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anxiety is controlling me

Community Member

I have suffered anxiety for quiet some time now, I have been diagnosed with anxiety, depression and OCD. Every day I suffer with breathing difficulties,  constant fear of what people are thinking of me, never feel good enough etc... I have this one person who is doing nothing but making my life a misery everytime I start to feel better they say something else.first my appearance then my career and now my relationship. I am on a mental health plan seeing a councilor once a forte night and on medication daily. All I want to do is move away from where I am living. But its not that simple. I am in constant worry everyday without fail paranoid of who and when people are talking about me. I cannot go into town alone I feel like everyone hates me and is staring at me. It is just getting worse. I just want to be happy again I want to be me.


Thanks for letting me vent. 

3 Replies 3

Community Member

Hi Kay-lea welcome. This is week 2 for me on this forum and I have the same diagnosis as you do.

Do you live alone and do you have anyone else other than your therapist you can talk to such as a friend or family member?

Also are you on medication if you don't mind me asking?

Community Member

Hi fuschia, 

Thanks for replying.

I live with my partner and yes I have a very supportive family around.

Yes I am on medication.


If you don't mind me asking what is your symptoms? 

What are you doing about yours?  


Community Member

Anxiety, Manic anxiety, depression, and after 20 years of gp scripts at 37 I have finally seeked mental health and now weaning off meds and starting others and im having a mixed bag of emotions right now but I will hopefully get stable eventually. I don't like to tell my family how bad I am but recently told my brother, his wife and my dad. But I hardly see them.

I don't know if id be here still without my fiancée. His my rock.

yet I havnt told people my issues I too feel like everybody avoids me because they think im crazy.

How about you?? Hows today going?? Are you seeing a physcologist or physciatrist?