BB Social Zone

Talking about mental health can be heavy. We get that. BB Social Zone offers a space where you can chill out and socialise with other members.


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Pinned discussions

Sophie_M Big Blue Table - Right here on the Forums!
  • replies: 6

Hello to our wonderful forums community! We have decided to run an ongoing Big Blue Table thread ‘Forums Edition’ until the end of October! What is a Big Blue Table? Big Blue Table is Beyond Blue's signature event held during October, Mental Health M... View more

Hello to our wonderful forums community! We have decided to run an ongoing Big Blue Table thread ‘Forums Edition’ until the end of October! What is a Big Blue Table? Big Blue Table is Beyond Blue's signature event held during October, Mental Health Month. Big Blue Table encourages people host a meal with their friends, family or colleagues while fighting the stigma that surrounds mental health. So why are we running one here? The reason we are doing this is so people have an opportunity to connect with others and have the experience of sharing their thoughts and feelings over a meal, no matter where they are in Australia. We know Mental Health Month can be a vulnerable time for many and believe this thread could be a safe space for people to be heard and learn from others’ experiences. Our community champions will be here to support you along the way, and our moderation team will be around to answer any questions you may have, as well as to ensure the thread remains respectful and safe for everyone. We encourage you to choose from the following questions to start a conversation: What do you do to look after your mental health? Are you comfortable sharing your feelings and emotions? If not, why? What are you passionate about, and why? Who would be your dream Big Blue Table guest, and why? After you have shared your answers, we would love to hear about what you are eating or bringing to the table. You can even tell us a little bit about your setup and what you can see around you to really immerse us into your world. This is your opportunity to be as creative as you’d like! But remember, there is no pressure or ‘right’ response, whatever you bring to the table will be more than enough. We hope this thread allows you to feel connected, supported, and a part of the Big Blue Table initiative. Now… get cooking!

Sophie_M Welcome to the BB Social Zone - guidelines for posting in this section
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, This section of the forum is a little different to the others, as you may have noticed in looking around the threads. Elsewhere on the forums, we discuss some pretty heavy topics: mental health issues, thoughts of suicide, trauma, abuse,... View more

Hi everyone, This section of the forum is a little different to the others, as you may have noticed in looking around the threads. Elsewhere on the forums, we discuss some pretty heavy topics: mental health issues, thoughts of suicide, trauma, abuse, relationship breakdowns. Here is the place to come to get away from that and have a bit of fun. Distraction can be an important tool to draw on if you're finding yourself overwhelmed by distressing thoughts and feelings. As this is a section for respite from difficult topics, we will remove posts made in this section that attempt to discuss personal issues. Please use a support thread in the appropriate section for these discussions. Happy posting!

Kazzl The BB cafe
  • replies: 20583

The BB cafe is open for business! Welcome all to a new chill and chat place for everyone on the forum. The BB cafe is whatever you want it to be. There are comfy sofas, tables and chairs, coffee machines, a kitchen stocked with everything. There's a ... View more

The BB cafe is open for business! Welcome all to a new chill and chat place for everyone on the forum. The BB cafe is whatever you want it to be. There are comfy sofas, tables and chairs, coffee machines, a kitchen stocked with everything. There's a pool outside, a bbq area, an annexe with comfy beds for a quiet sleep, tv, dvd, books and whatever else you would like to have here. Most of all, it's a place to meet friends and fellow travellers for a bit of company. Talk over problems, tell jokes, share your day, escape into a world of your making. Grab a coffee and pull up a chair ... So, with a nod to the wonderful Carole King (Hard Rock Cafe) ... Now if you're feeling just a little bit lonely Don't sit at home just mopin' Come on down to where the friendship flows freely You know the door is always open At the BB cafe Come to the BB cafe They will help keep your blues at bay At the BB cafe Important Message from ModSupport: The main intention of the BB Cafe is to encourage light conversation. Please look after your fellow community members by nuturing the BB Cafe as a place to escape some of the more pressing issues in life and save those conversations for personal threads.

All discussions

Neil_1 Tonight's the night
  • replies: 0

Sorry to disappoint you all as no there is not filth or other things pertaining to the abovementioned subject heading. It is however to announce: YAY, tonight we wind our clocks back by ONE hour and so we get an extra hour of sleep (for those of us w... View more

Sorry to disappoint you all as no there is not filth or other things pertaining to the abovementioned subject heading. It is however to announce: YAY, tonight we wind our clocks back by ONE hour and so we get an extra hour of sleep (for those of us who are blessed to be able to do that - even if it is via non-natural methods!). So daylight saving ends and for the early risers - the sun will be up and about one hour earlier. Disclaimer to be read in a very fast and mono-toned voice: The above announcement may not be applicable to all parts of Australia.

Shell Its a boy!
  • replies: 6

Here is my new grandson everybody....something good has finally come into my life.

Here is my new grandson everybody....something good has finally come into my life.

beingbyrne Just For Laughs
  • replies: 7

Some one said that to me once " If you can have a good laugh at yourself, then you are sure on the right way to recovery. I think we should look in the mirror some times and try to have a good laugh at ourselves. Because laughter not only releases en... View more

Some one said that to me once " If you can have a good laugh at yourself, then you are sure on the right way to recovery. I think we should look in the mirror some times and try to have a good laugh at ourselves. Because laughter not only releases endorphins in the brain, but looking at life from a humorous perspective makes it a lot easier to deal with challenges in every day life. Do you have a joke about mental illness? I'm going to start with a couple. Joke #1: Welcome to the Psychiatric Hotline. If you are obsessive-compulsive, please press 1 repeatedly. If you are co-dependent, please ask someone to press 2. If you have multiple personalities, please press 3, 4, 5, and 6. If you are paranoid-delusional, we know who you are and what you want. Just stay on the line so we can trace the call. If you are schizophrenic, listen carefully and a little voice will tell you which number to press. If you are depressed, it doesn't matter which number you press. No one will answer. If you are delusional and occasionally hallucinate, please be aware that the thing you are holding on the side of your head is alive and about to bite off your ear. Joke #2: A psychologist was walking along a Hawaiian beach when he kicked a bottle poking up through the sand. Opening it, he was astonished to see a cloud of smoke and a genie smiling at him. "For your kindness," the genie said, "I will grant you one wish!" The psychologist paused, laughed, and replied, "I have always wanted a road from Hawaii to California." The genie grimaced, thought for a few minutes and said, "Listen, I'm sorry, but I can't do that! Think of all the pilings needed to hold up the highway and how long they'd have to be to reach the bottom of the ocean. Think of all the pavement. That's too much to ask." "OK," the psychologist said, not wanting to be unreasonable. "I'm a psychologist. Make me understand my patients. What makes them laugh and cry, why are they temperamental, why are they so difficult to get along with, what do they really want? Basically, teach me to understand what makes them tick!" The genie paused, and then sighed, "Did you want two lanes or four?" I really hope you guys find these funny, because I couldn't stop laughing when i first read them.

Neil_1 Which is your least favourite day of the week?
  • replies: 13

Hi all Just heard the ever-popular comment in the tea room at work - "Wow, thank goodness it's Friday, yeee haaa" (and no it didn't come from my lips). The person they were speaking to confirmed their happiness, but then went to a depressive spin on ... View more

Hi all Just heard the ever-popular comment in the tea room at work - "Wow, thank goodness it's Friday, yeee haaa" (and no it didn't come from my lips). The person they were speaking to confirmed their happiness, but then went to a depressive spin on it by saying, "Yep, we love our Fridays, but we hate Monday's". Simple human speak that would be spoken many thousands of times during today in workplaces and beyond all over the world. However, I just wonder if we on this site feel the same emotions as what a lot of other people do. I know that I "used" to, but I really don't any longer (and yes it's a shame in a way). But Monday is Monday, Tuesday is Tuesday, Wednesday is ... well, you should be sensing the trend there so I'll stop. What I think I'm trying to say is that there is no one day that is better (or worse) than the others we we who suffer every day. I was just thinking about the comments made and thought I'd raise it to see if others think like the people in the kitchen or whether they think like me (you poor souls whoever raises their hand to that) or perhaps a combo of the two. Thoughts dear people? Neil

Suzbj I am so so sorry!
  • replies: 5

I am so so sorry to everyone for posting so blatantly on the forum Tuesday night when I crashed big time. It was thoughtless and I apologise. I haven't read any forums or responses as can't be on here right now. I just want to work on myself for a bi... View more

I am so so sorry to everyone for posting so blatantly on the forum Tuesday night when I crashed big time. It was thoughtless and I apologise. I haven't read any forums or responses as can't be on here right now. I just want to work on myself for a bit but really wanted to say sorry to you all and to BB. Kind regards Suz xx

joey Happy Brithday Neil
  • replies: 9

I noticed it's Neil's 1000 post birthday coming up! 

I noticed it's Neil's 1000 post birthday coming up! 

vip Rest in Peace Charlotte Dawson
  • replies: 11

Hi everyone the devastation of losing Model and former tv presenter Charlotte Dawson has upset me this weekend. I have put a tribute up on my facebook for her. I met her in the city hosting a fashion show. Her battle ended this morning when she ended... View more

Hi everyone the devastation of losing Model and former tv presenter Charlotte Dawson has upset me this weekend. I have put a tribute up on my facebook for her. I met her in the city hosting a fashion show. Her battle ended this morning when she ended her own life . A gorgeous intelligent woman has gone a beautiful ambassador for depression I know how her last hours felt because ive been there. Love you Charlotte thankyou to those angels who let me see you in perth a few months ago my inspiration xx

Neil_1 Liquorice Allsorts
  • replies: 2

Dear all, The title is so called because I've got a few things to say (what's new, I hear you all yawn). Firstly, has everyone watched the "Welcome to beyondblue's online forum" video thingy that's at the top of all pages?? Um, Dear Beyond Blue, but ... View more

Dear all, The title is so called because I've got a few things to say (what's new, I hear you all yawn). Firstly, has everyone watched the "Welcome to beyondblue's online forum" video thingy that's at the top of all pages?? Um, Dear Beyond Blue, but this was news to me and I had no idea that was part of the rules, where it said, "Please keep your posts short and to the point". Whoops! Also is there a way to minimise it after you've read it, cause it's kinda, 'out there and in the old face all the time'. Yes, I know first world problems, but it's just a comment. Ok, Dear All ... you may or may not have known that my place of work was a horrible place and really was affecting me big time. Well there has been good news. As of late last week, I have found a new place ... a new Department, and a new lot of work and obviously new people as well. Although due to accommodation restraints, I am still staying in the same building, but at least I moved today away from the area that wasn't good for me. Another piece of good news is that I had a one-on-one chat with my new supervisor and I decided to tell him of my illness. Can you believe my luck; he has just finished a course that now makes him qualified to counsel and assist people who have mental illness!!!!! I couldn't quite believe it. Because it's also a course that I was potentially looking at also. It was amazing chatting to him, because he was learning things as he spoke with me and vice versa, but it said it was interesting because he asked different things about what was making me anxious at the time and later I opened up about how low my self esteem is, etc etc. However, for the slightly bad news ... because of this new job, I may not be posting here as often as I have been of late ... sorry folks, I will try my best but I won't be smashing them out as much as I used too ... but I'll still be here. Anyway, I guess I'll just see how it goes and then really make up for it on the weekends!! Thanx for reading, Neil

scorch Wildfires in Vic
  • replies: 2

Hi guys, Just a quickie. I live in a wildfire affected area of Victoria. I had to evacuate my house early in the week, but I'm back home now and all is well. My husband and I both volunteer with an emergency service, so we've been quite involved and ... View more

Hi guys, Just a quickie. I live in a wildfire affected area of Victoria. I had to evacuate my house early in the week, but I'm back home now and all is well. My husband and I both volunteer with an emergency service, so we've been quite involved and it's kept us busy. I have been involved with disaster relief before so I am not too concerned for my safety or that of my husband, but my brain seems to be doing some weird things this time. These last few days I have found myself wanting to be helping all the time, and when I've got some down time all I can think about is how I should be out there doing my bit. I'm not sleeping well (although that's nothing new) and only eating when someone reminds me (thankfully that is 2 or 3 times a day, so I'm not going to drop from hunger.) I have been leaving work early to help out all week, but I feel like I haven't done anything at all. I KNOW I'm being useful, but my feelings say 'do more, do more.' I keep seeing people who have lost so much and I guess I feel kind of guilty that I'm not doing more to help them, I've never felt this way before with disaster relief. Can someone help answer some questions if possible? Is this feeling a common thing with those who are involved in an emergency service? Is it because this time I was personally impacted, even though it was in a small way? Has anyone else on here felt this way too?

geoff to my Friends on Beyond Blue
  • replies: 6

to my dear friends on this site, I have just got rid of a virus, so I haven't been able to reply, and now it's wind down time for me, so I know that all of you will take over as my silly hours kick in, you are all capable of holding the fort as I kno... View more

to my dear friends on this site, I have just got rid of a virus, so I haven't been able to reply, and now it's wind down time for me, so I know that all of you will take over as my silly hours kick in, you are all capable of holding the fort as I know you all can, and I have every faith in all of you, just as you all trust each other. Geoff.