Relationship and family issues

Anything to do with managing relationships and family, including parenting, separation, loneliness, divorce, family and friendships.


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Chris_B PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING: 3 important tips to get the most out of this section
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Hi everyone, The Relationships & Family Issues section is one of the busiest here on our forums. It's also one of the areas where we find members can get themselves into trouble! Before posting here, take a deep breath and be mindful of the following... View more

Hi everyone, The Relationships & Family Issues section is one of the busiest here on our forums. It's also one of the areas where we find members can get themselves into trouble! Before posting here, take a deep breath and be mindful of the following 3 tips: 1. Do you really want to share this with the world? This is a public forum. Are you thinking of posting something that could identify you to a friend or family member? Once you've posted, you can't delete what you've written and we don't take posts down from here unless they've broken one of our community rules. This is because our members spend a lot of time composing replies, and there is a much wider audience that gets a lot out of reading what has been written. It's not fair to ask the community for support, then ask to have it removed once you've read it so others can't also benefit. Use discretion when posting here - think about the level of detail you are sharing, and think also about who might know you are posting here. Also, please keep it clean: this is an all ages forum and explicit discussions about sexual problems are not permitted. Threads and posts of this nature will be removed and your account placed on a moderation hold. 2. What do you want to get out of posting here? Relationship and family issues are stressful. Members sometimes post here seeking advice about a relationship that has broken down, but find themselves getting upset when they don't agree with the response they get. This is a peer support forum, meaning we are not mental health professionals. We are people of all ages and backgrounds, with a wide range of life experiences. While we aim for our discussions to be conducted respectfully, people here will respond with the truth as they see it, from their own experiences and perspectives. We are not here to take sides. Offence is almost never intentional, but it can be sometimes taken. The advice you will see here is not intended to be a substitute for professional counselling. 3. What other support do you have? Most people posting on our forums (about any issue) use this space as a supplement to other supports. This forum is not and cannot be a substitute for offline supports, but it is often a good place to start the ball rolling and find the courage for seeking help. If you are relying solely on an internet forum to resolve your relationship or family issues, you are likely to be disappointed. Check out the Healthy Homes section of our Healthy Families website for further information and resources.

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Tealover12 Boyfriends Porn Addiction
  • replies: 4

Hey there, I have been in a committed relationship for just a little over two years now. My partner and I are very supportive and open with each other and we have always talked about our emotions and the way we feel, however a few months into 2022 I ... View more

Hey there, I have been in a committed relationship for just a little over two years now. My partner and I are very supportive and open with each other and we have always talked about our emotions and the way we feel, however a few months into 2022 I found screenshots from old friends of mine instagrams, the photos were in sexual nature, now he finally around that time after I told him I found it, he opened up about his addiction to porn and that it had nothing to do with us or me, it was an issue in himself. Now I accepted this and we moved on from it, it took him a while to get clean but he was clean for around 6 months and I was very proud of this, he unfortunately in November last year relapsed and i had to find it for him to tell me againand we again worked past this and he hadn't relapsed since ( or so I thought ). Well I found out through an old friend yesterday that for the past 3 months or so he has been subscribed to her only fans and had got a private video from it. Now I gave him the chance to tell me about it before I told him I knew and he told me that he had been using an old instagram account to look at these women's accounts (all people I know) and I was grateful he was honest and owned up about that but he never mentioned the Only fans accounts. I called him out on it and he said he was really scared to tell me because he didn't know how. I am now struggling with the thought that he paid money for somebody else for 3 months without me knowing, it just hurts but I know he wants to do better but he doesn't want professional help because he isn't ready. He really loves me and I love him but what do I do? I mean I just feel like we are repeating the same cycle. I know that he is trying really hard but I just feel so heartbroken. I don't know how to move forward. Any ideas?

ReachingOut2u Lost on the road to recovering
  • replies: 6

This is difficult to wright and I appreciate your support.From the outside it may seem I have it all. But the fact is I'm totally shattered and struggling to keep my head up. 4 yrs ago the love of my life and I moved to our beach side home to wind ba... View more

This is difficult to wright and I appreciate your support.From the outside it may seem I have it all. But the fact is I'm totally shattered and struggling to keep my head up. 4 yrs ago the love of my life and I moved to our beach side home to wind back and enjoy life.6 weeks later she was gone stating she missed her daughter. The truth being she was missing the affair she was having.Their plan was to get me settled away from our home town then take the money and marry him. Our 5yr relationship seemed perfect she would often comment how never fought. Our life together was full of fun laughter holidays and healthy mutual intimacy. At no time did I suspect anything was wrong even the day she up and left. The evening before was romantic and loving. Friends have since informed she now admits the affair had been going on for well over twelve months prior. How can someone be so close and loving to two individuals at once ? I just can't comprehend, its destroying me.Since this trauma I have slowly spiralled into a shadow of my former self. Cant sleep, have reoccurring dreams, my mind constantly looking for evidence of the betrayal. I go out of my way to avoid situations and trust no one. Struggle to return to my home town to see family and friends.Im a good man and deserve to be free of this. How do I do it?

lost_mum84 Failing as a mum
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Hi Guysmore and more i feel like im failing as a mum, i love my kids dearly and will move heaven and earth for them. Everything i do is for them, but things at home have been tough. Money wise with one income (im a stay at home mum) its been tight.I ... View more

Hi Guysmore and more i feel like im failing as a mum, i love my kids dearly and will move heaven and earth for them. Everything i do is for them, but things at home have been tough. Money wise with one income (im a stay at home mum) its been tight.I never get time for me and i am so beyond exhausted.My middle child is testing my patience beyond belief, to the point I yell at her and i absolutely hate it. Its kills me to think of how my reactions are. Its causing tension in the home, and its everyday. I feel like I cant do anything right. And somedays I just feel like getting in the car and driving away. ( i would never do it to my children) Im just lost atm

David35 trouble dealing with ageing and frail mum
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I live with my mum, who recently got through bladder cancer unscathed. Except now both she and I don't seem to get along that well anymore. She's getting more frail and I worry about her falls and sudden dizzy spells, particularly because we have sta... View more

I live with my mum, who recently got through bladder cancer unscathed. Except now both she and I don't seem to get along that well anymore. She's getting more frail and I worry about her falls and sudden dizzy spells, particularly because we have stairs. She's a people person. When she's starved of people contact, she gets really down, which is hard to cope with. On top of this, I'm struggling to deal with my own anxiety issues, which make me irritable and hard to get along with. I'm seeking treatment for my anxiety, some of which I think was caused by the endless doctors appointments. But we just can't seem to converse without one or other blowing up. Usually me... is this just PTSD I'm suffering?

fflove5 Husband of 17 years leaves. I’m a mess
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My husband dropped a bomb on me and has moved out. Decided on Monday and told teen kids on Tuesday and was at an air bnb wed. I am an absolute mess. He said he hasn’t been happy for a long time( I call bullshit because we have had some amazing times)... View more

My husband dropped a bomb on me and has moved out. Decided on Monday and told teen kids on Tuesday and was at an air bnb wed. I am an absolute mess. He said he hasn’t been happy for a long time( I call bullshit because we have had some amazing times) but he’s been so stressed at work and become antisocial and works from home and is worried he’s almost 50 and his body isn’t what it used to be. I’ve tried so hard to fight him to stay and I love him so much. He floated this idea before Christmas and I went above and beyond to try and help him and change things and he seemed happy and responsive and intimate to even holding hands a few days before. But he said his heads a mess and he needs space to breathe and feels suffocated wtf can I do I am an absolute mess trying to understand this. I have noticed the last 12 months he started to become antisocial and drink more and work a lot. He refused to speak up when work got too much and has bottled up a lot of feelings and I feel like all of a sudden they have blown up and he thinks this is what he needs to do. Since he’s been gone I’ve taken counselling advice and given him his space and wide berth despite it absolutely killing me because I want to help him. I’ve suggested counselling ( he said “what can they do to help me I need to sort myself out first and not waste their time) he’s even mentioned stopping drinking did it a week then got angry at me when he slipped up and decided to walk. I am a fighter in relationships I told him I am going to fight for us because we all have hurdles and we get through and build foundations and get better than ever but he is saying he’s done and he doesn’t like being robotic and just existing. He doesn’t love himself anymore. I see him as depressed ( not sure at what level) but it kills me now I am only communicating about kids . He now is starting to bring me coffee and offer to cook dinner. It’s like he still have one foot in the door both ways and i am struggling. I have cried for days since he left Wednesday. Today has been the worst being a weekend. Some hours of the day I feel ok and I am trying to get on with my life but then I see him come in all chirpy and humming to himself and smiling and it’s ripping me to pieces .

SizzleW Cheated
  • replies: 4

A month ago I made the decision to sleep with someone else other than my husband. This guy that I slept with is 11 years younger than me and has a child (single dad whom I met through work). I loved the excitement, the fun, the naughtiness of it and ... View more

A month ago I made the decision to sleep with someone else other than my husband. This guy that I slept with is 11 years younger than me and has a child (single dad whom I met through work). I loved the excitement, the fun, the naughtiness of it and many of times I have wanted to do it again. I feel no affection from my husband even when I have tried to initiate things. I don't know what to do, my feelings are mixed I love my husband but am starting to develop feelings for the other guy.

Aria87 Triggered by opinionated SIL
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When my hubby & i first got together, i felt his sister VERY clingy to him,in which took her time to realize he was now in a relationship &soon to be married so she learnt her boundaries etc.We had a falling out early stages, where she involved herse... View more

When my hubby & i first got together, i felt his sister VERY clingy to him,in which took her time to realize he was now in a relationship &soon to be married so she learnt her boundaries etc.We had a falling out early stages, where she involved herself too much when i fell pregnant with my son. We moved on, but in my heart i knew she was at fault, HOWEVER took it as a lesson learnt with my husband & got over it - my husband did not see the issue.SIL has since divorced & now in a relationship in which nobody approves & is somewhat a secret due to her religious beliefs (which is also contradicting as the argument we had about was religious views and if this is the case she is doing way worse than my husband & i did which again is non of her business, nor is her choices to me)My SIL then became distant which my husband knew was something to do with us, i was blind sighted as me & the SIL have been fine (i assumed) but when he asked her what was wrong, so told my husband she was annoyed with me.Her bday, i had covid, was on my way to negative however still VERY unwell, yet i packed up my family to spend the weekend away for her, had a great time yet still fell very sick & left the next morning as i had work the next day - she stated i acted as if i didnt want to be there & it was her bday & shouldve made more effort.Same event- i made a comment about a dish cooked, in which i told my son he wouldnt like it, as i know what my son eats and wastes - she complained i was offensive as it was something they prepared.Her children, have in the past gotten my child into trouble by winding him up etc. - she complained how i am WITH MY OWN SON & told my husband i should let him be around her children.I was triggered once my husband told her in this chat that he would inform me about how she feels in which she replied "if i knew you would tell her, i wouldn't have told you" THIS is the issue i cannot deal with - SIL wanting to be the center of attention & going out of her way to tell my husband these issues which i think are ridiculous & she expects my husband to not tell me. I believe she shouldn't have said anything to my husband, as i wouldn't put my own brother in this situation & wedge myself between him & his wife. Im trying to be a better & still treating her as normal, yet now she is distant which reminds me of the past where i was originally hurt by their comments.

Kat86393 Husband with PDD wants divorce
  • replies: 4

My husband has had depression for the last few years and for the last 6 months it is been at its worst with suicidal ideation. We have 2-year-old and 6 month old daughter's. The last 6 months have been incredibly hard with a young bub and my husband ... View more

My husband has had depression for the last few years and for the last 6 months it is been at its worst with suicidal ideation. We have 2-year-old and 6 month old daughter's. The last 6 months have been incredibly hard with a young bub and my husband was also medically discharged from the Air Force. He says that he doesn't see a future for us because we will drag each other down. What do I do? Do I refuse to accept this as being him? Is it his depression dating we are better off without him? I can't imagine my future without him.

R.Penn Unemployed and depressed
  • replies: 4

Hi I feel really depressed today, I am unemployed and have been so since December 2022. I worked for two months prior to that at Aus Post as a Christmas casual and before that I was unemployed for 2 years since covid. I have been told by everyone tha... View more

Hi I feel really depressed today, I am unemployed and have been so since December 2022. I worked for two months prior to that at Aus Post as a Christmas casual and before that I was unemployed for 2 years since covid. I have been told by everyone that doesn’t get to see me everyday to “ just get a job”… they aren’t seeing me. I went to my job provider today and he was a complete bully again, I have been exhausted trying to stand up for myself and am sick of this system we live in. It’s failing so many people. I feel depressed mainly because he called my process of finding work pathetic… and am I just going to continue searching online for a job and filling in my obligations… he is supposed to help me and be empathetic. I feel like I shouldn’t listen to him but criticism echoes in my head. My good friend told me that I need to get my self confidence back on text, and it just hurt. I am quite aware of how I am feeling and what’s going on. I am trying. I am trying to find my way in this world. I was an artist, it was a brave choice and it was stupid because it got me no where but poverty, I lost my imagination due to life events, depression and the general survival stress of trying to get by. I was not born into a family of wealth but I did not have a terrible up bringing either, not great but it wasn’t bad compared to others stories. It’s dysfunctional like everyone else’s. I just need a break, I need to find somewhere I feel SAFE to work and I wont be harassed by men at work. I am sick and tired of having to have to explain myself. I just want to be GOOD at something again. Hearing the word Pathetic today just makes me spiral into negativity again when I have been trying to find hope and positivity. I feel so shit and like I shouldn’t be here I am useless waste of space on the tax system. These job providers need to get in the bin, they are all show, and image and no action. No empathy for people. I don’t have anyone I can talk to thank you for listening. I have worked it’s just I am never good enough for a permanent role where I can stay long term. I don’t fit in this world anymore.

PsychedelicFur My ex is now back with his ex before me, I feel like I was a REBOUND
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Hello there, After leaving my longterm relationship of one year, I have just found out that my ex partner is getting back together with his ex (before me). I feel really hurt that after a month he can just move on like that and back with his ex, befo... View more

Hello there, After leaving my longterm relationship of one year, I have just found out that my ex partner is getting back together with his ex (before me). I feel really hurt that after a month he can just move on like that and back with his ex, before me. I am feeling so lonely and sad. Although, I’m lonely.. I am appreciative that I had did not stay with him because he would guilt trip me and say things like “…I will never love another” and “If you leave me I will be forever alone and you are my last hope.” Because he is going back with his ex it has made me feel that the WHOLE time he had feelings for her… I felt like a rebound. It has made me feel terrible about my self esteem.