
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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BeyondBlue Hi! Check out this post if you're not sure how to start
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Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are... View more

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are really interested in what you might want to add to these conversations. We get it, having anxiety makes it hard to share in a public place. Remeber, this is anonymous and the Beyond Blue team are here to help if you need it This section is for people who are experiencing anixiety in some form in their lives. This might be in social settings, at work, or just in the day to day. You don’t need a diagnosis to post here. If it feels like the right spot for you post, go right ahead! We know that feeling anxious can make it hard to reach out so we want you to know that getting this far is amazing and a great start. A few tips for getting the most out of this section: Get involved when you can! Posting and replying is the heartbeat of this community and you DO have something worthile to share (when you’re ready ) Every experience is different. There is no competition here. We know how challenging anxiety can be and how it comes in all shapes and sizes. What you are experiencing will be respected and supported here. Trust yourself! You are the expert in your experience. This community works because people like you share what has worked for you. Thank you for getting involved and taking a look. We can’t wait to hear from you! Beyond Blue

All discussions

frosty67 New to these forums
  • replies: 3

Hi guys This is my first time here...have been reading through the forums and there is some really good advice...hoping someone has experienced what I am going through Was diagnosed with depression nearly 20 years ago but recently have wondered if it... View more

Hi guys This is my first time here...have been reading through the forums and there is some really good advice...hoping someone has experienced what I am going through Was diagnosed with depression nearly 20 years ago but recently have wondered if its more anxiety I suffer...I know the two are co-morbid but...anyway In the past 12 months I've lost nearly 30kgs in weight, starting eating healthier, been dating a great woman for 10 months, trying to finish my studies, moved to a different job, changed medication. All sounds pretty positive But, in the past month or so I've been suffering terrible psych and I have decided its probably about my studies which I have been working really hard on trying to complete and getting minimal feedback on...hopefully that will change tomorrow. But there are things that I am not sure about... One is that since Sunday night I've had the feeling of being unable to empty my bladder ...I also have a tingly sensation at the end of the urine yesterday was really strong and the tingly sensation may be because of that...I'm nearly 48 and of course these things always make me think about Prostate issues...occasionally, not often, I get that feeling that when you go, you need to go straight away again but there is nothing there or a little this Anxiety related or something else??? I feel I am tensing the muscles in the pelvic floor which I guess is related to the feelings of "holding on" Are there other things that are common recently I've noticed that I haven't eaten a lot of meat...I've eaten cereals, dairy products and lots of salads but no meat...also drank too much coffee too and not enough water...I have also from the weekend tried to drink a cup of camomile tea before bed... So just wondering what people think and whether I am taking 2 and 2 and making 7... Thanks Steve

simmobc Panic Attacks
  • replies: 2

Hi all,I am just after some advice, recommendations.I am 36 and currently in the middle of a pretty hectic bout of regular panic attacks. My doctor has given me some medication as an emergency parachute in times of need and I have had one sessions wi... View more

Hi all,I am just after some advice, recommendations.I am 36 and currently in the middle of a pretty hectic bout of regular panic attacks. My doctor has given me some medication as an emergency parachute in times of need and I have had one sessions with a psychologist, next session coming up soon.I have the classic panic attack symptoms and am now tending to avoid certain situations. My panic attacks seem to be driven by anticipatory situations, business meeting et al. I try at all costs to avoid medication and tend to give in when the panic attack and anxiety becomes unbearable.Whilst I have read a lot of literature about panic attacks, the one thing I struggle with during a panic attacks is diverting my mind to a different place to circumvent the episode. Does anyone have anything they can share that works for them? I try to focus on deep breathing, music helps too.With my panic attacks at the moment, and I'm sure it is/has been the same with everyone, is that once the panic attack starts, it is a pretty slippery slope to get off! It is intense.. Anyway, any advice would be appreciated and have a great sunday.Cheers

weeble Bizarre Anxiety
  • replies: 10

Ok so my anxiety makes me sick and manifests to my bowel. Long story short - I needed to go one day while driving. Full blown panic attacks ensued each and every time I went in the car. 16 months later I am able to drive - just - but shopping is a no... View more

Ok so my anxiety makes me sick and manifests to my bowel. Long story short - I needed to go one day while driving. Full blown panic attacks ensued each and every time I went in the car. 16 months later I am able to drive - just - but shopping is a no go - I haven't been inside a shopping centre that whole time. I've spoken to a professional who was no help- constantly asking "how do you feel" - it can happen at any time without notice. I'm so over this constant fear. Had colonoscopy and all clear - anyone else have this bizarre condition?It's affecting my work- fortunately am self employed but it still causes troubles. When I go somewhere I don't know I feel absolutely awful. I realise it's just panic but my life is just non-existent now - am 100% fine when I'm place. 16 months is just too long to be living like this. I can sometimes talk myself out of it - the latest phrase that's working is "it is what it is, nothing more nothing less" but I just want to live a normal life again without this fear of pooping myself in public and subconsciously making myself ill. (nausea - a general feeling of being unwell so that I make it impossible to go out)....any advice anyone? RELATED THREADS How do you eat when food makes you feel sick? Anyone suffering physical anxiety symptoms? Fear of feeling sick/dating/anxiety Anxiety and not being able to eat properly

coco123 Tired.
  • replies: 4

I feel very tired at work and at home. I've tried my best to get on everything, but nothing seems to work out that well. I've spent so many hours applying for several research grants and fellowships, within a year. I have embarrassed myself sending e... View more

I feel very tired at work and at home. I've tried my best to get on everything, but nothing seems to work out that well. I've spent so many hours applying for several research grants and fellowships, within a year. I have embarrassed myself sending emails here and there looking for a host institution that I can do a bit of research. Sadly, all have been rejected or no replies. I can't do anything without any funds! I need something worthy for my CV too, every year. At home, it's no different. I just can't trust my husband. I have been wary and suspicious once in a while. (He has a history of cheating on me before). He said I shouldn't be worried about an old friend. All other random young females on his facebook are just models, that he may do some photoshoots with. And, I just embarrassed myself, my students walk into my office and saw my watery eyes. I'm tired. Really tired of everything at the moment.

Bob1946 Not sure what I am ...
  • replies: 1

only recently I self diagnosed my actions over a number of years ..... I was becoming more and more agitated over matters that others didn't worry about .... I threw tantrums and was loud and angry. I observed a peer at my club who did this quite oft... View more

only recently I self diagnosed my actions over a number of years ..... I was becoming more and more agitated over matters that others didn't worry about .... I threw tantrums and was loud and angry. I observed a peer at my club who did this quite often and thought "that's me" and "why?" Over the past two years I have been on medication and made conscious efforts to control myself and walk away when I identify when I'm becoming unsteady of mind. I cannot do this every time and over recent month have "exploded" on more than three occasions ..... and feeling damn stupid and sorry afterward. I know and feel that apologies, although accepted, are not the answer. Has anyone else had these issues? What did you do about them? I feel that I have reached a crossroad that could be my last chance ..... my home life and social life is in danger.

Sierra Anxious and frightened
  • replies: 5

Hi everyone, this is my first post. Like many of you I have anxiety which is interfering with my day to day life. I didn't even realise what was wrong. I have always been quite anxious and worry a lot. 3 months ago I got sick, constant nausea, head t... View more

Hi everyone, this is my first post. Like many of you I have anxiety which is interfering with my day to day life. I didn't even realise what was wrong. I have always been quite anxious and worry a lot. 3 months ago I got sick, constant nausea, head tension/pressure and insomnia and lost a lot of weight because I couldn't eat much. I have had many tests and the doctor could not work out what was wrong. He put me medications for chronic gastritis. I developed a bad reaction to the medication and antibiotics. The medication only gave me 4 hours sleep a night and he kept prescribing stronger ones. I could not cope with my full time job so I have taken some annual leave (I've run out of sick leave). I have stopped the medication as I am scared of getting addicted to them.The Doc has put me on anti-depressants a week ago and my sleep seemed to return to almost normal. But last night I could not sleep at all and the head tension/pressure has gotten worse again and the anxiety is eating me up. I have to return to work on Thursday and I need to function.I am scared of losing my job and then my home. I have a mortgage and I am divorced and financially not in a good position. My daughter (grown up) still lives at home and she is very supportive, but I think I am stressing her out with my constant anxiety, tears and freaking out.My boss at work is not very nice and has treated me badly and that adds tomy stress and anxiety. I am not in any state to look for another job, so I feel stuck.I have tried breathing techniques, mindfulness meditation etc... and they help a little, but not at all when the anxiety grabs a hold of me, like now.It feels like my whole life has disappeared. I used to be healthy and fit and now I am too weak to exercise like I used to and I do not feel like I am myself any more, Idon' t know where I've gone or how to get back to being normal.Thank you for reading my post and any advice is welcome

FozBear New Member-Wanting to share,help and receive help
  • replies: 5

Hi everyone.This is my first post. For those interested in giving me guidance, here is some background on my anxiety journey. Until Dec 2012 I enjoyed great health and physical fitness. Then the lower back pain started for no identifiable reason base... View more

Hi everyone.This is my first post. For those interested in giving me guidance, here is some background on my anxiety journey. Until Dec 2012 I enjoyed great health and physical fitness. Then the lower back pain started for no identifiable reason based on scans etc.Tried every type of professional help including rehab trainer,osteo ,physio etc etc all promising to fix it but no one could.18 months later in June this year I woke at 4 am one morning with pain throughout my whole back and I went into a panic that despite everything I had done I thought I was never going to be the same. I had 3 sleepless nights due to anxiety and panic and just paced the house for hours.GP gave me something for anxiety and put me on antidepressants and referred me to psychiatrist who I see weekly. Now on fourth lot of antidepressants as they all seemed to make me feel worse.Also had to constantly take anti anxiety meds throughout day. I have my own business and kept up a brave front for a few months but eventually I just got to a point where the psychiatrist said I should not be at work. Luckily I have a great business partner and great staff to carry on. I have now been away from work for months and I feel I have lost my identity.I love my team and my clients and I miss them terribly. Now I feel I have no purpose as I really enjoy my work and really get a great deal from helping my clients.I love the social interaction. I have now gone from being a respected professional with an award winning business to someone who often struggles going to the supermarket due to anxiety. I just cant believe that 6 months ago everyone knew me as a super friendly,chatty guy who always seemed happy to the depressed and anxious ridden person I am today. I find everyday a real struggle as there is just no purpose like I had before .I have no interest in anything. I started my new meds 12 days ago and since then I have cried a lot more, felt very low and the anxiety is more constant and stronger. Can anyone tell me if this is normal in the start up phase of an antidepressant.(This is an SSRI not SSNI like I was on before) After 6 months I just thought I would be so much better but I feel nearly as bad as at the start despite meds, weekly therapy etc.I would be most grateful if anyone can share their thoughts on the recent surge of my symptoms based on what I have shared and any words of encouragement would bee deeply appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read this

Ready1 New to Anxiety!
  • replies: 29

HI, I am a 35 year old male and had what I thought was my first full blown panic attack a week and a half ago. I ended up in the ER and did bloods, Chest X-Ray and ECG and all came back clear. Since leaving the next morning I have felt extremely flat... View more

HI, I am a 35 year old male and had what I thought was my first full blown panic attack a week and a half ago. I ended up in the ER and did bloods, Chest X-Ray and ECG and all came back clear. Since leaving the next morning I have felt extremely flat and cant get the fear that I am about to have another out of my mind. My doc prescribed some meds to help me sleep but really hasnt worked - I feel tired in the mornings and a little "hazy" for most of the day. One thing that I have found weird is that when I am tired since then I get a sort of pins and needles feeling in my face and left arm - of course I tell myself its something more sinister and around it goes again! I can keep active, I still play Aussie Rules footy and have no issues when I am playing. Has anyone else had feelings like this? While in the hospital the nurse sat with me and we worked out I have probably had this ongoing for some time and it s kind of like it has hit its peak and I am struggling to get right from here. Any advice from any out there would be most welcome! Thanks in advance!

geekgirl0000 Help. Need some advice on services.
  • replies: 2

I used to have depression years ago. The depression lifted but I still have anxiety that causes me lots of trouble. i don't get panic attacks but there are things that set of me off. I pretty much have a list of things that I know will cause me to ge... View more

I used to have depression years ago. The depression lifted but I still have anxiety that causes me lots of trouble. i don't get panic attacks but there are things that set of me off. I pretty much have a list of things that I know will cause me to get upset. Can anyone recommend a service that I can access with a health care card / medicare card at low or no cost (im unemployed). I don't want to go on medication but would rather attack the root of the problem itself. Thanks.

vixstar The guilt is overwhelming me
  • replies: 4

I am struggling at the moment with being unemployed. I have always had problems with the working environment due to my social anxiety and panic attacks, however found a stable job I was in for 6 years. At the beginning of this year I was made redunda... View more

I am struggling at the moment with being unemployed. I have always had problems with the working environment due to my social anxiety and panic attacks, however found a stable job I was in for 6 years. At the beginning of this year I was made redundant as my entire site was shut down. Since Feb this year I have been unemployed and trying to find some part time work that suits me and I can handle due to my anxiety it has been very hard to find something and each day I feel more and more depressed and guilty for not working. My husband is such a hard worker getting up at 5 am everyday and not getting home until 6 pm sometimes 6 days a week. Every morning he gets up and leaves for work I feel more and more guilty as I am not contributing financially to our relationship and do nothing at home because I don't want to spend any money. I am on job websites every day and don't know what else I can do if the jobs aren't there. I can't stop feeling guilty and on top of my anxiety and depression I am really struggling. I'm not sure if I am looking for advice or just somewhere to get my thoughts out. I know it is starting to bother my husband me not working and I am trying to show him I am looking as much as possible. I also see a psychiatrist who has upped my medication during this difficult time until I can find some work I am comfortable with. I am feeling like such a failure at the moment to everyone around me, my husband, my family and friends.