Grief and loss

Support and advice following the loss of a family member, partner, spouse or someone close to you.


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Sophie_M Welcome to the Grief and Loss section
  • replies: 27

Everyone’s experience of grief or loss is unique. You might experience all kinds of difficult or overwhelming emotions, and you might sometimes wonder if the sadness will ever end. This is a normal reaction to loss. There is no right or wrong way to ... View more

Everyone’s experience of grief or loss is unique. You might experience all kinds of difficult or overwhelming emotions, and you might sometimes wonder if the sadness will ever end. This is a normal reaction to loss. There is no right or wrong way to grieve, but it can help to allow yourself to: share your grief, and let others support you. This forum category is for all discussions relating to how grief and loss has affected you, providing a space for you to express your feelings, discuss difficult moments and anniversaries, and honour the memories of your lost loved ones. Please be aware that threads in this forum may contain discussions of self-harm and suicide.

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needingempowerment Fear of dying
  • replies: 2

Recently our family has undergone several deaths , my husbands grandfather, my stepfather and a close friend. I have over 20 years having had depression, and it has been diagnosed. I am finding lately i am continually worried about when my own time w... View more

Recently our family has undergone several deaths , my husbands grandfather, my stepfather and a close friend. I have over 20 years having had depression, and it has been diagnosed. I am finding lately i am continually worried about when my own time will be. I know that no one has the answer to when or how, and i understand it is nature, but i am so focussed on the fact that one day i wont be here and this is causing me so much grief and anxiety. I havea wonderful husband, and a three year old son, and the thought of not seeing them makes me have anxiety attacks. I am having morbid thoughts about it, and it is impacting my ability to enjoy life fully im focussed almost obsessing over it. I don't know if this is a phobia, my psychologist is on maternity leave so i am looking for a new one, and i don't want them to think im weird, finding someone i trust is really important to me. My own parents are aging, and the thought that one day i too will age, and die is so painful for me. What can I do? Are there any suggestions out there for how to help me deal with this continual worry? How can i get over these feelings?

tashi how much can one person handel ! :(
  • replies: 4

i have a huge heaviness in my heart these days. im 21 years old and have just found out my father has a very agressive cancer and has been told by doctors that they cannot cure him of cancer only help maintain quality of life for as long as possible.... View more

i have a huge heaviness in my heart these days. im 21 years old and have just found out my father has a very agressive cancer and has been told by doctors that they cannot cure him of cancer only help maintain quality of life for as long as possible. i dont even know how to handle the emotions surrounding this issue. i live 4 hours away from him with my partner, whom ive been with for 4 years and starting to build a life with. my first instinct was wanting to go home to my family, but my dad does not want this and my partner cannot come with me if i chose to go. but my heart is tearing my in so many direction. on a different note my partner is so unhappy. i have no idea what is going on im trying to be there and be understanding,and try to support his life plans for us, but i have so much sadness in my heart right now i dont know how to hold things together for the both of us its all becoming so hard and stressfull. and there seems so be no happiness in our lives right now and i really dont want everything to come crumbeling down please can anyone relate !

suesie My little dog died today
  • replies: 2

my dog was hit by a car today. I feel like it was my fault because she jumped out the car window just after I had parked. She's never done that before. She died instantly. I was at my daughter's place. I made her go out to the road. I couldn't look. ... View more

my dog was hit by a car today. I feel like it was my fault because she jumped out the car window just after I had parked. She's never done that before. She died instantly. I was at my daughter's place. I made her go out to the road. I couldn't look. It was so terrible. We are all grieving her loss. I lost another dog a few years ago. I actually ran over him. I lost the plot and ended up in hospital. I just hope that this won't send me over again. All I can think is what if! Why did I put the window down? It's terrible. She was my husband's little girl. I'm just feeling so terrible. My heart is aching for everyone and a dear sweet little dog who shouldn't have died like that.

Justtrying Loss of an unborn child.
  • replies: 6

My partner and I recently lost our bubba at 15 weeks pregnant. The grief of this has torn us apart after nearly three years together. We are in our late teens/early twenties, which complicates it further being young. I have both diagnosed anxiety and... View more

My partner and I recently lost our bubba at 15 weeks pregnant. The grief of this has torn us apart after nearly three years together. We are in our late teens/early twenties, which complicates it further being young. I have both diagnosed anxiety and depression prior to this event. I strongly suspect my partner has both too but I can't support him in a way that can convince him to get any help and I am very concerned as he has spoken openly of sucide. I have reached breaking point with this and other stresses in my life. I guess im just hoping someone who has been through something similar might have some advice to offer. Thanks either way beyondblue's clinically-trained moderators often work offline (invisible to you) on issues relating to suicide or self-harm. At the same time, general supportive comments from the community are encouraged. If you have concerns around suicide or self-harm, please phone our support service on 1300 22 4636.

EmmaP Nanna Passed away Tragically- Struggling with Grief and Fatigue
  • replies: 1

Hi There,On Saturday I had the police turn up at my work to inform me that my Nan had died. This all comes at a time where my psychologist had started lengthening the time between our appointments because she thought I was doing so well and was well ... View more

Hi There,On Saturday I had the police turn up at my work to inform me that my Nan had died. This all comes at a time where my psychologist had started lengthening the time between our appointments because she thought I was doing so well and was well on my way to recovery since ahuge depression/anxiety bout last year. My doctor also impressed with my improvement said she would look at reducing my antidepressants with the view of weaning off them all together later on in the year if I kept doing well. I also decided to leave the comfort of my salary job to go to TAFE to study this year which was a huge step for me. Now, I feel like I'm not doing well with the grief. I can't cry but yet my emotions are on the boiling point. I'm sleeping but it feels like I haven't slept at all. I'm even falling asleep at my desk or even on the floor of the bathroom at work today. I'm constantly exhausted and everything is an effort. Its a huge effort to get out of bed in the morning and my partner forces me to get up. I don't want to slip back to where I was. I saw my psychologist yesterday to help but we could only cover so much. I see her again next week. She said that these things are normal signs of grief and just to go back to basics to get through this hard time. Does anyone have any tips on how to deal with grief, how not to slip back into the dark cloud of anxiety and depression (especially since mine was based on separation and bad things happening to those I love). I just can't get the horrible picture of my Nan dying scared and alone out of my head and its even haunting my dreams

pinnky Trying to cope day by day
  • replies: 1

This year is 3 years since my mother passed of cancer. It was so bad and I'm so pissed off. they like found something ages before but said it was nothing and then 2012 she had a fall at home and was having seizures and I was in shock and crying and t... View more

This year is 3 years since my mother passed of cancer. It was so bad and I'm so pissed off. they like found something ages before but said it was nothing and then 2012 she had a fall at home and was having seizures and I was in shock and crying and then she went to hospital and then they found lumps on her brain and then it just spread every were and in the blood and then she went down hill. I was lucky anuff that there was a trial drug and that gave her months till she passed Jan 2013 in that time I saw her go from what she was to what she ended up like she was. She ended up having lots of seizures but there was nothing any one could do. I didn't even like spending time with my own mother as I would worry that she would have a seizure and that felt bad. I was an still am grateful my grandma and her partner could take her in and look after her. My mum ended up having one more seizure and ended up in hospital and couldn't talk or swallow and got annoyed cause she couldn't go to the toilet by her self. In the end she was not given any pain meds and then went peacefully. I'm glad she got to meet my now husband and new he would look after me. Im glad he was and is my rock. I now have anxiety and depression and agoraphobia. it was really bad. I used to be able to not be left alone and now i can stay at home by my self. I'm having trouble going out to places by myself as I think something bad will happen. I've just been able to go round the block and down into the servo. I cant go anywhere else by myself. Its relay hard as my hubby cant get work unless its at night when I'm asleep. I have to have a phone with me so i feel safe. I had a baby and it hurts that my mums not here to see her to hold her to hear her talk to find out her name. she always wanted me to have kids and now I have one its hard shes not here as she would of been so good with her. I get sad when other ladies who are around mums age hold her and it makes me want to see that with my mum. I find it hard some time to look after my own baby sometimes when i used to be really good with babies. I have a amazing friend whose like the big sister I never had and she has been through things with me and that's helped having a female around. I also have a neighbor who kind of reminds me of my own mum and its nice to go sit with her. even thought I have these women and am very great full for them I still feel lost hurt and some days just want to cry and do cry. I find it hard to get up in the morning.

calico22 Lost my father
  • replies: 16

Today I lost my dad. He was diagnosed with cancer 3 weeks ago and he died today. We were able to look after him at home for the last week. I'm extremely close to my father. I became sick in my early 20's and my parents looked after me. I left home fo... View more

Today I lost my dad. He was diagnosed with cancer 3 weeks ago and he died today. We were able to look after him at home for the last week. I'm extremely close to my father. I became sick in my early 20's and my parents looked after me. I left home for a while but then my mum and dad had health issues so I moved back in with them for the last few years. I'm feeling a complete overwhelming panic. I don't know how I'm going to continue without him. He was the strong one in the family. I still suffer with my health and my mum is quite weak. How do I stop the panic? The thought that I don't know how we are going to cope without him. I feel so numb. I still can't believe he has gone. I feel like I'm pretending he is just away or in hospital. How do I keep the panic at bay? How do I do this? How do I keep going with just my mum and me. I'm so grateful I still have her but they were extemely close. Married 59 years. What if I lose her then I'm completely alone. I don't do alone well. And I don't have anyone that I can get to move in. I'm terrified of being alone and now with dad gone I feel it's just a matter of time. My health really hampers being able to do things and get out of the house. What do I do how do I get past this huge thing that has happened. He hasn't even been gone for a day yet and I'm already a wreck.

kitkt Double the loss
  • replies: 4

Hello, I am new to this, really, I have no ideas what I am even going to say. I am not sure how to deal with my shock and sadness. I am however seeing a doctor and a counselor (for bipolar, depression, anxiety and follow-up DV from 2 years ago). I fi... View more

Hello, I am new to this, really, I have no ideas what I am even going to say. I am not sure how to deal with my shock and sadness. I am however seeing a doctor and a counselor (for bipolar, depression, anxiety and follow-up DV from 2 years ago). I figured on here wont hurt! 2 months ago we found out my father (73) had terminal cancer, 5 weeks later he passed away, 13 days later my husband left me and drained all of our bank accounts. This was my 2nd marriage, we only been married 2.5 years - this is the 4th time he had left me. I have been delivered the cruelest double wammy. I miss my Dad more than I could ever have imagined. He was always there to celebrate my achievements, to deal with my issues, he was my rock when things went wrong in my life. But I feel like I have been robbed my grieving time and energy for my father, as I am hurt and trying to work out what to do now my husband has gone. Is this something that happens ... ever? Do some people just decide it will be too hard to support their spouse as they grieve the loss of their loved ones? k.

Ch3r Feeling numb
  • replies: 6

Hello, I am new to this forum. My anme is Cher and I buried my 52 year old husband 2 days ago after he died on the way home from work and sufferred a fatal heart attack. I am feeling like crap, I dont know what to do, or say , I just keep crying and ... View more

Hello, I am new to this forum. My anme is Cher and I buried my 52 year old husband 2 days ago after he died on the way home from work and sufferred a fatal heart attack. I am feeling like crap, I dont know what to do, or say , I just keep crying and living in a constant dream.

white knight Making sense of grief
  • replies: 2

Hi, Quote from a funeral director on a Billy Connelly show tonight "Grief is like a high you cant climb over it, so wide you cant go around it, so deep you cant go under it....YOU HAVE TO GO THROUGH IT" And quote from Billy Connolly "If ... View more

Hi, Quote from a funeral director on a Billy Connelly show tonight "Grief is like a high you cant climb over it, so wide you cant go around it, so deep you cant go under it....YOU HAVE TO GO THROUGH IT" And quote from Billy Connolly "If death was with us everyday....we wouldnt care so much about it" They say on average a person undergoes grief from a death every 10 years. But they didnt include marriage/partner breakups. And girlfriend/boyfriend splits that can have just as devastating effects. If we were to 'expect' a death of a loved one and (sort of) accept that we will experience such grief, then maybe we can semi plan for how we are to manage our feelings at that time. This sounds great eh? Planning your grief routine, What rubbish!!! Lets re-read that first quote about the door of have to go through it! But if we do accept that we will "go through it" - the deaths of close ones and lets say none of these cases are any less devastating than the last, then perhaps we can expect it to happen. Wouldnt that assist in some way? Perhaps, perhaps not. for we know that everyone is different in this terrible experience of grief. One thing that has helped me and might help you, is to take that loss you are experiencing- to the extreme. For example- When my brother died in 1979 at 27 from his own hand, my mother at the time said "I've lost a son, not many people lose a child". At the time I lived in a unit and 3 doors down from me was a couple that came from Queensland. Eventually they told me their story which included the fact that in one car accident they lost 3 children and the ladies mother and father. Thirteen years later my father died and my mother said "not many people lose a husband and a son". I reminded her of that example. It didnt sooth her pain but it became a baby step to recovery. At a time when one feels they have been inflicted with the worst of all blows, it could indeed be worse. And the hands that embrace you at a service for the lost one...those hands are there while some people lose so many members of their family in one swoop or within a short space of time, it is a positive of sorts that it could be worse. Yes, you have to go through it. Grief is not avoidable for most of us. Even the seemingly toughest person on earth cant avoid it. But it is part of us on earth in this life and we will never rid ourselves of the shock, the despair and the sheer loss. But in some cases, it could be worse. Tony WK