Relationship and family issues

Anything to do with managing relationships and family, including parenting, separation, loneliness, divorce, family and friendships.


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BeyondBlue Hey there - read this to see what this section is all about
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Hello and welcome This is the Relationships and Family section where members can talk about what is happening in their lives and the people they live with. We know that who we live with can make a big impact on our wellbeing, both in a good way or a ... View more

Hello and welcome This is the Relationships and Family section where members can talk about what is happening in their lives and the people they live with. We know that who we live with can make a big impact on our wellbeing, both in a good way or a negative way. As always, we want to hear your story and how it impacts you and encourage everyone to support each other with kindness. There are a few things to consider when posting in this section so we can all get the most out of it: Everyone’s situation is unique. We all do our best to share what is important in our story but we can never share it all. Let’s be mindful we can’t know all of everyone’s story. Anonymous but public. These posts are available to everyone and while the moderation team will keep it anonymous, its still up for everyone to read. Have a think about what you want to share to get the best support for you. Please stay safe. This space is an amazing way to seek support from others who might understand what you are going through. We want to hear how you are going and what is happening for you. Please also consider 1800RESPECT if you don’t feel safe or 000 if you are in danger right now. You deserve to be safe. Thank you again for joining this conversation, your contributions are worthy and important to us here. Beyond Blue

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MJthrice Losing weight
  • replies: 2

So I had a medical issue recently and the Dr advised I could loose some weight , get fit and cut back alcohol. So I joined a gym and started exercising every day, cut down in sugars and alcohol. i hit my target weight loosing 8% of my body weight in ... View more

So I had a medical issue recently and the Dr advised I could loose some weight , get fit and cut back alcohol. So I joined a gym and started exercising every day, cut down in sugars and alcohol. i hit my target weight loosing 8% of my body weight in 2 months. Thought my partner would be happy for me as she has been saying for a while I needed to loose weight. in fact I thi me the words were ‘your obese‘. Except the best I got was ‘ you still have all that belly fat’ Feeling very depressed that all that effort is going unnoticed it not recognised , was expecting some encouragement .

Pharaohess I think my partners too controlling?
  • replies: 4

Hi First of I've never done something like this before so please bear with me I have been with my partner currently for 5-6 years. But I have known him for much longer. We met at work in teen years he was new and we just clicked talked most nights me... View more

Hi First of I've never done something like this before so please bear with me I have been with my partner currently for 5-6 years. But I have known him for much longer. We met at work in teen years he was new and we just clicked talked most nights messaged each other constantly and then we didnt. Years later we reconnected after he moved away and came back and been in a relationship essentially ever since. Now I do love my partner dearly. we have 2 young children. But I feel lately he has become way more selfish and everytime I try to bring something up he shoots me down and turns everything into my fault. Eg hell clean one room of the house once a month and if I don't give praise straightaway he gets very annoyed and says that I don't appreciate his help. He doesn't praise me when I do more or less. It's true I don't clean every single day but I do most days but I'm exhausted. He works during the night and even on his days off doesn't change his sleeping pattern demands his 8 hours sleep so is asleep most of the day and is missing his kids grow up. I do everything I feel. I have to organise the house, the clothes, the kids because I also work but during the day and lifts for my partner because he doesn't drive. He won't organise his own lifts because he won't go to work. And it's so hard. Everytime I try to bring up something he claims i grew up in mess and he doesnt need to learn but I do and doesn't help. Or brings up I just need to exercise more for more energy To this day I haven't had a full over 7 hour sleep since well before my youngest was born. However I cannot go to bed any earlier because he doesn't get out of bed until he has to leave for work but doesn't set an alarm I have to wake and dress him. And have a coffee ready and not speak alot or he'll be angry. He has gone so far to say I can't have the washer on when he is in bed co it'll wake him and he'll explode. Or our kids too loud. One time our eldest and i were playing they were laughing I was laughing it was normal volume. It woke him up sent them to bed in angry tones and proceeded to scream at me and minorly pushed and grabbed me degraded me. While our child was crying in bed. This happened while I was pregnant with our youngest before I returned to work he changed our youngest nappy countable on one hand times and I was off for months. I just want him to help and do more. Sometimes I weep about it because I'm so exhausted. But I just feel I don't have a voice but I love him so much.

Clear82 Vicious cycle of dating
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Anyone else get tired of dating. This is the third time this year where I let my guard down when dating a guy. Think it’s going well and then he calls it off. Anyone use any mantras or Advice to deal with this constant heartache?

Anyone else get tired of dating. This is the third time this year where I let my guard down when dating a guy. Think it’s going well and then he calls it off. Anyone use any mantras or Advice to deal with this constant heartache?

Nomes6 Feeling lost and like it’s never getting better..
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Hi guys, this is my first post here.. I just feel so lost my mother died suddenly a couple of months after I found out my partner of 14 years was having an affair.. I struggled with mum getting sick suddenly and taking over her car she went from well... View more

Hi guys, this is my first post here.. I just feel so lost my mother died suddenly a couple of months after I found out my partner of 14 years was having an affair.. I struggled with mum getting sick suddenly and taking over her car she went from well to dying within 2 months when I was told she would be ok but the cancer she was supposed to be okay from but it suddenly spread.. the my brother couldn’t cope so he committed suicide.. I promised my mum I would look after him.. my dad moved on with different woman straight away so much so he wanted to bring one to my mums funeral.. I had to put my foot down and say no my brother wouldn’t cope... even when my brother died he refused to pay for a funeral... I had to fight him over it as he had the money as he takes his girlfriend all over the world... this Xmas is my first one without anyone as my brother isn’t here and my dad is spending it with his girlfriend in another state... I feel so lonely and even though people are nice to me etc I can’t shake the feeling I don’t want to be here anymore... I wish I had a family Xmas like others.. I don’t know how to spend it.. I would like to help people who are alone but not sure how.. it’s the only way I think I can bring any meaning to my life ...

MJthrice Trust issues
  • replies: 2

I have trust issues... yes and most likely they arise from how our relationship started... whilst o was in a relationship already. however I recent saw messages from someone on my partners phone wishing they were in their appartment joining them for ... View more

I have trust issues... yes and most likely they arise from how our relationship started... whilst o was in a relationship already. however I recent saw messages from someone on my partners phone wishing they were in their appartment joining them for a bottom of wine’ When I confronted my partner they were very upset and angry that I had looked on their phone ... spying on them as they say and that I am trying to control them . since then I am the bad one who needs to constantly applologise... they were merely trying to set a friend up and the other person must have got the wrong idea . fast forward 2 weeks - I come home midday from work and they go out to meet a former college for a drink c 2pm ... don’t turn up to go to kids sports. At 4pm ...then Send txt saying going to meet up with other friends back ltr tonight was our date night so I cooked dinner... candlelight dinner 930pm get a txt saying had enough missing you, hoping in taxi’s a 15 min drive home 11pm No one has arrived home, not answering phone, There is the taxi fare on credit card. start to panic that something has happened. ring like 2-3 times every 10 min. No answer call police and ask what to do... Police call and send txt..... and then the phone rings OMG ... Someone is like furious with me for calling the police .... I’m worried out of my mind but they Are so mad now wants a divorce ... as I’m a manipulating and controlling person. i thought I was a concerned and caring person..... How different can the 2 views be ??

Carly69 Adult son who is always angry
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Hi, New to the forum and hoping anybody has some good advice for my issue. My husband and I have 3 adult sons. Our youngest is 22 years old and is always angry. He lives at home and is currently unemployed due to health reasons (suffered two tonic cl... View more

Hi, New to the forum and hoping anybody has some good advice for my issue. My husband and I have 3 adult sons. Our youngest is 22 years old and is always angry. He lives at home and is currently unemployed due to health reasons (suffered two tonic clonic seizures a couple of weeks ago and we are currently undergoing testing, They thing it is due to heat exhaustion). He is banned from driving for 6 months because of the seizures which is obviously frustrating him. He doesn't have any friends as his friends started following the 'let's experiment with cannabis' path which our son thankfully has no interest in. He doesn't have a girlfriend either. He has always been very short tempered and always seems very angry and short. He 'flies off the handle' even with the smallest thing. E.G. He was sweeping yesterday and the wind picked up, blowing the leaves back onto the porch. He lost it, threw and broke the broom. He snaps at my husband and I all the time. I have spoken with my son about this last night and he knows he has an anger problem. He says he just wakes up angry and doesn't know any different. We discussed strategies including, walking away when feeling frustrated; deep breathing; change of scenery etc but he said none of those work for him. Hubby and I are financially supporting him and our son is frustrated about that too. He says he hates the fact he has no financial independence, albeit not being his fault due to the medical issues. He has applied to do his Diploma of Nursing (starting late January) as he has a keen interest in this. However, I feel sick at the thought of him not being accepted into the course. I really am stuck and some sound, logical advice would be fantastic

Sam_K Need your advice
  • replies: 29

Hi everyone i am 34 years old male . I have been married nearly 8 years . I am really depressed and anxious all the time . Going through counseling with psychologist I need your help to understand if I am the only one wrong . 1 - When we got married ... View more

Hi everyone i am 34 years old male . I have been married nearly 8 years . I am really depressed and anxious all the time . Going through counseling with psychologist I need your help to understand if I am the only one wrong . 1 - When we got married . My wife went to a party at her friends house after three or four weeks . I said ok . She said she was dancing without pants in dark with her friends and other men’s . And later a guy claimed she was sexual with him. My wife says she did not do anything wrong because nobody touched her or she never touched anyone . But I was abused because I went to pub with new work mates when I started a onsite job in different city . I don’t go to pubs normally or drink regularly . It was just to socialise . No women’s were involved. 2 - my wife had four kids and I had none when we met . she had freedom to spend her money whenever or whatever she wanted to spend on. She bought her kids whatever she wanted to and I thought it’s her money she can do it . But when I tried to help my mum it was problem. She think I should only spend money in the house and don’t help my mum if she needed. 3 -in 2012 my wife bought a 5 year old commodore with 160000km for $23000 which was originally advertised for 17000. Dealer added extras things . And 23000 was borrowed from a bank on 20% interest rate . She did not ask me anything or discussed anything. When I said please don’t get this loan because it was going to cost $41000 in total . But she said I am going to pay from my pay. In2014 When I got personal loan to help my parents it was a problem. Why did not I discussed with her. Our finances are together but why our finances are together only when I want to do something. She calls me arrogant what I found her arrogant when I ask her not get that car but she did it anyway am I only one wrong or do I have any right to spend money out of my pay wherever I want to after paying most of the bills. Was it ok for my wife To go dance with other men’s or I was wrong to go for few drinks to pub just to get along with new work mates .

donnie123 I need help before year 12 starts
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Hi im Tom, turning 17 in about 2 days, relationships suck, and no i dont mean to overstep my boundaries because by no means have i experienced any pain or anguish as these divorcees and widows, but i need help, this seems a while back now but back in... View more

Hi im Tom, turning 17 in about 2 days, relationships suck, and no i dont mean to overstep my boundaries because by no means have i experienced any pain or anguish as these divorcees and widows, but i need help, this seems a while back now but back in april i broke up with my girlfriend, why? because she was ill, in the head, she was horrible, and yet i loved her and cared for her and ill i wanted to do was make her happy, as it would appear i do right now. so theres one main issue what do i do with that, she hates me, and uses guys just for fun. My next problem is something a little bit worse, after being servely hurt from the breakup i decided to go for a "rebound" and yes its a horrible idea to get over someone, but something ended up going wrong and i got a girl pregnant, yes yes im horrible and deserve to die, since then she has got an abortion and everything is gone now, but this whole year my friends hate me , everyone hates me, everyone calls me names because the girl i had a half a year relationship was 1 1/2 years younger??! , and with the pregnant things schools just gotten so much worse and i have no clue what to do. To anyone who actually took the time to read this, you are special and amazing and you are worth every bit of love people give you

Hollybambam My partner blows up when I want to discuss feelings
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Hi all, just seeking some support/ advice maybe on how to manage this. TBH I'm not looking to be told to leave my relationship. I don't think it's at that point and I'm more Keen to try than not. Whenever I want to discuss something thats bothered me... View more

Hi all, just seeking some support/ advice maybe on how to manage this. TBH I'm not looking to be told to leave my relationship. I don't think it's at that point and I'm more Keen to try than not. Whenever I want to discuss something thats bothered me or that happened between us, it almost always goes like this: Me: can we talk about that thing you said yesterday? I felt a bit upset by it. Her: *big sigh and eyeroll* what now? There's always something. Can't we just relax I don't want to fight about something right now. Any further attempts from me to explain that I don't want fighting I just want to talk are met by increasing frustration behaviors, defensiveness and anger. My partner has a short fuse. She knows she does. Maybe I want to talk about stuff too much. It's really hard to tell. Right now I want to tell her that I felt disrespected when she told me to shut up yesterday when we were having a bicker. An important element is mutual respect. But I feel like I know how this conversation will go. It will end up with me apologising for something. I don't know what to do. H.

ConfusedNanxious Can I have my happily ever after?
  • replies: 4

Hi everyone, I have posted on here before, and my journey has certainly come in a number of swings and round abouts. After having some time apart from my ex-partner (i.e. no communication and no contact), I have really seen the light and miss him tre... View more

Hi everyone, I have posted on here before, and my journey has certainly come in a number of swings and round abouts. After having some time apart from my ex-partner (i.e. no communication and no contact), I have really seen the light and miss him tremendously. I miss everything, like how he used to make my hot chocolates so perfectly, how he knew I loved to sleep in so many layers and keep incredibly warm. I miss all of it. Some people think I just miss the 'idea' of him, but no, I miss him as the amazing person I know he is. We separated after he refused to seek treatment for his 6 month long battle with depression. However, after we separated, he really took it upon himself to start working on himself. He started going to the gym and eating properly to help with an underlying medical condition (whcih contributed to his depression) and he has been seeing a psychologist to help with his immediate depression, but also tackle some stuff from his childhood and young adulthood (his parents both passed away and he was carer for both of them and did not really receive sibling support during that time). As a result, he developed coping mechanisms that just weren't enabling him to lead a full life. His social life was affected and he had trouble communicating and actively dealing with issues. BUT, these are all things he is working on now. I remember the amazing individual he was before depression took its hold of him, and I am so excited to have him back to the way he was. But I am apprehensive about the permanence of these changes. I know it will be an ongoing process, and I too, have experienced my own mental health issues, but I just want to know whether we can have a happy, fulfilling future. I love him so much, and want to enjoy so much more time with him. I still feel hurt about how I was neglected during his depressive period, but I too, having dealt with anxiety in the past, know that the depression is a separate entity to him. He has promised that he will always keep on top of it, because we have something too good to lose again. I do have to deal with my parents' potential disapproval of our reconciliation, but my heart is leading me to my ex and I cannot ignore it. I need to listen to what I want in this instance. I would love to hear similar stories, or any advice would be greatly appreciated. I just want my happy man back, and it is seeming like it could happen. He felt like my soul mate - I don't want to miss out on this opportunity.