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Falling apart and trying to put myself together

Community Member
Everything got too much. I took some leave from work but they are still contacting me and asking me to do things. I went to a GP but don't think I made a lot of sense. They were really good though and I think I can go back to seek the help I need but it is so so hard to talk. I feel sick and so stressed about everything. I feel like I am letting everyone down.  I don't know who I am at the moment.
2 Replies 2

Community Member
You expressed yourself in what you said which was a positive thing to do - You are reaching out. Perhaps you could say something more about your experience so that others may be more able to offer suggestions that might be of help to you. Philip.

Community Member
Hi hon, you sound a lot like me so I wanted to let you know you are not alone and you are not letting anyone down. Let work sort themselves out. If you keep doing things for them they will continue to turn up the pressure and that's not what it's about. You don't need to know how to learn to cope with more pressure/stress, but how to turn the levels you already are coping with down.  As for the doctor, that's his job to follow your rambling explanations and help you through. Go back and see him/her. Talk again, show thus post you've put on the site. I wrote a letter to my gp saying all I felt and what was wrong, then sent it to him 2 days before my appointment so, when I saw him, he knew where I was mentally and physically.  Remember you are not alone and if nothing else, keep posting on this site for advice and help. Big supportive hug