
Depression affects people in Australia every day. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with depression.


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BeyondBlue Hello! Read this if you're not sure how to get started
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Welcome This section of the Beyond Blue Forums is for talking about our experiences with Depression. There are lots of chats about how it makes us feel, what it’s like to live with depression and what has worked to help in these times. Thank you for ... View more

Welcome This section of the Beyond Blue Forums is for talking about our experiences with Depression. There are lots of chats about how it makes us feel, what it’s like to live with depression and what has worked to help in these times. Thank you for coming this far, we know it can be really hard to take these steps if depression is in your life - we see you and think this is a great step. To get the most out of this space we have a few tips: Get involved. The Forums work best for you when you get active and post where you can. Now, we know that can be really hard, especially when you are experiencing depression. So, if you can post something supportive to someone else here, that would be an incredible start. Speak from the heart. This community wants to know how YOU feel and what has worked for YOU. We trust that you have something unique to say and we can’t wait to hear it. Check in. Lots of the chats on this Forum having been going for years and they are some of the richest conversations we have. Keep checking in to get new ideas and offer your support. We know it can be tough to start, but when you are ready we want to hear your thoughts. If you need some time to get to know the community, that's okay! Have a look around and see where you want to get involved. Thank you for being here Beyond Blue

Jeriava How do I talk to my doctor?
  • replies: 9

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really ... View more

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really scared that they’ll judge me or won’t believe anything I say. I’m really anti social so I feel like I won’t be able to say what I wanna say or I’ll say the wrong thing causing them to just dismiss me and move me along without helping. I’m just tired of feeling alone, depressed and just worthless but I’m really scared to talk to them.

  • replies: 132

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the ... View more

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the 5 senses Distress Tolerance – Accepting Emotions and Self Soothing Distraction – Put the thoughts/feelings aside and come back to them when you are ready to deal with them Positive Affirmations – Have some affirmations written down repeat them to yourself daily Sleep/Exercise/Diet – All 3 aspects of our lifestyle can impact the way we think/feel Increasing Pleasurable Activities – Engage in at least one pleasurable activity per day

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ilobsiudpo Self sabotaging and can't stop
  • replies: 5

Hi there, this is my first post here about anything so as you probably can all imagine I'm freaking out. I've always had depression for as long as I can remember, even before I was diagnosed or even knew what it was. I'm 23 and been on antidepressant... View more

Hi there, this is my first post here about anything so as you probably can all imagine I'm freaking out. I've always had depression for as long as I can remember, even before I was diagnosed or even knew what it was. I'm 23 and been on antidepressants for about 6 months, first time being medicated. I took a long time to know what I wanted to do after school, did uni for 2 years and failed a bunch of stuff because of depression and a lack of interest or drive in what I was doing, ended up moving home to get a shitty kitchenhand job that I ended up falling in love with and after 3 years knowing I wanted to do a chefs apprenticeship. At that job I had an extremely close group of friends but felt I had to leave due to a few reasons and even to an extent excited to leave and start afresh somewhere new. But that's been hard as hospitality hours make it difficult to socialise outside of work and I definitely rely on my friends probably too much to help keep me well. But long story short I ended up getting an apprenticeship at one of the best restaurants in my town, and have been there for just over 2 weeks, I was really excited and anxious as shit but pretty keen for it all because I know I'm capable and ready to start my career. I ended up being really sick on the last Friday, but i went to work for the lunch shift, but didn't go back that night because everyone said I was too sick, I also couldn't go for the Saturday. We close on Sundays and then on Monday, not being sick anymore, but I slept through my alarms and just couldn't go. I was too anxious to ring up and say what had happened plus not knowing how to articulate it to my boss. Tuesdays I normally have off which brings me to today Wednesday, I'm so freaking depressed and anxious about it, I've been lying in bed for 3 hours now trying to get up and I can't, I want nothing more than to get up and go in and confidently say sorry about Monday but I'm super depressed, should have called up, it won't happen again but I physically cannot make myself move from this bed. I know the longer I leave it the worse off I'll be for it at work, if I even still have a job there. I don't know if this is self sabotaging, or my depression is getting worse or what it is, to a point I've always been able to go to work no matter how hard it was but now I can't seem too. I don't know what to do or if writing this will even result in any help but I'm at a total loss and feel paralysed.

Latte_Lady I don't know who I can trust anymore
  • replies: 4

It is a year since I had my first meltdown, followed by another approx 3 months later. I have tried to pretend that I am ok. I have tried to take medication, and see a psychologist. I am pretending everything is ok, but some times I am only just gett... View more

It is a year since I had my first meltdown, followed by another approx 3 months later. I have tried to pretend that I am ok. I have tried to take medication, and see a psychologist. I am pretending everything is ok, but some times I am only just getting through the day. I don't know who I can trust. I feel like everything I see or hear is targeted specifically at me. I guess you would describe it as being paranoid. But I honestly believe that some strange events generating an overwhelming fear of threats has caused this. I don't know what to classify my problem as. The doctors told me it is a psychosis. My problem is, though, that if something actually happened to generate fear to the extent that a paranoia results, then is it psychosis? Is it fear? is it anxiety? I am struggling to know who I should be speaking to, particularly when everyone I tell even a part of the events to, seems to think that it is not possible. Any advice appreciated to clarify where I sit in the spectrum and plethora of possible diagnoses. xxx

Guest_1584 l worry about myself and what will become of me.
  • replies: 41

Been such a rough 5 -6yrs . Been fakin it till l make it so long now l can hardly tell what l feel anymore apart from 18mths with a new love after divorce , a lot of that was all new and beautiful highs and l was alive again but now that's broken up ... View more

Been such a rough 5 -6yrs . Been fakin it till l make it so long now l can hardly tell what l feel anymore apart from 18mths with a new love after divorce , a lot of that was all new and beautiful highs and l was alive again but now that's broken up also. New house finally 10mths ago , after struggling my ass off for 5yrs after divorce but l just do not fit in or like the town, l do love the house though. l work at home on my own , some customer contact and traveling long trips too, alone though. But now with my gf break up on top and this town being small and nothing going on , it's just too easy to either hang out around the house alone or work on the place , if l'm not working or come to bed and go on the net. l'm getting so use to living like this lately l feel as if l could just do it till l drop dead really especially if l stay here but then l will forever have no life if l do. l do try to make myself do things , been out to the pub a few times with a brother who lives 30mins over, went up to the mountains the other wkend, take my daughter lots of places which she's really the only people time l enjoy tbh. The rest is just a huge effort that just leaves me void anyway. l still eat and sleep , but only just. And now l feel like if l don't sell the house and get the hell outa here next year my life will just fizzle away before my eyes. But l have no idea where to go or what to do , l need to stay fairly close to my daughter too but financially options are very limited. l'm early 50s , so many moves in my life , ex w and l moved and traveled all over for years, haven't stayed anywhere since l left home at 17 really, longest 7yrs, and l no longer trust my own judgement especially after being silly enough to move here. life just feels like nothing and l just feel like all l'm really interested in doing is jumping out of bed to see my daughter and that's about it. It really worries me that l could really easily just exist like this and to hell with the world or life. l'm so use to pushing myself through mentally though with this last 5-6yrs and faking it, l feel numb. l loved my gf so much and we'd talked about marriage, yet half the time l'm smiling , think l'm too scared not to fake it because if l don't l'd just fall in a heap. No family and l don't really have any good friends , that all went with my divorce , know about anything l feel or have been going through and now l even hide the break up with gf. Just don't know anymore.

daniellerecovered Your hypothesis of depression?
  • replies: 2

My story I developed depression what I had a very negative expereince in my second job out of uni. I was young so i just put up with the negative working environment and the stress. After 3 years i am almost completely recovered. I had a week in the ... View more

My story I developed depression what I had a very negative expereince in my second job out of uni. I was young so i just put up with the negative working environment and the stress. After 3 years i am almost completely recovered. I had a week in the maldives that i think i was the happiest i have ever been and no depression symptoms. It does come up now and then for me but is temporary and very mild, i more just feel really tired some days. Looking back i think it was related to stress chemicals, i was getting horrible anxiety symptoms such as finger tingling and racing thoughts. The negative experience i interpreted as me being 'incapable' of being in a career job. What helped me was I got myself another job after 6 months of no job (i dont recommend staying unemployed for long it makes it worse). I was soooooo anxious and scared about another career job but i did it anyway. The self confidence i experienced by doing this allowed me to not 'worry' as much which i think triggered the depression a lot. It almost reversed the negative belief i had formed about my abilities because if i had held a career job for a few months and felt i could keep on with it how was i useless? It also made me busier and more distracted which cut the cycle of rumination. My hypothesis I do think depression is chemical related but it is also a phenomenan in its own right. Like a panic attack or heart break. It i causes a cycle of thoughts, experiences and feelings. I do think to a degree chemicals are highly related to the depression, thoughts cause negative feelings. However I think perhaps negative beliefs cause thoughts which cause stress chemicals related to depression. I think exercise and eating healthy can help fuel your energy to fight the negative thoughts and add to reversing the cycle. I think going out and about and socialising can cut through the rumination and break the cycle too. My hypothesis is that depression isnt solely a chemical reaction or a single thought that causes a negative feeling. It is a cycle of thoughts that can circle down if you dont do something to stop the cycle. And the negative thoughts associated with the cycle cause a negative experience. The thoughts get so strong that it can be hard to differentiate because every thought has that negative spin on it. This is my hypothesis anyway! Would love to hear your hypothesis

HA1 Can't stop thinking!
  • replies: 6

Hi All! I have posted elsewhere that I suffer clinical depression, social anxiety, GAD, and OCD. One of the byproducts of this is that my mind is constantly racing. I cannot stop thinking about anything and everything. Phrases stick in my thoughts an... View more

Hi All! I have posted elsewhere that I suffer clinical depression, social anxiety, GAD, and OCD. One of the byproducts of this is that my mind is constantly racing. I cannot stop thinking about anything and everything. Phrases stick in my thoughts and I keep repeating them to myself, until another phrase or thought takes over. Endless roller-coaster and often meaningless. Can be something I have read, heard or said. Not sure what I am really asking in this thread. Perhaps just venting my frustration. Take care K

IntoOblivion Living with Autism and depression
  • replies: 2

I was born with a genetic disorder known as FRAXE, though mild it effects me daily and makes recovering from depression almost impossible. I do not look mentally ill so I tend to be treated like anyone else but this often makes it hard in situations ... View more

I was born with a genetic disorder known as FRAXE, though mild it effects me daily and makes recovering from depression almost impossible. I do not look mentally ill so I tend to be treated like anyone else but this often makes it hard in situations that I can’t handle. I’m 192cm and I have a solid build so when I hear loud noises and have a breakdown most people assume it’s drugs or I’m just being an idiot. People think because I don’t look fragile that I must be able to handle anything and yet loud train stations freak me out. My dad is very ill (had cancer and now a infection in his spine + lung cancer) as a 18 year old I feel like I am going through all the worst crap at once. I can’t imagine my future and can’t see how I could even go another 5 years let alone another 18. Last thing, as someone who struggles to express themselves and is socially awkward when I do and an adult says “you’re only 18 you haven’t had any real problems yet” my rage kicks in and I feel like dropping them.

freindincommon How can we foster understanding from the older generation?
  • replies: 2

I have BPD, Depression and a bunch of other stuff though they are the main ones. My mother just told me I'm being horrible, I need to quit my negative downer bullshit and get along with my step family who understand me as to the depth of a frozen fis... View more

I have BPD, Depression and a bunch of other stuff though they are the main ones. My mother just told me I'm being horrible, I need to quit my negative downer bullshit and get along with my step family who understand me as to the depth of a frozen fish finger. Isolation is my problem, we could (my family) be In the same urban lounge room yet feel like Perth to Melbourne away. This makes me furious in 2017 how can these ignorant people I am beginning to loath be called my family and attempt a relationship with me and my mental health as if it's 1950. As if enough tounge lashings will get the "crazy" out of me. "Have you Tried not taking protein powder?, not having caffeine after lunch?, not thinking about negative things?" Yep this line of thinking exists. Luckily I am blessed with a brain capable of freeing me from this hell. I will complete my medical study and devote my life to freeing other. A proverbial middle finger to mine and all the family's who treat there mentality I'll kin like this and hold on I'm working to help. Thanks for the work moderators and beyond blue for this service.

WhoAmI15 Just need to get this off my chest
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This is my first time ever opening up so this post probably isn't going to make much sense. Ive been struggling with depression and anxiety for a couple years now. Im sick of thinking, its all i do. All i think about is how other perceive me and if t... View more

This is my first time ever opening up so this post probably isn't going to make much sense. Ive been struggling with depression and anxiety for a couple years now. Im sick of thinking, its all i do. All i think about is how other perceive me and if they're talking about me behind my back. I cant let anyone in close because i just feel so vulnerable. I honestly have no clue who i am and this just makes my anxiety even worse. Everywhere i go i feel like a complete weirdo. Since my anxietys so bad i avoid engaging in conversation and when i do try im normally at a lost for words and there is just an awkward silence. I swear sometimes im not even apart of my own life im just sitting back and watching life happen around me. I barely feel any emotions anymore. I feel im just a character in a computer program just there to make up numbers. I honestly dont know what to do anymore i started following a spiritual path based on budhism but im starting to think im not going down any path ive just lost myself. I feel like im going crazy and losing touch with reality. I think my biggest issue is that i have no self confidence and always look to others for approval even though i know i shouldnt. I think if i had some self confidence i could more confident when talking to people and id stop caring what people think. But its so hard to find any sort of confidence when i dont even know who i am. I miss social contact i want to have best friends and go out with them and have a good time instead of being that boring guy my "friends" let me hang around coz they feel sorry for me. I dont know where this post is going and i dont even know how to explain half the stuff in my head so i guess ill leave it here.

LuLu_ Hating myself and feeling worthless
  • replies: 8

I feel bad for posting again. I have posted a couple of times and I have been okay. So now I feel like to post would be attention seeking and selfish as my mood is inconsistent it feels like i am faking it. i stay up late in order to force dark thoug... View more

I feel bad for posting again. I have posted a couple of times and I have been okay. So now I feel like to post would be attention seeking and selfish as my mood is inconsistent it feels like i am faking it. i stay up late in order to force dark thoughts. I know it’s unhelpful but I do it anyway. I am struggling with coming to terms with my Identity. Recently I’ve been talking with my psychologist about my biological father who I don’t remember. I just don’t know who I am. I lost myself a few years ago when I sunk into depression. I feel worthless. I feel a lot of hate towards myself. I don’t deserve the life I’ve been given and the people in my life. I kind of want to disappear. I keep thinking about driving away. But I know it would hurt the people around me. It would worry them. But in a sick way I want them to worry. I feel awful for thinking that. I guess I am lost, lonely and unsure. Perhaps I just want someone to listen. Tomorrow I will wake up and I will be fine. So maybe it’s all in my head. Maybe i am just making it all up.

pamsammy Is this depression...?
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I feel like my life is in a never ending rollercoaster ride of things going well and things going straight to hell... All feelings are to the extreme. Small disappointment that would not impact me before, now becomes this huge thing that impacts ever... View more

I feel like my life is in a never ending rollercoaster ride of things going well and things going straight to hell... All feelings are to the extreme. Small disappointment that would not impact me before, now becomes this huge thing that impacts everything in a negative way. One week things are good - i am actively planning new things, enjoying life and enjoying time with my partner and friends. Then something happens (usually something small) and I go from happy go lucky to miserable person who does not want to see anyone or plan anything. I feel like this up and down roller coaster just never stops. My mood swings are extreme and my nearest also see them - and struggle to cope with it. Did you have similar roller coaster feeling before you were diagnosed and treated? I know everyone is different but would like to hear your experiences.