Hello, A lot of us (me included). take to our bed for days on end when
we are depressed. This is unhealthy for us...We need to look after us as
best we can, I feel we should try as hard as we possibly can to make up
a routine to keep us healthy and g...
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Hello, A lot of us (me included). take to our bed for days on end when
we are depressed. This is unhealthy for us...We need to look after us as
best we can, I feel we should try as hard as we possibly can to make up
a routine to keep us healthy and get us out of bed. I believe we need
structure in our lives more so when we are depressed, A sense of
structure is important to provide goal to your day, it gives a pattern
to your day which supports your body's natural health structure. I think
it's important to try to go to bed each night around the same time. Put
away your phones,I pads etc, put on some soft music and drift away to
sleep. Set the alarm to get up the same time each day, but don't just
wake up, get up out of bed, open blinds, curtains the doors, let some
sunlight into your home. Try having a healthy breakfast, lunch and
dinner, keeping roughly the same times to eat and enjoy the meals, we
need to eat healthy meals daily to fuel our bodies for healing. Try
having a morning and afternoon cup of tea or coffee, maybe a couple of
bickies as well, or my favourite cake. Try some light excersises
throughout the day, or go for a short walk daily. even walking around
your yard, just doing something will give our mind a rest. A daily bath
or shower either morning, night or both, a bath or shower late at night
might releases some stress and many relaxe us a little for sleeping.
House work, not fun but necessary to keep our environment clean and
healthy, set a day for washing, another day for ironing, try washing the
dishes daily. Even if we just set a few of these goals to start with, it
will still give us a purpose for the day, a purpose to get out of bed.
Once we get into a routine we can then slowly add to our days activities
to maybe add some social events, hobbies, things we like to do, things
we enjoy doing. Recovery has to come from us, we can't give up on us. We
have to try to help ourselves to mend our broken minds. All these
activities will be doing mindfulness, getting our mind away from our
dark thoughts while we are carrying out these simple but necessary
tasks. All thoughts are welcome. Kindness only , Karen..(GG).