
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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Wobbles A prisoner within myself
  • replies: 2

I don't know if anyone here can help me, i just really need to talk. I've had severe anxiety for longer than i can remember and depression for just as long as a result of the anxiety and my excessively low self-esteem and confidence. I'm 34, i have a... View more

I don't know if anyone here can help me, i just really need to talk. I've had severe anxiety for longer than i can remember and depression for just as long as a result of the anxiety and my excessively low self-esteem and confidence. I'm 34, i have a 6 year old son and a 3 year old son whom are my reasons for living and breathing. They go to school and kindy during the week and i spend every day locked inside my house, by myself, no friends or family, no mental stimulation, bored and lonely. My anxiety means i cannot bring myself to go out and meet new people, I have difficulties connecting with others and social situations scare the crap out of me. I have an essential tremor which gets worse when the anxiety hightens and so i'm self conscious about it. I feel completely inferior to the rest of the population, and don't feel like i belong any where. My anxiety stops me doing everything in life i might enjoy. I have no hobbies and do not allow myself to indulge in activities that i might possibly enjoy out of fear, fear of failure. I have no dreams or hopes and live day by day just getting through and trying to make my boys happy. I am in a relationship with a man that struggles with communication, as much as he loves me dearly, he just isn't the emotionally supportive type. I've tried connecting with the other mums at my sons school, but they're all very clique, judgmental and snobby and i get ignored. My opinion of myself is so low that i don't take care of myself and my health properly. I have severe chronic anaemia that is currently being investigated. I have an auto immune disease that affects my back and joints and i'm in pain every day. I'm an intelligent woman, have a good sense of humour, and i'm sure i may have other positive attributes, but i just can't see any of them, and none of them are helping me. I'm a shell of a person, i pretend to be normal and fit in, but i'm far from it. I feel like i'm dying inside. Counselling hasn't helped, self talk doesn't work, medication doesn't help and i genuinely feel like a prisoner inside myself. Trapped, chained up and it's a life sentence. I'm too scared to be myself, whoever that is. I'm too scared to allow myself to let go and just be. I want to be happy, i need to be happy and healthy to be a good mum, i just don't know how. My core beliefs and feelings about myself are so deep seated that i don't know if i'll ever be able to reach them and change them. I don't know what to do. Thanks for reading.

Shelley84 over anxiety
  • replies: 1

Just wondering if any of you suffer from this feeling sick in throat only? What helps ne is sucking on butter menthol cough lollies which helps the feeling sick I start to get heavy breathing and feeling like something is gonna happen to me also I ha... View more

Just wondering if any of you suffer from this feeling sick in throat only? What helps ne is sucking on butter menthol cough lollies which helps the feeling sick I start to get heavy breathing and feeling like something is gonna happen to me also I have a phobia of vomiting thats why I cant stand the feeling please help me

Sabrina89 GAD - Generalised Anxiety Disorder
  • replies: 4

Hello to anyone who reads this.I have been diagnosed with GAD (generalised anxiety disorder)I constantly worry about pretty much everything and at this point I cannot drive a car from fear that I am going to have an accident or run over a pedestrian.... View more

Hello to anyone who reads this.I have been diagnosed with GAD (generalised anxiety disorder)I constantly worry about pretty much everything and at this point I cannot drive a car from fear that I am going to have an accident or run over a pedestrian. I even get anxious about leaving my apartment or going to the shops to buy groceries ( which my parents do for me at the moment)I have recently started an anti depressant (SSRI) - it is meant to be helpful with anxiety but im into my second week and nothing has changed. I was wondering if anyone knew of anything to help with anxiety because it is taking away my life - i barely do anything i don;t like to leave the house.

Amy20 Is it Anxiety? Help Please...
  • replies: 1

I thought I'd say hi & hopefully get some advice... I've been suffering anxiety for approximately a year now & don't know where to go from here... It sounds stupid but I had the flu last year & was very sick, in hospital a few times. During this time... View more

I thought I'd say hi & hopefully get some advice... I've been suffering anxiety for approximately a year now & don't know where to go from here... It sounds stupid but I had the flu last year & was very sick, in hospital a few times. During this time I felt so scared that I wasn't going to get better... I had heart palpitations & constantly felt sick. After I recovered from the flu I had chronic nausea & struggled to leave the house fearing that I might vomit or pass out in public. Every time I left the house I felt sick & panicked & had heart palpitations. This went on for a while & I was convinced there was something seriously wrong with me. The doctor at the hospital (treating me for the palpitations) basically said I was being stupid & it was probably anxiety. I asked my GP about it & he reluctantly referred me to a psychologist who said I didn't have anxiety because I was 'managing' my everyday life & job. I have a high pressure & mentally straining job & I had to force myself to go to work each day despite how I was feeling. A year later & now I constantly force myself to 'manage'. I feel sick when I leave the house, restless when I stay at home. I constantly worry that there is something wrong with me, I have a lump in my throat all the time & I worry about myself or my partner getting sick &/or dying... I feel like I have anxiety... All the time! But after being told I don't I feel so confused & really don't know where to go from here... Any advice/thoughts would be much appreciated...

Arrie97 Feel a bit lost and uncertain... Dealing with Social Anxiety and Bullies?
  • replies: 5

I'm feeling a bit lost at the moment. I always knew I had some form of social anxiety, ever since I was a small child. I couldn't bring myself to even say hello to an adult stranger, even in the company of my family. I learnt to overcome that on my o... View more

I'm feeling a bit lost at the moment. I always knew I had some form of social anxiety, ever since I was a small child. I couldn't bring myself to even say hello to an adult stranger, even in the company of my family. I learnt to overcome that on my own as I grew older, but still suffer from thoughts and feelings and anxieties in social situations. Often I watch everything I say, as to make sure I don't upset the other person or make them "hate" me as I think of it. I also tend to analyse them, and as soon as they say something I see as a threat to me (anything from a type of interest they have that I see as negative, to criticising me in some small way), I immediately put them into the "bad" pile of people. Nothing seems to be good and bad, it's always either good or bad. I've come to see this as a problem, noticing I don't really have a lot of friends, and that my husband doesn't react this way (I see him as quite mentally healthy). I also tend to go over my social interactions in the day over and over again, thinking on what I said wrong or what the other person may have meant by saying this or that - so much so that people often get annoyed with this behaviour if I sound board on them. I've come to believe I may have Avoidant Personality Disorder. I think my mother may have it too, as I see a lot of what I do in her (she also suffers from depression). The problem I have is that my family keep bullying me and picking on me for being socially awkward or too sensitive (or anything they see as wrong and not like them) - I've asked my husband whether me getting upset about this is just my oversensitivity, but he says it's not, that there is something wrong with my family. I think there's a possibility that some of my siblings and father have Narcissistic Personality Disorder (mental illness runs in my family), as I find they tend to bully you until you get confused, question yourself and just agree with them - especially when you do not share a belief or lifestyle choice with them. I feel so alone in this though - although my husband believes me that something is wrong, many people outside the family think I'm just an attention seeker or that I'm overreacting about how bad they are. I sometimes question if there's something wrong with me and whether they are normal, but feel in my gut it's not right. I always end up crying in there company, not knowing why, like they had just manipulated me somehow. Has anyone else dealt with this? I believe this has been going on since I was a child... how do I get them to see that I'm not just weak and that I actually have a problem?

Decent_Protagonist Increasing Social Anxiety
  • replies: 2

Hi all, I am new to the site so this is my first post. I am currently 31 and I have found over the last 10 years I have had an increasing fear of socialising with people outside of my family and main friends. I have always struggled to find a sense o... View more

Hi all, I am new to the site so this is my first post. I am currently 31 and I have found over the last 10 years I have had an increasing fear of socialising with people outside of my family and main friends. I have always struggled to find a sense of my own self worth, which can easily be traced back to the bullying that I had throughout my school life that often made me feel alone, even when amongst my school group. Initially after leaving school, I had a sense of relief. I went out clubbing, I met new people, asked out girls and have had a couple of relationships. I was still a sensitive guy, but I managed to enjoy those years. Though after the last relationship ended a few years ago now, which was sudden, confusing and with an immediate end to communication, I have had trouble keeping my thoughts positive again. I'm not always down or worried, but the thought of social gatherings always scare me. Which is odd, as the thought of being alone in the future scares me all the same. I live in a mate I've known since school's house, essentially renting out a room as he works in the mines and he likes someone looking out for the house. There are 2 others guys that live here that I get on with ok. My point to this though is that when they occasional have people over for a house party, or even a couple people for a couple drinks and some pool, I often find myself too nervous to leave my room. It seems to be a mixed fear of how people see me and my inability to easily make small talk. I'm not sure if I'm asking a question here, or simply getting this off my chest, but I just wish that I could have the confidence and lack of fear to be able to enjoy life more. Thank you to whoever reads this through.

Quivz Anxiety and Dating
  • replies: 3

So i've recently been diagnosed with anxiety issues, although i've probably had them for around 10 years or so. I'm getting help but i feel loathe to raise this issue with my psychologist. In the last 15 years i've been in 2 relationships. Thats all.... View more

So i've recently been diagnosed with anxiety issues, although i've probably had them for around 10 years or so. I'm getting help but i feel loathe to raise this issue with my psychologist. In the last 15 years i've been in 2 relationships. Thats all. In both cases i was not the initiator. I'm a great conversationalist once past this point, but i've never been able to get started. So since i've been getting help I've felt more confident and was at the pub recently and 2 girls came up to me and tried to start conversation. I couldn't come up with anything to say and just gave one word answers. They left quickly. I ended up feeling so down i got myself really drunk for the next 2 days. Things like this have happened to me a lot over the course of the 15 years i'm talking about. Even at the height of my confidence i cant bring myself to be witty and charming (which i am with people i know well and i'm already comfortable with). So what i want to know is if this sort of thing is normal with anxiety, and whether its something i should talk about with my psychologist. Or if its just specific to me and a problem i will have to overcome on my own.

Glassie Can anyone help? Not sure where or who to go to.
  • replies: 2

Please can anyone help? i do have a history of depression. I went on medication when I was dealing with my fathers death 15 years ago. Apart from that incident I'm not the most positive person and have low self esteem but on a day to day basis I have... View more

Please can anyone help? i do have a history of depression. I went on medication when I was dealing with my fathers death 15 years ago. Apart from that incident I'm not the most positive person and have low self esteem but on a day to day basis I have been well and have managed my daily life well. I work part time and love my job. I am very happily married with 2 wonderful children. Which is why I cannot understand why I am feeling the way I am right now. I have all of a sudden experienced anxiety to the extent that I cannot concentrate on work or cope. This hasn't been developing over time it's just happened. I experienced the same thing last year. I thought I was a bit down possibly even depressed and had a few anxiety attacks. I could not find any reason for feeling like this, it just happened very quickly. Last year when it happened I saw my gp, got a referral to a psychologist who after 30 mins and $350 later could not tell me what was wrong with me, but told me to go on medication anyway. After a discussion with my husband I decided not to go on the meds. A few weeks later the anxiety disappeared. That was last September. so now it's back, once again all of sudden. has anyone ever experienced this? Is this a normal pattern for anxiety? i am reluctant to go back to my gp. If anyone can relate to this or give me some advice on what to do id be extremely grateful. thanks

Sarah75 Anxiety and PTSD
  • replies: 4

Hi Everyone. I was in an abusive relationship in which my now ex partner was physically ,emotionally and mentally abusive. After 7 months of living back with my parents I am now in my own house and struggling. I feel anxious at night. I hate being al... View more

Hi Everyone. I was in an abusive relationship in which my now ex partner was physically ,emotionally and mentally abusive. After 7 months of living back with my parents I am now in my own house and struggling. I feel anxious at night. I hate being alone when it's dark. I am taking a mixture of natural anxiety reliving medication and natural sleeping tablets. I am exercising and trying to eat a good diet. I hate feeling like this. I feel like he is still winning. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions? I am going to start and see a Psychologist in the coming weeks. Thank you

theblueboy Why is this happening to me???
  • replies: 1

Just registered and my 1st post. Since I got stuck on an overcrowded train approx 5 years ago I have been been suffering from claustrophobia and anxiety. This has been manageable until last year when my mother passed away and I could not even make it... View more

Just registered and my 1st post. Since I got stuck on an overcrowded train approx 5 years ago I have been been suffering from claustrophobia and anxiety. This has been manageable until last year when my mother passed away and I could not even make it back to Scotland for the funeral. I was so stressed I could barely leave the house. I managed to get back to work after a few weeks and again was managing my issues then one afternoon at work I took 2 phone calls which somehow stressed me so much I have not been back to work (work in a highly stressful environment which has people discussing possible suicide) I was suppose to go back to work after 10 days then found out my wife's brother had killed himself. I have tried to get back to work but cannot use public transport anymore and now the thought of being trapped in the city is awful. On medication and speaking to mental health nurse but this morning couldn't even take a bus ride without feeling stressed and like I was going to faint. need to get my life back. Don't understand this. Sorry for babbling but it's so frustrating and scary