Hi there You might remember me from bulletin boards at Beyond Blue from
a number of months ago … I was once called the ‘long lost uncle’. Well
it appears I’m back again. While I’ve been ‘ok’ for a while, I’ve never
been fully safe and happy. I refer ...
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Hi there You might remember me from bulletin boards at Beyond Blue from
a number of months ago … I was once called the ‘long lost uncle’. Well
it appears I’m back again. While I’ve been ‘ok’ for a while, I’ve never
been fully safe and happy. I refer to my depression as the ocean and I’m
the beach. It’s there all the time and it continually laps away at me;
coming in a bit further at times and other times, it recedes back a
little. But all the while, it’s still there. What it IS doing though is
encroaching on my beach a little more as each year goes by. It’s getting
worse. At present it feels like there’s a massive storm cell and I’m
experiencing some massive tidal damage. You go along to your Doc, to
your psyche and do all the things that you “should be doing to help
yourself” and the very sad thing is, that at the end of all that, the
depression is still there. I feel like crying, but the tears just won’t
come. I am in the midst of writing up ‘my story’ as was advised by my
psychologist. As I mentioned to her, how I keep a diary of my life
(every day) but I also journal down my thoughts on my depression and how
I am – thoughts that are straight from the mind when I’m in an
incredibly low place – kind of like an unedited version of what’s going
on in my head. My psyche suggested that to put all that down “and more”
to try and create a book of some sort. So this has taken a lot of my
time over the past number of months and I really feel like it’s coming
along quite well. I think I mentioned this, as I read recently that
another poster out there is also writing a book about their battle with
depression. I really don’t know how many books there are out there in
regard to this subject and also of people’s personal accounts of it. But
hey, why not give it a shot and see what happens out of it. So there you
go, the long lost uncle has come back for a while … this is my want, I
guess … where I pop in for a while and try to make contributions as well
as to seek personal assistance from like minded folk. No doubt will be
in touch at some stage in the future and ps: it’s good to see Geoff
still appearing here on a regular basis … and you know what I mean by
that, in that, it’d be fantastic if “no-one” had to write or comment or
appear on such a website as this, which would mean there’d be no such
thing as depression, anxiety, nervousness, you name it, but because
there is, it’s always good to see familiar names and people who have
amazing skills in being so caring and supportive to others. Cheers Neil