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Jeriava How do I talk to my doctor?
  • replies: 9

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really ... View more

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really scared that they’ll judge me or won’t believe anything I say. I’m really anti social so I feel like I won’t be able to say what I wanna say or I’ll say the wrong thing causing them to just dismiss me and move me along without helping. I’m just tired of feeling alone, depressed and just worthless but I’m really scared to talk to them.

Chris_B Are you looking to support someone else with depression? PLEASE READ before posting
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This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and f... View more

This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and friends with a mental health condition It's full of threads from people who have family members and friends going through anxiety, depression or other related conditions. Have a read through the threads there, and feel free to take part in the discussions. Below are also some helpful beyondblue resources you might want to look through first as well: Supporting someone Have the conversation

  • replies: 132

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the ... View more

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the 5 senses Distress Tolerance – Accepting Emotions and Self Soothing Distraction – Put the thoughts/feelings aside and come back to them when you are ready to deal with them Positive Affirmations – Have some affirmations written down repeat them to yourself daily Sleep/Exercise/Diet – All 3 aspects of our lifestyle can impact the way we think/feel Increasing Pleasurable Activities – Engage in at least one pleasurable activity per day

All discussions

josh88 How do you truly change and become a happy person?
  • replies: 10

Hi, like most people posting on here my life is in the pits. I was diagnosed with major depression and anxiety around 10 years ago. Since then, I’ve seen around 8 different psychologists, 2 psychiatrists, and have been on 7 different medications. Aft... View more

Hi, like most people posting on here my life is in the pits. I was diagnosed with major depression and anxiety around 10 years ago. Since then, I’ve seen around 8 different psychologists, 2 psychiatrists, and have been on 7 different medications. After getting all the tools and knowledge I need to understand my illness and what healthy ways of thinking look like, why can’t I change? Little, insignificant things annoy the hell out of me in an unhealthy way. I am a sad, negative person to be around. I’m moody and angry at the world. I know all of this and I am disgusted in myself, yet despite all of that I can’t change. I’m stuck being this sad, miserable person. I see happy people all of the time and I would do anything to be like them and to see things in a different light. All I see is the darkness and I’m about to lose my wife and kids because they don’t want to live like I do. What does it take to truly change? Taking a medication or seeing a psychologist to tell me what depression is for the 20th time isn’t working. Has anyone else been at this point where nothing works after so long? What did you do?

Rbilsy15 Massively struggling right now
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I am a teacher who is dealing with anxiety and depression from starting a new job a term ago. I came in with little handover at a busy time of the year. Each week something new is brought up which I am expected to learn. I have told my line manager t... View more

I am a teacher who is dealing with anxiety and depression from starting a new job a term ago. I came in with little handover at a busy time of the year. Each week something new is brought up which I am expected to learn. I have told my line manager that I am struggling and not sure where to prioritise my time and it has lead to little support. I feel worthless in my role and I am not having any joy for teaching anymore. I have been teaching for 10 years and this is the first time I have felt like this and it is worrying. I struggle to get up in the morning and spend most of my nights planning and trying to solve my issues with zero success. Each day is a stuggle to get through. I am seeing a councillor and have taken many mental health days where I have seen my doctor and he is at the point of prescribing anti depressants. Today I had a meeting with my line manager and principal with the sole intention of expressing my thoughts and feelings and desire to give my two week notice. As predicted they tried to keep me by saying everything I have been doing is great and I am a valued member. Sadly I caved in my decision which has made me feel worse that I have put their needs and the school needs ahead of my own mental health. The I am the second teacher already for the class this year as the first one left on maternity and I can understand they don't want to have to go through it again but I shouldn't worry about that as much as i should. I hate confrontation and fear I will always give in to what someone else wants instead of looking out for myself. They don't see how much I struggle at home and alone in the classroom. I know I am not doing the best job I can as I have lost that passion. I fear how dark some of my thoughts are getting. I wish for a reason to not go in like a sporting injury or someone hits my car. Nothing I am responsible for but it saves me from having to face my issues. I don't know what the answer is and almost need someone to be there and push me into it so I don't back out.

Han1 FEELING ALONE, depression, anxiety, bipolar and ptsd
  • replies: 1

Hi everyone, I’m new to this so don’t really know what to even say, but basically I just want to be mentally healthy. Im 20 years old, I do have a boyfriend of two years who is supportive, but I feel like I’m being more of a burden rather than someth... View more

Hi everyone, I’m new to this so don’t really know what to even say, but basically I just want to be mentally healthy. Im 20 years old, I do have a boyfriend of two years who is supportive, but I feel like I’m being more of a burden rather than something good in his life, and I have only one friend left (who I never even see) , after the rest decided to get back out of my life after I lost my baby and the rut I spiralled in, I have no family aside from dad who isn’t supportive of anything, I am feeling lost and lonely and don’t know what to do. I have no hobbies as I just can’t focus on anything or stay interested (I’ve tried a lot) I have health issues which makes me in pain physically daily, which contributed to why I dropped out of my University course and quit my job as I couldn’t even go, I see no hope of even my life getting on track and currently am seeing a psychologist, it helps while I’m there but after I just forget about it all. I don’t know what to do anymore, I have been trying for the last two years but am starting to give up, nothing seems to be improving, everything I do feels like it’s a waste and for nothing, I was on medication and that barely helped, I feel like mentally I have given up

BCWallaroo Normally have depression under control, but so many life events are happening at once and having trouble...
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It's been a very very bad week: taxes are due and I know I will owe a huge amout to pay things off...I feel like an idiot, I am so lucky to get money and I try so hard to save, but with rent, bills and groceries it all added, I paid for a c... View more

It's been a very very bad week: taxes are due and I know I will owe a huge amout to pay things off...I feel like an idiot, I am so lucky to get money and I try so hard to save, but with rent, bills and groceries it all added, I paid for a course and a holiday (not even a really big one)... I started smoking again, after not smoking for years. I'm doing a vet nursing course that I really enjoy, with it I need to work or volunteer at a real clinic to gain exerpience...since I'm too old (here you have to be paid over a min wage after a certain age), nobody wants to hire me as a beginner , so I only get volunteer positions (it sucks so bad: I see younger nurses starting out the same course, with no experience and I already have so much more to offer). Not to mention its an online course, and even though I keep up with studying and work hard because I love it, the pratical side makes me so nervous as I am only allowed to volunteer once a day (I already asked for more days but they can't offer. I already changed over from another 2 clinics because one I wasn't even allowed to watch surgeries and wait 4 hours and do nothing, the other the manager told me she didn't want me to do anything anymore because she wanted the work to be saved to train the people she is newly hiring). Tomorrow I volunteer and so nervous when they ask me to do practical stuff again and fail... I feel so lonely an frustrated, my partner is happy and comes home from work and talks about his day, but its gotten to hte point he has had enough of listening to me and doesn't know how to cheer me up (or he has problems of his own getting used to night shift work again)... I have been trying so hard for the last few weeks to find a job, nothing I am qualified for with just 2 years customer service experience that not a younger, cheaper kid can do...and then I have a bachelor degree of arts which I can't seem to get into with anything because my art isn't good enough (I tried so hard getting into graphic design, I just don't "get" the commercial side of things, the vector art...mine is all hand drawn and "messy"...)... I'm starting to loose hope. I prayed for the first time in years, wishing I could finally find something i was good at and make a living out of, and that my partner gets used to his night shift easily and keep up his good health...I don't know what to do, I feel stuck.

Valerie_Cherish My depression has stopped me from doing my work for months - what do I do now?
  • replies: 8

I've really messed things up. I have a major project at work that I have to complete in the next 4 weeks, but the truth is that it will be impossible for me to complete it. For the 3 months I have found myself incapable of doing any work, I have turn... View more

I've really messed things up. I have a major project at work that I have to complete in the next 4 weeks, but the truth is that it will be impossible for me to complete it. For the 3 months I have found myself incapable of doing any work, I have turned up to work each day, and done the bare minimum, but have probably done less than 1 hour of work each day and have done almost no work on my project. My manager is interstate and thinks that I have things under control but I do not. I've spent the last month in an absolute panic waiting for the moment when I get found out. I can't sleep, I'm beside myself all of the time, and when I'm at work I'm so overwhelmed by the outstanding work that I don't even know where to start. I am applying for other jobs because I need to get out before they realise how badly I've messed up.

Bell 81 Feelin down and have lost all hope
  • replies: 2

Hi, I am new to the forums. I am feeling really down at the moment and don't really see a way forward. My job is really stressful and I have started to look for a new one but not sure I will be successful due to my current mind set. I just don't feel... View more

Hi, I am new to the forums. I am feeling really down at the moment and don't really see a way forward. My job is really stressful and I have started to look for a new one but not sure I will be successful due to my current mind set. I just don't feel like doing anything and sleep a lot. Sometimes I feel so down that I am not sure I want to continue as life is very hard at the moment. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks.

iamtrying tired
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hi all, so i too wanted to mention that i suffer depression heavily and it affects me everyday! i don’t feel good enough or worthy of love and almost all the time i feel like i have no real purpose for life or have no idea what i’m doing. im alone an... View more

hi all, so i too wanted to mention that i suffer depression heavily and it affects me everyday! i don’t feel good enough or worthy of love and almost all the time i feel like i have no real purpose for life or have no idea what i’m doing. im alone and have no real friends or support around me and often deal with everything on my own, especially my depression! i cant seem to get it better and it just drags me down everyday. but yeah thanks for listening and i hope everyone else who’s struggling knows they’re not alone and it’ll be okay

Heartness1 Needed to share
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Hey all I needed a place where I could safely share some writing I have just wrote a new song/poem and wanted to share HURT Everyone’s problems are not mine to bear Everyone’s pain and guilt are not mine to take on I can’t help others if I can’... View more

Hey all I needed a place where I could safely share some writing I have just wrote a new song/poem and wanted to share HURT Everyone’s problems are not mine to bear Everyone’s pain and guilt are not mine to take on I can’t help others if I can’t help myself Asking for help can be hard Trust me I know first hand So much hurt so much pain So much guilt ITS TO MUCH TO TAKE I need to let go I need to be free This big heart of mine needs to beat free and for me Not knowing where to go or look Not knowing what doors to open or closed So I asked you Let me help me before I help you So much hurt so much pain So much guilt ITS TO MUCH TO TAKE I need to let go I need to be free This big heart of mine needs to beat free and for me One day the pain will become too much to bear And you want it all to be over and end Trust me I get that I’ve been there and done that It just passes to all the people who love and care So much hurt so much pain So much guilt ITS TO MUCH TO TAKE I need to let go I need to be free This big heart of mine needs to beat free and for me You might feel like it’s all over And there’s nothing left to live for Look inside you deep inside you And you will see you Trust me thats enough to live for So much hurt so much pain So much guilt ITS TO MUCH TO TAKE I need to let go I need to be free This big heart of mine needs to beat free and for me

coal BIPOLAR - The Good The Bad and The Ugly
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The Good - crazy good feelings, like a sunny day in the middle of winter and The Beach Boys song - Do It Again, comes on the car radio and BOOM, I turn it up my whole body is beaming and Im wearing a great big scary smile and Im animated singing and ... View more

The Good - crazy good feelings, like a sunny day in the middle of winter and The Beach Boys song - Do It Again, comes on the car radio and BOOM, I turn it up my whole body is beaming and Im wearing a great big scary smile and Im animated singing and then I realise that no one else in the car is on my fantastic bipolar wave length. The Bad - medication cocktails and owning both a fat and a thin waredrobe and actually preferring the type and style of clothes available for bigger people. The Ugly - being arrested for mistaking my birthday suit for my boiler suit, as euphoric as I was I thought the public photographing me were fans who had come to greet me.

LizzieB Living with dysthymia
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Hi everyone, I am new to Beyond Blue. I am 42 and have been living with depression for many years. I had an acute episode of post-natal depression after my first child was born which was not diagnosed until I was having some pretty scary symptoms and... View more

Hi everyone, I am new to Beyond Blue. I am 42 and have been living with depression for many years. I had an acute episode of post-natal depression after my first child was born which was not diagnosed until I was having some pretty scary symptoms and as a result I sought help and was diagnosed with mental illness for the first time. The doctors then put me on medication which settled things down but it's been a roller-coaster ever since. Eventually about 8 years ago I was finally diagnosed with dysthymia and it appears that in reality I have suffered depression since my early teens. My mother says it all makes sense now! LOL. I come from a very good family but emotionally my parents were always a little 'vacant' growing up. I have been on and off anti-depressants since that first acute episode and have now come to grips with the fact I will be on meds forever. Felt like a failure for so long and have had a big battle with myself over that! Rationally, when I look at my life as if someone else is looking in, my life is pretty good; re-married to a great supportive man who I love deeply, four children between us, good job etc.. it just all still feels like a struggle. At times I feel like I'm going to break apart. I have this feeling that if I let even the smallest amount of emotion out, then it will overwhelm me and there'll be no putting it back in. I feel like I'm holding back a huge tide. I tell myself to get control and breathe because if I let it go, I'm afraid I won't be able to get back to myself. Does anyone have these same feelings?? SIMILAR POSTS Does anyone else have dysthymia? Dysthymia - I'm newly diagnosed Doctors and dysthymia Persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia) I came across dysthymia online yesterday and I think it fits Dysthymia and chronic illness