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New to Anxiety!
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HI, I am a 35 year old male and had what I thought was my first full blown panic attack a week and a half ago. I ended up in the ER and did bloods, Chest X-Ray and ECG and all came back clear. Since leaving the next morning I have felt extremely flat and cant get the fear that I am about to have another out of my mind. My doc prescribed some meds to help me sleep but really hasnt worked - I feel tired in the mornings and a little "hazy" for most of the day.
One thing that I have found weird is that when I am tired since then I get a sort of pins and needles feeling in my face and left arm - of course I tell myself its something more sinister and around it goes again! I can keep active, I still play Aussie Rules footy and have no issues when I am playing. Has anyone else had feelings like this?
While in the hospital the nurse sat with me and we worked out I have probably had this ongoing for some time and it s kind of like it has hit its peak and I am struggling to get right from here.
Any advice from any out there would be most welcome!
Thanks in advance!
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Hi all, since my first post things have calmed down slightly. I was feeling the pins and needles type feelings in my face, arms and hands but a good friend of mine also suffers from Anxiety and he gets this all the time and says it is actually quite common. I have found it only seems to come back when I am doing nothing and thinking about it - yesterday for example I was working in the garden all morning - went for a run/walk after and was fine but then this morning when things are less busy they come back. I am seeing my own doctor on Wednesday this week who I am hoping will be able to refer me to someone to talk with - I know all these things are in my head ( in the last week I have convinced myself I have all sorts of health issues) and I just want to know what is triggering this so I can work on fixing it! Im not so much concerned about anything other than my health - for as long as I can remember I have self diagnosed and not once have I been correct, which says something. Even as I type this out I start to feel marginally better.
As I mentioned in my first post anyone out there who has any advice as to how best cope I would love to hear it, at the minute I am not doing it all that well on my own! Got good support but think that it will wear thin - only so much reassurance someone can give!
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Hi Struggler - thanks for your reply.
I have been referred to a psychologist and have my first appointment next week. I get similar feelings when I get anxiety as you do - a sharp pain in my chest (more so to the left) and then pins and needles feelings in my hands and face. Had been clear of any heart issues from the hospital but doesn't stop the fear factor!
I am working in a job that can be quite stressful and I think can be the trigger but sometimes its not - a lot of my fears come from worry about my health (which is pretty good really). An example was yesterday I was sitting with a customer of mine who has a serious heart condition - I was feeling fine before. While listening to what he was going through, subconsciously I have thought what if that was me - then my chest gets sore, I get the pins and needles and I find it hard to catch my breath - I was lucky not to freak out too much as to have the customer notice, but I found it kind of interesting how my mind brought on these symptoms almost immediately. I am finding that since that first anxiety attack I am somewhat more aware of everything I feel in my body - almost like my senses are more sensitive!
Anyway - thanks again for your reply its really refreshing to read how others are struggling with almost identical thoughts and feelings. I am really looking forward to starting some sort of treatment to work through it!
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Hi Ready 1, when these things start to happen - I know it sounds simple, but take long deep breaths (this helps to calm the body) and if you have been checked by the docs, and you have the all clear, know that it is a symptom of anxiety that you are feeling and breath deeply to get through it. You sound like you enjoy your fitness, why not try yoga - your body may be holding too much tension from your job and working with lots of people - yoga is great for exercise and releasing tension and helps train your body to let go of tension.
Anyways - sounds like you are on the right path - good luck with your journey!
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Thanks for that, I am happy to give anything a go! Doc prescribed something right off the bat which really didn't help and in fact made me feel worse - been a bit better since not taking anything and really want to control all myself if I can. I do like to exercise but at the minute really lacking any motivation at all - when I do get to the gym or when I play footy I feel great after - its just the getting there that's proving difficult.
I am noticing that when I am tired or run down I get worse - drove around 1200kms this week for work and saw about 15 odd customers whilst doing so - was a big week and by the end was starting to get to me. Also plenty of driving alone means loads of thinking - sometimes this is the enemy - cant really zone out as I need to obviously concentrate on the road. Even though I have really only peaked in the past 4 weeks the deeper into it I look there have been signs for years now and I like most guys just push them aside - it feels really good to come here and put it all out there - Thanks to you all for listening!
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Hey Ready 1,
Yes, driving long distances on ur own can create too much time for u to start thinking and becoming anxious. This happens to me when I work on my own, at first I'm ok, I get all my things done for my shift and then when I have nothing to do it's like my mind starts searching for things to think about and as a result - I become anxious and can't wait to get out of that place for the day!
I just had a thought - maybe you could try a self help recording or download that u could listen to while driving - may be worth a try?
Take care.
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That's actually not a ad idea. I am open to anything. Today was a bad day - had some what normally is minor issues at work and have felt tense all day. Tried to run it out at footy training but no real luck - just feeling as though I'm about to explode! This never got o me like this before, I'm not a fan of feeling this way to be honest. I have ad pins and needles feeling in my face and hands all day - woke up this morning to issues at work and just continued the same all day. Add to this had my son in hospital last night (he is fine) but I'm just at the point where things seem to be crowding me and I'm always in demand, quite suffocating.
Anyway I guess we all have good and bad days!