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Anxiety and itching

Community Member


I'm new to this site and I've have anxiety on and off for several years . Recently it's really bad and I've had to change medication which hasn't been fun ! 

I have a new symptom with my anxiety now and was just wondering if other people have experienced the same . I have really itchy skin , mainly my back and arms . It's driving me insane and my skin goes all red and blotchy and raised which then makes me worry more ! 

4 Replies 4

Community Member

Hi Inner Strength,

Welcome to the forum!

I've had anxiety for nearly a decade. However, I haven't really had itchy or blotchy skin before. Your medication may have caused this. If you're concerned, it would be best to see your GP. It is likely they will know the cause and be able to suggest ways of remedying this issue. If they don't know the solution, they can refer you to a dermatologist.

As obvious as this sounds (and as hard as it is), avoid scratching your skin, as this will irritate it further and then form a habit.

Definitely see your doctor about this.

Good luck and best wishes,


Thanks SM

I have seen my doctor about it and he just told me to take antihistamines which does help the itch so I'm guessing it's some sort of allergy or allergic reaction to something ! But it seems to only happen when I'm feeling anxious so that's why I thought it might have been a symptom of anxiety . Who knows !! Our bodies do strange things with anxiety .

Hello Inner Strength, I agree with SM.  Sometimes anxiety can cause strange physical reactions - migraines being one for me - but if you have only been getting this since changing your medication then I definitely would bring it up with your doctor as skin rashes are listed as a rare side effect on some medications.

Are you seeking any other treatment for your anxiety, with a counsellor or psychologist?

Hi JessF

Thanks for your reply . I have had the itchy skin on and off for a while now not just with the new medication . I think it's part of my anxiety , as u said that our bodies have strange physical reactions to anxiety . Itching might be my strange reaction ! 

Yes I have just started seeing a psychologist again which hopefully will start making a difference soon. I'm also trying to exercise regularly and I attend a depression and anxiety support group once a week .