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Medication Alternatives?

Community Member

Hello all, first time posting on a forum like this. Feeling lost after having come so far in my mental health journey.

To make a long story short I have struggled with mental health as long as I can remember, and was diagnosed with depression and anxiety at 15. After being medicated since that age. I'm 26 now, finally managed to kick the meds about a year ago and was feeling good about it.

However, things have been going downhill since the beginning of this year. It has coincided with my uni work placement (ironically at a government Mental Health facility) which has been stressful, unsupportive, and left me feeling pretty useless. I've been struggling financially, had to stop work and move home, gave away my dog, and am also experiencing a loss in the family.

I am reaching a point where I feel unable to do anything, let alone help other people with their mental health. I feel I could either cry or go to sleep at all times of the day. Nothing I used to enjoy makes me feel good anymore, and I wake up every morning sick with anxiety. I recognise these as clear signs of depression, and have booked in with my GP next week to pursue a mental health plan/therapy. 

However, I would really prefer not to go back on antidepressants. I'm not kicking medication here - it can be a lifesaver (literally) but it took me several tries over many years to successfully come off it. If I can I would like to avoid going through that process again.

So, I'm hoping some of you lovely people might have suggestions as to other methods I can try. Herbal medicines, routine changes, free programs, etc. Particularly things to help with anhedonia, anxiety, and feelings of worthlessness.

I would really value hearing from legends with lived experience and offer my sincerest thanks for your thoughtfulness in advance.

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Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

The warmest of welcomes to you at a time in your life that is proving to be so incredibly challenging in so many different ways. I think one of the most important things to remember is just how much you're trying to manage, while managing it all medication free. You gotta give yourself the credit you deserve. While I think it can be somewhat easy to mange a handful of basic challenges, when the scales begin shifting with some heavyweight challenges on top of a whole stack of little challenges we might not even be conscious of, it's definitely something that can be felt as 'tipping point' or 'things becoming seriously out of balance'.


As a gal who managed depression without meds for some years, it can definitely be easier being on a really effective one, than being on none at all. None at all becomes what I'd call a mega challenge. Off the top of my head, 2 of the most significant factors in such a mega challenge are sensitivity and resources.


Sensitivity is basically about what we can sense. From triggering environments to triggering people, situations, inner dialogue, low chemical energy (lack of dopamine, endorphins, b12, iron etc), a nervous system that requires management strategies, heartbreaking degrees of grief or loss and so on, there's so much for sensitive people to sense or feel in life. I've found it partly becomes about sensing in a lot of strategic ways.


Resources can be about

  • who or what is going to help us develop and master our ability to feel, especially when it comes to feeling our way through certain challenges
  • a solid circle of 'go to' people to go to. A circle can be comprised on a whole variety of people, such as a therapist, a friend who's a bit of a comedian and good for a laugh, someone who's a bit of a philosopher (someone to wonder with, regarding the tougher questions in life), someone to relax with, a financial planner who can create a plan to work with, someone who's a good listener, someone who's a visionary (to help us see the way forward) and the list goes on. Or else there can be a collection of circles: Gym buddies, workmates, family members, a nature loving group, a meditation or yoga circle, people on the forums here etc. Being a part of a circle means we're not always alone, plus it develops us
  • Energy resources: The right chemistry in food, solar power (sun), hydro power (filtered water), kinetic energy (exercise), potential energy (sleep) etc
  • Online resources, books, courses etc
  • Natural therapies: Aromatherapy (which can include a new perfume that brings you joy and stays with you no matter where you are), music therapy (listening to those bangers or turning things down to listen to guided meditations), talk therapy, nature therapy and so on

The list goes on. From my own experience, I'd have to say the most important resource of all is a really good guide or set of guides. When we're feeling so incredibly lost and in the dark (of depression), a brilliant guide is someone who lights the way as they travel with us. There will always be times in our life where a guide is an absolute must. I've found a number of really good guides on the forums here.