
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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BeyondBlue Hi! Check out this post if you're not sure how to start
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Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety sction of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are ... View more

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety sction of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are really interested in what you might want to add to these conversations. We get it, having anxiety makes it hard to share in a public place. Remeber, this is anonymous and the Beyond Blue team are here to help if you need it This section is for people who are experiencing anixiety in some form in their lives. This might be in social settings, at work, or just in the day to day. You don’t need a diagnosis to post here. If it feels like the right spot for you post, go right ahead! We know that feeling anxious can make it hard to reach out so we want you to know that getting this far is amazing and a great start. A few tips for getting the most out of this section: Get involved when you can! Posting and replying is the heartbeat of this community and you DO have something worthile to share (when you’re ready ) Every experience is different. There is no competition here. We know how challenging anxiety can be and how it comes in all shapes and sizes. What you are experiecning will be respected and supported here. Trust yourself! You are the expert in your experience. This community works because people like you share what has worked for you. Thank you for getting involved and taking a look. We can’t wait to hear from you! Beyond Blue

All discussions

Calminator first time dealing with a panic attack whilst being intimate
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Hi i'm John, this is the 1st time in 50yrs I have ever had a panic attack in the bedroom. Briefly my partner had been away for a few weeks and when we went to bed and became intimate for some reason this time I had a panic attack so strong that it le... View more

Hi i'm John, this is the 1st time in 50yrs I have ever had a panic attack in the bedroom. Briefly my partner had been away for a few weeks and when we went to bed and became intimate for some reason this time I had a panic attack so strong that it left me so exhausted and feeling worthless, the next night i was determined to get through this however not as anxious it still shut me down again. I have never had a problem with intimacy however this one has really knocked me for a six, my partner says i'm over thinking it and she's right, it just feels so overwhelming i'm not sure where to turn to for help?

nat77 Health Anxiety
  • replies: 9

Im really struggling with health anxiety and feel so alone . I have been suffering for 18 years. I have diagnosed myself with so many diseases:( I have recently had a gastric sleeve well 2 weeks ago today . And ive been having pain in my roght should... View more

Im really struggling with health anxiety and feel so alone . I have been suffering for 18 years. I have diagnosed myself with so many diseases:( I have recently had a gastric sleeve well 2 weeks ago today . And ive been having pain in my roght shoulder blade . But of course i googled it and now im panicking i have breast cancer . I just cant continue like this . I want it to go away . Im terrified of cancer and ots just every where . I was at my daughters school assembly today amd was sitting next to a cancer survivor and sitting behind a lady who just lost her husband from cancer last week . I see a counsellorand i go good for a bit then bang its back . I feel so stupid. Is there anyone else like me

b_l_u_e_b_e_l_l_ Is it possible to have anxiety attacks when not actively anxious in that moment?
  • replies: 7

Depression & anxiety have plagued me all my life... but I've never really had panic / anxiety attacks before. Life is currently extremely stressful and I know I'm on high alert. I'm badly depressed and a number of life circumstances are contributing ... View more

Depression & anxiety have plagued me all my life... but I've never really had panic / anxiety attacks before. Life is currently extremely stressful and I know I'm on high alert. I'm badly depressed and a number of life circumstances are contributing to that.... My eating isn't great... a little disordered I guess... But I'm otherwise fit & healthy... I don't meet criteria for heart problems. Im getting chest pains.... and can't breathe well... the pain can last from a few moments up to half an hour or so. It happens at random times... when watching t.v. or cooking dinner. Not when I'd expect to actually have an attack (prior to seeing someone or an appointment or some anxiety provoking circumstance). Does it happen like this? Just hit you whenever? Or do people normally experience a panic attack when triggered by something specific to their anxiety or environment? I haven't found a solid answer anywhere online.... so thought this would be a good place to ask. Thank you... I appreciate the space to ask this. I will be seeing my gp on Monday and will mention it.

Laura2015 Not sure if I have anxiety, depression or both
  • replies: 4

I've been feeling broken for a while but there's no reason for me to be. I'm great at my job, recently married, purchased my first home and have an amazing husband. He keeps asking me what is wrong but I don't know what it is. I'll say what I do know... View more

I've been feeling broken for a while but there's no reason for me to be. I'm great at my job, recently married, purchased my first home and have an amazing husband. He keeps asking me what is wrong but I don't know what it is. I'll say what I do know..I always worry and stress which is a cause of arguments as they seem minor to him but they feel huge to me. When we argue I get tightness in my throat and I end up crying uncontrollably. I am writing this with my churning cramps which has been happening all day. I am a perfectionist, things need to be done well, I don't like criticism and I'm extremely defensive. when my husband tells me how my behavior affects him I get defensive. We used to do all sorts of activities, random things but now I stress about how expensive it will be or where we are going, what if I hurt myself etc I also get nervous going out with new friends as I'm worried how they will perceive me? We have loads of nice friends that I met through him (I don't have any friends of my own) just ppl I work with. He tells me message them and go out with them but I dread the awkward silences so I avoid messaging. I also hate talking at family outings as I feel the only thing I have to speak about is my work. I feel I can't relate to them as they are all in a different stage of life. I feel like what I have to say is boring. This is what confuses me. I still do things that I enjoy like my team sports but I incredibly hard on myself when I make mistakes. However, when I do something good and my coach praises me I get embarrassed and put my head down. I also don't like the way I look. I just wish I was happier with what I see in the mirror. It affects our intimacy as I'm so embarrassed of what I look like. I want to be intimate, I do eventually and I feel so guilty that I'm such hard work as I wasn't like that before. I struggle to fall asleep and to wake up. My husband says I'm always tired but I manage to potter along all week but burn out Friday night. I struggle to make decisions because I'm afraid they'll be a bad and I'll upset my husband or myself or ruin an outing or opportunity. I end up crying cos I can't decide or I say I don't know. I want to see someone but I'm scared they'll say there's nothing wrong with me and that I'm just a horrible person. is this anxiety, depression (I have my happy days and where I laugh) or both? I want to feel normal and be happy like I used to be and not stress and worry about life..

London01 Feeling lost. Please help
  • replies: 9

I suffer from OCD - intrusive, morbid thoughts about how everyone dies, what's the point of being here etc. I was first diagnosed 13 years ago in my 20's. I've been treated with medication which has worked wonders until recently. Now my OCD is back w... View more

I suffer from OCD - intrusive, morbid thoughts about how everyone dies, what's the point of being here etc. I was first diagnosed 13 years ago in my 20's. I've been treated with medication which has worked wonders until recently. Now my OCD is back worse than before, my anxiety is so high and I'm having panic attacks. My Dr has reduced my medication and started me on a new one since starting (13 days ago) it's been hard but the last 4 days i have been having panic/anxiety attacks constantly, constant intrusive thoughts and i feel this will never stop. I can't stop crying. I can barely get through the day. I've heard some medication can often make you feel worse before better. Has anyone else experienced this? Am I going crazy? I have 2 little boys to care for and I'm so overwhelmed and scared that i can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. Even writing this is making me feel panicky. I just want to be happy and positive again. Please help (I've started seeing a psychologist)

R_Roman Mixture of different problems
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Hi, I've been doing a lot of thinking recently and just would like some advice. I have trichotillomania for a while now but I never thought to do anything about it because I never thought it was "that bad". I finished watching tv earlier and I looked... View more

Hi, I've been doing a lot of thinking recently and just would like some advice. I have trichotillomania for a while now but I never thought to do anything about it because I never thought it was "that bad". I finished watching tv earlier and I looked in the mirror and the tail of my eyebrow was completely gone, and the skin was sore from pulling a lot. I hadn't even realised I was doing it. I know trichotillomania is a obsessive compulsive disorder triggered by anxiety, and I think I know the cause... Recently I've had a lot of stress regarding study and exams, but because of all the stress it has just left my mind defenceless and I have started having all these negative thoughts (mistakes from the past, judgements on myself and others, self doubt, etc.) and it has resulted in things like irritability and never ending doubt. Other than stress from exams, I have had another issue on my mind which I have noticed causes my trichotillomania to act up a lot is my relationship with my finance's sister. Its a long and complicated story, but to put it simply I have recognised that part of my anxiety is from my obsessive nature of really disliking her: - I feel like she has never genuinely approved/liked me. Which is important to me because I'm marrying her brother. - I have always wanted a little sister to look up to me and since I don't get that from her I feel like i'm 'obsessed' with her. - She has called me names, hurt me and her family, betrayed me and her brothers trust and forgiveness so many times. She constantly repeats offences even after she has apologised for them (never ending cycle). I obsess with it and her brother is so hurt by her he tries to ignore her (opposites). - Her reckless, undisciplined, messy, inconsistent, immature life and behaviour somehow deeply offends me. I hate the fact that she doesnt like me. I hate her behaviour and lifestyle because it hurts me and her family. But I hate the fact that I'm so obsessed with it! I dont even know why! Surely wanting a little sister to look up to me isnt THAT important to me?! I don't even like her to begin with, like I said everything she is and does offends me! This obsessive nature towards her has resulted in anxiety because I feel like if anyone knew I would be rejected and judged. This anxiety has led to my trichotillomania. It's one thing that leads to another. I felt myself reach for my face just trying to write this all out. I need help!

Maynard79 Turns out I have an Anxiety disorder!
  • replies: 4

Hi All I am completely new to this forum and have only just been diagnosed as having anxiety and am now being medicated and working with a therapist and CBT techniques. This past Christmas I suffered a major depressive episode coupled with extreme pa... View more

Hi All I am completely new to this forum and have only just been diagnosed as having anxiety and am now being medicated and working with a therapist and CBT techniques. This past Christmas I suffered a major depressive episode coupled with extreme paranoia and anxiety that had been building up for months due to a number of stresses. To be short it was probably the worst place I have ever been either physically or mentally in my life and somehow managed to avoid a hospital stay, given how bad I was that is a major blessing. It is pretty confronting when you first get a mental health diagnosis and I am still coming to terms with it now as it does have a lot of stigma that's for sure but I couldn't be happier as for the first time in my 37 years I have answers to all the little things that I assumed were just character flaws on my behalf all my life and has given me a new found love and respect for myself. I am sure a lot of you on here can relate to where I am coming from. I have had major anxiety since I was about 7 years old due to a number of factors. I now know why these certain feelings and occurances would come up and now that I am being medicated for them and they are under control it is quite an exciting time. I can only describe the feeling of having lived my life with one hand tied behind my back and now I don't. It is going to take a lot of ongoing work to correct the years of coping mechanisms I have developed to live with anxiety but I now have the opportunity to be a new and improved version of myself. If I said I wasn't sad at the thought of battling through life and having to deal with all that goes along with that as well as the problems that steam from having an anxiety disorder, negative thinking, limiting beliefs and thoughts, constant feelings of nervousness in every day situations, avoiding people, places and situations I would be lying. But the fact is I can now relax and truly be kind to myself as I can see that I am not a screw up at all I just was suffering from an illness that can be treated. I am thankfull for the opportunity to get a few things of my chest as whilst friends and family are extremely supportive they just don't know what you are going through and don't truly appreciate what it means to have something like this in their lives.

B_Murf Is there any assistance for getting a job with anxiety?
  • replies: 4

Hi there, Just wondering if anyone knows of any assistance available for getting a job when you have anxiety problems? Whether it be government assistance or anxiety friendly employers or recruitment agencies? The process of searching for jobs, prepa... View more

Hi there, Just wondering if anyone knows of any assistance available for getting a job when you have anxiety problems? Whether it be government assistance or anxiety friendly employers or recruitment agencies? The process of searching for jobs, preparing resumes, applying, interviews, first days etc. sends my anxiety haywire. I simply can’t get through the process. I want to work; I’m not looking for welfare payments or alike. But short of being hypnotised, it’s simply not possible for me to go through the traditional job application process at the moment. I think there is more chance of me making a living by hunting and gathering my own food then getting a job… I am seeing a psychologist and we’re working on it, but I'll run out of discounted sessions long before I can see myself being confident enough to get a job. Thanks,

gloria10 Couldn't cope with new job
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Hi all, So, just having a bit of a down day at the moment. I'd started a new job recenty but I started to realise that I couldn't understand my role. Even though I was asking questions and advice for ways to improve it just didn't make sense and that... View more

Hi all, So, just having a bit of a down day at the moment. I'd started a new job recenty but I started to realise that I couldn't understand my role. Even though I was asking questions and advice for ways to improve it just didn't make sense and that's not like me. It didn't help that the training wasn't great and the staff weren't helpful but I had to walk away from the job. I guess I feel like a failure and that I should have tried even more, even though deep down I think I know the job wasn't a suitable fit. Also, when I make a choice to leave something I keep punishing myself and going over what I should have done for ages, which I know isn't helpful. I guess I just needed to rant but any advice is appreciated too. Anxiety sucks!

Jessicatherese94 Anxiety over the future
  • replies: 3

Hi everyone. This is my first post asking for advice on here. I'm really, really anxious about the future. I'm currently doing a degree in psychology and when I don't get the marks I want or need I feel so anxious, and I usually don't sleep or eat fo... View more

Hi everyone. This is my first post asking for advice on here. I'm really, really anxious about the future. I'm currently doing a degree in psychology and when I don't get the marks I want or need I feel so anxious, and I usually don't sleep or eat for a couple of days. I'm really worried that I won't be smart/great enough for the profession that I want, even though I have other options if I don't become a psychologist. I just failed a test and have been shaking/panicky ever since. When I work hard for something and the results don't pay off I feel so worthless and sad. Does anyone else feel like this and have strategies to cope with post exam stress? I know there's nothing I can do about it now and I just need to move on, but my course is so competitive and when everyone I know is settling down and getting jobs, I feel so unstable and useless. Thank you in advance.