Relationship and family issues

Anything to do with managing relationships and family, including parenting, separation, loneliness, divorce, family and friendships.


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BeyondBlue Hey there - read this to see what this section is all about
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Hello and welcome This is the Relationships and Family section where members can talk about what is happening in their lives and the people they live with. We know that who we live with can make a big impact on our wellbeing, both in a good way or a ... View more

Hello and welcome This is the Relationships and Family section where members can talk about what is happening in their lives and the people they live with. We know that who we live with can make a big impact on our wellbeing, both in a good way or a negative way. As always, we want to hear your story and how it impacts you and encourage everyone to support each other with kindness. There are a few things to consider when posting in this section so we can all get the most out of it: Everyone’s situation is unique. We all do our best to share what is important in our story but we can never share it all. Let’s be mindful we can’t know all of everyone’s story. Anonymous but public. These posts are available to everyone and while the moderation team will keep it anonymous, its still up for everyone to read. Have a think about what you want to share to get the best support for you. Please stay safe. This space is an amazing way to seek support from others who might understand what you are going through. We want to hear how you are going and what is happening for you. Please also consider 1800RESPECT if you don’t feel safe or 000 if you are in danger right now. You deserve to be safe. Thank you again for joining this conversation, your contributions are worthy and important to us here. Beyond Blue

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nootnoot Can’t make friends at uni 😞
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I start back uni on the 26th of February and I am very nervous about it. I am studying nursing, which I love, and I actually enjoy going to classes, but I have no friends at uni. I will be in my second year this year. I am shy and worry people won’t ... View more

I start back uni on the 26th of February and I am very nervous about it. I am studying nursing, which I love, and I actually enjoy going to classes, but I have no friends at uni. I will be in my second year this year. I am shy and worry people won’t like me but I try to hide my shyness and will be friendly to people. I have noticed a lot of the friend groups were already formed since most of the students were fresh out of high school and came from the same high schools. I am about 10 years older than them and I have nothing against being friends with younger people or older people. In my first semester, I started becoming friendly with a girl because we shared our stories about our depression and anxiety. The more I started hanging out with her I noticed it started to be a one sided friendship. She would always talk about herself and how hard her life is which is fine, I would listen, but when I tried to talk she would be fixated on her phone and wouldn’t listen to what I have to say. I also started to notice she would put me down (I guess that’s the right word). For example, she told me my boobs didnt look very big, said I was a bitch for having long eyelashes and during prac classes she would pick on everything I was doing. I tried to just ignore everything. She would always try to compare grades too. There was also a time she said to save her a seat in a lecture but she would see another friend then go sit with them while I sat alone. The final straw for me was when we finished a class and I asked her to wait 2 minutes for me while I see the teacher. When I came out of the classroom she wasn’t there. I decided I go back to my car. As I started to walk off, I saw my “friend” powerwalking away with another friend of hers. I very upset by that. She is a 28 year old woman too. I felt like a loser. That’s something girls would do to me in highschool. I am worried about seeing her at uni again because I hate confrontation and awkwardness. I have a great group of friends outside of uni and I still like meeting new people and creating new friendships but I also struggle making friends at uni. It would be nice to have someone to sit with on a break, talk about the class with and to study with but I don’t. I always feel like other people see me as a loser or I’m weird or a bitch because I am shy.

TJR Sent back home
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I moved out of mums for a year, I was living with one of my sisters because i needed a change from schooling as i was getting bullied. anyways, after a year i have been sent back to live with mum... even though my sister knows that mum neglects us al... View more

I moved out of mums for a year, I was living with one of my sisters because i needed a change from schooling as i was getting bullied. anyways, after a year i have been sent back to live with mum... even though my sister knows that mum neglects us all and knows that my depression gets worse when it comes to being around our mother. I have been back for a week now and i feel so lost. My mother never listens to me, she will only talk to me when its all about her or what she wants me to do around the house, or wants me to go shopping with her. Today my mum walked in to my room while i was unpacking boxes of my things and gave me toilet paper otherwise mums boyfriends daughter gets cranky that i use hers... but i never got told we have our own toilet paper, I always have to clean up after mums partners daughter in the bath room. I am finding it very hard to cope, because all i want to do and have been doing is sleeping. one minute I'm happy and energetic and the next i could be depressed and just wanting to sleep. I was very happy back with my sister, i was looking for a job, starting up in a soccer team, gaining new skills and more confidence. ever since moving a few hours away back into mums, i literally have no confidence, my anxiety and depression seems to be getting to me a lot every night. I keep crying and i don't even know why myself. i honestly don't know what I am trying to say... i guess i am just confused and wanting someone to listen. Sorry if this doesn't make sense

GemAndLogan Advice on my insecurities
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Hi everyone, I need some advice. I feel silly writing because it seems trivial and stupid but I need to address it anyway. I've been in my relationship for 6 months- everything is perfect and I am so happy My previous relationship was traumatic,physi... View more

Hi everyone, I need some advice. I feel silly writing because it seems trivial and stupid but I need to address it anyway. I've been in my relationship for 6 months- everything is perfect and I am so happy My previous relationship was traumatic,physically and mentally abusive and full of lies and betrayal. He cheated more times than i even know about. It ended almost a year ago I have insecurities from my previous relationship, I trust my partner and he has never done anything to make me question him but sometimes I'm suspicious about his phone, it's so stupid but sometimes i obsess about who he might be talking to. I've been tempted to check his phone but I never do because I know that's not ok. It's not healthy and I know it's completely my insecurities from my previous relationship that cause it but I don't know how to deal with it. My partner is supportive and has never done anything to make me not trust him. I want to know how to move on and let go of these demons because I really don't want them to get in the way of my relationship. I don't want to be that person Any advice would be great Gem

Michelle1978 Friend acting all strange
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I became friends with a lady that I met when I went back to uni about 6 years ago. She is a little older then me and is married. They make a great couple and I always trusted them completely. At the start of last year I met up with her and her hubby ... View more

I became friends with a lady that I met when I went back to uni about 6 years ago. She is a little older then me and is married. They make a great couple and I always trusted them completely. At the start of last year I met up with her and her hubby for dinner and She told me that she wanted to spent more time together. I told her that was cool. They always have such busy social lives and I have always told her that I always happy to fit her in because my life isnt as busy. I tried to catch up with her a couple of times but she was unavailable. I caught up with her mid year and had a nice dinner together. I asked her when was I going to see her next and she told me probably Christmas time as they were going overseas etc. she was smsing me in October saying that she wanted to catch up and we should lock some dates in. I told her I was free anytime. She never wrote back. Then in November I wrote to her asking if she still wanted to catch up. She said she was busy until Feb as they had friends over from overseas etc. i just smsed her back and said “Not to worry” Around Christmas time I sent her a couple of sms which i got no response to (she was always really quick to respond) i rang her and the phone rang a couple of times and then went to voicemail. I googled this and wondered if she had blocked me on her phone? She told me once that if she doesnt want contact with anybody again thats what she does. I blocked my number and rang her and the phone rang more then 3 times and I left her a voicemail and then she smsed me back and said that she was away and catch up in the new year. I tried to call her last week and it rang a couple of times and went to voicemail and i left a message. I also smsed her and got no response. I found her email address and emailed her and invited her and her hubby for a meal at my place when they were free and she responded saying that she had phone issues before Christmas and lost a lot of phone numbers. I dont know if i believe this or not. She then went on to say that she has been working interstate and isnt around much anymore and spends the weekends with her husband. Again im just not sure if this is the truth or not? i wrote back and she responded but the language is quite closed and i just think its all a bit wierd? I want to email her and tell her how much her friendship meant but im not sure how to word it or if it will change the situation? I keep blaming myself. i dont know what to make of the situation?

malcominthemiddle My wife is moving out and wants everything - including me but not me yet..
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Hi all Pretty baffled at the minute any guidance would be greatly appreciated. 4 years ago my wife and I got married we had been together for 2 years prior. When We got married I had a tough time with many personal emotions catching up with me and I ... View more

Hi all Pretty baffled at the minute any guidance would be greatly appreciated. 4 years ago my wife and I got married we had been together for 2 years prior. When We got married I had a tough time with many personal emotions catching up with me and I essentially broke down and scraped the bottom of the barrel for about a year or 2. During this time I certainly was difficult to be around and my wife carried the family both emotionally and financially until I crawled out of my hole. The past 2 years I have worked incredibly hard on myself and gathered my life together again and am emotionally strong and a much better human than I was. We have been to counselling and I owned all my mistakes and have really come out the other side. There was no infidelity or anything like this just a tough emotional time for myself. My wife and our children even had many fun family holidays recently and I we were even quite intimate with each other and she told me I was the best husband and father to our children (now) ....until about a month ago and BANG it all changed. That's it she is leaving. She moved into the spare room and said she needed space and told me she was finally starting to process all the bad stuff from 4 years ago and she didn't want to be mean or vindictive towards me and thought that a fresh start would help us strip back our marriage and rebuild it on the right fundamentals. Hopefully falling in love again and getting back together..... Now whilst I can see this as sweet and long term a great goal and I am approaching this with a VERY open mind. What gets me is she wants her share of the house in cash - meaning I pull out the cash and give it to her so she can buy her own place and take the kids with her and she wants me to help her run the kids around whenever she can't make it. The whole idea is that when she moves out she hopes she will miss me and learn how to depend on me again whilst we start dating again. . . Now I know the intentions are there to fix our marriage and the goal is happiness together when we are old, not bitterness or resentment and I am bending over backwards to help accommodate her wants and needs but I really feel like I am getting the short end of the stick here. . Do I want my wife back? Yes. extending my mortgage so she can buy a house and take the kids and then have me at beck and call? hmmm do I just let her go and hope she comes back? or do I just cut it now and divorce. . ?

Shali Is my Husbund asking me too much? Relationship is ending
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It’s been six years of our mrg &v got 5mnt old Bub.My Husbund is very aggressive, bossy and manipulative. We have fights in the past and it’s get bigger becoz of his anger.After each fight he promised me that he will change but his anger is still sam... View more

It’s been six years of our mrg &v got 5mnt old Bub.My Husbund is very aggressive, bossy and manipulative. We have fights in the past and it’s get bigger becoz of his anger.After each fight he promised me that he will change but his anger is still same. Now I told him I got baby and I m not going to tolerate your anger or shout anymore as I don’t want her to grow in that environment.I m very calm in nature and try to let it go but now I hv enough.main problem Is his parents.Thy want to control our lives, thy always saying where to spend money,keep interfering in our life til now.thy also said to my Husbund not to buy anything for my family.if I go to India once a year and if I buy some presences for my family they don’t like. I have just given them presence like purse or shoes etc but they blame me that I have given money to buy gold and all the furniture in my parents house. they told that to my uncle. I m so update with this. My Husbund and I told them so many times that we didn’t gave money but still they not believing us. Now I don’t want to talk to them unless they realise they did wrong. My Husbund is asking me to call his mother after this incident and after all this drama I even called twice but she never called me or my Husbund or not to see my baby. I told my Husbund I m not gonna call them anymore if they don’t call me first. My Husbund is asking me to forget everything and keep talking and caring to his family. He told me that if you love me and if you want to live together you have to call them.My Husbund is still aggressive,when I needed him during my pregnancy, labour and post he wasn’t there. He was keep fighting with me for small thing. At the moment his brother came to live with us for study, his dad came to see our baby from India for 3 months. I told my Husbund asked them not to come this time as I will not manage with little one. Now today I have big fight with my Husbund, he is blaming me that I m not taking care of his father. I do cooking three times a day plus have to look after very fussy 5 months old. I don’t get enough sleep at night. My Husbund don’t understand me and he says u doing nothing whole day. After pregnancy I don’t have desire to sex, being tired and may be because my Husbund not understand me I don’t know.He thinks I have changed and I don’t love him.I don’t know what to do I cry everyday without reason. This it too much for me.M I nt doing right thing? Is he right?Please guide me.

Clair01 Sad parents won't accept my separation.
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My husband moved out a couple of weeks ago. I am quite sad my parents don't seem to be able to accept it. They seem to think we can just stay married and live in separate houses. Phone call ended with parents shouting at me saying that I wasn't separ... View more

My husband moved out a couple of weeks ago. I am quite sad my parents don't seem to be able to accept it. They seem to think we can just stay married and live in separate houses. Phone call ended with parents shouting at me saying that I wasn't separated. Currently I feel more upset by my parents reaction than my husband moving out.

Mister_E Can't live with my brother anymore
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I can't, I really really can't. my brother is a horrible person. I wont go into too many details about him. but I need a solution for what to do about him. but there doesn't seem to be one. I wish i could move out. but I can't, I have no money, no jo... View more

I can't, I really really can't. my brother is a horrible person. I wont go into too many details about him. but I need a solution for what to do about him. but there doesn't seem to be one. I wish i could move out. but I can't, I have no money, no job, a medical condition that prevents me from holding down a job, and no friends i can temporarily live with while i try and sort those things out. all my friends have moved to other countries in the past few years. and I have no family members I'd want to live with. since my only choice would be living with my dad, who is just as bad as my brother. plus if i moved out, my mum would be stuck here having to deal with my brother alone. i can't do that to her. I know him moving out would never work. he'd lose his house or have his landlord evict him or something within a week. and then he'd be back here again and even worse than before. I don't know what to do. I just wish he didn't exist. I shouldn't have to put up with someone like him, and neither should my mum. i can't deal with this anymore.

SarahJC Daughter Social Media addiction
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Hi there, This is my first post; I really need advice. My eldest daughter has an Instagram account and uploads pictures of herself displaying her fashion outfits, I also have an 8-year-old daughter that occasionally watches her sister take photos (wh... View more

Hi there, This is my first post; I really need advice. My eldest daughter has an Instagram account and uploads pictures of herself displaying her fashion outfits, I also have an 8-year-old daughter that occasionally watches her sister take photos (which I dislike immensely), I have noticed miss 8 starting to pose a lot more for photos (as her sister) and take selfies - she was never like this, or is it the age???. She has never seen her Instagram account, but I know one day she will see it. I'm just concerned if this is creating future issues for miss 8 regarding social media (addiction)??? I have spoken to my eldest daughter about it but dismissed what I had said. Miss 8 started to explore her interests, but since watching her sister, she is starting to mimic her. Please help

Bella2200 Pregnant and now alone
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Hi all i am due to give birth any day and my long term partner has informed me that they are unsure of what they want anymore and right now im not the person they see themselves with anymore. i am shocked and broken hearted for my baby and i

Hi all i am due to give birth any day and my long term partner has informed me that they are unsure of what they want anymore and right now im not the person they see themselves with anymore. i am shocked and broken hearted for my baby and i