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I should have got a job years ago!

Community Member

Hello! Hey there fellow people on this wonderful forum! I am posting for the first time. I should have got a job years ago! Seriously if it wasn't for my oblivious thinking back in High school, I would have got one when I was like 14. That is what I should have done, except I got one when I was 17, was there for like two shifts, then left because the idiots sent me to the wrong house! I was a delivery driver you see. I should have stayed but wasn't resilient enough and quit. Fast forward to now I have been looking back on life and concluded that I should have got a job literally a decade ago, I am 24 now, so when I was 14. I would have been in a much better financial state and had loads of cash to go towards a home loan. Instead I have less than five grand and I am 24! I have now only just managed to get two jobs, both of which I haven't started. This has deeply depressed me, but I am doing fine, thank god for job seeker payment!!! Also thank god for my good saving habits over the past decade or so. I really wish I got a job when I was 14 or even 15 and stayed with it! I would have had a much better Resume and found it easier to get other jobs. Is anyone else in this position when they look back and think to themselves 'I should have got a job sooner'? Is anyone else in a bad financial state? Luckily I am a good saver and what a good life for my self. I am willing to work hard and what the best for myself!!! Please feel free to offer up some advice for me, thanks in advance. Hopefully these two jobs work out!!! I do not want to be fired for any reason! For motivation what I do is go to carsales and dream of what cars I could own in the future, I love cars!!! I also look at property for sale and think to myself 'yeah I got to work hard so I can have a good life and have a nice townhouse or house". You know what I mean? Thanks in advance for all who reply! I will really appreciate it! Thanks.

1 Reply 1

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Dear. Guest _36828030,


A very warm and caring welcome to the forums,


A lot of people look back on their lives with regrets..wow I am one of those, big regrets of not doing this or that, should have done this that way etc…the list goes on and one…but unfortunately we cannot change our past actions…


Guest, you have some beautiful dreams, the thing is to never ever give up on those dreams, by not giving up you can make your dreams a reality…you have to keep faith in your dreams and yourself…


A lot of people go through many jobs in there life time until eventually the right one comes along for them…I to hope that the 2 jobs you have now will work out for you, you can then continue to save some money and move closer towards your dreams….Please don’t ever loose faith in yourself that you can achieve want your heart wants to achieve…


We are all here for you when we can be, to help support you the best we can..


My kindest thoughts with my care a dear Guest _36828030..
