Relationship and family issues

Anything to do with managing relationships and family, including parenting, separation, loneliness, divorce, family and friendships.


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BeyondBlue Hey there - read this to see what this section is all about
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Hello and welcome This is the Relationships and Family section where members can talk about what is happening in their lives and the people they live with. We know that who we live with can make a big impact on our wellbeing, both in a good way or a ... View more

Hello and welcome This is the Relationships and Family section where members can talk about what is happening in their lives and the people they live with. We know that who we live with can make a big impact on our wellbeing, both in a good way or a negative way. As always, we want to hear your story and how it impacts you and encourage everyone to support each other with kindness. There are a few things to consider when posting in this section so we can all get the most out of it: Everyone’s situation is unique. We all do our best to share what is important in our story but we can never share it all. Let’s be mindful we can’t know all of everyone’s story. Anonymous but public. These posts are available to everyone and while the moderation team will keep it anonymous, its still up for everyone to read. Have a think about what you want to share to get the best support for you. Please stay safe. This space is an amazing way to seek support from others who might understand what you are going through. We want to hear how you are going and what is happening for you. Please also consider 1800RESPECT if you don’t feel safe or 000 if you are in danger right now. You deserve to be safe. Thank you again for joining this conversation, your contributions are worthy and important to us here. Beyond Blue

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nesl Marriage
  • replies: 1

me, and my wife we are trying to work this relationship. I have recently lost my job. About five months ago. We had a opportunity to find another house together she turned it down. We put ourselves in a spot where we have to live at my mums or our sa... View more

me, and my wife we are trying to work this relationship. I have recently lost my job. About five months ago. We had a opportunity to find another house together she turned it down. We put ourselves in a spot where we have to live at my mums or our savings went when it come to movie when trying to save at my mums. It all goes up why we couldn't save or pay rent properly. We can talk about this one then I got kicked out. I felt unfair because I was hoping to have at least notice our place to find my wife went to her mums. After a week I felt my emotion I was sharing with my wife. She didn't want to listen I got angry for feeling unloved. I asked for divorce, but the next day I regretted it. She took me back, but when I saw her, her mum disagrees with me a lot and when I tried to convince her, I'm not that person she somehow hurts my feelings I feel my mother-in-law might be toxic towards our relationship. There are new changes. My wife is taking because of listening to her. It makes my truss go at the door , my love for her is strong, but I feel she's not honest properly. I need help for helping us resolve our feelings to one of each other work out some of our faults in the past to improve our relationship

ecarg I don't know if I really am suffering from a mental health problem
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I have been going through my parents divorce since I was in priamry school and im currently in highschool and almost finished yr 12. being the oldest child ive been pulled into the fighting, and also my mum or dad talking about the other to me. also ... View more

I have been going through my parents divorce since I was in priamry school and im currently in highschool and almost finished yr 12. being the oldest child ive been pulled into the fighting, and also my mum or dad talking about the other to me. also at school i dont really know where i sit anymore. my old friends think that ive been useing them to sit there ever since i started sitting with other people. i feel like all my friends talk behind my back and now they are just telling me that they have been. everything has been piling up on me recently and i dont know what to do bc i dont want to talk to my parernts about it and i cant talk about it to my friends. my old friends make me feel so bad and self consious. i dont really know if i want to post this publicly bc i dont want them to find out ever. i dont think i am suffering from a mental health problem but i just wish someone could understand and actually listen without going and telling someone else.

_Jay_24 Heart broken - just want to heal
  • replies: 10

Today I accepted my partner's choice to give up on us. We tried over the last 12 months and many similar breakup scenarios in the past but today I really have to let this go. And while I know things may be better in the long run, I should breathe and... View more

Today I accepted my partner's choice to give up on us. We tried over the last 12 months and many similar breakup scenarios in the past but today I really have to let this go. And while I know things may be better in the long run, I should breathe and learn from this event, it still hurts so much. I don't know what to do with this pain. I don't have family and my friends are her friends as well and I am not really someone who opens up so I don't have close friends. My partner sort of fulfilled my needs for others so it didn't matter and now I feel isolated (my own doing) and I feel at a loss. I am trying to be strong and I know this is not unique to me and millions of people go through break up every day. I have no one to talk through this and I simply cannot sleep. To realise that I was not enough for the person I loved unconditionally is breaking my heart.

GreenEgg Feeling lonely and like I’ll never have a proper connection with someone
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Hi I’m feeling sad but a bit resigned too, not too sad. Like I knew this would be the case all along and it’s happening. I’ve always struggled to make friends, and with the friends I do have I feel like a boring burden. Like I know they have chats an... View more

Hi I’m feeling sad but a bit resigned too, not too sad. Like I knew this would be the case all along and it’s happening. I’ve always struggled to make friends, and with the friends I do have I feel like a boring burden. Like I know they have chats and things without me. Anyway, I guess I feel like there’s nothing to like about me and more that I’m just not capable of connecting with people. It’s not just friendships, I’ve never had a relationship and even though I have a large family I rarely talk to them. I’m not connected to my nieces. I just realised today too that I’m in perimenopause and likely to go into menopause extremely early. I’ve suspected it for a while but drs didn’t take me seriously because of my age. So I ordered my own tests and they show it’s the case plus some autoimmune conditions. I feel a bit upset about it. anyway, does anyone else struggle to make connections? Even when it seems like you’ve got people around you? How do you work on it?

atreljjj Should I leave with 3 kids
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My husband and I have been married for almost 4 years next month, we have 2 children together I had 1 child before we met, whom he adores and tells everyone he knows that she is his, which is one of the reasons I married him, he is very much a materi... View more

My husband and I have been married for almost 4 years next month, we have 2 children together I had 1 child before we met, whom he adores and tells everyone he knows that she is his, which is one of the reasons I married him, he is very much a materialist, and I am careless, and very forgetful I have to keep replaying my drivers license because I swear it has legs, long story short, he buys the kids clothes and god forbid if I loose it at daycare he’s furious, I have lost gold he has given me, I have lost car keys many times, thankfully he always keep the spare, I have lost a brand new blanket, I have lost money that was literally in my hand, I have even lost my wedding band, all these things I have lost, I’m wreckless and careless, I can admit that I take full responsibility, but the thing is, all these things can be replaced, more money can easily be made, but his reaction and what he’s says when I loose things is driving me to negative thoughts. He tells me I’m useless, I’m worthless, I’m a bad mother, I don’t deserve a single tear at my funeral, he can do soo much better on his own, I’m not needed in this house, I’m not even wanted in this house and many more, I work soo hard I have a full time which may I add is quite physical I work mon-Friday 8-5 but I get up early and get all 3 kids ready as they are all under 5, I get them to daycare, I go to my job, I pick them up, I feed them all, shower them all, try to shower myself but it’s never peaceful, I do all the laundry, I cook our dinner, and I repeat, the weekends I get up for the kids make their breakfast change them drive us to do whatever unload all the kids unload our shopping put it all away and still it is not good enough, he always has something to complain about, weather it’s the kids but it’s mostly me, he constantly brings me down, tells me daily look how beautiful this lady is (someone on tv) I heard it maybe 3 times since we’ve been together, he tells me he can make it better than me when I’ve cooked dinner, he tells me he cleans it better, which he does because I take the kids so he can clean, but when I clean I have to hold the kids as well, here’s the kicker, when I had our first kid not even an hour old while I’m still in a pool of my own bl**d he asks if he can go home, seriously, then our second kids I had to beg him to pick us up from the hospital I wasn’t worth the 30mins travel after giving birth to his child, that should have been my que to leave, I knew then I wasn’t truly worth it, but because of them I fought everyday to make it work, now I’m just depressed every day, he doesn’t listen to what I have to say and i drive for a living and I recently scared myself, but I’m still here to fight another day, any advice on what to do? I feel I need professional help

Lorenth210 Partner has gambling addiction
  • replies: 17

Hi there, it's my first post. I suspect that my partner has a sport betting/gambling addiction. He's taking loans behind my back and has multiple apps that let you make sport bets. I don't know what to do, when I confronted him he keeps denying every... View more

Hi there, it's my first post. I suspect that my partner has a sport betting/gambling addiction. He's taking loans behind my back and has multiple apps that let you make sport bets. I don't know what to do, when I confronted him he keeps denying everything. Am I making this up? I saw what I saw. Do I leave? Do I help him? I am so lost and lonely.

Gossamerose What now?
  • replies: 11

I've had to deal with a lot in my marriage and now I feel like it's all to much! I'm a quiet introvert and I avoid confrontation at any cost and I'm not sure if I'm thinking straight. My hubby went to work wearing design underware and came home weari... View more

I've had to deal with a lot in my marriage and now I feel like it's all to much! I'm a quiet introvert and I avoid confrontation at any cost and I'm not sure if I'm thinking straight. My hubby went to work wearing design underware and came home wearing a different pair. Then hid the design pair in the kids bathroom. I noticed he took the spare pair with him that morning and thought it strange so I paid attention when he arrived home that evening. Yes I did ask him and he said (Quote: II could have changed because of diarrhoea or something. Then proceeded to tell me I was imagining things.I don't trust him any more, what do others think?

Sar667 Much needed advice amd help
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Hi, I'm after some help and advice. My partner and I have been together for 5 years. Unfortunately last year for 3 months we had broken up. During this time my partner had started seeing someone else.. Then we decided to work things out, but my partn... View more

Hi, I'm after some help and advice. My partner and I have been together for 5 years. Unfortunately last year for 3 months we had broken up. During this time my partner had started seeing someone else.. Then we decided to work things out, but my partner had a change of heart and was confused wanted us both. I was unable to handle that situation.. So my partner continued to see her leaving me heart broken. Then only 8 weeks after she decided she couldn't be without me. And we got back together. But she still want to continue to be friends with the other person. And I'm not coping at all with this. I've told her how I feel. But she thinks I need to get past it. As she loves me and only wants me. Amd sees the other person just as a friend. Unfortunately I do not see her the same way. And I don't know if im being ridiculous and just need to move on. Or if my feelings are valid???

Carus I Feel Absolutely Terrible*
  • replies: 23

Thankyou for creating this place for us to write stuff out*I've been with my wife for 4 years. No kids together but she has a young daughter. My wife lives and works an hour away so we only see each other on the weekends, but we video chat every nigh... View more

Thankyou for creating this place for us to write stuff out*I've been with my wife for 4 years. No kids together but she has a young daughter. My wife lives and works an hour away so we only see each other on the weekends, but we video chat every night. This suits me as I really value time alone. About 8 months ago I hired a girl to work for me. In that time, unfortunately we have grown very close. To the point where I deeply feel we are more compatible and should be together. The problem obviously is, I'm already married. We have not been intimate and I don't want to go down that avenue* The greater problems are, I'm not unhappily married and my wife is fantastic and prides herself on being the best wife she can be. I don't take that for granted. I admire her and am very proud of her. However, I'm not sexually attracted to her and never really have been. I believed I could overlook and perhaps nurture that but unfortunately, it's not gotten better and I don't think it ever will. Greater problem still is, she has made me her whole world. I always knew that was wrong and tried to dissuade it, but she really doesn't have much of a life outside 'us'.....It would completely devastate her if we were to separate.....Having been through that kind of pain myself, I find it incredibly difficult to inflict it on someone else... If the other girl didn't work for me I would just cut ties with her and move away from the situation as that would be the easiest thing to do. But I don't feel it's fair either to fire her just because of the way I feel about her. So I'm stuck! At this stage I've been trying to change the way I feel about her but it's just not working and it's driving me into a very unhappy place. I feel just terrible....! At the end of the day I know these decisions will be mine and I'm going to need to sort this out. I used to be a marriage and relationship counselor myself. How ironic! So I know it helps to write things out.Thanks for reading*Regards*

Ijord8 advice please - toxic wife
  • replies: 4

I'ma keep it short sorry if I left anything out. me and my wife have been together for nearly 2 years after the worse time of our lives ( in emergency housing ) so ofc we moved in as quick as possible, she fell pregnant to find out she was trying aft... View more

I'ma keep it short sorry if I left anything out. me and my wife have been together for nearly 2 years after the worse time of our lives ( in emergency housing ) so ofc we moved in as quick as possible, she fell pregnant to find out she was trying after I told her I wasn't ready really hurt.. I've seen change in her appearance suddenly wearing revealing clothes whenever she's doing something without me, at night rolling over on her phone, the other day she labelled our son as hers, I tried to bring up my feelings but that got shut down, I suggested counselling but that was shut down and told it was all me, i haven't even a kiss in 4 days nor a hug or cuddle, times where she's hung out with guys in her new dress I haven't got to see not even wearing undies underneath, ofc I brung up us and OUR boundaries but I was wrong for that too.. she'll sit in the room all day eating and making a house a mess which Im left to clean up, I tried to make a chores schedule something simple n easy for her I do the dishes and she does the washing.. then she'd leave plates around the house mouldy pizza that's sat in the fridge for weeks, after of 2 hours of dishes I want to go out to do groceries but then .. no clothes, I'm broke cus I'm help paying her fines n bills, the cars always empty and now I just feel so empty too.. it hurts cus this isn't what I wanted in life AT ALL but I sacrifice every day even my nights for her.. night time I lay on the other side of the bed where I get up cus I can't sleep cus I feel so alone.. my force attempts of sleep turn to night terrors. As a male I'm losing it .. I don't get sex or emotions in this, I force myself out of bed each day for my boy.. I used to fight for my family but now I have to fight for my own voice, I'm slowly seeing patterns where I'm not interested in anything anymore sometimes I won't even have time to shower. Am I wrong for asking for some common ground or structure cus atm it seems like there's only broken promises.. I'm sick of begging, waiting and now refusing help cus idek how I feel anymore..