
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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BeyondBlue Hi! Check out this post if you're not sure how to start
  • replies: 0

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are... View more

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are really interested in what you might want to add to these conversations. We get it, having anxiety makes it hard to share in a public place. Remeber, this is anonymous and the Beyond Blue team are here to help if you need it This section is for people who are experiencing anixiety in some form in their lives. This might be in social settings, at work, or just in the day to day. You don’t need a diagnosis to post here. If it feels like the right spot for you post, go right ahead! We know that feeling anxious can make it hard to reach out so we want you to know that getting this far is amazing and a great start. A few tips for getting the most out of this section: Get involved when you can! Posting and replying is the heartbeat of this community and you DO have something worthile to share (when you’re ready ) Every experience is different. There is no competition here. We know how challenging anxiety can be and how it comes in all shapes and sizes. What you are experiencing will be respected and supported here. Trust yourself! You are the expert in your experience. This community works because people like you share what has worked for you. Thank you for getting involved and taking a look. We can’t wait to hear from you! Beyond Blue

All discussions

Nessa Life is becoming a little overwhelming and now my anxiety is with me 24/7
  • replies: 11

I am now 35 years old I thought that life would be easier now that my children are getting older. My children are the reason I haven't lost myself fully. I love them so much and will always be here for them. For some reason everything has become so i... View more

I am now 35 years old I thought that life would be easier now that my children are getting older. My children are the reason I haven't lost myself fully. I love them so much and will always be here for them. For some reason everything has become so intense that I have anxiety 24/7, I always feel like my chest is on fire, I don't sleep well and my body is always in pain. The way I deal with my anxiety is by overeating but clearly that's not helping me either. I don't know what to do I am consumed by anxiety.

lookingforme Anxiety and Self Harm
  • replies: 8

I'm new to forums, even so, asking for help is new to me. I called up beyondblue and it was recommended for me to share if I wanted to; get some perspective maybe. I' ve been fighting some strong anxiety on my own and in the past I' ve self harmed, a... View more

I'm new to forums, even so, asking for help is new to me. I called up beyondblue and it was recommended for me to share if I wanted to; get some perspective maybe. I' ve been fighting some strong anxiety on my own and in the past I' ve self harmed, and now after years, I've done it again. But I have also stopped again, but I'm struggling with keeping the urges under control. I plan on seeing someone as soon as I can (definitely this coming week), but for now, maybe a few suggestions can help me survive the weekend. What really has upset me is that I told a friend and she wants to tell my family. I don't feel ready to do that because I don't feel close with them and I feel as if it would make it worse for me (which again could be anxiety), but I would like to tell them on my own terms, not because someone is threatening to do it. I've told her I want to stop, and I will stop, I just need support, but she doesn't trust me to because I've done it again. Any thoughts?beyondblue’s clinically-trained moderators often work offline (invisible to you) on issues relating to suicide or self-harm. At the same time, general supportive comments from the community are encouraged. If you have concerns around suicide or self-harm, please phone our support service on 1300 22 4636.

Mtuna Getting married happy but anxious
  • replies: 1

Hi my name is marilyn , I'm due to get married in 12 days . All the planning has been exhausting but fun , me and my husband to be have been fine . But I still have not told my ex partner to whome I share a 2,year old with ... I'm finding my self in ... View more

Hi my name is marilyn , I'm due to get married in 12 days . All the planning has been exhausting but fun , me and my husband to be have been fine . But I still have not told my ex partner to whome I share a 2,year old with ... I'm finding my self in a constant state of high tend anxiety and fear of anything and everything . Got so bad I could not go to work this morning and could hardly keep my energy levels up ... I'm so scared somthing will go wrong it's debilitating me , I can't eat , or even walk Into a shop with out wanting to cry .. I've sufferd from anxiety for many years and have come of medication 8 months ago .. HELP

enlighten Managing social anxiety during the festive season
  • replies: 2

Hello. I have social anxiety and avoidant personality disorder. Now coming into the silly season, my family and I are being invited to social functions. Still living at home, I feel obligated to go to these but the thought of attending makes me feel ... View more

Hello. I have social anxiety and avoidant personality disorder. Now coming into the silly season, my family and I are being invited to social functions. Still living at home, I feel obligated to go to these but the thought of attending makes me feel like crying, head ache, chest constrict, and extremely stressed about the event well in advance of its date, with these symptoms interfering with my everyday life. The key contributor to this anxiety is my fear of people who are under the influence of alcohol, which often is evident in functions such as these. I don't trust these people and, as a self-professed 'control freak', feel very uncomfortable with their propensity to act in a random, irrational and sometimes aggressive or intimidating manner. I feel awkward in discussing this fear as I am in my mid 20s, and I understand that a number (though not all) of my peers do not have drink or have a problem with being in settings in which others are drinking. I know I need to tackle my social anxiety but I really do not want to deal with this particular issue as I feel that it is a very real and rational one for me. I plucked up the courage to raise it once with a psychologist right at the end of a session, but they didn't respond to it as I suppose we had run out of time (I have since stopped seeing them, as they weren't the right 'fit' for me, and am not currently seeing anyone). My family is of the 'just snap out of it' perspective when it comes to my anxiety, and so I don't feel comfortable discussing this issue with them. Earlier this year, I managed going to a family member's 40th birthday party and a wedding. I left these events at around 9pm, a time I thought the effects of alcohol would begin to take effect on people. The stories from attendees about people who got drunk at these events (which they found humour, as I suspect a lot of the Australian population would) were really disconcerting, and added 'evidence' towards my fears. I would rather just avoid these events – but I feel an extreme sense of guilt and obligation, especially coming from a close-knit family. My brother's 21st birthday is coming up; in February – but I am already feeling very anxious as he begins to make arrangements for a big party. I know I have to attend this, and it is unlikely that I will be able to leave as early as I have done in the past.

HelenM continuing my struggle
  • replies: 14

I've not been on BB because although I know people are more than willing to help there comes a time when there's no advice other than to hang in there. However I know everyone cares. My symptoms are so unpredictable; this whole depression, it came in... View more

I've not been on BB because although I know people are more than willing to help there comes a time when there's no advice other than to hang in there. However I know everyone cares. My symptoms are so unpredictable; this whole depression, it came in January has confused and frightened me and all I can do is plod on hoping that things will sort or improve

Cruiser123 Scared all the time this anxiety ??
  • replies: 5

Can someone please help? 3 years ago I did a really stupid thing a now I am consumed with guilt and paranoia. I took $200 dollars from work and then felt so guilty that night I broke down in tears told my husband and took the money back then next day... View more

Can someone please help? 3 years ago I did a really stupid thing a now I am consumed with guilt and paranoia. I took $200 dollars from work and then felt so guilty that night I broke down in tears told my husband and took the money back then next day and put it back. I am 99.9% sure that no one knows as I do the banking. From that day forward I have felt sick with guilt that I was going to be caught and exposed. I every day I think of it and in my mind make up these incredible scenarios about the police raiding my house and me being dragged off and things like that..and I will loose everything, my house, my family etc. I can.t be happy because I think if i let my guard down thats when it will happen... It effects all parts of my life. Im completely paranoid that there is this huge conspiracy at work to get me even know they never do anything to me.. I cant confess or I will be fired and I work for people with a lot of connections and wouldn't be able to get another job because I would be labeled a thief. I don't know what to do... I just want to remember what its like to be normal again, I have panic attacks when we are doing family things lik

Beltane I don't know where to get help
  • replies: 7

I've had GAD and panic with secondary depression for my whole life. I got in under control with medication and therapy but it wasn't well under control, I eas barely coping. My job was stressful and I had a breakdown and became unemployed 6 months ag... View more

I've had GAD and panic with secondary depression for my whole life. I got in under control with medication and therapy but it wasn't well under control, I eas barely coping. My job was stressful and I had a breakdown and became unemployed 6 months ago. Since theh I've been studying online to get a diploma but that's at least a year away. my anxiety is out of control, Ive been getting cbt and act therapy for 3 years but I clearky need medications. I've trued 5 different antidepressants abd have severe reactions to then all. So my gp is starting to consider less common alternatives like antipsychotics or mood stabilisers but she needs a psychiatrist to consult. So I went to a bulk billing psych and got put on yet another abtideoressant and got so sick I called an ambulance. Now apparently the wait list is too long for a psych and it makes it harder as Im so anxious I can't drive to the city (I live in the outer suburbs). I'll try if that's the only option. And I have little money. Apparently a psych hospital is not suitable as I'm "not that sick" but I don't know how loudly I have to say I'm in trouble. I have no suicidal thoughts but I'm in intense depression anxiety panic, I haven't found a reliable med as they all make me extremely sixk. All I want is to get stable and get a job as money is so tight it's a constant stress. But no one seems overly concerned- I need help NOW. I can't be waiting weeks or months suffering like this. What can I do?

tr65 Driver Anxiety - Advice Needed ASAP!
  • replies: 3

Hi all,I'm a Victorian and I've had my learner's for about 3 years. I've done 140+ hours and I did my Hazards about 5 months ago.My mum pushed me to book my license drive test for next week, even though I do not feel ready to drive independently – pr... View more

Hi all,I'm a Victorian and I've had my learner's for about 3 years. I've done 140+ hours and I did my Hazards about 5 months ago.My mum pushed me to book my license drive test for next week, even though I do not feel ready to drive independently – primarily due to my anxiety. Most of my hours are due to my mum taking me down the same simple routes on local streets and main roads, because she is too nervous take me elsewhere.I had a professional lesson yesterday in the Burwood testing area and I basically freaked out, because I'd never driven in an area like that before. My instructor is good but really strict (pedantic). I asked her honest opinion about whether I would be prepared for my test an she said I would probably be able to pass my test, but whether I am able to drive confidently and safely by myself is questionable. I 100% agree with her. had a lesson with her today in peak traffic and my anxiety skyrocketed - totally clouding my good judgement and of course, the more mistakes I made, the worse my anxiety got etc In the past weeks, I have been waking up in my sleep sweating and my heart palpitating thinking about driving. I can't eat before I drive, because of how nervous I get. I know people get nervous about their test, but I feel this is definitely excessive.I just had a huge argument with my mum about postponing my test but she is really unhappy about it. She can't understand why 'everyone else can do it' except me. (I'm going to postpone it anyway ) I tried talking bout my anxiety with her but she just yells at me and says it's just me being stupid and to 'snap out of it'. I've briefly discussed it with my driving instructor, but I don't want to palm this issue onto her as it is not her job. I really wish I could 'snap out of it',. I've suffered from anxiety before, but I've always say no to medication and have fairly successfully self-managed my anxiety and depression (In past years when I suffered from anxiety for different reasons my mum still didn't believe me and I had to seek out private medical help); but driving is something I really need to do eventually. Public transport is basically non existent where I live, and I can't keep asking my parents/friends to drive me around. Has anyone else had this kind of experience? How did you manage it? Please help, Thank you so much! :)(PS My mum is actually a great and kind lady she just has different cultural values to me so sometimes it's really hard to explain stuff to her)

Nuggsie Anxiety is back
  • replies: 4

It's been along time since I posted on here. I've been doing well for a couple years but due to new health problems my GP swapped my meds . The new meds aren't working at all, I've been to the gp 3 times this week and to ED, I've also rung the health... View more

It's been along time since I posted on here. I've been doing well for a couple years but due to new health problems my GP swapped my meds . The new meds aren't working at all, I've been to the gp 3 times this week and to ED, I've also rung the health direct number, all anyone want to do is bandaid fix or they don't know how to help me. im supposed to be getting a call from mental health from the hospital. Dear god I pray that the ring me, I can't go through this again and still work full time. im so burnt out from having invasive surgery and just soldering on by myself. I wish I had taken more time out to recover instead of just going back to work straight away. I haven't been the same since I had my operation, and I think all the pressure from dealing with the surgery has come back to bite me. thank you for listening xx

Stormgrl101 my thoughts
  • replies: 5

Too many rambling thoughts, as per usual. Sorry if it doesn't make sense :S I find it weird that everyone is different and forced to find a way to live and cope in this world. Many different beliefs, values,morals, cultures, careers and experiences. ... View more

Too many rambling thoughts, as per usual. Sorry if it doesn't make sense :S I find it weird that everyone is different and forced to find a way to live and cope in this world. Many different beliefs, values,morals, cultures, careers and experiences. Communication with other people, whether it be strangers to me or family is a daily struggle. It's something we all have to do yet it feels unnatural and weird to me. People talk all the time and I don't know how they do it. Many times I can't find the voice to talk let alone come up with something to say. Going out in public, see people going about their day. How do they work out their next move or what to do next? How do they have such long conversations with people and it not bother them? Day after day. I try to do my homework from the psychologist. Have a small conversation with the cashier at the supermarket. Even a 'hello how are you' will do. I get up to the register and nervously look at all the people around and instantly feel overwhelmed. I squeak out a 'hello' and that's that. I go to the car and burst into tears. I have failed yet again.I've only ever had one job. Which ended with me having a breakdown and quitting. Although leading up to it I was often feeling overwhelmed at work so much i just couldn't do it. All I want is to work for my money, enjoy what I do and live in my own place. I hate feeling like a burden to my family and best friend. I wish I I could be a better person for them. I feel isolated and alone. Stuck. I don't even know where I'll be living next year yet. Might have to go back to parents house. I just want a break!