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Jeriava How do I talk to my doctor?
  • replies: 9

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really ... View more

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really scared that they’ll judge me or won’t believe anything I say. I’m really anti social so I feel like I won’t be able to say what I wanna say or I’ll say the wrong thing causing them to just dismiss me and move me along without helping. I’m just tired of feeling alone, depressed and just worthless but I’m really scared to talk to them.

Chris_B Are you looking to support someone else with depression? PLEASE READ before posting
  • replies: 1

This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and f... View more

This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and friends with a mental health condition It's full of threads from people who have family members and friends going through anxiety, depression or other related conditions. Have a read through the threads there, and feel free to take part in the discussions. Below are also some helpful beyondblue resources you might want to look through first as well: Supporting someone Have the conversation

  • replies: 132

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the ... View more

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the 5 senses Distress Tolerance – Accepting Emotions and Self Soothing Distraction – Put the thoughts/feelings aside and come back to them when you are ready to deal with them Positive Affirmations – Have some affirmations written down repeat them to yourself daily Sleep/Exercise/Diet – All 3 aspects of our lifestyle can impact the way we think/feel Increasing Pleasurable Activities – Engage in at least one pleasurable activity per day

All discussions

Lilyn I am all of the things people warn you about becoming
  • replies: 5

I , like MaryG, am new here. Reading her posts has given me some courage to write my own. I am 39 and if I am truly honest, I have been unwell most of my life. But I have become worse in the last few years- particularly the last few months. I am real... View more

I , like MaryG, am new here. Reading her posts has given me some courage to write my own. I am 39 and if I am truly honest, I have been unwell most of my life. But I have become worse in the last few years- particularly the last few months. I am really struggling to find reasons to keep going. I feel like I am a waste of a human being. I am not capable of having relationships of any kind- I have destroyed every relationship I have ever had- family, friends, partners. I am literally alone- I have no-one. I don’t have a single friend. I come from an extremely dysfunctional family and abandoning eachother is a common theme. It is not unusual to go years without speaking, or completely removing one from your life altogether. The minute something is a little off- they disappear. When I say I am alone, I really mean it. No one would notice if I was gone. If I went ahead and just ended it, I wouldn’t even be found as no one is looking for me anyway. The thoughts in my head are getting stronger and everything around me continually shows me that I am just not worth anything. People talk about how selfish suicide is and the devastation it leaves your family with. What if you don’t have any family? What if no one would care if you are here or not? What if you don’t have ANYONE that would be sad or sorry that you are gone? I think those that have known me in life would be relieved to hear that I am dead. I don’t have any support or love from anyone. I am not exaggerating. I am truly alone. What do you do if there are literally no reasons for you to go on? I don’t find joy or pleasure in anything. I am a failure at everything I do- especially the most important things like relationships and interactions with others. And the most ironic thing is I don’t even want to be around people. I just want to be in my own four walls and not come out ever again. There is no point to my life- I don’t have anything to live for. I do not understand why I am here on this earth. I hate who I am and everyone else does too. I don’t see or feel things the way other people do. I am all of the things people warn you about becoming- bitter, angry, alone, incapable of love or being loved, sad, untrustworthy, desperately lonely and completely self loathing. I just want to scream………..

vip The evil friend returns
  • replies: 6

Hi everyone dont know if you all remember but i have posted 2 times about this 1 EX friend who has been evil and mean to me about my suicide event 3 yrs ago. Well she has approached 2 other ladies that i know well and really she doesnt and told them ... View more

Hi everyone dont know if you all remember but i have posted 2 times about this 1 EX friend who has been evil and mean to me about my suicide event 3 yrs ago. Well she has approached 2 other ladies that i know well and really she doesnt and told them what i did. One of them new so it was no shock but the other i didnt tell because im not as close with her. And you know what i dont have to tell everyone about this its my decision. Anyway the one that didnt know has disappeared from my life that quickly you think i bloody murdered someone . Anyway the evil friend has skeletons in her closet too because her husband has had an affair with her best friend and they work together. Hypocrit right how can you judge others when you have baggage too. This friend lost a stillborn child and has never had councelling so ONCE AGAIN thats why i always stress to see a psych when you have depression or cant cope. She is the one who told me why are you still alive and my daughter is not. Well i met this lady when i was depressed so definately was crap at picking crappy friends. I can tell you i have a lovely group of ladies now that i hang with and they all have issues and some of them know about me so i will just put all my posative energy there. Lets hope the evil friend shuts up soon its been 6 months since her disappearance and we live in the same suburb and i do see her but walk the other way when i do lucky only 1 person has given me grief hey . She clearly doesnt give a stuff about my feelings . This woman is clearly a loner and i wonder why ???? Anyway thats my last bitch for the moment . Thanks for reading.

Blue_guy I came to find out if I had depression.
  • replies: 1

I googled 'depression' to find out if it was something I suffered from. Which brought me to this site. I have found a little comfort reading a couple of stories from others who have described pretty much what I go through. I have felt a sense of lone... View more

I googled 'depression' to find out if it was something I suffered from. Which brought me to this site. I have found a little comfort reading a couple of stories from others who have described pretty much what I go through. I have felt a sense of loneliness and hopelessness for years now and thought I would get over this in time. But to this day I have no interest in hanging out with friends. Most of the time I'm in my bedroom with the door closed alone with my thoughts. Music, movies and food as my only escape. I have a lot different talents and have not gone on to pursue any of them further because I lose interest. Sports, art, leadership all put on hold and fading with every day I let slip by. Like one of my coach's in the past put it. "Your got no ticker!" I help others a lot with their problems. Family, relationships, drugs etc. Yet none know I'm suffering inside myself. I have tried to explain somewhat only to see bewildered faces looking back at me. I love to laugh and have a great sense of humour but I feel hopeless inside when I'm alone which doesn't make me fake. Just don't know why I'm like this. In the past I have found comfort in writing poetry/music, also alcohol and drugs. I have slowed down on alcohol, only having the odd drink on occasions. Drugs (Marijuana). I haven't touched for 7 years. I've even tried the spiritual approach. Because I am a believer, but still come up short. I'm almost certain I have depression and through this site and the people who have shared their struggles I am now wanting to seek professional help. With the right help and taking it one day at a time I know we can enjoy a more brighter future. Thank you for reading.

Melissa_El_K Is it normal to not know why you are depressed?
  • replies: 5

Hi I am a 25 year old girl working full time in a pharmaceutical company. I have been down and just not happy for the last few months. I took the Beyond Blue checklist and I scored 31 (high) and most of my friends have been noticing that I haven't be... View more

Hi I am a 25 year old girl working full time in a pharmaceutical company. I have been down and just not happy for the last few months. I took the Beyond Blue checklist and I scored 31 (high) and most of my friends have been noticing that I haven't been myself lately. Is it normal to not know why I am feeling this way? I know something isn't right. I don't want to be alone but at the same time there are a lot of times when I just don't want to face anyone or see anyone. I am tired all the time and I cry when I am alone. I don't know what one thing is making me feel this way but I am always trying things to feel better but I don't think anything is working. What do I do?

Krissyshell Good days, bad days ...,,
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Just wondering if others have several good, positive days and then for no real reason I can reflect on, crash ? I crashed on Tuesday and spent it and Wednesday pretty much in bed, exhausted .... And slept and slept. I pulled myself together to get to... View more

Just wondering if others have several good, positive days and then for no real reason I can reflect on, crash ? I crashed on Tuesday and spent it and Wednesday pretty much in bed, exhausted .... And slept and slept. I pulled myself together to get to work yesterday and felt pretty good . I tried to focus and concentrate and managed to cross some things off my to do list... How do you avoid these crashes ? My work has suffered (among other things) so much already this year. I have soooo much to do.... I can't afford to continually crash...

twentyone I'm scared for my friend...
  • replies: 4

So its been pretty tough over the past year due to exams in school. My friend has been under constant pressure by his parents to achieve great marks, however this is not the case. His marks are still good yet not up to his parents standards. He told ... View more

So its been pretty tough over the past year due to exams in school. My friend has been under constant pressure by his parents to achieve great marks, however this is not the case. His marks are still good yet not up to his parents standards. He told me via text that he felt suicidal and that he had a plan for how he was going to do it. I was unable to meet him personally for a few weeks due to reasons but i managed to convince him not to and prayed that he wouldn't. After the few weeks i met up with him and he seemed all right, happy. But then i guess it was my turn. I felt really depressed due to other things and shut people out for a while. I think he may have thought that i was avoiding him after confiding in me...? i don't know. I'm better now but i think he's worse. He's also had a lot of absent days so i have not been able to talk to him at school. i feel distant from him and i don't know what to do... And sometimes i think i'm the one distancing myself from him because i don't want to have those thoughts anymore (which is really selfish, i know...) How do i help him without causing myself to have those same depressing and suicidal thoughts?

Kantok Stay at home mum struggling
  • replies: 6

I'm a stay at home mum living in a tiny community, my son is almost 2. I've never been quite happy here, the community is stifling,the only friendships I have are sugar coated, with no real substance. For a long time this has all been a bit too much ... View more

I'm a stay at home mum living in a tiny community, my son is almost 2. I've never been quite happy here, the community is stifling,the only friendships I have are sugar coated, with no real substance. For a long time this has all been a bit too much and I feel like I'm drowning. I just want to sleep all day, even when I'm home alone with my son I would rather lay in bed than play with my beautiful boy. I snap at him a lot, and am always a grouch. I feel like a horrible mother. Sometimes I feel like crying for no reason, and this morning my partner decided he'd had enough of my distant moods and he questioned the safety of our son. We have a gp in our town, but the problem is i used to work there and i know everyone. I'm so stuck and I feel so alone. My partner struggles to even feel his own emotions let alone understand mine. I need help, I need reassurance. I need someone to tell me I'm going to be ok and to shake me and tell me that I'm hurting my family. Because I can't dig myself out of this dark hole.

angeplussix so over being numb
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I was diagnosed with servere clincal depression back in 2000. I have been on the same meds for 12 years and they work sort of not depressed but i am numb. I have six kids and i love them so god dam much. But to feel the excitment when they do so... View more

I was diagnosed with servere clincal depression back in 2000. I have been on the same meds for 12 years and they work sort of not depressed but i am numb. I have six kids and i love them so god dam much. But to feel the excitment when they do something awsome is absent. I have no drive for intimacy (a side effect) so that puts a relationship on the edge. SO!! my doc thought it might be beneficial to see.if reducing my dose would help in the relationship department. It didnt. But it did take me to a place of false security. Where in my mind i thought i wohld be fine without any meds at all .. So i came off them a week ago ( back on today) and last night had a breakdown of epic porportions was convinced my children didnt need to suffer along side me and that they deserved a life without a mother who was share their happiness for life. Ig didnt help matters that my ex (of 2 weeks) thought the kids would benifit from not having my input in their lives. Almost pushed me over the edge i was hanging on by my fingernails . But my kids reached out and got a friend to ring me (52 times before i answered) who brought me back. Today still not good and i am still in a really dark place. Bu i know now that there are.hands out there in the darkness waiting for me to grab a hold of WHEN IM READY. The war between depression with all your feelings striped bare and the world on medication where life is in a constant haze will be forever my battle. But today i am alive.

_Ghost_ Is my depression an excuse?
  • replies: 6

Hello. I'm 23 years old and I've been depressed for two years now, and on meds since the beginning. So, I was troubling myself with some thoughts lately... It's basically whether I'm using my depression as an excuse to be lazy and avoid responsibilit... View more

Hello. I'm 23 years old and I've been depressed for two years now, and on meds since the beginning. So, I was troubling myself with some thoughts lately... It's basically whether I'm using my depression as an excuse to be lazy and avoid responsibility and being a grown up... This thought really scares me because I'd hate to be this kind of person. But the truth is that I've always been kinda lazy and didn't really like chores or study too hard. But on the other hand I like having a job and living on my own, not depending on others. And there used to be things I enjoyed doing, which now isn't the truth. I admit that when I was younger I liked getting away with not doing chores or studying, but when this happened I would get happy because I could do something else I enjoyed. Now I dont like doing chores and running errands but there isn't really anything else I would like to be doing instead. I would just prefer to stay at home and do nothing really... But still I thing whether I am fake and a manipulator and whether I'm forcing this misery on myself because it's convenient. I would hate for this to be the case because it would mean that I wont have a reason for being miserable and that scares me because I can't and I don't know how to be better. It's really hard faking being ok and pushing yourself to do all the things healthy people do, and I'm scared of having to instantly get better. I feel so useless and not good enough and I feel so guilty for being like that, but I don't know how to change it. But then I think that I dont want to do much of anything and that I like just being lazy and that thinking that Im depressed is just an excuse I have for myself to be useless, because it's easy. I really wish someone could tell me what is wrong with me, whether I'm depressed or manipulative. I also have mild ocd and anxiety, so I tend to overthink stuff... Thanks for listening.

Tracy71 Advice desperately needed
  • replies: 3

Hi guys, I live in a country area. My eldest son (20) has become extremely depressed. He refuses to take any form of antidepressant. The last 4 days he has barely come out of his bedroom. I contacted our local psych services and they had a home visit... View more

Hi guys, I live in a country area. My eldest son (20) has become extremely depressed. He refuses to take any form of antidepressant. The last 4 days he has barely come out of his bedroom. I contacted our local psych services and they had a home visit and pretty much said there is nothing they can do. He is not eating or drinking and is very gaunt in appearance. My concern is today I found 2 suicide notes. One to me and one to his mates. I have not confronted him about this because I dont want to make things worse. What do I do when he wont seek help and the professionals wont help?