Staying well

Support each other to stay well, from mindfulness, sleep, diet and exercise to reducing drug and alcohol use and coping with difficult emotions.


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Sophie_M Money stress? You are not alone!
  • replies: 4

So, I’ve been chatting with my friends over here at Beyond Blue and it seems we all have something in common right now: money worries. Whether it’s stressors about finding enough cash for the basics or wishing we had enough money for a holiday, we al... View more

So, I’ve been chatting with my friends over here at Beyond Blue and it seems we all have something in common right now: money worries. Whether it’s stressors about finding enough cash for the basics or wishing we had enough money for a holiday, we all seem to be experiencing a greater amount of stress surrounding money than we have in the past. And it’s impacting our ability to show up fully for the things we love. It’s not uncommon for us to experience shame and fear around expressing our financial challenges; it can be hard and somewhat taboo to openly discuss money matters. However, we believe this conversation is incredibly important and beneficial to have. Like all challenges, ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’, so let’s help each other out. Of course, discussions about the economy and how to manage our money during inflation are a much larger (and frustrating!) conversation… but what we would really love to know is what your personal experience around money is. Are you feeling the pinch too? How is added financial pressure impacting your wellbeing? When was the last time things felt even slightly easier? And if you have struggled with money in the past but come out the other side, what suggestions do you have for others who might still be finding their feet? This is an opportunity to share openly and honestly about your experience in a judgement-free space. There are no wrong answers, and we encourage you to share all the things that you might be finding hard to express in your every day life. If you're interested - Beyond Blue also have a 'money and mental health' quiz to gauge a sense of how finances may be impacting your mental health and what to do next. Looking forward to your answers! Abundant hugs from yours truly, Sophie M.

Just Sara A Bouquet for Pearls - share your appreciation for other members
  • replies: 715

Every now and then, members share a beautiful Pearl of Wisdom. How often do you think to yourself; "OMG that's great! I wish everyone could see this." Presenting someone with a bunch of flowers is a generous way of acknowledging their insightful word... View more

Every now and then, members share a beautiful Pearl of Wisdom. How often do you think to yourself; "OMG that's great! I wish everyone could see this." Presenting someone with a bunch of flowers is a generous way of acknowledging their insightful words. I hope this thread stays active through members giving out praise regularly to people they feel deserving, and therefore keep generosity of spirit alive within the pages of BeyondBlue Forum. My bunch of Red Roses (my choice) goes to Wishful for the following sentence; 'Personally, I see no reason to be praised in me, but I'm learning that seeing through the eyes of others can be more accurate!!' I so hear you Wishful. Just beautiful... Try to keep your leading comments short to focus on 'their' words. Choose specific flowers (or a gift if you like) to present to them. Sign off respectfully and sincerely. I hope this takes off... Spreading the love...Sara

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sadgirl57 Following your gut to find happiness
  • replies: 15

So this is more a question in terms of staying well rather than tips because I personally find my depression is due to trying to find not an easy path but a path that gets me to at least coping and surviving than following my gut. taking risks and do... View more

So this is more a question in terms of staying well rather than tips because I personally find my depression is due to trying to find not an easy path but a path that gets me to at least coping and surviving than following my gut. taking risks and doing things that'll make me genuinely happy and finding my purpose so my question is has anyone used spirituality to get in touch with their intuition, meditation etc to find what they really wanted and go for things that may have not feel like they made sense at the time that turned out to be great? Sorry if this thread isn't fit for here but I just... there's a lifestyle I want to live and things I want to do but I feel so stuck in my current rat-race lifestyle and part of me feels like I should try fit in with the norm and it be against everything I'm about and make the most of it or completely go against the grain and do the best that I can, maybe not be rich but be happy. I don't know. I don't know. I need to find some guidance within myself and want to know if meditation not just helped with the calm but real, life-changing experience. I hope someone can help, no pressure though.

Dwwmills Effort needed to stay well
  • replies: 2

Hello everyone. I would like to ask about the amount of effort it takes to stay well and whether this effort reduces over time. I have suffered from GAD on and off for the last 35 or 40 years. For the last 15 years I would say the anxiety has been at... View more

Hello everyone. I would like to ask about the amount of effort it takes to stay well and whether this effort reduces over time. I have suffered from GAD on and off for the last 35 or 40 years. For the last 15 years I would say the anxiety has been at a level of very average to bad but I’ve just put up with it. A couple years ago my family got together and confronted me with how it was affecting them and made me realise I had to do something about it. This gave me the willpower to tackle the anxiety like I have never tried before. CBT and medication. The first 6 to 9 months were hard but then things rapidly improved to the point where I am now off the medication and my anxiety levels are back to normal. Friends and family have noticed a big difference. I’m becoming aware of the amount of effort it takes and how vigilant I need to be to stay on top of my thinking. Life is going well and there is no great stresses, yet I still need work at catching my thoughts. I’m not lying awake worrying about it at night or stressing too much it’s more of an observation. In some ways I had expected to be doing this this early after finishing medication but I’m wondering if this is likely to reduce the longer I stay well. Hopefully someone with a working crystal ball can give me the answer to this one. I’m just wondering what other people have experienced.

Guest_1055 Smile and say hello
  • replies: 10

Today I thought it would be a great idea to actually smile and verbally say hello to at least one other person. Why? I chose to smile and say hello to the person at the drive through window at McDonald's.

Today I thought it would be a great idea to actually smile and verbally say hello to at least one other person. Why? I chose to smile and say hello to the person at the drive through window at McDonald's.

p2ivate what defines me?
  • replies: 4

as someone who has been through it, one thing that seems to keep me positive is thinking about how to improve our world for the future. a kind of egotistical release, repositioning your mind towards core principles of existence. its easy to do what e... View more

as someone who has been through it, one thing that seems to keep me positive is thinking about how to improve our world for the future. a kind of egotistical release, repositioning your mind towards core principles of existence. its easy to do what everyone else is doing. the singularity is upon us and is currently being led by what. nothing is impossible.

lookingforme Would Like Some Advice on getting better sleep
  • replies: 10

Hi All, Just taking an opportunity to vent some frustration here, maybe get some advice... I've been on my meds for about half a year now and I've had some averages and lows that I've cycled through. I've been on a low recently and I'm trying to work... View more

Hi All, Just taking an opportunity to vent some frustration here, maybe get some advice... I've been on my meds for about half a year now and I've had some averages and lows that I've cycled through. I've been on a low recently and I'm trying to work my way out of it now. Doing little things to reassert control over thinghs in my life. I've been on an exercise regimen and I've been eating healthily. I've established some goals that I'm actually looking forward to achieving (an immense improvement over the beginning of the year). However, the one thing that I cannot seem to shake is my sleep/insomnia... When I first started my meds they put me to sleep rather quickly but I've seemed to outrun that effect. More of a concern is my sleep quality. Again, these meds make it almost impossible to wake up within 12 hours of sleeping. They used to keep me asleep for that time but now I find myself waking up during the night again. And the wuality of the sleep...everytime I wake up I feel like I've run a full marathon, I'm exhausted. And the fatigue doesn't leave me. I guess I'm just wondering if, like my psych says, this will settle down in time (I'm wondering if that means that I have to wait for my current crappy situation to change), and if anyone has some non-chemical things that work for them that I could try?

Blue_skies Simple quote that is helping me
  • replies: 4

Hi, Just wanted to share a quote I came across recently that has been helping me get through feelings of being overwhelmed by what I feel needs to be done on a daily basis. Sometimes just getting the energy and motivation to do the mundane things is ... View more

Hi, Just wanted to share a quote I came across recently that has been helping me get through feelings of being overwhelmed by what I feel needs to be done on a daily basis. Sometimes just getting the energy and motivation to do the mundane things is difficult that it makes it hard to think about the 'bigger' things in life. Anyway, the quote..."Start by doing what's necessary, then do what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible". St Francis of Assisi. This has helped me get into motion so to speak, once I just start what is necessary, such as doing the boring washing up or laundry, it sets forth a momentum. Of course, it doesn't always help but it's been useful for me over the past week. When I have gone through serious episodes of depression or anxiety, I even had to write a list of the process of getting myself ready for the day, such as having shower, getting changed, breakfast etc. All mostly necessary, and once done, set forth a process of motion even if that was all I was able to do for the day. If anyone else has an inspiring quote please share.

Lookingforpeace What do you do on a bad day?
  • replies: 5

I'm having a bad day today - anxiety is super high and mood is super low. Literally all I feel like doing is putting my head in my hands and just staying like that all day. how do you cope on a bad day? What do you do to make yourself feel better? View more

I'm having a bad day today - anxiety is super high and mood is super low. Literally all I feel like doing is putting my head in my hands and just staying like that all day. how do you cope on a bad day? What do you do to make yourself feel better?

Missmia Who are we? What are we?
  • replies: 4

Recent insights showed me that the person I actually am has almost never been recognised, but when it was, it was regarded as unacceptable. My existence is not acceptable to my birth mother. My talents were not approved of by my adoptive parents. The... View more

Recent insights showed me that the person I actually am has almost never been recognised, but when it was, it was regarded as unacceptable. My existence is not acceptable to my birth mother. My talents were not approved of by my adoptive parents. They refused to acknowledge anything I achieved. My school refused to see my undeniable scars from domestic physical violence. This insight has deepened my understanding of the extent of the damage done to abused children. People are quick to condemn a perpetrator when he/she is finally outed. But in my view it is society itself that commits the greatest evil, by failing to protect its children from mental and physical violence, including sexual abuse. For this reason, I have concluded that our society is, at heart, a barbaric and hypocritical culture sheltering under a thin veneer of civilisation. And it has the result that many of us (not only the physically abused) at some point subconsciously detect that there is an enormous invisible gap between the illusion provided by our social conditioning, and the actual reality which we experience. Few want to recognise the reality that mental or physical cruelty is perpetrated every single minute on the small, the young, the elderly, the non-conforming and the vulnerable. In my view, it is the unacknowledged existence of this gap, between the story we are supposed to believe and the reality we experience, which is the cause of many symptoms which are generally labeled as signs of mental illness. If you tell someone (especially subliminally) that their bruises and scars don't exist, isn't that a good way to demonstrate that you think they insane, delusional or lying? And if a child/person is told enough times that their perceptions are wrong and their wounds are non-existent, what effect will that have on the person? They will doubt their own sanity, won't they? And then they will worry, and deep anxiety will follow, with depression inevitably following on. If our society would just stop lying about its own "wholesome" nature, and take a long hard look at itself, perhaps we could come up with a more realistic description of who we really are. And who we, as a society, want to be. And start making the changes. Maybe then the gap would shrink. Until then, the outlook for the pharmaceutical companies seems to be rosy.

steph298 Tips for concentration, motivation and focus at work
  • replies: 6

Hi everyone. I desperately need help concentrating at work. I have a highly intensive workload, I am a publicist for a publishing company. I have been seeing a psychologist for almost a year, but only diagnosed with depression about a month ago by my... View more

Hi everyone. I desperately need help concentrating at work. I have a highly intensive workload, I am a publicist for a publishing company. I have been seeing a psychologist for almost a year, but only diagnosed with depression about a month ago by my GP and I've been on SSRI antidepressants about three and a half weeks. I felt minimal side effects to begin with, a bit queasy, a few sleepless nights, but soon felt back to normal. Only problem being normal is completely unmotivated and unable to concentrate. For almost two months I have come to work and just sat at my desk doing absolutely nothing, flicking through online shopping websites, social media etc. I am getting the absolute bare minimum done, replying only to emails that are urgent, and letting the rest slide. My job requires me to work several months in advance which means I I am going to be feeling the impact of letting work slide for a while. Every morning I wake up and tell myself today is the day I am going to get it together, yet I arrive at the desk and sit down and feel like there's a huge wall in front of me. It feels like I'm stuck in a jelly mould and don't have the energy to get out. Does anyone have tips for staying focused at work?

Doolhof Hi Everyone
  • replies: 2

Life has been really busy for me lately. I have had some days where I was concerned I was about to take a huge step backwards, so I spent some early mornings and late afternoons out in the garden. We have multiple olive trees that need pruning after ... View more

Life has been really busy for me lately. I have had some days where I was concerned I was about to take a huge step backwards, so I spent some early mornings and late afternoons out in the garden. We have multiple olive trees that need pruning after not having been touched for 10 years! I have found the hard physical work and the fresh air to be very therapeutical for me. I have managed to prune about half of the trees so far and feel very pleased with my progress. At one stage I was feeling overwhelmed with the job, but had to change my focus. One tree at a time and I will eventually get there! I'm also studying and try the same concept with my study. One assignment or assessment at a time. Even if I can only spend half an hour on my study, that is half an hour more than if I had procrastinated, fussed and made myself anxious because I only had a half an hour to spare. At one stage last week I was feeling so overwhelmed that I wanted to cancel social engagements. Instead I tried to juggle all the things I needed to do or thought I had to attend to and decided to enjoy the time with family and friends instead of fretting about other things that needed my attention. Sometimes it is hard to find the balance! I'm very pleased to say that I have come out of last week feeling like I have coped reasonably well. It is so beneficial to find activities and strategies to help reduce and lower our anxiety, depression and stress. I hope you are all able to find that "thing" that helps you through your day. You may have a variety of things that help in different situations. Some days life seems really tough and confusing. I just want to encourage you all to hang in there and hope that your tomorrow is a lot better! Cheers for now from Mrs. Dools