Relationship and family issues

Anything to do with managing relationships and family, including parenting, separation, loneliness, divorce, family and friendships.


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BeyondBlue Hey there - read this to see what this section is all about
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Hello and welcome This is the Relationships and Family section where members can talk about what is happening in their lives and the people they live with. We know that who we live with can make a big impact on our wellbeing, both in a good way or a ... View more

Hello and welcome This is the Relationships and Family section where members can talk about what is happening in their lives and the people they live with. We know that who we live with can make a big impact on our wellbeing, both in a good way or a negative way. As always, we want to hear your story and how it impacts you and encourage everyone to support each other with kindness. There are a few things to consider when posting in this section so we can all get the most out of it: Everyone’s situation is unique. We all do our best to share what is important in our story but we can never share it all. Let’s be mindful we can’t know all of everyone’s story. Anonymous but public. These posts are available to everyone and while the moderation team will keep it anonymous, its still up for everyone to read. Have a think about what you want to share to get the best support for you. Please stay safe. This space is an amazing way to seek support from others who might understand what you are going through. We want to hear how you are going and what is happening for you. Please also consider 1800RESPECT if you don’t feel safe or 000 if you are in danger right now. You deserve to be safe. Thank you again for joining this conversation, your contributions are worthy and important to us here. Beyond Blue

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SmithAnnoush 17 yr old at home
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Hi there I have a 17 yr old son who is fuelling my anxiety in me right now to the point where I cant sleep. He’s always made rash decisions - poor in retrospect - and he's recently decided to drop out of a great degree three weeks in cause he wants t... View more

Hi there I have a 17 yr old son who is fuelling my anxiety in me right now to the point where I cant sleep. He’s always made rash decisions - poor in retrospect - and he's recently decided to drop out of a great degree three weeks in cause he wants to do another one. This other one he starts in semester 2 and in the meantime he is doing nothing. He hasn't got a job. He sits around on his laptop all day. He applies for jobs every now and then but I’m not sure why he isn't getting them. He’s not offering to do housework off his own back. Of course he wont listen to me - I’m very accommodating most of the time but every now and then I blow up. We aren’t paying for anything for him other than unfortunately a phone under contract we bought him when he started uni. I can’t bear to see himwaste his days not doing anything. He could be learning to drive, finding an activity he loves. All his friends are at uni and working including his girlfriend. He makes these very impetuous decisions without thinking. He has a track history of it He’s a smart kid and did well in the HSC getting into a degree which is prestigious and which he was passionate about in yr 11. but he says it wont get him a job. So he's changed. I can’t bear the behaviour and attitude of disdain he has towards me when I ask him to help or remind himhe has to get up and make his life work. I’m at breaking point and can’t bear being in the house alone with him. What do I do and how do I manage this? If anyone has any advice for how I manage him and also my own mental health Id appreciate it. As an aside I have GAD so this isnt helping.

Helpforpartner Missing my unique best friend
  • replies: 3

Hello everyone,long story but basically my family life fell apart and I ended up going through all of my life savings. Eventually I became mega depressed and was constantly suicidal. when all hope was lost I met somebody who was to become my best fri... View more

Hello everyone,long story but basically my family life fell apart and I ended up going through all of my life savings. Eventually I became mega depressed and was constantly suicidal. when all hope was lost I met somebody who was to become my best friend. Sometimes she would call me when I was so very down and I almost thought she was psychic (and no I don’t believe in that stuff)! She became the only person who could life me up and give me energy. The only one to put a smile on my face. I’m very certain she saved my life and helped me to get out of bed and start becoming a productive member of society again. She became my favourite person. I was never interested in her in a romantic way at all, however I felt like I had a spiritual connection with her at some point. Now the sad bit. She seems to have gotten very busy and we don’t talk anywhere near as often. I miss her very much and I’m worried it’s just going to be less and less contact as time goes on. It makes me very sad. I was actually glad at one point I went through all my dramas cos if it wasn’t for that I would not have met my friend. Now I’m losing this too (or at least having MUCH LESS contact.1. Is it normal for someone to develop such a strong bond for someone who essentially saved them?2. Any tips for dealing with my sense of loss. I still have her but just 5% of what it once sounds strange and some understand some don’t. She felt like a guardian Angel and I feel so sad and lost that the contact has dropped. I have lost of friends but generally people drain me but she did the opposite! I miss her lots but I don’t want to say anything and be a burden.

Emma90 Lonely - Partner of Addict
  • replies: 15

Hi everyone.My partner of 5 years has just relapsed. He relapsed last year and did a stint a few months ago in rehab for 3 weeks but last week relapsed again and it is bad. We live with his parents and they are threatening to kick him out. I actually... View more

Hi everyone.My partner of 5 years has just relapsed. He relapsed last year and did a stint a few months ago in rehab for 3 weeks but last week relapsed again and it is bad. We live with his parents and they are threatening to kick him out. I actually find myself hoping they do so he will hit rock bottom and get the help he needs. He has struggled with addiction and schizophrenia for over a decade and his ex girlfriend killed herself (drugs as well).I am not posting here for advice but I am very lonely and I have no one to talk to about this as everyone in my life is very judgemental and I just want someone to chat to so I don’t feel so alone please reach out if you want to chat to me.

MargaretK126 Partner feels as though his children don't love him
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Hi Everyone, New to the forum, My partner has two children from a previous marriage, 2 and 4. The four year old has ASD level 3 and is non verbal. There is no court Orders in place, however the current arrangement is: Week 1 - Tuesday afternoon until... View more

Hi Everyone, New to the forum, My partner has two children from a previous marriage, 2 and 4. The four year old has ASD level 3 and is non verbal. There is no court Orders in place, however the current arrangement is: Week 1 - Tuesday afternoon until Wednesday morning Week 2 - Monday and the weekend. We are looking to increase time however she keeps saying no. His ex partner is quite manipulative and rude to him and was a perpetrator of family violence in their relationship. He feels as if he cannot say anything to her without the constant fear she is going to blow up. Yesterday on our usual weekend the children had a party to attend to which she took them. Following their return to our house a few hours later, the children were very unsettled and crying not wanting to let go of their mother. Initially, my partner understood as they often do the same thing to us when we drop them off. However late last night, my partner broke down as he feels as though his four year old doesn't love him. I re-assured him as best i could however i was wondering if anyone could help with any ideas or strategies. I can see this is really debilitating for him and i don't want to step on anyone's toes as they are his children. Looking for any type of help really not sure what to do or how to help my partner here.

I_need_a_name I don’t like being a parent
  • replies: 26

I feel sick saying this because I love my children dearly, but I absolutely hate life with kids. Nothing can prepare you for the relentlessness of parenthood and how much of yourself you lose in the process. Everyone says it’s hard but you don’t trul... View more

I feel sick saying this because I love my children dearly, but I absolutely hate life with kids. Nothing can prepare you for the relentlessness of parenthood and how much of yourself you lose in the process. Everyone says it’s hard but you don’t truly understand what that means until you’re in the thick of it and once you’re there, I feel like there’s nothing you can do about it. If I disliked anything else in my life - where I lived, my job, my husband, I could leave, change careers, do something different, but you can’t take back having kids and yet it’s the one decision that I really wish I’d had more background info on before I took the plunge. I have a 5yr old and a 1yr old, they’re so very loved and clever, and funny and wonderful, they’re great kids and I’m a great Mum (mostly), but I grieve all the time for my lost life, all the freedoms I had and all the TIME I no longer have. I used to have so much choice in my day - I could spend my day sleeping, exercising, crafting, eating, listening to music/podcasts/audiobooks, binge watching tv or movies, relaxing, renovating our house, organising, literally anything I could imagine or think of I could do. All I do now is work, cook, clean and parent, there isn’t time for anything else. If I do get any free time, it’s post 8pm when the kids go to bed and I’m too tired from the day to do much more than sit in front of the TV and scroll on my phone. It’s such a crappy life. The kids needs are never ending, someone’s always in my space and requiring my attention, even if they just want to play, I feel like everything’s draining. I don’t want to play, or cook, or clean or do family admin etc., every task that fills my day now is not one that I would choose, all of them are required to keep the family running and someone has to do them, so I do, my husband is really helpful and we share the load pretty evenly but even so, we still both feel permanently burnt out. I can organise some extra time away from the kids etc. and I have done; feels great while I have that time but it’s always only a cpl hours, or a day max. and the second I have to go back to reality I hate my life again. I long for my pre-child life and all the wonderful things I could do with a day, presently i probably get about 10-30mins of each day to choose something for me and it’s not enough, I didn’t know how hard this was going to be and now I’m here and I don’t like it and I feel stuck. What can I do?

applebanna My sibling is anxious and depressed - what do I do?
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My younger sibling who is 13 is highly anxious and I think they may be depressed. She posts weird things online about harming themselves and has a journal that they write in discussing bad things. They also have harmed themselves quite recently. Our ... View more

My younger sibling who is 13 is highly anxious and I think they may be depressed. She posts weird things online about harming themselves and has a journal that they write in discussing bad things. They also have harmed themselves quite recently. Our parents are aware and have contacted a psychologist but I don't know what to do. I try to reach out and help but they push me away and every time I ask them they get defensive and don't talk. I was wondering if anyone knows any things I could do to help make their depression and make them less anxious, maybe going for runs or something like that. Any feedback or help is needed thanks!

l0v3_lan4 Two Sided
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Does anyone here struggle from Bipolar Disorder, I'm not going to self diagnose with anything, but everyone around me is always saying I might have it and making jokes about it. I did some research on bipolar disorder and learnt the affect it has on ... View more

Does anyone here struggle from Bipolar Disorder, I'm not going to self diagnose with anything, but everyone around me is always saying I might have it and making jokes about it. I did some research on bipolar disorder and learnt the affect it has on relationships with anyone and I could relate to every inch of it. People always say I'm toxic, or crazy but I think I'm normal.

BrokenHeartedMan Struggling with separation from wife.
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My wife has just left me after being together for 30 years. We have been together since the age of 16, now at 46 she has decided she wants to 'live her life' and has told me that no chance of reconciliation of the marriage. We have 2 children 15 and ... View more

My wife has just left me after being together for 30 years. We have been together since the age of 16, now at 46 she has decided she wants to 'live her life' and has told me that no chance of reconciliation of the marriage. We have 2 children 15 and 17, they are currently living with me in out 'family' home and my wife has moved in with a friend of hers. I feel like my heart has been torn out and jumped on, if it was not for my kids being with me I would not be in a good place at all. I am trying so hard to be strong for my kids but I just keep breaking down. I have not eaten in 5 days, it makes me physically ill just thinking of food. I get about 2 hours sleep a night, my doctor has given me medication to try and help me sleep but it makes me a little drowsy but not sleep. I have suffered from depression for 20 years and have been on medication for it all that time. It just really hurts so much as she is the love of my life and I cannot imagine my life without her. I am not going to hurt myself or anything as I could not do that to my kids. But I am in so much pain, I am so lost, and seriously struggling. Any advice would be great. I would do anything to have our marriage fixed anything, but she is not open to it and has already told family and friends she has left me.

soot-sprite cleaning and mental health
  • replies: 3

Hi, first time poster and lost. I am in my late 20s and live at home with my mother.I suffer anxiety, depression and have been diagnosed with adhd; while my mother has her own mental health issues.We have a good bond, and I think recently it’s gettin... View more

Hi, first time poster and lost. I am in my late 20s and live at home with my mother.I suffer anxiety, depression and have been diagnosed with adhd; while my mother has her own mental health issues.We have a good bond, and I think recently it’s getting better, but we always run into the same upsetting argument. It relates to cleaning the house. It often comes up at the end of a really nice day, when my mum has drunk a little too much. She voices she is mad at me because I am not cleaning the house and that I hate our home.While I try my best to do housework, it’s not my minds main priority. When I write that or say it out loud it just sounds like I’m just saying I am lazy; but mentally it doesn’t feel like that. Often I am focused on keeping myself distracted from the thought that I am a failure and that I am a loser; it keeps me from thinking about past trauma and brewing on it. So often I focus on what little stay at home work I do via my computer or I engage in hobbies like reading. sometimes I do not even notice a chore needs to be done because I am busy avoiding reality to disassociate.I often find things much easier if I have someone point me in the right direction. So every time we fight, I try and bring about the solution and say I am happy to do any housework I am asked to do. She used to leave me notes with a list of a couple of chores and I would always get them done. But she gets even more mad at me for suggesting this and says she shouldn’t have to ask and that I should see something needs to be cleaned or that I should do it without being asked. we go around and around in circles like this until I simply bow out and go to my room. Then, the next day she doesn’t want to talk about it and the cycle begins again. these arguments make me feel like something is wrong with me because I can’t just do the chores. I also feel hopeless cause my best solution gets knocked back every time but my mum does not offer another solution. I read online that arguments about housework are never really about housework and I think for my mum it is because she wants to relax at home but can’t do that unless it’s spotless; while that level of clean does not effect me. I really want to help out, both so she can feel like she can relax and the fighting can end about it. does anyone have any ideas on how I can work through this with my mum?

emilyyy1 Boyfriend going on a camping trip with both our friends without me
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So my boyfriend has just said no to me going on a camping trip in a few weeks as he wanted it to be a “boys weekend” and some time away. but it’s not actually a boys weekend there is a few girlfriends(I’m friends with) and a few single girls( I’m fri... View more

So my boyfriend has just said no to me going on a camping trip in a few weeks as he wanted it to be a “boys weekend” and some time away. but it’s not actually a boys weekend there is a few girlfriends(I’m friends with) and a few single girls( I’m friends with) going. Now I fully understand he wants too go on a boys weekend but if that’s the case and all my friends are going it’s not that fair. More the fact Because everyone I hang out with will be up there to and I’ll be at home by myself . I’ve said this to him and he said hmm and changed the subject. I really want too go and I’ve been invited up by all of people too. What do I do.