PTSD and trauma

A space for discussing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), domestic abuse, sexual abuse and other trauma. Please note some content may be distressing.


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A_Tech PTSD for Medical and First Responders
  • replies: 276

Hi, Well obviously this my situation. I was hoping to find others here that might have a similar background to chat with, it can be so hard to talk about this stuff with non-med people (and I mean no disrespect, it's just often graffic or upsetting t... View more

Hi, Well obviously this my situation. I was hoping to find others here that might have a similar background to chat with, it can be so hard to talk about this stuff with non-med people (and I mean no disrespect, it's just often graffic or upsetting to others). Im a 40 year old female that has spent the last 10years in the State Trauma Hospital as an Anaesthetic Technician. My PTSD was brought about after years of exposure to shocking traumas, deaths, and no support from management. I would love to hear from anyone that has a similar story, or just wants to chat. Cheers

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Ash_c_munny new member - domestic violence
  • replies: 3

Hi i have never been on anything like this before but today i have hit rock bottom amd it all started a year ago when i was in a domestic violent relationship and i finally had the courage to tell someone about it amd take actioni decided to not go t... View more

Hi i have never been on anything like this before but today i have hit rock bottom amd it all started a year ago when i was in a domestic violent relationship and i finally had the courage to tell someone about it amd take actioni decided to not go to work and go to a family friends amd tell them everything and the police were called and i had him charged..even though it has been nearly a year i struggle with it everyday the smallest things can remind me of tje most horrible things i had gone through i have been to the doctors alot over the past few weeks and have now been told i have ptsd this is something i wamt to be able to overcome and i just wanted to talk to people that may understand as not everyone does and it is hard to talk to them thank you to who ever has taken the time to read part of my storey and i look forward to trying to help people but also maybe get the support and help from you guys aswell

Ailsa I've had enough.
  • replies: 7

I have had enough of trying to deal with my thoughts and feelings every second of every day. My past haunts me and no matter how I try to cope with it, it never gets easier. After 16 years of the most horrific abuse and torture, and 22 years of tryin... View more

I have had enough of trying to deal with my thoughts and feelings every second of every day. My past haunts me and no matter how I try to cope with it, it never gets easier. After 16 years of the most horrific abuse and torture, and 22 years of trying to cope with it and live a 'normal' life, I've had enough. I self harm extensively and I often think about going that one step further, it would be so easy..........I've had enough! I go to counselling, have done on and off for 10 years and I am in touch with my GP, nothing helps. All of my memories are in my head all the time.........I've had enough.........I don't know what to do now.

justnotsure Fed up with being abused and threatened by my 16 year old son
  • replies: 8

I am fed up and have had enough. My teenage son who is addicted to marijuana abuses me, threatens me and is so disrespectful everyday. It isn't just me he doesn't care who he does it to but I am the one that cops it the most. We have holes in almost ... View more

I am fed up and have had enough. My teenage son who is addicted to marijuana abuses me, threatens me and is so disrespectful everyday. It isn't just me he doesn't care who he does it to but I am the one that cops it the most. We have holes in almost every wall in our house from him, he has wrecked so much of our stuff, damaged our sheds and fences the list just goes on and on. Today he got so close to my face in a heated moment that his fringe was touching my forehead. He came so close to hitting me twice today. He sold my daughters tv today to buy his fix. I got the police out and again like every other time nothing happens. My marriage is suffering because of his behaviour, my eldest child has moved out because she no longer felt safe. We no longer feel safe. I have tried all sorts of counselling but he won't attend anything. He doesn't go to school, he doesn't work. I have got no idea what to do next as I am about to burst. We need serious urgent help but I have no idea. Would love him to go to one of those boot camps where they get there anger out and then chat it out and figure out what is wrong but again where do you start. Thepolice told me to kick him out. Where would he go? To be honest I don't care. I have lost all my motherly feelings for him he has just dragged me so far down that I don't care time it happens which won't be far away he will hit me then the police will do something. Any suggestions. Thank you

Noreen Approx 6mths ago diagnosed with chronic non-melancholic depression with severe PTSD. Recent relapse with work hour reduction by employer.
  • replies: 6

Hi, I've recently relapsed. Just after my employer reduced my work hours, about 6weeks ago. I'm a health professional, so the 'I should be able to get myself out of this' hangs over me every day. I have been in practice for 2 years and struggling to ... View more

Hi, I've recently relapsed. Just after my employer reduced my work hours, about 6weeks ago. I'm a health professional, so the 'I should be able to get myself out of this' hangs over me every day. I have been in practice for 2 years and struggling to build my client base...every set back feels like it could end me. I think about quitting and going back to admin. I know what to do and have started, over the last 2 weeks, getting up at 6am, walking (started to jog) with my partner and dog. Eat nutritiously, trying to keep to low processed foods, low caffeine (trying to eliminate), low sugar, high vege, protein and fat content foods. Journalling, I see a psychologist every fortnight, talking mostly about how inept I feel at parenting and trying to build skills. I really am crap at parenting. I came from a dysfunctional broken family with lots of trauma, so that is all I have to go off re: skills. I try hard to right this, but I feel that my mental illness makes it so difficult, as I get really anxious. I really rarely enjoy it. So sad and I hope I haven't damaged my kids too much with all the flashbacks and yelling (part of the PTSD) much guilt there. It floors me when it happens. Like today, we were running late for school because my daughter couldn't find her hairbrush, so I yelled at her, that it's her fault I'll be late for work, told her I wanted to not be her parent anymore, that it's all too hard. Then I spent the drive to school crying and apologising to her. Drove back home and called into work sick to lay on the couch for the day. It sucks. I hate it and 2 psychologists have not yet been able to help me stop. Taking 5HTP has helped a little - my idea. I've run out, thinking, maybe I don't have to take it anymore...will order more now! See this forum helping already Had another setback a few months ago when I experienced abdominal pain and ended up with appendectomy...during 2 weeks recovery at home I felt suicidal. I hope to find support here, as I've got no real friends to turn too...their all to bloody busy with their families and I'm afraid I'll wear my little sister out, as she is the only one, apart from my partner (who doesn't 'get it') who I confide in. I confided in my best friend when I got my diagnosis, 6mths ago and she walked out on me...12 years of friendship and it was that easy for her to walk away! Hence why I find it really hard to trust others with my heart.

feeling_lost Unhappy Relationship - Abuse (Physical, Mental, Emotional)
  • replies: 10

I am a 21 year old female who has very recently been diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder (prescribed medication - started medication in 01/03/2016) I have been in a relationship with my partner for 14 months. In February 2015 I fell pregnant to ... View more

I am a 21 year old female who has very recently been diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder (prescribed medication - started medication in 01/03/2016) I have been in a relationship with my partner for 14 months. In February 2015 I fell pregnant to him, and in March 2015 I found out I had a miscarriage. After the miscarriage, my partner proposed to me; to which I said yes. Ever since then we have argued about anything and everything. To begin with it would just be yelling and screaming because we both have trust issues. Then it would turn into physical abuse (mainly on his behalf to begin with, but after a while of being hit around, I too would become quite violent) For the past three months our relationship has been VERY rocky and VERY abusive. I find it mainly due to financial issues (I work full time, he doesn't work at all due to a broken wrist) so I find myself taking care of a majority of food, bills, rent etc. When I approach him for assistance with something, whether it be money, housework, someone to talk to etc. he ignores me and doesn't give me the time of day, which is why my depression has become so bad. We call each other names, throw objects at each other, push, shove, hit and scratch, but lately I have found that I am the one who has a VERY short temper and I will tend to hit things around me instead of my partner (e.g doors, walls, windows) I do not have a very good relationship with my family, so due to this I feel as though my partner is the only person who I can run to, and he makes this known to me by saying things like 'You have no one else but me, don't f*ck around or I will leave you' He makes me feel as though I have something 'mentally wrong' with me, but I don't know what to do about it or who to talk to. I am terrified of losing the man that I love because of my temper and the fact that I feel as though I am unable to just sit and have a conversation with him without getting overly emotional or temperamental. I have been referred to a psychotherapist for further treatment, but I would like to know who I can speak to or what I can do in the meantime because I'm afraid if I don't do something soon; I will lose my job, my house and the man I love. Any help or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Jetson Alone - domestic Volience
  • replies: 7

Good evening - I'm new to these forums but I find myself at home alone on this Saturday night for the first time in around 10 months after a domestic violence relationship break up. I'm struggling big time with depression, guilt and sadness.

Good evening - I'm new to these forums but I find myself at home alone on this Saturday night for the first time in around 10 months after a domestic violence relationship break up. I'm struggling big time with depression, guilt and sadness.

Elizabeth CP Learning to deal with trauma by finding positives in learning or growing afterwards
  • replies: 15

I am using this thread for my own benefit but would be glad of others input. Last time I saw my psychiatrist & discussing the negative impacts of several traumatic & bad experiences he asked me to come up with positives or things I've learnt from the... View more

I am using this thread for my own benefit but would be glad of others input. Last time I saw my psychiatrist & discussing the negative impacts of several traumatic & bad experiences he asked me to come up with positives or things I've learnt from the experience. Following his suggestion I started writing down things each day and this helped me but once I stopped things went downhill so I thought I would try again using this thread. Hopefully it may inspire others to find some positives to help them deal with their own trauma. My idea is not about making the event itself positive with comments like 'at least you survived' because that doesn't help. Positives I can think of today are: By being poor due to losing everything in the bushfire I have learnt to manage money well & can save & go without to get what I really need. This was a benefit when my husband was out of work and now that we are on carers & disability pension Because of my low self esteem I compensated by working hard at school so I got good marks. Thjis meant I was able to focus on my studies and got a scholarship to study at uni. I missed having relatives in Australia so I really appreciated my family and went out of my way to stay close to my brother which meant my kids are now really close to their cousins & my brother has helped me a lot when needed. Please feel free to comment or add your own ideas.

Reaperbird PTSD, abuse and family
  • replies: 12

My step dad was very abusive to me growing up and has caused me a lot of fear and trauma. Despite what he did to me, the rest of my family still talk to him. They also refuse to support me at all saying they don't want to get involved. Even when I we... View more

My step dad was very abusive to me growing up and has caused me a lot of fear and trauma. Despite what he did to me, the rest of my family still talk to him. They also refuse to support me at all saying they don't want to get involved. Even when I went to the police about it, they all refused to back me up or make a statement. It hurts a lot. I often feel like they don't care about me. Sometimes they put me in danger too by telling him about my personal life or inviting us both to the same function. I don't want to be anywhere near him, I'm terrified of him, and even when I tell them this they get angry at me and call me paranoid. There have even been a few in my family that say it's my fault I got abused, saying I deserved it because I'm a trouble-maker. They spread horrible things behind my back, and make fun of me. When I go to see my family, or when they visit, they often isolate me and leave me out of conversations. They also bully me and treat me like I'm inferior to them. If I see them in public, they act ashamed of me, like they don't want to be seen with me. I've had a lot of fights with them, I keep asking them why they don't like me and why do they keep hurting me, but they just get angry and say they do love me and that I'm just being sensitive. They also say I'm angry and manipulative, and I admit, I do get angry, because they treat me awful. And I have manipulated situations because it was the only way I could be safe from my step dad. They would have put me in danger if I hadn't done something! I'm really tired of fighting with them, but I don't know what to do anymore. They won't respect my need to feel safe, and they won't show any kind of support for me. I've tried everything to work things out but no one will listen. They just see me as annoying and causing trouble. They don't care how much pain I'm in, or if they put me in harm's way. They just tell me it's not their problem and to not bother them with it. I feel so alone. I feel like they don't care at all for me, and would rather see me hurt again then try to support me. I love my family, but sometimes I think I'm better off without them. Is that awful? It's just I don't want to be afraid and isolated anymore. I feel like I'm being punished for standing up to the abuse. He's nice to everyone, but not me. So many people have left already because they didn't believe me, I don't want to lose my family, but I feel like I already have.

Faith_Hope How can people be assessed for PTSD and OCD
  • replies: 2

I think i may have OCD and PTSD. How can one be referred and/or assessed for these conditions. What types of treatment are available to help treat these conditions? And lastly is it possible that a person suffers from these conditions for the majorit... View more

I think i may have OCD and PTSD. How can one be referred and/or assessed for these conditions. What types of treatment are available to help treat these conditions? And lastly is it possible that a person suffers from these conditions for the majority of their life but have periods where it appears they are coping or not showing signs of these conditions? Thanks for your help

swim I believe i have PTSD but all my experince says that i will be treated like the culprit not the victim if i seek help (distressing content warning)
  • replies: 5

I have trouble vocalizing how i feel so please understand i may mis-communicate some times Apporximately 2 and a half years ago i lived in a share house in which i rented a room at the front of the house next to the front door; Unfortunately for me i... View more

I have trouble vocalizing how i feel so please understand i may mis-communicate some times Apporximately 2 and a half years ago i lived in a share house in which i rented a room at the front of the house next to the front door; Unfortunately for me i made the biggest mistake of my life as i lived in a share house so i kept my gadgets and wallet in a small safe in the front lounge room where the front door is. That was what a group of 20yo's decided was there target. ive woken up and opened my door to a situation that i can never forget. The front door was kicked in there were multiple assailants, one of which attacking my housemate with a metal bar in an attempt to get him to say the safe code. the others next to him with three more standing in the front verander I was in shock and my arrival in the situation made the attackers stop and stare at me in mind was racing on how to deal with the problem..(at which point i was attacked with an engine block and lost conciseness for about 10 seconds).. i was left with sever facial swelling/ bruising, i was coughing up blood for a week and suffering a headache for almost a year straight. the hospital gave me some panadol forte and sent me packing after refusing to Xray my skull because the doctor claimed that there was nothing he could do even if it was fractured. This was after hours of waiting in the waiting and the doctors spent the whole time accusing both me and my housemate of doing it to each other, my job made me take 2 weeks off work unpaid because they didn't like the look of the swelling and bruising on my face and the cops accused me of selling amphetamines and spent more of there time saying that i couldn't call it a home invasion anymore that laws say it has to be called an aggravated burglary. Everything i experienced was people trying to blame me which is half the reason i feel the way i do. Since then I've been unable to get a good nights sleep, ive developed a drug habit, i barley leave my house, if i think about the incident i cant get it out of my head ,I have become so temperamental and irritable people don't like to be around me, i cant hold a job for more than 6 months before i break and i have chronic depression and anxiety The end result is my life is falling apart and i have no idea how to start putting it back together, I consider getting doctor diagnoses but from what i experienced I'd be treated as the culprit not the victim. How do i deal with this?