BB Social Zone

Talking about mental health can be heavy. We get that. BB Social Zone offers a space where you can chill out and socialise with other members.


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Sophie_M Big Blue Table - Right here on the Forums!
  • replies: 6

Hello to our wonderful forums community! We have decided to run an ongoing Big Blue Table thread ‘Forums Edition’ until the end of October! What is a Big Blue Table? Big Blue Table is Beyond Blue's signature event held during October, Mental Health M... View more

Hello to our wonderful forums community! We have decided to run an ongoing Big Blue Table thread ‘Forums Edition’ until the end of October! What is a Big Blue Table? Big Blue Table is Beyond Blue's signature event held during October, Mental Health Month. Big Blue Table encourages people host a meal with their friends, family or colleagues while fighting the stigma that surrounds mental health. So why are we running one here? The reason we are doing this is so people have an opportunity to connect with others and have the experience of sharing their thoughts and feelings over a meal, no matter where they are in Australia. We know Mental Health Month can be a vulnerable time for many and believe this thread could be a safe space for people to be heard and learn from others’ experiences. Our community champions will be here to support you along the way, and our moderation team will be around to answer any questions you may have, as well as to ensure the thread remains respectful and safe for everyone. We encourage you to choose from the following questions to start a conversation: What do you do to look after your mental health? Are you comfortable sharing your feelings and emotions? If not, why? What are you passionate about, and why? Who would be your dream Big Blue Table guest, and why? After you have shared your answers, we would love to hear about what you are eating or bringing to the table. You can even tell us a little bit about your setup and what you can see around you to really immerse us into your world. This is your opportunity to be as creative as you’d like! But remember, there is no pressure or ‘right’ response, whatever you bring to the table will be more than enough. We hope this thread allows you to feel connected, supported, and a part of the Big Blue Table initiative. Now… get cooking!

Sophie_M Welcome to the BB Social Zone - guidelines for posting in this section
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, This section of the forum is a little different to the others, as you may have noticed in looking around the threads. Elsewhere on the forums, we discuss some pretty heavy topics: mental health issues, thoughts of suicide, trauma, abuse,... View more

Hi everyone, This section of the forum is a little different to the others, as you may have noticed in looking around the threads. Elsewhere on the forums, we discuss some pretty heavy topics: mental health issues, thoughts of suicide, trauma, abuse, relationship breakdowns. Here is the place to come to get away from that and have a bit of fun. Distraction can be an important tool to draw on if you're finding yourself overwhelmed by distressing thoughts and feelings. As this is a section for respite from difficult topics, we will remove posts made in this section that attempt to discuss personal issues. Please use a support thread in the appropriate section for these discussions. Happy posting!

Kazzl The BB cafe
  • replies: 20584

The BB cafe is open for business! Welcome all to a new chill and chat place for everyone on the forum. The BB cafe is whatever you want it to be. There are comfy sofas, tables and chairs, coffee machines, a kitchen stocked with everything. There's a ... View more

The BB cafe is open for business! Welcome all to a new chill and chat place for everyone on the forum. The BB cafe is whatever you want it to be. There are comfy sofas, tables and chairs, coffee machines, a kitchen stocked with everything. There's a pool outside, a bbq area, an annexe with comfy beds for a quiet sleep, tv, dvd, books and whatever else you would like to have here. Most of all, it's a place to meet friends and fellow travellers for a bit of company. Talk over problems, tell jokes, share your day, escape into a world of your making. Grab a coffee and pull up a chair ... So, with a nod to the wonderful Carole King (Hard Rock Cafe) ... Now if you're feeling just a little bit lonely Don't sit at home just mopin' Come on down to where the friendship flows freely You know the door is always open At the BB cafe Come to the BB cafe They will help keep your blues at bay At the BB cafe Important Message from ModSupport: The main intention of the BB Cafe is to encourage light conversation. Please look after your fellow community members by nuturing the BB Cafe as a place to escape some of the more pressing issues in life and save those conversations for personal threads.

All discussions

JakethePeg Introducing myself
  • replies: 2

Hi all,I am posting here on the forums for the first time. Apologies in advance if I break the rules. I decided to join the forums because I am currently experiencing very severe depression, and I wanted to connect with others who understand very wel... View more

Hi all,I am posting here on the forums for the first time. Apologies in advance if I break the rules. I decided to join the forums because I am currently experiencing very severe depression, and I wanted to connect with others who understand very well what it is like to experience this very debilitating mental health disorder. I am currently working very closely with my GP and psychologist to get on top of my depression and to feel better. But it is very slow going, or at least it feels like it. One of the main things I do every day and every morning to fight the good fight against the black dog is read my positive affirmations that I personally created.

13579 Numbness
  • replies: 3

I fell like I need a little bit of help. In my teens I was diagnosed with O.C.D. The anxiety passed over from this time to university. However, during this time I could feel excitement and joy mixed in with all the negative feelings I was facing. Now... View more

I fell like I need a little bit of help. In my teens I was diagnosed with O.C.D. The anxiety passed over from this time to university. However, during this time I could feel excitement and joy mixed in with all the negative feelings I was facing. Now, I can't feel anything apart from anxiousness amongst numbness. I hold a great job and changed career paths to control my stress, have a sweet partner, supportive family but I feel nothing.For example: I saved and partially planned for a trip with my partner to a "dream destination" the excitement I felt the entirety of the trip is the same if he told me we were taking a trip to Coles to buy Spam. However, the anxiety from the plane trip alone made me cry and hyperventilate the whole flight. I have tried to talk it out but it doesn't do anything in terms of my mental state. I can't feel joy any more. Is this normal for adults or is there more to this?

Ehmel Trees, of all things
  • replies: 3

I just wanted to get on here and say how much I love trees. I have a huge appreciation for big trees, especially when the breeze passes through them. I find it particularly calming. I don't know what it is or why, but I know that when all else fails,... View more

I just wanted to get on here and say how much I love trees. I have a huge appreciation for big trees, especially when the breeze passes through them. I find it particularly calming. I don't know what it is or why, but I know that when all else fails, getting out amongst trees heals my soul a little.What weird and wonderful things do others find joy in?

Ggrand PETS - gotta love them! Share funny, loving stories about pets and animals.
  • replies: 205

Hello, I thought I would start this thread, about our pets. I have read in the forums a lot of us has a pet or pets of some kind. Be it a dog, cat, bird, rabbit, guinie pig, tortoise, snake, lizard etc: they bring joy to our lives, they are there for... View more

Hello, I thought I would start this thread, about our pets. I have read in the forums a lot of us has a pet or pets of some kind. Be it a dog, cat, bird, rabbit, guinie pig, tortoise, snake, lizard etc: they bring joy to our lives, they are there for us giving us unconditional love. I thought a it would be nice if we could share our pets antics, or if you've seen other animals, doing things that have made you laugh. They can be funny, loving, outrageous, anything that your pet does or does not do that puts a smile on your face and might put a smile on someone's face that is struggling. Please keep the stories light hearted and happy, We all love our pets, let's let others enjoy them as well.. I will go first to get it up and running. I have two little dogs, Maltese x Yorkshire x Aussie Terriers, I have Mum (4 years old) and Daughter (2years old). My dogs have the run of the house, my back screen door after many attempts and lots of failures I put a doggie dog into it. I love theses two they are my fur family. My story is about another dog I had many years ago, I called him boof he was a Belgium Shepard, I was sitting at my kitchen table one day just looking out my back door (creedance). Boof was just relaxing in the shade with my young son. It was a hot day and I thought I might take my young son into the pool. I was about to go outside when all of a sudden a cat ran across our yard, well Boof just took off after the cat yep my young son took off after Boof, then Boof it looked like his brakes stopped working, he was chasing the cat then I saw him slide (son still chasing him). he couldnt stop, he slid into the swimming pool with such force he bent the tin frame nearly flat to the inside of the pool, well a waterfall began, Boof was on the other side of the pool he crashed straight through it, my son ended up slipping on the water skidded to the other end of the pool, crashing and landing on Boofy scream of laughter was coming from my son, absolutely soaked to the skin covered in mud, Boof was trying to get up, slipping all over the place from the mud as well I think he was seeing stars from his hard hit, he couldn't get up. I couldn't stop laughing at the pair of them. They looked so funny covered in mud, the pool was later repaired. Son and dog was hosed off so it all ended well Do you have a pet story to tell? Kind thoughts Grandy.

Elephant86 The beautiful multicultural Australia
  • replies: 1

We all come from different diverse countries in the world and we must repect every culture and every ethnicity for the great richers that are brought by each culture . A great unifier between culture is food and I beleive no matter what culture you a... View more

We all come from different diverse countries in the world and we must repect every culture and every ethnicity for the great richers that are brought by each culture . A great unifier between culture is food and I beleive no matter what culture you are you should be able to have a meal with different culture where would we be without the late night kebab or the tasty suvlaki. There are many foods like curries from different nation. We as a community must work toward cultural inclusion and respect. I beleive we must have an open dialogue between culure and come from a place of love and understanding of other cultures and recoginise the gift that each culture brings to Australia. There is not only food to share there is also cultural festivals like deparvali and christmas and the jewish passover. We should celebrate each culture for there beautiful diversity and relise we are all immagrants from somewhere and we need to biuld cultural understanding and respect for each other. It could be a good idea to go to church or the temple and emmerse yourself in a different culture to just educate and build knowledge between culture. The more knowledge you have of other culture the less ignorant you are and the more love and care we have for each other. As a society we have to come to peace love like hippies of each others differences and treasure the power of deversity. We have a hoice as a society to be divisive or to unify each oth and I choose to work towards unification of society and the community. I beleive forgivness of one culture to another culture is important because we can't move forward or heal if we don't do this together. We need to walk hand in hand and forgive each other. We and a community must work on our similaries not our differences. The more we focus on the positive about each other the greater our society will become from a place of love and understanding. This is the great power of food you can sit down with each other and enjoy each others beautiful culture together. Me personally I love cooking curry with my family and I believe food builds a stronger love and understanding between cultures. You can also choose to learn a different language to build your cultural understanding there are many was you can learn and understand cultures. You just need to be oen minded and willing to listen to the other communities. Have you watched a Bollywood movie and enjoyed it. We can work to towards greater understanding of each others culture and repect

Elephant86 The beautiful magic of the Ancient world
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I have always had a love and a fascination of the ancient world and I have always loved reading books about it my favourite is Herodetus the story of the illiad. There are many wonderful things we have gained and learnt from the ancient world. athere... View more

I have always had a love and a fascination of the ancient world and I have always loved reading books about it my favourite is Herodetus the story of the illiad. There are many wonderful things we have gained and learnt from the ancient world. athere a many wonderful stories to explore that have come from the Ancient world. There are stories like the illiad or helen troy. I would like to tell you some wonderful stories from the Ancient world. These stories where also lessons to the learn and enjoy. There is Romen and greek mytholagy that I find very interested like the story of Precius and how despite the offering of his father zues to jion him in olimpus he choose to stay on earth and protect the people from the eval hates. There is the story of achillies and how he was a great warrior and he took part and defeated hector at the battle of troy. The other side of that story was the story of paris and how he fell in love withe helen which started the trojan war. In ancient history I prefer the stories of love rather then those on war. In anceint Egypt we have one of the first pictographical langauges Hyroglifics. They also gave us improvments in irrigation, medical surgery, measurment tools and an applied knowledge of archetecture The ancient persians inventedthe first human rights charter. They also invented the postal service, Algebra and modern medicine methodes. There archetectual style was something to be admired as well. The Mayans also came up with the concept of the number zero. Their Experties was in astronomy and mathematics they developed and complex and accurate calender system. The chinese empire invented printing, gunpowder and the compass and many other wonderful things we use today. The ancient Langauge of china is also a language which has survived to be used to this very day. The french invented invented things like photography , motion pictures, hot air balloons and the hairdryer. The study of the ancient world has always intrigued and facinated me and I hope you also grow to love the anceint world

Elephant86 The beautiful and wondeful world of medicine and healing
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My story starts in Ancient india where the first form of medicne show itself in the form called Auyerveda this kind of medicne. The concept of this type of medicine centres around the life forces or energy centres. The goal of this form of medicine i... View more

My story starts in Ancient india where the first form of medicne show itself in the form called Auyerveda this kind of medicne. The concept of this type of medicine centres around the life forces or energy centres. The goal of this form of medicine is to elimanate impuities, reducing symptoms, increasing resistance to disease, reducing worry and increasing life harmony. Chinese medicine Tths type of medicine is based on the principle of ying and yang and th concept of life balence. It has been practiced for 2000 years. It works on the beleif of opposing energies for examle fire and water are opposites Aboriganal Medicine In terms of medicine, many different parts of the plants where used in aboriganal medicine. Native mints where remidies for commen colds, while gums from gum trees, which is rich in tanins was used for burns. The green plum is rich in vitamin C. Native American healing Native Americans beleive that Good medicine always gives you a sense of sacred power. They rely on herbs and medicinal plants to create there healing. Flowers in native american culture Yarrow is considered a treatment for wounds as well as headaches, tooth aches . Native americans used puitice and violets to treat head aches. The difference between western and eastern medicine is That western medicine treats disease through prescribed specific drugs for a disease. Eastern medicine focuses on treating the person a a whole rather than just the symptoms. The practice of medicne has developed over time but both forms need to be respected and appreciated. This post is only meant to bring awarness to the different forms of medicine this is not medical advice and you need to seek your doctor for the right treatment. This is meant to be a conversation starter and spark an interest in different types of healing around the world. I wish everyone on the forum a wonderful special day and I hope this bring a smile to your face. i hope this draws an interest and you can explore the medical world with your doctor. Always listen to your medical professionals advice. To have knowledge is power but it must be used in the right correct way. I appreciate you reading my post today

MaddieT Golly Gee - this time of year is so awkward
  • replies: 4

OK - that's my polite version!Really struggling. Am getting Counselling and she is great, I also have a peer support worker who is amazing.I had so much hopes for this Xmas. I had invited my kids and spent all my dole money on a big feed. For the fir... View more

OK - that's my polite version!Really struggling. Am getting Counselling and she is great, I also have a peer support worker who is amazing.I had so much hopes for this Xmas. I had invited my kids and spent all my dole money on a big feed. For the first time since I have been back in SA I invited people over, it was the first time I had cooked (something I used to love to do), the first time I showered and dressed up. The ones who showed turned up two hours late, then left me with a ten year old (whose mother didn't come because she has two younger ones and was stressed out - I get that). My kids were here for just under an hour. Much wasted food and I had to entertain a ten year old for two hours until she was picked up.Today is New Years' Eve. I got an email from Seek about a job. I rang and the woman actually called me back on her way home from work! Sorry to all the vegetarians and vegans, but this was a job in a butcher shop. This is work I have done before and I absolutely love it. I have an interview on Tuesday - very excited. Wanted to share.....My Mother's response "Are you sure you are up for this?"My Father's response "Oh no....Well, you certainly aren't over-selling yourself"Sorry - just had to vent as I now feel so useless and stupid for thinking this was a good thing. There will never be a good thing.Thanks for listening

Notreal_jk__ Chat space
  • replies: 2

For all your random thoughts, we'll be here to give opinions.. - complain/rant-something good about today- if you need some listening ears

For all your random thoughts, we'll be here to give opinions.. - complain/rant-something good about today- if you need some listening ears

teaBee A knight with broken armour
  • replies: 1

It might seem silly but ever since I was a little girl, I dreamt of being saved by a knight in shining armour. A strong dashing hero to protect me and tell me I’d never be alone. In the darkest nights, in the coldest places, I would always be looking... View more

It might seem silly but ever since I was a little girl, I dreamt of being saved by a knight in shining armour. A strong dashing hero to protect me and tell me I’d never be alone. In the darkest nights, in the coldest places, I would always be looking to see if he was there. I waited and waited, and just as I was losing hope, my knight appeared. He wasn’t your regular knight. He wore dark armour, covered in dints and scratches. Some pieces were broken and chipping away. He had known the greatest of victories, and the most painful of defeats. I could see the heavy weight he carried, and yet he would look at me with the softest of smiles. A smile that reflected the peace in a burning sunset. Some would look at him and dismiss him as a good knight. But he wasn’t good in the way that was neat and tidy. Not good in the way that made everything seem easy. He is good in the way that really mattered. He is good in a way that not many people are. He is good in his heart and soul. He scooped me up, and I moved past his sword, past his shield, through his armour and into his heart. And so just as I dreamt, he promised I’d never be alone. But neither would he.