About a month ago an opportunity for a promotion came up at work and I
applied, I’d been doing plenty of things above my level, was working
diligently all the time, so was fairly confident. I duly applied, had
the interview etc. and then a fortnight ...
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About a month ago an opportunity for a promotion came up at work and I
applied, I’d been doing plenty of things above my level, was working
diligently all the time, so was fairly confident. I duly applied, had
the interview etc. and then a fortnight after found out I had
succeeded…why should it have amazed me when I always knew… I thought I
would feel proud, successful, good about myself, for an instant as I was
told I did, but by the time I was back at my desk there was nothing but
sadness…I realised that, there is no one for me to share this good news
with, no one to share in my success, no one who would have consoled me
had the opposite occurred. I have all this success in my career, yet
nothing else, there is no one to go home to, I have all this money and
nothing to do with it, no one to buy gifts or surprises for, to take on
holiday….just left with the fear that I never will have anyone who
really cares about me. At this time when I should be feeling up about
myself, that my skills and abilities are recognised, I just feel what
use are they, what is the point, why am I even bothering to succeed in
this way or work so hard, I get nothing from it anymore, no one else
benefits, it just denies other the opportunity - I reflected on another
applicant who lost out because I won, he has a wife and child on the
way…how much more he needs the extra salary than I do…yet he has someone
to console him in defeat…I would trade everything I have achieved in
life for one moment of that, yet who can offer such an exchange? I know
others struggle to get or keep a job, here I am with a good one, vast
resources…yet its still not enough…is there no limit to the emptiness
one heart can hold? I can tell these events are edging me back towards a
depressive state, I've been there before for other reasons, yet how many
more times can i find ways to soothe the different causes...I start to
toy with the thought, perhaps 'tis better to reign..... Has anyone else
had such a situation, where their successes only embitter them more and
lay bare critical absences? How did you deal with it etc.?