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Blackecho too Anti or not too Anti.....
  • replies: 2

Hey ... I have a lot of vertigo type feelings...sort of like the way your head goes when a plane is taking off....anyway...had it last year for a few months....anyway...told this is from anxiety. ...I put myself back on antidepressants (have had thes... View more

Hey ... I have a lot of vertigo type feelings...sort of like the way your head goes when a plane is taking off....anyway...had it last year for a few months....anyway...told this is from anxiety. ...I put myself back on antidepressants (have had these before and they did the job with no side effects that I can remember)...been on them for the last three days and the vertigo/light headedness seems worse and always there....I am trying hard to just keep going on but sometimes easier just to sit on the couch all day. Luckily I have been on holidays for two weeks but go back to work and face 30 students on Monday which has me very concerned . My questions..the medication claims to help with depression ....does it also help with my type of anxiety symptoms.......could this feeling be a side effect....and should I maybe stay off them until I talk to my psychologist....? .I have totally lost interest in sex also and cant get aroused.......My GP has basically left it up to me ..........

Helix Can voracious appetite that comes with antidepressants be tamed?
  • replies: 4

Hi, I have been prescribed an antidepressant medication to help me with an anxiety related sleep disorder. I started it more than a month ago and it has given me a side effect of a maddeningly voracious appetite, especially for carbohydrates and espe... View more

Hi, I have been prescribed an antidepressant medication to help me with an anxiety related sleep disorder. I started it more than a month ago and it has given me a side effect of a maddeningly voracious appetite, especially for carbohydrates and especially in the evening or night time. I have put on more than a kilo a week for six weeks after having had stable weight for years. Has anyone found something that stops or reduces your appetite when taking this medication? Is the only option to stop taking it? If I stop will the appetite even go away again? I was told I had to take it for at least six weeks to fix my sleep problem. Thanks in advance, Helix

bman42 Feel frustrated after first psychologist session
  • replies: 10

I have just come home from my first psychologist session and feel terrible. Even tho she was a nice lady I feel I didn't really connect with her and am now wondering if I would connect with anyone I went to see. She told me I had extreme depression a... View more

I have just come home from my first psychologist session and feel terrible. Even tho she was a nice lady I feel I didn't really connect with her and am now wondering if I would connect with anyone I went to see. She told me I had extreme depression and mild anxiety. My anxiety really got in the way of letting her know how I feel(same old story). Couldn't give her any distinctive answers about feeling worthless or worthwhile, ugly or attractive ect. Even after watching the lights go from left to right I couldn't tell her anything, my mind was blank I am so bloody mad at myself. How can I get help if I cant help her??? I really want help and to change but cant see how this is going to work if my mind keeps going blank or cant give her defined answers Have to end this post as my mind is racing and haven given myself a headache. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Jess_Wong Advice on good doctors?
  • replies: 3

Hi everybody, my name is Jessica. I've been struggling in depression for I'm not sure how long but my ex bf notice I have such symptom a year and half ago. I've seen a psychiatrist and a psychologist before but both didnt when well and have several m... View more

Hi everybody, my name is Jessica. I've been struggling in depression for I'm not sure how long but my ex bf notice I have such symptom a year and half ago. I've seen a psychiatrist and a psychologist before but both didnt when well and have several moments that end up in the hospital. Can anybody help me, can anybody suggest me or recommend me where to find a good understanding and caring doctor? Need help,

ConfusedKady Resource for anxiety sufferers: Mood Gym
  • replies: 0

Hi all. Just wanted to share a resource which has been recommended to me by my GP as part of my mental health plan... It's called and its a website with exercises designed to help people with anxiety by using cognitive behavioural therapy... View more

Hi all. Just wanted to share a resource which has been recommended to me by my GP as part of my mental health plan... It's called and its a website with exercises designed to help people with anxiety by using cognitive behavioural therapy. I have found it an extremely useful part in addition to counselling and other aspects of my mental health plan.

Liia General fuzzy brain feeling with bipolar meds
  • replies: 2

Has anybody else had the constant fuzzy headed feeling when on mood stabilisers? At first I thought it was just my body getting used to the new dose of drug, but six months on I'm still unable to concentrate a lot of the time and it's getting more an... View more

Has anybody else had the constant fuzzy headed feeling when on mood stabilisers? At first I thought it was just my body getting used to the new dose of drug, but six months on I'm still unable to concentrate a lot of the time and it's getting more and more frustrating. I'm an author and haven't written anything in months. I'm hoping it's not a medication thing, that's it's just my headspace at the moment, but thought I'd put it out there anyway. Anyone's opinion or advice would be appreciated. Thanks

S_A_D_ internal conflict contributes to complex comorbidity
  • replies: 9

Hello dear reader, I have a complex internal conflict which needs to be resolved. To do this I will attempt to describe the conflict in general terms instead of specifics. My mother and father are very different people. They see the world different, ... View more

Hello dear reader, I have a complex internal conflict which needs to be resolved. To do this I will attempt to describe the conflict in general terms instead of specifics. My mother and father are very different people. They see the world different, react to it different, behave different, and have drastically different attitudes about it. When I was growing up I had these 2 polar opposite perspectives being presented to me as models of behaviour that I could choose to imitate and learn. Each model had pros and cons and each parent prefdd to see me learning their model, so I was motivated to learn both. However, due to their polarity, my behaviour became erratic and inconsistent as I switched between the models. Over the years of internal wrestling I have found myself critiquing both models as inferior to the most commonly used/learned model displayed by both parents in a nurturing, enriched developmental environment for the child to imitate, however the adoption of this model now would alienate both my parents and would be an extremely challenging long term task in behavioural modification to break habituation. I have long thought much of my problems originate from this inner conflict, and the unilateral adoption of one model over another would provide the consistency I crave, however I find myself unwilling to give either up. One provides a sense of protection, security and safety, but requires immoral attitudes; the other provides a sense of freedom, acceptance and closure, but requires disrespectful ideation. The third, better model, which I'm unfamiliar with, offers a sense of trust, cooperation and respect. It's better because with trust and cooperation comes safety in numbers, and with respect and cooperation comes the peer support which encourages freedom, autonomy, acceptance and closure. However I do not have a strong relationship with anyone living this model, and has sufficient time to teach me, so I lack the ability to take such a person on as my mentor to learn to apply this model. I have tried seeking a professional mentoring program for people with mental illnesses as severe as mine, and they do exist, but do not service my area. My psychologist charges $200/hr, being the best psychologist in the state for dealing with complex comorbid psychological cases, but asking him to mentor me would run into thousands. My treatment would also need to be flexible enough to blend in with my university studies schedule. Can anyone offer any suggestions?

laureah21 Medication withdrawel syndrome
  • replies: 3

Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone had suffered with strange symptoms coming of medication? I feel sooooo strange at the moment. Almost like I am drunk, I can't walk in a very straight line and if I turn my head or move my eyes from anywhere but ... View more

Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone had suffered with strange symptoms coming of medication? I feel sooooo strange at the moment. Almost like I am drunk, I can't walk in a very straight line and if I turn my head or move my eyes from anywhere but directly in front the room spins. I also have started getting nerve sensations in my arms and legs along with the dizziness which seems to happen when I am excercising. It feels exactly like when you hit your funny bone but all over electrical feel. Im assuming it is to do with meds as I have been off it now for 4 days. Just curious? I am speaking to my Dr about it tomorrow.

Murmur I think my psychologist is a bit...odd.
  • replies: 6

Not sure if this is the right place to post but it is the closest I could find. I've recently started seeing a new private psychologist under the mental health plan (as I'm on a pension). But I am starting to question her methods. Don't get me wrong,... View more

Not sure if this is the right place to post but it is the closest I could find. I've recently started seeing a new private psychologist under the mental health plan (as I'm on a pension). But I am starting to question her methods. Don't get me wrong, she's a lovely woman, very kind, listens well....but she's got some weird ideas. SHe's a little bit of a new age-y type, which is also fine, I'm pretty left of centre myself. But....ok, I had a traumatic experience last week and she just told me that the body is the body and sex is just sex. Not to beat myself up over it and just live. Ok, it wasn't anything really bad that happened but WTF? And also, upon discussing my artwork (I showed her some examples), she told me to get a "Sugar Daddy" to fund my work. When I said well as long as he didn't want anything else, she actually said "well what is wrong with that?" And laughed. Is this appropriate behaviour? I don't think so.

happyandre alternative medication
  • replies: 2

Hi all, I am a 56 year old male. Apart from slight bouts I now seem manage my depression. It took 4 yrs of seeing a great Psychologist and the use of some meds (X which I haven't taken for about 2 yrs). My problem is that I still suffer from anxiety ... View more

Hi all, I am a 56 year old male. Apart from slight bouts I now seem manage my depression. It took 4 yrs of seeing a great Psychologist and the use of some meds (X which I haven't taken for about 2 yrs). My problem is that I still suffer from anxiety and when it all gets a bit too much I medicate with either a half or quarter of a tablet of Y medication..sometimes if things are going realy bad I might take 2 tablets over say 3 days. Most times it is something situational that freaks me out and when the ball starts rolling I need something to slow it down..or a panic attack hits me and I can't talk myself back out of it...50 tablets lasts me say 12 months to me this is OK and my GP had no problem with this...he has been treating me for 15 yrs. My GP has gone and his replacement won't give me a script as he says he won't prescribe it....his choice I supose....although he can see my 15 yrs of history. He said I should go back on X...and that's a great drug...I had no panic attacks ..anxiety ..or depression when on it but the side effects...dead inside...loss of sexual function etc... Question is what other medication have you found good that could help me other then Y...something to take the edge off when the frieght train starts rolling ? Y is a short acting anti anxiety medication that helps relax when the edge of panic or anxiety comes along. Thanks in advance.