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Jeriava How do I talk to my doctor?
  • replies: 9

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really ... View more

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really scared that they’ll judge me or won’t believe anything I say. I’m really anti social so I feel like I won’t be able to say what I wanna say or I’ll say the wrong thing causing them to just dismiss me and move me along without helping. I’m just tired of feeling alone, depressed and just worthless but I’m really scared to talk to them.

Chris_B Are you looking to support someone else with depression? PLEASE READ before posting
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This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and f... View more

This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and friends with a mental health condition It's full of threads from people who have family members and friends going through anxiety, depression or other related conditions. Have a read through the threads there, and feel free to take part in the discussions. Below are also some helpful beyondblue resources you might want to look through first as well: Supporting someone Have the conversation

  • replies: 132

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the ... View more

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the 5 senses Distress Tolerance – Accepting Emotions and Self Soothing Distraction – Put the thoughts/feelings aside and come back to them when you are ready to deal with them Positive Affirmations – Have some affirmations written down repeat them to yourself daily Sleep/Exercise/Diet – All 3 aspects of our lifestyle can impact the way we think/feel Increasing Pleasurable Activities – Engage in at least one pleasurable activity per day

All discussions

KNTK2022 Where to next?
  • replies: 6

My wife and I are parents of a 20yr old who is suffering from debilitating depression. It manifests in extreme fatigue, which results in 10hrs + of sleep every day. This means he misses out on the most active part of the day. He also suffers from som... View more

My wife and I are parents of a 20yr old who is suffering from debilitating depression. It manifests in extreme fatigue, which results in 10hrs + of sleep every day. This means he misses out on the most active part of the day. He also suffers from some anxiety which manifests in a reluctance to go out. He is actually quite physically strong, and fit as he is a CrossFit athlete. But good days when he might be able to do a workout and also work as a CrossFit trainer are rare. It's a daily struggle. He's started a course of medication that I have been led to understand is about artificially tweaking hormonal balances. I don't know the specifics. He hasn't shared the details and is reluctant to do so. We've tried GPs, and we've tried headspace. We've run up against a wall. We can't see much progress and for now, the medication is not having an impact. It might actually be that his situation has worsened since starting the medication. There's obviously more to this. But for now I'm hoping someone out there has had a similar experience to ours, and that they might be able to offer some tips about who we can see for help? We're on regional Queensland so our options locally may be somewhat limited. Or perhaps we have options but I just don't know what I should be looking for? My son desperately wants this to end. I can see the frustration, and then the resulting sadness when he realises its groundhog day again.

allyally school makes me sad
  • replies: 2

I am in year 12 and I feel so hopeless every time I have to do work. I feel so drained and I have no energy left for school. Maybe I am just lazy but I really feel depressed and suicidal when I have to do work. I don't want to do it, I want to feel o... View more

I am in year 12 and I feel so hopeless every time I have to do work. I feel so drained and I have no energy left for school. Maybe I am just lazy but I really feel depressed and suicidal when I have to do work. I don't want to do it, I want to feel okay. I leave all my work to the last minute and my teachers made me feel bad for not doing work in the holidays and I just can't take it anymore. Someone please help me.

Broodie-moody Angry and Tired
  • replies: 2

All the time I feel so angry and so tired. I’m angry because I’ve had so much therapy, tried so many meds yet I can’t seem to keep my house clean consistently, brush my teeth twice a day, shower every day or have any sort of productive routine. I wan... View more

All the time I feel so angry and so tired. I’m angry because I’ve had so much therapy, tried so many meds yet I can’t seem to keep my house clean consistently, brush my teeth twice a day, shower every day or have any sort of productive routine. I want to exercise and lose weight and feel better but all I seem to do is fall on the couch and watch shows to numb myself. I’m so exhausted all the time. Yesterday I got so angry because I had to go meet someone but I wasn’t up to travelling that I wanted to bash my head against the wall and scream and kick and punch things. I didn’t but keeping it all contained was difficult, so I just cried and tried to breathe. I’m so overwhelmed, I just started a new job and there are quite a few things going on in my life but I feel so hugely inadequate and so lonely. I find it so difficult to have friends so I have isolated myself and only have family and one or two friends I see infrequently. I know that I have to have less going on in my life, that I can’t deal with as much as other people might be able to because of my chronic depression. But society doesn’t care. And I still want to achieve something in my life, and make my life better. I just wanted to share somewhere where I could be understood. But I’m angry that I’m tired and I’m tired of feeling angry and sad. I’m reluctant to go back to therapy because the last session I had with a (expensive) psychiatrist didn’t go particularly well.

ConSamuel ConSamuel
  • replies: 5

Hi, I’m Con. Times are tough right now. I moved to NSW from Adelaide to be closer to mum who has dementia. Imreally struggling because I only have acquaintances here and no real friends yet. I'm very prone to bouts of anxiety and depression. My siste... View more

Hi, I’m Con. Times are tough right now. I moved to NSW from Adelaide to be closer to mum who has dementia. Imreally struggling because I only have acquaintances here and no real friends yet. I'm very prone to bouts of anxiety and depression. My sisters live 4-6 hours north and south and don’t have much to do with mum and me, so I reached out to Beyond Blue. My counsellor was a great help today at BB and I decided to get onto this forum. I need friends and support even just someone to swap notes and debrief with. So many feelings going through my mind with little support and I feel stuck.blessings,Con

white knight Do you feel valued? Roll your snowball
  • replies: 5

Ever been in awe of some people as they display ultimate confidence? I do, especially those that can stand on a stage and give a speech about their experiences. Jordan Peterson a professor and Maharaji Prem Rawat are two that come to mind. I've often... View more

Ever been in awe of some people as they display ultimate confidence? I do, especially those that can stand on a stage and give a speech about their experiences. Jordan Peterson a professor and Maharaji Prem Rawat are two that come to mind. I've often wondered what the secret is and how someone on the other end of the scale cant reach those heights. What is that secret? because it certainly isnt advertised, it's like one either has it or doesnt have it.. Well I think I now know why.To achieve that confidence isnt usually a development in the womb, no, its more likely three things- being raised in a manner that allows them to be confident, IQ level that allows them the capacity to think efficiently (genetics) and expertise in field/s. Their development becomes a snowball as they begin to receive praise from their friends, peers and teachers resulting in excellent marks in school But there is one thing left they have, all of these people have self value. All of the above areas of assistance has, during that snowballing development made it easier for them to value their abilities. Constant taps on the back "you did well" and "the sky is the limit" is not given to a child with low grades or if given is hasnt been given often enough. Imagine a 10yo child getting low grades all the time, it would be unusual for a parent to praise them for basically failing a grade. "You did well Johnny even though you failed and have to do year 5 again"... just doesnt happen. So that "snowball" stops. I'm not blaming parents or teachers, I'm seeking the remedy as an adult that hasnt developed confidence for what ever reason and the best avenue of self treatment to get it. So, confidence imo can best be achieved with self praise. Yes, it would be ideal to ask for others to give you praise, compliments but then you are reliant for them to supply that and that is not dependable. When you finish any task mumble to yourself any positive comment. "you did ok today by servicing the car" but adding to that avoid saying "you didnt rotate the tyres, idiot". Instead "I'll rotate the tyres when I get an opportunity". When done often enough it can transform your self esteem The final method of raising confidence is actually your defence mechanism. Our loved ones and friends can be the big tree that stops the snowball from gathering speed. Take action if you have a tree in your path. Distance/avoidance could be the answer or warnings. You are entitled to be the biggest snowball you can be.TonyWK

Helena Smith Family worries
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Working full time and caring for my daughter with BPD and granddaughter with ASD, ADHD, anxiety (non verbal and not toilet trained). Some days I just want some peace, the phone rings again with some problem real or imagined problem (borderline person... View more

Working full time and caring for my daughter with BPD and granddaughter with ASD, ADHD, anxiety (non verbal and not toilet trained). Some days I just want some peace, the phone rings again with some problem real or imagined problem (borderline personality disorder leads to some very unclear thinking) . At 60 I worry what will happen when I am too old or frail to help and what will happen when I die. I worry now about 25 years from now, I worry about my granddaughter dying alone as there is not a lot of family around us. Some days it just about kills me the worry about the future for these two. I worry about my son (40) living at home working shift work, smoking, with not a lot of motivation to save or plan for the future. I just feel so tired and weighed down by worry. I feel very isolated and alone, I want to share my problems and at the same time not. I want some sympathy, some support but I just feel I shouldn't burden anyone with how sad, tired, and even frustrated I am.

Eagle Ray Accepting disability
  • replies: 119

Hi, today I’ve realised I may need to apply for the disability support pension. I’m with a disability employment agency and they recommended it today and my psychologist last week. On good days I can go for walks and do a few things at home. Other da... View more

Hi, today I’ve realised I may need to apply for the disability support pension. I’m with a disability employment agency and they recommended it today and my psychologist last week. On good days I can go for walks and do a few things at home. Other days I’m struggling to function to do basic tasks. Today I could not even get my car key in the lock because I was so unwell and had to lie in a park for sometime before driving home to my town, realising I wasn’t safe to drive until I rested. I’ve had a chronic pain and fatigue condition for 35 years. I’ve pushed through periods of extreme pain on slow release synthetic opioid meds in order to be able to work. More recently I’ve developed an autoimmune liver disease. It somewhat stabilised with the right treatment in recent months, but can progress to liver failure if it worsens and so I have to manage it with care. I have complex ptsd, anxiety and depression, the latter made worse by recent steep changes in hormone levels from perimenopause. I’ve always pushed through in the past, but I feel I am spent and my body is screaming at me it can’t keep going as it has. But I feel a sense of grief, a loss of who I wanted to be and hoped for in life. I had a creative business idea but despite being technically capable I’ve realised I’m unlikely to be able to run a business in any great capacity. Accepting my limitations is hard and I think I just have to write that down here. I may not even qualify for the DSP as it’s so hard to get it now, yet I’m being encouraged to do it. My future feels so uncertain. I want to feel independent and capable. I don’t like accepting my limitations and it’s hard not to feel depressed. Not sure if anyone can relate but just needed to tell someone how I feel. Living alone I only have myself to keep myself going and it can be a real struggle at times. There is no one to help me on days when I’m incapacitated and in extreme pain. I was a carer for years also and that has also burnt me out. I am spent.

Musicalchef Don't know myself anymore
  • replies: 3

Hi thanks for readingI feel like I've completely lost touch with myself over the span of the last few yearsI'm 29 years old and I'm getting married very soon I feel like I should be happy and excited but I feel nothing.The last 2 years of my life I'v... View more

Hi thanks for readingI feel like I've completely lost touch with myself over the span of the last few yearsI'm 29 years old and I'm getting married very soon I feel like I should be happy and excited but I feel nothing.The last 2 years of my life I've made major leaps in my career leading myself into multiple promotions but I still feel nothing my partner is very supportive of everything I do and I would do anything for her aswell but I feel asif everything I do is for someone else and not for myselfWe've spent the good part of the last 2 years saving all of our money and all of our spare time into planning our wedding but Instead of being excited I just have this feeling of I can't wait for it to be over. Work had always been my escape as it allows me to focus on something else instead of whatever else is going on but recently I've had an injury at work putting me on light duties leaving me feeling useless at work and feeling as I've let down my colleagues. I've lost interest in all my hobbies. The one thing I was really enjoying was work has been taking away from me leaving me feeling like I have nothing to look forward too.Can anyone give me some advice on how I can get back in touch with myself? I want to enjoy the things I used to love and I want to be there for my loving partner but at the moment I just feel numb.

Rye_ How do i tell my family and friends I think I have depression?
  • replies: 3

The past few months or so I have been struggling with my mental health and for the past week it has gotten really bad- I decided to read up on it and I think I may have depression (I’ve taken the K10 test and I relate to every one of the basic sympto... View more

The past few months or so I have been struggling with my mental health and for the past week it has gotten really bad- I decided to read up on it and I think I may have depression (I’ve taken the K10 test and I relate to every one of the basic symptoms) i know I shouldn’t self diagnose anything and that it could all just be a coincidence but I have a gut feeling that it isn’t. The problem is, my family can be very judgmental especially when It comes to mental health. How do i reach out for help if I know they won’t believe me? Not to mention i have been to around 6/7 different therapy sessions before across two different therapists and none of them helped even a bit. I’m so lost and I don’t know what to do or if it’s even worth seeking professional help because it might not even work. How do i reach out for help and is it worth it if it means getting in trouble with my parents?

Ace.x-ray Going through a dark time
  • replies: 3

Right now, I am at a loss, I have broken up with my ex-boyfriend 9 months from now, and it was hard as I thought he was the one. My ex-bf and I are both introverts and that is why we got along. we had a lot of things in common such as video games, mo... View more

Right now, I am at a loss, I have broken up with my ex-boyfriend 9 months from now, and it was hard as I thought he was the one. My ex-bf and I are both introverts and that is why we got along. we had a lot of things in common such as video games, movies and anime, manga. I was the one who screwed up as I was never experienced in relationships, it was only short-term relationships. as a person he didn't understand who I was or what I was like as an introvert, he has never dated an introvert before only extrovert females. He didn't understand introverted women or how they worked. We had problems too in-between dating, as he didn't fully understand how to be with an introverted woman. A few months later we decided to become friends, and later on we would try to get back together which made it harder for him. since a few months ago he has lost his job and was depressed and struggling. So, he decided to give me up because he can't be with anyone at the moment. I was heartbroken again now that I realize I will never see him again. he was the last man I will ever met, I have given up on love as I am bad luck. It never seems to work for me. I feel so lost and don't know what to do. I don't think I can never be with someone again as I am tired of being hurt and betrayed in my life. not just with men but with people I have met in my life. I just want to go to work and then go home, I don't even want to go out with my friends ever again. All I want to do is stay at home and ignore everyone.