is in no way a running down session, he has been depressed for a while we were having financial problems that he blamed me for as it was a credit card that i spent on. this went on food car bills etc, but he was a annoyed i did not tell him, I have always dealt with the money and he has never taken any notice.Then last year my blood nephew died by suicide, he is my husbands nephew by marriage. this has devastated the whole family and I eventually went off sick from work as I could no longer cope, my husband has finally hit rock bottom and no longer feels able to support me, I thought we could support each other but he seems not to have the capacity to do this.I can understand this but still have really bad days and struggle with the support rug being pulled away and I feel like I am now floundering. He is so angry and blames me for everything, said I have ruined his life, when he is calm said he didn’t mean this, then another time said if he had somewhere to go he doesn’t know that he wouldn’t.I am also upset that he said this to me while I am grieving for my nephew. I understand that he needs my help but I am not strong enough to do this everything feels such a mess, it is coming up to the anniversary of my nephews death which I am finding hard, a suicide is a very different death from illness I cant explain it but it turns everything you think about life upside down and you no longer feel safe.I know that this sounds like it is all about me but its not I just have no one else now to talk to now. I have always been the stronger one and it feels like yet again I am having to hold everything together, I am so sick of being the strong one. I read on a post about her husband treating her like the enemy and its true, nothing I can say is right, he also seems to want to be separate from me and seems to go out of his way to avoid me. He is finally going to the doctors and I hope this helps.

AGrace To force contact or not?
  • replies: 1

Hi all, I'd love some advice... In 1995 my boyfriend committed suicide. I found out after the fact via a phone call from his father. I was only 15, and he had temporarily been living interstate (I was in SA & he was in VIC). Sadly, I didn't get to go... View more

Hi all, I'd love some advice... In 1995 my boyfriend committed suicide. I found out after the fact via a phone call from his father. I was only 15, and he had temporarily been living interstate (I was in SA & he was in VIC). Sadly, I didn't get to go to the funeral, and because his death had such a huge impact on me I lost contact with his father. About 6 weeks ago I found out where he was buried on the internet, I'd been searching unsuccessfully for 10 years. I decided to visit his grave, and left flowers and a letter. It was such a comforting yet surreal experience. To this day I still struggle with the grief from my loss. I eventually found contact details for his father, so a month ago I sent him a letter. I told him I'd like to meet up, but that I understood if this wasn't something he was willing to do. I haven't heard anything back from him, not a letter, phone call, or even a text. Because I know where he lives, it takes a great deal of effort every day not to jump in the car and drive to his house. The problem is I really want to speak with him, I think it might help me understand the circumstances leading up to my late boyfriend's death, and maybe bring me some closure. I'm wondering what would you do in this situation? Many Thanks AGrace

Purple_Monkey_Dishwasher Need advice:(
  • replies: 50

Hello everyone, i am new on here and I don't know where to start. My husband and I have been married for 7 years and together for 10. I am a aged care nurse and my husband runs his own business. Last year was a very tough year for us. My husband deve... View more

Hello everyone, i am new on here and I don't know where to start. My husband and I have been married for 7 years and together for 10. I am a aged care nurse and my husband runs his own business. Last year was a very tough year for us. My husband developed depression. I watched his personality change and have sat back and tried to help him as much as I can (been a nurse it's in my nature I guess). That was 8 months ago, and nothing has changed. I just want to help him as much as I can, but it feels like he is pushing me away. He hardly talks to me anymore and when he does he doesn't make eye contact with me. His moods are horrible so I don't know where I stand anymore. I just look at him and think what has happened?

SubduedBlues Until death do us part.
  • replies: 5

Perhaps it is old fashioned, but I have always believed that solemn vows made before God were for life. There is no recanting them, no way to unspeak the spoken words. ... to love honour and cherish her above all others ... in sickness and in health ... View more

Perhaps it is old fashioned, but I have always believed that solemn vows made before God were for life. There is no recanting them, no way to unspeak the spoken words. ... to love honour and cherish her above all others ... in sickness and in health ... for better or for worse ... all the days of my life ... until death do us part When my daughter turned 18, and there was an argument between my wife and my daughter I had no choice but to side with my wife; the first vow. For the past few months she has been angry about everything. Ok, it's the third vow time (again) -- we've been married over 20 years? Last week she said if I won't leave, she will... and she left. This brings us to parting... the final vow. As it would be amiss of me to ask of her to uphold her final vows, as if she was really wiiling to she'd have never gotten past the third vow. So I guess it falls to me. In order to keep my solumn vows, made before God, if we are to part, by death it must be. [Note: where faith in God and religion is no longer mainstream, it remains critically important to me. Any response that attacks the religious sacrament of marriage, its intent amongst the religious, or religion in general, is taken in offense. Anything else you may have to say is inconsequential as you shall be without any credibility. So don't do it. I am, however, interested in the collective viewpoint on traditional vows, particularly from those of us who have taken them, and how we move forward (or not) in light of our final vow.]

debz Not coping with the losses
  • replies: 3

How do I write this without it saying, poor me. I have suffered Depression and Anxiety for a very long time, I do know life is hard, and it dishes it out very frequently, most of the time I can get through my spouts of depression without too much eff... View more

How do I write this without it saying, poor me. I have suffered Depression and Anxiety for a very long time, I do know life is hard, and it dishes it out very frequently, most of the time I can get through my spouts of depression without too much effect, but it is now getting way to hard, so I am reaching out. I cannot talk to my family. This past 2 years have been a very hard struggle. It started September 15 2012 when my nanna past away, I adored her so much, we would sit on the phone for hours and just chat about nothing, (I think that is why it is now hurting so much, I don't have her to talk too). July last year, my brother was diagnosed with terminal cancer, he was 33, two weeks after that my other nanna was put into a home with the notice that we are unsure how long she will survive, two weeks after that my auntie was diagnosed with Myemloma (blood cancer), my auntie passed away end of August. My brother saw through Christmas, wish was a massive blessing, as we had an idea it would be his last. My brother passed away in January, I still find it hard to talk about him, I miss him so much, it isn't fair. About 6 weeks after my brother past away, his girlfriend was diagnosed with the same cancer, I am unsure exactly how long she has, but we are just trying to be there for her. Beginning of June, my other nanna past away, my poor mum is helpless, my family have closed the doors, they are all numb, I have no idea how to deal with it, how to help my family and how long can the crying go on. I am so angry all the time, my poor kids cop it mostly. I have no patience, I am dealing with a bully at work, that I am so close to exploding out on, that I will lose it at her, so I'm thinking i might find another job I'm kinda hoping that someone can take this pain away, even thought my heart knows that cannot be done.

josie5 Im losing control of my emotions!
  • replies: 14

Hey all,It wasnt too long ago i was on here talking about my partner and I. This time its much harder. We have been going through a real rough time in the past few months and he spent a month in jail for a traffic violation. Since then its been extre... View more

Hey all,It wasnt too long ago i was on here talking about my partner and I. This time its much harder. We have been going through a real rough time in the past few months and he spent a month in jail for a traffic violation. Since then its been extremely downhill with his own trust issues. I thought him going to jail would be a good thing because it would have meant he was a month of alcohol and pot. After he came out it was good for about a week. We have had several screaming arguments over him not trusting me and another where we both called the police on each other and an AVO was brought into place but only to prevent family violence. On friday, im not sure what happened but he was EXTREMELY angry at me and im still clueless onto why he was because i had been at work all day. When i saw him it was at our regular friday activity and he was not in a good mood so i left him. i spoke to him and he said gday mate how you going mate so i just walked away so i didnt snap at him. he was openly flirting with other women in front of me (that hurt) and then when i was out he was trying to find his own lift home. He got home about 45 mins after me. came in kicking the bedroom door and was calling me awful names for no reason, i hadnt got angry yet just confused. anyway he ended up attacking me, so i ran away. Since then he has been in the police lock up and i have been more in a I HATE YOU mood until today. He went to court and i rang the courts and he has been left in the cells for another week until his next court hearing and that has brought on the sadness. It hurts to know he is there with no one to help him with clean clothes etc. I know everyone will say your better off and i know that but im starting to lose control of my emotions. I know he tried to kill me and all that but i havent stopped loving him, that will take time to extinguish and a long time i suspect. I thought i was going to marry this man. We had already planned our wedding and baby names etc. HELP!beyondblue’s clinically-trained moderators often work offline (invisible to you) on issues relating to suicide or self-harm. At the same time, general supportive comments from the community are encouraged. If you have concerns around suicide or self-harm, please phone our support service on 1300 22 4636.

mummyof3 Grieving and fear
  • replies: 4

Hi Guys, Apologies in advance I am all over the place. I lost my mum 6 months ago and my best friend almost 2 years ago both to cancer. I kept myself busy after both deaths and very much distracted myself. I thought I was doing ok until a month ago w... View more

Hi Guys, Apologies in advance I am all over the place. I lost my mum 6 months ago and my best friend almost 2 years ago both to cancer. I kept myself busy after both deaths and very much distracted myself. I thought I was doing ok until a month ago when I think it all hit me and I felt so alone without them. Not only do I have that longing and empty hole digging my chest I am terrified of losing what I have left. (My husband and kids) and its almost like I am waiting for someone else to die or for something to go wrong. I am holding my 11 month old right now as she sleeps and I am fearful that something would ever happen to her or either of my sons and the anxiety is just unbearable. Even the slightest fever or injury they have I am terrified its going to be life threatening and I am overwhelmed. I have an amazing husband (who works a fifo roster) so he is not often home but when he leaves every time I feel overwhelmed again with grief and fear Its almost like I am having these anxiety attacks because I am afraid of losing people? Has anyone else who is riding the grief or loss rollercoaster ever had similar feelings? I am going to grief counseling. Where hopefully I can find a starting place to dig myself out of this hole.

peking Dealing with a friends suicide
  • replies: 6

I'm a 54yr old male and have been sharing my accommodation with three guys in their 20's . This is not what I had in mind but something that just occurred. It seems I collect strays.In April we moved from my two bedroom unit to a four bedroom house a... View more

I'm a 54yr old male and have been sharing my accommodation with three guys in their 20's . This is not what I had in mind but something that just occurred. It seems I collect strays.In April we moved from my two bedroom unit to a four bedroom house and all seemed to be great. One of the guys "S" had started a relationship in October last year and another started his in May this year. It was a great happy noisy house and I thought this was as close to perfect as I would ever experience.On June 2nd Skilled himself. In no way can I understand why he did this. The pain he has left us with is at times unbearable. Fortunately because of my history with depression and anxiety I was of a clear enough mind to organise to get professional help. Whilst this help has been of some help there are times like today when I just want to lash out at people or things or my cats or my friends. I hurt so much I just want to hurt someone or something. I'm close to the other guys and we talk a lot and have all been reconciling this in our own way but I'm scarred that I'm not coping. I love to cook and can't think of a thing I want to cook and when I do I don't want to eat. I'm an avid photographer but don't want to touch my camera and it's hard to work on the photo's I have on the computer. I love listening to music but at the moment I can't stand the noise. At times I want to hurt others or me so that I feel something else. I know it's not rational but then what he did was not rational. I love him and miss him so much. I can't see a time when this will be alright. At present I can't see a time when this will be OK. At present I just don't see a future.Everyone keeps telling me it gets better. When? How? After dealing with my other stuff for over thirty years I wonder how I'm going to deal with this.As some other posters have put I'm not after sympathy. It's pointless and I get enough of it at present. I guess what I'm after is to understand. Not why he did it as I don't think any of us could do that. I want to understand why such a beautiful man has left such a dark place in me. I want to understand how can I make me right.beyondblue's clinically-trained moderators often work offline (invisible to you) on issues relating to suicide or self-harm. At the same time, general supportive comments from the community are encouraged. If you have concerns around suicide or self-harm, please phone our support service on 1300 22 4636.