Relationship and family issues

Anything to do with managing relationships and family, including parenting, separation, loneliness, divorce, family and friendships.


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Chris_B PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING: 3 important tips to get the most out of this section
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Hi everyone, The Relationships & Family Issues section is one of the busiest here on our forums. It's also one of the areas where we find members can get themselves into trouble! Before posting here, take a deep breath and be mindful of the following... View more

Hi everyone, The Relationships & Family Issues section is one of the busiest here on our forums. It's also one of the areas where we find members can get themselves into trouble! Before posting here, take a deep breath and be mindful of the following 3 tips: 1. Do you really want to share this with the world? This is a public forum. Are you thinking of posting something that could identify you to a friend or family member? Once you've posted, you can't delete what you've written and we don't take posts down from here unless they've broken one of our community rules. This is because our members spend a lot of time composing replies, and there is a much wider audience that gets a lot out of reading what has been written. It's not fair to ask the community for support, then ask to have it removed once you've read it so others can't also benefit. Use discretion when posting here - think about the level of detail you are sharing, and think also about who might know you are posting here. Also, please keep it clean: this is an all ages forum and explicit discussions about sexual problems are not permitted. Threads and posts of this nature will be removed and your account placed on a moderation hold. 2. What do you want to get out of posting here? Relationship and family issues are stressful. Members sometimes post here seeking advice about a relationship that has broken down, but find themselves getting upset when they don't agree with the response they get. This is a peer support forum, meaning we are not mental health professionals. We are people of all ages and backgrounds, with a wide range of life experiences. While we aim for our discussions to be conducted respectfully, people here will respond with the truth as they see it, from their own experiences and perspectives. We are not here to take sides. Offence is almost never intentional, but it can be sometimes taken. The advice you will see here is not intended to be a substitute for professional counselling. 3. What other support do you have? Most people posting on our forums (about any issue) use this space as a supplement to other supports. This forum is not and cannot be a substitute for offline supports, but it is often a good place to start the ball rolling and find the courage for seeking help. If you are relying solely on an internet forum to resolve your relationship or family issues, you are likely to be disappointed. Check out the Healthy Homes section of our Healthy Families website for further information and resources.

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Gwen_777 Feeling lost and exhausted
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I’ve suffered with depression for many years...I’m SSRI meds times I drink too much....ok I got into a really bad habit of drinking after work and I’m now cutting out drinking all together and exercising more....but I woke up this morning and ... View more

I’ve suffered with depression for many years...I’m SSRI meds times I drink too much....ok I got into a really bad habit of drinking after work and I’m now cutting out drinking all together and exercising more....but I woke up this morning and was so sad and down.....I was at my bf house (we have dated for over five years) but only really see each other once or twice a week....and I just woke up and couldn’t stop crying....he knows all my issues...he’s in management and even takes part in depression education for staff members... but every time I get down or want to be alone...he just keeps thinking I’m with someone else or that I’m talking to someone else...he says he doesn’t understand why I cry and feel sad for no reason....sometimes I don’t even know🤷🏻‍ He is very successful and I only have a diploma and a low paying but fulltime stable job....he keeps telling me how much money he has and how much super he has and what his children will inherit and how everyone at his work thinks he’s an amazing worker....he’s very much an a type personality...if I want a rest...he thinks I’m being lazy....he’s told me that he feels he would never be able to live with me full time...He says he doesn’t understand why I say and do some things and why I can’t get out of sadness when I’m down....we had a big disagreement this morning because I couldn’t stop crying and I don’t know why...i said if I’m so weird why are you seeing me still after all this time.....I just feel lost (I’m in my late forties and he’s late fifties) I said something terrible he has two children to two different women and he states that both of his past partners have had non diagnosed mental health conditions (his diagnoses) ?? and I said I’m mental too...why do you keep picking people with mental issues?? i know I’m horrible and nastt

Bubz Married but feel like we are housemates
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Since my husband and I got together, it's never been passion filled, always felt I could change this and create it, by living together, by getting married and having kids. We've been married for two years and still nothing, whilst we were trying for ... View more

Since my husband and I got together, it's never been passion filled, always felt I could change this and create it, by living together, by getting married and having kids. We've been married for two years and still nothing, whilst we were trying for kids, he was not really interested in having to have sex on demand and eventually told me that my weight was the problem. (I use to weigh 55kg, but got to 70kg) due to aging. We met when I was only 21 and he was 30, I'm now 28 turning 29 in December. I had unfortunately had an abortion the day I met my husband, due to a relationship failing with another person it was unexpected and my ex wasn't interested in having a child. I fear that due to managing that loss, I attached myself to my now husband to deal with the grief, guilt and loss. Losing sight of our incompatibilities, we've never really had anything in common. My husband started blaming me for why we couldn't conceive, saying it is likely due to my abortion and they possible damaged something, which really upset me. I started to feel really alone and isolated as I had no friends to talk to about this and how it made me feel. We kept trying for 1 year and finally got tests, turned out it was due to his low sperm count. During the course of this year, he would always knock me back sexually saying he wasn't in the mood or make the process awkward, I started to feel unattractive, worthless and just yuck. I started talking to another gentleman who befriended me, as my only avenue of interaction, I opened up to him and he started console me saying I'm beautiful, amazing and deserve better. We've been talking for the past 6 months now, he has told me he loves me and I feel like I like him also. I just don't know do i keep trying, I seek passion and appreciation where my husband finds these as a dream or expecting too much from watching movies etc. I feel compelled to stay with my husband as he is almost 40 without children and that leaving him or my own happiness would affect his future too much. I find myself flirting with the other guy as I like the attention, feeling of being wanted - all the things which are lacking in my current relationship. I discussed a divorce with my husband some months ago, but I feel like he is falling back into the old patterns. Is it me, am I just expecting too much - Am I a bad person, I would never physically cheat on my husband, but this emotional cheating makes me feel like I'm being selfish.

HeavyMetalDude Sometimes feels like I'm not allowed to be happy
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How much giving is too much? This is what I've been pondering over the last couple of years. I have a family of takers. I know it's better to be a giving person, I pride myself on being that guy. I don't want anything in return. I just want to be hap... View more

How much giving is too much? This is what I've been pondering over the last couple of years. I have a family of takers. I know it's better to be a giving person, I pride myself on being that guy. I don't want anything in return. I just want to be happy. Im exhausted. There's nothing left for me at the end of each day. And when I do something for myself I carry a truck load of guilt with me. Is that called a thing?

Kahlilli The harm of neglectful parents
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I know it's horrible to say but I feel some people just should not be parents. This includes known child abusers, domestic violence perpetrators and narcissists. My story is that my father is a narcissist. Not only did I have to try and cope with the... View more

I know it's horrible to say but I feel some people just should not be parents. This includes known child abusers, domestic violence perpetrators and narcissists. My story is that my father is a narcissist. Not only did I have to try and cope with the disadvantage of having mental illness, I got absolutely no support from my father. He was always too busy looking out for himself and doing whatever made him happy. I can only describe narcissists as like black holes that spew out toxic fumes at their ends. They don't ever give, they just constantly take. They never think of anyone but themselves. They see their kids as tools to get attention and appreciation out of, not as human beings that need to grow and that have their own interests, feelings and needs. I have severe self confidence issues because my father has never given me one look of approval or love, just looks of disgust. I became depressed at 11 trying to cope in a foreign country with no friends because my father decided that he wanted to live there (never once thinking of how his kids would cope). I expressed to him how unhappy I was and he physically kicked me and told me to shut up. I didn't bother bringing it up again. Just spiraled into depression. Then I went to boarding school and was bullied and got officially diagnosed with depression. At that point I had severe anxiety and insomnia. My father heard the diagnosis and then turned around caught a plane and just left me there. I got no help. My mother was more naive than nasty. She just didn't want to rock the boat and defaulted to whatever my father wanted. She didn't look out for us kids. She always put him first before the health of her kids. The amount of damage that can be done by neglectful parents is massive. No self confidence, no sense of self worth, long term depression and anxiety. And then when you bring it up as an adult they all have the same answer 'I don't remember that' when it caused so much psychological harm to their kids. Even now my father shows more love and approval towards the family dog than he ever did to me. I have no idea how to come to terms with the harm that was done especially because they choose to deny it.

KLB Seperated from partner with PTSD
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I have separated from my partner of 21 years recently. It was what he wanted. He needed space and wanted to be more responsible for himself. While asking me for space he was seeing someone else. Its not the first time he has strayed. This went on for... View more

I have separated from my partner of 21 years recently. It was what he wanted. He needed space and wanted to be more responsible for himself. While asking me for space he was seeing someone else. Its not the first time he has strayed. This went on for quite a while.He was telling me everything was going to be ok and we would get through it, all while seeing her. He even asked the kids (20, 17,and 14) how they would feel about him having a relationship with her. I tried everything to make him realise he was making a huge mistake. He is no longer seeing her and we agreed to try and work things out. That was in December. I moved out of our house 6months ago and he has done nothing to try and work through any of our issues. I recently started going out on weekends and he is not comfortable with it at all. He now wants us to start going out together and work on things. He has PTSD (currently unmanaged) and I told him he needed to work on himself before we could try again and I feel he hasn't done that. He doesn't understand that we have to talk about the issues we had before anything can happen. He seems to think we can just pick up where we left off. He has given me nothing emotionally since I moved out. But is happy to drop sexual hints. I am so frustrated with him and I don't know how to make him understand things cant go back to the way they were. I feel he has left it too late and I don't know what to do. I am worried about his mental health as he doesn't have any close support apart from me and the kids. I am sick of it being all about what he wants.

Jdubs Relationship advice needed, or just general advice too
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Hi, My partner and I have been together 3.5 years. We’ve been engaged for 16 months of that. We’re getting married in 8 months... He’s 7 years older than me but it really never feels like it until things aren’t great. im really stressed and anxious a... View more

Hi, My partner and I have been together 3.5 years. We’ve been engaged for 16 months of that. We’re getting married in 8 months... He’s 7 years older than me but it really never feels like it until things aren’t great. im really stressed and anxious and honestly a little depressed. I think it’s the cold feet but at the same time it feels deeper than that. I love my fiancé, there’s a lot I have done and will do for him. He’s a financial planner and he’s helped me a lot with finances. I’m really bad with money. I tend to be a bad listener, not because I don’t care I just accidentally drift off into my own little world while he’s talking. I feel awful for doing it but it just happens. I don’t always understand what he’s talking about and I feel kind of dumb. Sometimes we have small arguments about our lives. Our last one was about how bad I am with money, that I’m not physical enough with him. He told me he thinks I’m hooking up with someone else. He said “do you even want to be here?” I think about that argument every day since. It was months ago. I feel awful. The days pass so insanely fast for me, I have a million things on my mind at once and I just forget that intimacy is even a thing until it’s been 2 months of nothingness... before I got here to write this I was asking myself “am I even good for him?” He wants to move to the city. He’s one of the best students in the country for his degree. He has places he can go if he wants. I just feel like I’m this massive rock holding him back. I guess I just want to know if an outside person would think I’m being a rock?? I’m studying law, I work in a firm, I hate my job and I’m looking for a new one but it’s hard. I come home totally exhausted and sometimes all I want is just to curl up and cuddle on the couch with him but he’s really busy studying or working. So I feel upset, and then I feel bad for feeling upset because I think I’m being selfish. I just want to clarify hes never said to me that I’m a bad person, or a burden, or anything negative. He has voiced his feelings and we talked it out. Those are feelings I’ve developed about myself in my own insecurities. So yeah any advice on how I can better myself or how I should look at and address these feelings is much appreciated. Basically I just feel like a selfish person at the moment

maltagirl Not being able to trust
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I have been dating my current boyfriend for a year and a half now and it is my first serious relationship. In this time he hasn't given me any reason to not trust him, but yet i don't. I know where this comes from, about 4 years ago now i was the one... View more

I have been dating my current boyfriend for a year and a half now and it is my first serious relationship. In this time he hasn't given me any reason to not trust him, but yet i don't. I know where this comes from, about 4 years ago now i was the one to find out my dad was having an affair on my mum. I know my boyfriend is a completely different person but yet i still can't find it in myself to let go and fully trust him. things like talking over facebook and getting left on read and him being active and not replying doesn't help and i know he doesn't mean it but my mind goes to the worst possible thoughts otherwise when i'm with him i am fine. I have thought about just not talking during the day but i feel as if i would still have those same feelings if he is still using social media. Is there anything i can do to fully open my heart and trust him 100% ? i am open to any suggestions

Vik_xo Husband won't sleep in bed with me.
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Hi all, i'm just after some advice, my husband and I have been together for a total of 10 years and married for over 2, we have recently returned from a Holiday in Greece and had decided to start trying for a baby, once we returned it all went downhi... View more

Hi all, i'm just after some advice, my husband and I have been together for a total of 10 years and married for over 2, we have recently returned from a Holiday in Greece and had decided to start trying for a baby, once we returned it all went downhill from there, So long story short my husband is suffering from depression, he has been for awhile and it has caused many difficulties in our relationship over the years, when he has his episodes he blames it on me and he refuses to get any sort of professional help due to bad childhood experiences, I myself suffer from addiction, anxiety, depression and bipolar which for the most part I have learnt to live with and control , however when my husbands depression kicks in he find any reason to blame me, he says i belittle him or that i don't want him because most of the time I have low libido due to my anxiety and stress, he seems to take it personally even though I repeatedly reassure him its not him, anyway so since we have returned his depression has kicked back in and he has decided he would rather sleep on the couch instead of in bed with me, this started a week ago because i didn't put my phone away quick enough when I went to bed and he got angry and slept on the lounge, now this has triggered my depression and anxiety and i'm feeling quite hopeless right now, he is treating me like a roommate, wont show me any affection and wont talk to me unless its completely necessary, this weekend he is going away to his dads farm to help him so I was hoping the space might help until he asked me to clear the spare room so he can use it. Now i'm here trying to keep myself together, i'm trying not to let it get to me, i have doing my best to keep calm, cooking dinner, cleaning and giving him space but nothing seems to be improving and now all i want to do is fall back into my addiction to keep myself from falling apart again, iv seen professionals in the past, but they just tell me the same thing and refer me to a psychiatrist to be put on meds which i never go to because well i'm an addict so i don't see how putting pills in front of me will help.. some advice would be appreciated.

batman0504 help me with my options, relationship issues
  • replies: 33

Hi there, im new to this i have literally nowhere else to go or anyone to help. i have been in a relationship for almost 6 years, im engaged. our relationship has been a rocky one as have only really been with each other and nobody else. over the yea... View more

Hi there, im new to this i have literally nowhere else to go or anyone to help. i have been in a relationship for almost 6 years, im engaged. our relationship has been a rocky one as have only really been with each other and nobody else. over the years we have had some amazing times and horrible times, she has had a rough upbringing which has taken its toll on her and a very very bad parent that controls her life even post 21 years of age, this controlling effects her profusely and through her effects me too, we have been trying to move out so we can try and live a life of our own and test the waters as i cant handle it anymore. she is on a similar boat but she also feels guilt towards abaonding her family despite their actions and carelessness towards her. we recently had a sizable arguement regarding our future she has come around and is trying to put in the effort to continue on however im feeling quite scarred and damaged from this and all the previous 5 years of arguements that its starting to leave a bad taste in my mouth towards her which i know isnt her fault but im starting to contemplate if our relationship really is what i want or is the right thing to push for. ontop of this i have a best friend that i have known longer than my partner who happens to be female and gets along no worries with my partner. however previous to meeting my partner i had a crush on this friend and i decided that it wouldnt ever happen and i should move on, fast forward 6 years to present day and recently its come to my realisation that i am not over that crush, long story short my best friend fits my life better than my partner ever could and i have her almost on par or higher on my priority list for personal reasons not associated with being madly in love with her. im trying to decide if this is a phase and i can live with the crush buried in my head and push through with my relationship or if i should call it quits be single and wonder what could have been and/or sit and wait to see if my best friend ever comes around and confesses some unknown love for me that im not aware of. this friend of mine genuinely makes me feel like the luckiest person in the world and brings me more happiness than my partner ever could dream of. i know this sounds all quite bad but please dont judge me i cant control what i feel. i love both of them but on different levels and i am at wits end with what i should do.

Chickenhead Emotional abusive relationship- 6 years on
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Hi everyone, I left an emotionally abusive relationship 6 years ago. At the time I was confused and hurt (read high anxiety, depression) and didn't really fathom the full extent of what was going on, but I knew in my gut that what was happening was n... View more

Hi everyone, I left an emotionally abusive relationship 6 years ago. At the time I was confused and hurt (read high anxiety, depression) and didn't really fathom the full extent of what was going on, but I knew in my gut that what was happening was not right. After leaving, I very quickly realised from his response that I did not want to go back. There was no apology or anything for his behaviour, just blame and anger for all I'd put him through that forced him to treat me that way, and a lot of arguement as to why he hadn't done anything bad enough for me to leave. At the time I tried to explain why I left, I did my best but he didn't agree my excuses where enough so he came to the conclusion I was lying and had something to hide. since then I have done everything I can think of to cut him out of my life. Divorce, I've moved, changed my number, blocked him on all social media (which I no longer post to to stop him gaining more info about me), etc etc. but he still finds ways to tell anybody he can that I left him without cause and that I cheated, I have a illegitimate child, I'm a bad person etc. He's written my neighbours, bank, boss, all my extended family, church pastor, regularly writes my parents and siblings. It's now been 6 years since I left him. I maintain he has no right to my information, I do not want any contact with him, I do not want to know about him, and yet he is still finding ways to get people to contact me on his behalf to beg that I "contact him just to explain". The latest told me via messenger that he has blood cancer and my leaving without explaining is badly effecting his mental health. I immediately blocked this person. I have worked so hard to recover from the damage that relationship did, my anxiety is the lowest it's possibly ever been, but now I'm just angry. Six years and I'm still having to be so careful and guarded. I've received legal advice and advice from the police that as he posses no physical threat, there's nothing I can do legally to put a stop to it. So what, I just keep on like this?? Are there any people with experience with an emotional abuser who has any advice on how to stop this, or how long it may continue?? All the websites I've read say I need to cut him out, but it's just not working. thank you kindly for your responses.