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BeyondBlue Hello! Read this if you're not sure how to get started
  • replies: 0

Welcome This section of the Beyond Blue Forums is for talking about our experiences with Depression. There are lots of chats about how it makes us feel, what it’s like to live with depression and what has worked to help in these times. Thank you for ... View more

Welcome This section of the Beyond Blue Forums is for talking about our experiences with Depression. There are lots of chats about how it makes us feel, what it’s like to live with depression and what has worked to help in these times. Thank you for coming this far, we know it can be really hard to take these steps if depression is in your life - we see you and think this is a great step. To get the most out of this space we have a few tips: Get involved. The Forums work best for you when you get active and post where you can. Now, we know that can be really hard, especially when you are experiencing depression. So, if you can post something supportive to someone else here, that would be an incredible start. Speak from the heart. This community wants to know how YOU feel and what has worked for YOU. We trust that you have something unique to say and we can’t wait to hear it. Check in. Lots of the chats on this Forum having been going for years and they are some of the richest conversations we have. Keep checking in to get new ideas and offer your support. We know it can be tough to start, but when you are ready we want to hear your thoughts. If you need some time to get to know the community, that's okay! Have a look around and see where you want to get involved. Thank you for being here Beyond Blue

Jeriava How do I talk to my doctor?
  • replies: 9

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really ... View more

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really scared that they’ll judge me or won’t believe anything I say. I’m really anti social so I feel like I won’t be able to say what I wanna say or I’ll say the wrong thing causing them to just dismiss me and move me along without helping. I’m just tired of feeling alone, depressed and just worthless but I’m really scared to talk to them.

  • replies: 132

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the ... View more

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the 5 senses Distress Tolerance – Accepting Emotions and Self Soothing Distraction – Put the thoughts/feelings aside and come back to them when you are ready to deal with them Positive Affirmations – Have some affirmations written down repeat them to yourself daily Sleep/Exercise/Diet – All 3 aspects of our lifestyle can impact the way we think/feel Increasing Pleasurable Activities – Engage in at least one pleasurable activity per day

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LucyK18 struggling with my MH
  • replies: 2

Hey everyone,I feel like I’ve been struggling with my MH for a few years with lots of setbacks and disappointments and now I feel like I have completely changed. Is this a MH issue?Moods are up and down. Always feeling overwhelmed and like I have no ... View more

Hey everyone,I feel like I’ve been struggling with my MH for a few years with lots of setbacks and disappointments and now I feel like I have completely changed. Is this a MH issue?Moods are up and down. Always feeling overwhelmed and like I have no time. Exhausted and tired. Feeling bored, unsatisfied in life, like it’s being wasted. Lonely. Unmotivated, hard to concentrate and way less active and social. Even hard to socialise. I feel like I’m a downer and much harder to be social when in a group. Sometimes I get overlooked because I’ve become more introverted.I used to be outgoing and carefree and socialising was easy and I was always happy and energetic.some things that have happened since 2018- Moving home from living abroad- Dad died, battling cancer (we are a close family)- New career trained and studied etc and then had to go back to old career I hated due to injury- Covid, stressful with a lot of lost work and no income- Really struggling with being home and a lot less active during Covid - extremely stressful job back to community service, hate it.- Another stressful injury- Going nowhere. Everyone around me settling down marrying and having kids.- New career finally out of CS- New car but then was filled with safety faults, a lemon. Three month struggle to get my money back, through fair trading etc etc- Another big injury with 6 months recovery- Feeling like I’m a drag now and losing my carefree, confident, outgoing personality I still have great friends and family but I’m just not me anymore would love some feedback on what to do and what it sounds like.Thanks

ta_na im so alone
  • replies: 4

for the past 6 years i have been alone, i have terrible social anxiety and can’t bring myself to see a therapist. i don’t leave my house and i am 21 and still yet to get a job. the only people i interact with other then the very select few i speak wi... View more

for the past 6 years i have been alone, i have terrible social anxiety and can’t bring myself to see a therapist. i don’t leave my house and i am 21 and still yet to get a job. the only people i interact with other then the very select few i speak with online is my mum, brother and grandma. i don’t tell them or anybody about how i truely feel because it makes me feel weak and stupid, we have never had any conversations about mental health or anything like that and i just can’t bring myself to say something. i find temporary happiness in having a “relationship” that deep down i know will never work but i do it anyway, just to feel loved. i don’t often get upset and i am able to entertain myself most days but it’s getting to be too hard. im in a small town in the middle of nowhere and no license so even if i did have the courage to go meet new people i can’t. my family looks down on me for not living up to the standards that they expect. i just don’t know where to go from here, i want to talk to somebody or get on medication or something but i just can’t do it.

frazzled-1 Struggling
  • replies: 2

Hi Everyone, This is my first time posting. I visited the site today as I’m struggling and just needed to find tools to help until I see my doctor again. There is not one single area of my life that is going well right now - everything is extremely s... View more

Hi Everyone, This is my first time posting. I visited the site today as I’m struggling and just needed to find tools to help until I see my doctor again. There is not one single area of my life that is going well right now - everything is extremely stressful. My eldest son has moved back home and is struggling to find work, so I’m supporting him financially and emotionally. My daughter is going through a hard time, dealing with the assault of her best friend, so I’m worrying about her well-being. I'm not sure if the mother of the person who assaulted her friend knows what's happened yet, but it’s only a matter of time until she finds out. I have to see the mother every day at work as her youngest attends my preschool and I keep playing different scenarios over in my head about what will happen or be said when she finds out. My youngest son is causing the most concern. He has ongoing health issues that result in him missing a LOT of school. He’s seeing doctors and has a specialist appointment coming up to investigate the cause. But, I’m worried constantly about what his future holds and how all of this will affect him in the long run. Then there’s work. I run a preschool and am quite literally run off my feet at the moment, picking up the work load of staff members due to injuries and illnesses, falling behind on my own work as a result, having to deal with certain staff members approaching me a dozen times a day to bag someone else out or wanting me to make every little decision for them. Staff whining about their rosters and having dummy spits when I literally cannot give them their own way. Chasing up accounts I’m having ongoing issues with and having to answer to upper management about it. Then there’s my finances. I work my butt off, but between the cost of living crisis, having three teenagers to support on my own, car issues etc. I have nothing to show for it. I hold my breath for the last several days of every pay cycle, just hoping I’ll make it through to the next pay day without the kids needing anything. Finally, the last big thing going on, is that after 8 years of complete silence, the father of my children reached out, via our 18 year-old, to ask for a divorce. I’m so happy to finally be getting the divorce, but so angry that after not having any contact with any of our children in so long, he used our son solely for that purpose - because he wanted something, not because he was interested in being a father. I shouldn’t be surprised, this piece of work has 6 children with three different women and hasn’t stuck around to raise any of them. I just can’t comprehend it. There’s no way I’d have missed a second of seeing our children grow up. I've been on medication for years. It has always worked for me and I KNOW how much of a mess I’d be right now if not for the medication. But, I find with everything going on right now that everything is such an effort. All I want to do is sleep, as that’s the only time I get a mental break from everything. However, even my sleep is interrupted by violent and often gory nightmares. I’m depressed and can’t see things getting better any time soon. Thank you if you made it this far.

David35 anniversary of dad's death
  • replies: 20

It's coming up 7 years of dad's death this week. And leading up to it, I'm a mess. I'm depressed, sad, can't think straight some days. I bumped into a mate of his the other day, and the whole next day and several others, I just felt like shit. Do oth... View more

It's coming up 7 years of dad's death this week. And leading up to it, I'm a mess. I'm depressed, sad, can't think straight some days. I bumped into a mate of his the other day, and the whole next day and several others, I just felt like shit. Do other people get this? Is it delayed grief? It's like this mental block in my mind telling me that something is bothering me.

Elephant86 Buddahs path to enligtenment
  • replies: 3

I personally have been on this journey of buddism learning and understanding the concept and using it in my own life. I wanted to share some books that Ive read that has put me on this journey of personal and peacful discovery. I feel that the experi... View more

I personally have been on this journey of buddism learning and understanding the concept and using it in my own life. I wanted to share some books that Ive read that has put me on this journey of personal and peacful discovery. I feel that the experiences I have had with my mental health and in my life has led me to learn about each of the concepts in buddism. When I learnt about compassion I was volenteering in a soup kitchen serving coffee and meals to the underprivaleged. I feel I have also experienced compassion for others while doing my job at beyond blue. All of us at some point in our lives come across these concepts and they enter our lives in both a positive and sometimes a negative way. I would love to hear your story if you wish to share? My search for peace and acceptance of my condition took a long time and I still have to face the difficulties still. I want to give everyone on the platform hope that they can overcome there health issues like I have even though I know it is a different path for everyone. I learnt about compassion from my parents. There was a story of how when anyone would come to our house there is always is a warm beautiful meal for everyone no matter who you are. My mum and I love to cook curry and feed the family that is a beautiful form of compassion and love for everyone. One christmas we had 40 people at our place and I had to buy the biggest turkey I could find . We were making lasanga 10pm on enight. I did not mind because I was helpig my parents at christmas. I beleive compassion is love for community The way that the concept of acceptance entered my life was a bit unorthadox. I had had my bipolar episode and I was stuck at hme for a month reading books and waiting to get better from. I had to go on a journey of acceptance and forgivness for the struggles I was going through. At times with mental health and other health issues it is very hard to accept and come to peace and forgivness for your situation. We must realise we are not alone in our struggles with our health we all have the support of our family and friends. The second time I had to learn acceptance was when I was told I could acheive my car licence due to my epilepsy and I know there are many epileptics who struggle through a similar fait. I have grand Mal epilepsy with are earth shaking seizures and it doesn't happen as often anymore but I had to come to acceptance and forgivness of my condition and make peace with my health condition

Debedee86 So lost, sentimental and almost beyond blue
  • replies: 3

Just want some kind messages of hope, been struggling for years on my own after bad experiences with antidepressants years ago, partner has no time for me,have no friends, need some hope

Just want some kind messages of hope, been struggling for years on my own after bad experiences with antidepressants years ago, partner has no time for me,have no friends, need some hope

Joe_the_Innocent27 My life is Rock Bottom Suffering
  • replies: 1

About a decade ago I was destructive and suicidal because I had a deep infatuated lust for this girl that passed away and I also didn't believe in obtaining independence or future direction and financial security or finding relationship's, I could re... View more

About a decade ago I was destructive and suicidal because I had a deep infatuated lust for this girl that passed away and I also didn't believe in obtaining independence or future direction and financial security or finding relationship's, I could relate to this girl because the prior six years I was suffering and bullied during high school Fast forward I was wrongly diagnosed with Schizophrenia because of my prior decade suicidal behavior and I have been enforced on medication for the last eleven years, I ended up having a cholecystectomy and becoming a pre diabetic too as a brutal consequence of taking forced pharmaceuticals I get abused where I am emotionally, socially and psychologically disliking my father and my mother never wants to acknowledge the truth about him, It gets worse because if I forget to take my tablet despite not needing them my mother blames my feelings and she exaggerates my symptoms and conditions as adjugated and she gets all psychological that I am this way because I'm not taking my un needed medication I feel my sanity and free will is beneath the abuse of egotistical, un sympathetic doctors that don't have humility and a chance to be wrong about my tragic diagnosis. I'm also financially dependent on my father who I hate and have no work direction or work history at 28, I thought about becoming a dietician until I realized it's too challenging, Most entry job's are retail or factory misery and I wanted a good future, I can't afford to leave my parents but I want my own life and agenda tired of being beneath the wing and shadow of my toxic father It's my word against these societal respected doctors, I am the victim consistently suffering beneath un wanted and un needed pharmaceuticals and having my parents exaggerate my condition, I don't have Schizophrenia and can't improve my life either

raspberryropes Feeling empty and lonely - what can I do?
  • replies: 5

How do people deal with crippling lonliness and emptiness? Everyday I am reminded by the lack of social networks I have and feel it getting worse as I get older. Work is my only social outlet but it is extremely superficial. I am also in management s... View more

How do people deal with crippling lonliness and emptiness? Everyday I am reminded by the lack of social networks I have and feel it getting worse as I get older. Work is my only social outlet but it is extremely superficial. I am also in management so there are additional boundaries around the nature of relationships at work. Saying this, I function incredibly well at work - work is not personal, I have an excellent work ethic and it allows me to be focused. Beyond work though, I am a mess and I feel nothing but emptiness. I have no family or friends. I was abandoned by various friends years ago whilst I was in abusive relationship and I never recovered from that. My family is also complicated and abusive so I've had to put up boundaries to protect myself and have no contact now. I am married but my husband has become tired of my depression and doesnt want to know me unless I have a smile on my face. I feel like I cant leave him because I will literally have no one. I have tried to make friends but I find it draining and requires so much emotional investment that I just dont have. I often leave these interactions in tears and need to sleep for hours just to recover. I have tried to seek help before but its been unhelpful. Most psychologists have said it must be very lonely being you but not said what I can really do about it. They've only just listened and validated. At this point I feel like I have effectively given up.

Joe_the_Innocent27 Plain misery
  • replies: 87

I have had a rough 12 years I was bullied in high school by about 8 people, from the ages of 12 - 18 I have been mis diagnosed with originally psychosis and than schizophrenia, and I was told to be kept on anti psychotic medications for life, for whe... View more

I have had a rough 12 years I was bullied in high school by about 8 people, from the ages of 12 - 18 I have been mis diagnosed with originally psychosis and than schizophrenia, and I was told to be kept on anti psychotic medications for life, for when I don't even have schizophrenia, I have contracted pre diabetes from past medications My mother is horrible 1) She treats me as a mental disability or retarded 2) She can't be disagreed with 3) She doesn't encourage my driving, despite having a license 4) She doesn't believe in the need for me to work occupations 5) She tells you to handle the world, when your confident and brave with your beliefs. She rejects you to face your problems, because you either have to be a beta cuck for her, or she abandons your support My father 1) His selfish and entitled 2) His arrogant and ignorant 3) His in communicative and absent 4) His controlling and wanting peace I am in a continuous cycle of a quarter life existential crisis. At the age of 27 I haven't had a entry job, or plan interest for further study, I am not a University academia or TAFE interested, I have to get a injection of 50 mg anti psychotic drug for no schizophrenia per month, I live with pre diabetes, my parents are unsupportive, and my brother is different than me I don't have the ability to handle the independence of living alone either, and don't want to be with strangers, or anyone besides a partner or my own competence

KNTK2022 Where to next?
  • replies: 6

My wife and I are parents of a 20yr old who is suffering from debilitating depression. It manifests in extreme fatigue, which results in 10hrs + of sleep every day. This means he misses out on the most active part of the day. He also suffers from som... View more

My wife and I are parents of a 20yr old who is suffering from debilitating depression. It manifests in extreme fatigue, which results in 10hrs + of sleep every day. This means he misses out on the most active part of the day. He also suffers from some anxiety which manifests in a reluctance to go out. He is actually quite physically strong, and fit as he is a CrossFit athlete. But good days when he might be able to do a workout and also work as a CrossFit trainer are rare. It's a daily struggle. He's started a course of medication that I have been led to understand is about artificially tweaking hormonal balances. I don't know the specifics. He hasn't shared the details and is reluctant to do so. We've tried GPs, and we've tried headspace. We've run up against a wall. We can't see much progress and for now, the medication is not having an impact. It might actually be that his situation has worsened since starting the medication. There's obviously more to this. But for now I'm hoping someone out there has had a similar experience to ours, and that they might be able to offer some tips about who we can see for help? We're on regional Queensland so our options locally may be somewhat limited. Or perhaps we have options but I just don't know what I should be looking for? My son desperately wants this to end. I can see the frustration, and then the resulting sadness when he realises its groundhog day again.