
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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BeyondBlue Hi! Check out this post if you're not sure how to start
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Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are... View more

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are really interested in what you might want to add to these conversations. We get it, having anxiety makes it hard to share in a public place. Remeber, this is anonymous and the Beyond Blue team are here to help if you need it This section is for people who are experiencing anixiety in some form in their lives. This might be in social settings, at work, or just in the day to day. You don’t need a diagnosis to post here. If it feels like the right spot for you post, go right ahead! We know that feeling anxious can make it hard to reach out so we want you to know that getting this far is amazing and a great start. A few tips for getting the most out of this section: Get involved when you can! Posting and replying is the heartbeat of this community and you DO have something worthile to share (when you’re ready ) Every experience is different. There is no competition here. We know how challenging anxiety can be and how it comes in all shapes and sizes. What you are experiencing will be respected and supported here. Trust yourself! You are the expert in your experience. This community works because people like you share what has worked for you. Thank you for getting involved and taking a look. We can’t wait to hear from you! Beyond Blue

All discussions

tweedcoaster Social Anxiety? I am not sure, please help!
  • replies: 2

Hi,I am new here and just signed up. I am 34 yrs old, with a wife and 2 kids. For years I have been dealing with this social anxiety and I need help with this. I cant go to social gatherings unless I drink alcohol, I cant go to the front of my house ... View more

Hi,I am new here and just signed up. I am 34 yrs old, with a wife and 2 kids. For years I have been dealing with this social anxiety and I need help with this. I cant go to social gatherings unless I drink alcohol, I cant go to the front of my house with my kids as I feel weird and feel everyones watching me, I literally freeze up when I venture to far in the street, I avoid conversations with the neighbours, I only drive into the house and out of the house. I cant go and play with my kids in the front yard or the road, only at the back where I don't feel anxious. I struggle with taking kids to sports events where I have to deal with too many people. the list goes on and on, but this is a brief description, I could go on for days about whats going on in my head. I cant keep going like this, I have better days where I feel a bit better, sometimes I feel I should live in a area where the neighbours aren't so close where I can live freely and walk outside, i feel locked in living in suburbia where houses are close, but that's not fair on my kids . I don't know whats wrong with me. I need help or advice what I should do. I do take medication but doesn't help with anxiety. Should I take any other medication that would help this? some advice I would really appreciate. its really getting to me mentally, and its wearing me down to a really low point). please help .beyondblue's clinically-trained moderators often work offline (invisible to you) on issues relating to suicide or self-harm. At the same time, general supportive comments from the community are encouraged. If you have concerns around suicide or self-harm, please phone our support service on 1300 22 4636.

headspace21 Panic, low self esteem and swinging
  • replies: 2

Last night was probably the lowest I'd been in awhile.I've been in a long term relationship for almost 7 years, and we've always swung on and off. Last night was the first time we swung since a huge fight that almost ended the relationship. I keep th... View more

Last night was probably the lowest I'd been in awhile.I've been in a long term relationship for almost 7 years, and we've always swung on and off. Last night was the first time we swung since a huge fight that almost ended the relationship. I keep thinking about last night over and over again. I feel lesser than. I feel ugly.ive gained a few kilos over the past few months and that's made me feel older and unattractive.

danger_mouse anxiety and low blood pressure?
  • replies: 2

Found out a week ago I have low blood pressure. I also have anxiety. I don't exercise and im overweight so it's not because I'm a fantastic physical specimen of a human being. I'm wondering if anyone else has this or has heard of it? High blood press... View more

Found out a week ago I have low blood pressure. I also have anxiety. I don't exercise and im overweight so it's not because I'm a fantastic physical specimen of a human being. I'm wondering if anyone else has this or has heard of it? High blood pressure runs in my family so I've always figured that'd be my worry, hereditary plus anxiety usually leading to high blood pressure, but now I'm faced with the opposite!

chloe33 Falling apart and trying to put myself together
  • replies: 2

Everything got too much. I took some leave from work but they are still contacting me and asking me to do things. I went to a GP but don't think I made a lot of sense. They were really good though and I think I can go back to seek the help I need but... View more

Everything got too much. I took some leave from work but they are still contacting me and asking me to do things. I went to a GP but don't think I made a lot of sense. They were really good though and I think I can go back to seek the help I need but it is so so hard to talk. I feel sick and so stressed about everything. I feel like I am letting everyone down. I don't know who I am at the moment.

mrsanxiety not right....
  • replies: 4

ive been going well with my anxiety and depression but today/tonight nothings going right!! My partner has started working which is so great. But he has to stay at his sisters house 1 hour away. Hes home every two or three days. He is my rocks. we ju... View more

ive been going well with my anxiety and depression but today/tonight nothings going right!! My partner has started working which is so great. But he has to stay at his sisters house 1 hour away. Hes home every two or three days. He is my rocks. we just got a new dog yesterday. bulldog cross hes 13 months old. its the first dog ive owned in 5 years. we adopted him... im just not feeling a connection with him. Hes very energetic and needs alot of training. im not sure why im feeling this way but everything is making me feel numb. I feel very alone and it hurts. i have no family who live close. Ive barely been sleeping i have a 6 year old daughter so no sleep makes life hard. I want help, no i need help! But i want someone who will come to my house where im comfortable. I know i need help. My depression is becoming out of control. i also got my implant contraceptive out a week ago after having it for four years and im wondering could that be affecting me?? I feel scrambled even in what im writing and im just asking if theres anyone thats felt this way? Anyone that can help?Thank you for reading. hope to hear from someone soon

Ann72 I'm going crazy
  • replies: 3

Hi I'm wondering if anyone else has issues like mine. I feel like I'm going crazy . My partner of 30 years wants to leave because of it.while I'm at work or even going to the shops without him I think he is cheating whether on internet chat or chat l... View more

Hi I'm wondering if anyone else has issues like mine. I feel like I'm going crazy . My partner of 30 years wants to leave because of it.while I'm at work or even going to the shops without him I think he is cheating whether on internet chat or chat lines . Gets really bad I think I'm ruining the best thing in my life which is his life. my children even think I'm nuts . What could be wrong if anyone had same as me let me know thank you

Angel87 Anxiety, difficulty breathing, loss of a loved one
  • replies: 3

Hi all, Im new to Beyond Blue but am here as I am desperate to get my life back to normal. Since January I've been getting bad heart burn, indigestion & chest pains. I saw my GP, he took a blood test & found my cholestral was high. Since then I've ch... View more

Hi all, Im new to Beyond Blue but am here as I am desperate to get my life back to normal. Since January I've been getting bad heart burn, indigestion & chest pains. I saw my GP, he took a blood test & found my cholestral was high. Since then I've changed my diet & started exercising more. Around the same time I also found out my grandmother only had weeks left to live. This is when my anxiety started. The difficulty taking deep breaths, chest pains, heart racing, not sleeping, constantly on edge, fidgety etc. Now my grandma has gone it still isn't any better. I have an appointment with a cardiologist & was reading about the forum on Cardiac Anxiety & this sounds like me. I truely miss when I could actually go through a day without constantly struggling to take a deep breath. I wish there was a day that I don't think there is something seriously wrong with me I know grieving is different for everyone & the time it takes to heal varies, but it has affected my entire life. I use to love my job & now I struggle to get through a day. It is really busy at the moment which doesn't help, but I use to love going to work & now not so much. Please tell me it will get better & my life, my breathing & sleeping will feel "normal" again one day..

Inner_strength Anxiety and itching
  • replies: 4

Hey I'm new to this site and I've have anxiety on and off for several years . Recently it's really bad and I've had to change medication which hasn't been fun ! I have a new symptom with my anxiety now and was just wondering if other people have expe... View more

Hey I'm new to this site and I've have anxiety on and off for several years . Recently it's really bad and I've had to change medication which hasn't been fun ! I have a new symptom with my anxiety now and was just wondering if other people have experienced the same . I have really itchy skin , mainly my back and arms . It's driving me insane and my skin goes all red and blotchy and raised which then makes me worry more !

RB33 I want my life back
  • replies: 6

Hi Team I'm glad I have found a place where people may be able to help make sense of what's happening in my mind and body. The last 4-5 years off and on I have been living with this demon that seems to show its ugly face for no reason at all - it's l... View more

Hi Team I'm glad I have found a place where people may be able to help make sense of what's happening in my mind and body. The last 4-5 years off and on I have been living with this demon that seems to show its ugly face for no reason at all - it's like a panic attack more than anxiety but I guess panic attacks is anxiety out of control? The biggest syptom I have is my breathing, I have this horrible fear of choking and not been able to breath, other times I have gas in my stomach and it can get uncomfortable but for some reason that turns into me thinking I can't breath, than the fear of dieng and cardiac arrest takes over and it is a tough battle to regain control over my mind and body, but what I can't work out im not unhappy or worried about my life? im excited about life but this thing is destroying me These last 6 months its been on my mind so much I can not live a normal exsistence - I have never told anyone about this but I recently moved in with my girl friend so she has now seen the real me which for me is very confronting - She was very surprised the first time it happen and did not take it well but I think it was more because she was so surprised as I am a very relaxed person who most of the time is having a laugh - but now she is very understanding, she holds my hand and tells me to breath, I know she fully doesn't get why I can't over power it but she has been really good the few times its happen. I'm 32 years old I'm an entrepreneur who wants to to live life to the fullest, but recently I can't get through a full day out in a scocial or non social enviroment with out having fear of loosing breath and having this feeling of fear, My girl friend is a medical student and things she sees a pattern - she says to stop drinking caffene, wine and beer, which I have started to do but not a big drinker any way. Excercise helps but does not destroy it. Has any one ever made diet changes to help with anxiety? and it worked, could something be missing in my diet? I love life and I'm very grateful for the one I have - I don't understand why I have this problem - I need to take these chains off so I can get back to living my journey on this planet

Jay95 is this normal or am i just afraid of communication/work?
  • replies: 4

I love my job, I'm an apprentice landscaper. Most mornings you'll find me parked on the side of the road sometime around 6:45 because I've gotten too anxious and too worried about work that day. I'll be fine but then a few minutes into the drive I ju... View more

I love my job, I'm an apprentice landscaper. Most mornings you'll find me parked on the side of the road sometime around 6:45 because I've gotten too anxious and too worried about work that day. I'll be fine but then a few minutes into the drive I just feel anxious, it almost feels like I'm going to be sick, it's only 20 minutes away and I know the people really well, I don't know whats wrong with me but its not nice having to deal with it just about every morning :s