
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

All discussions

JoelD3 Help and advise please
  • replies: 4

Hello. I feel like I am going crazy (literally). I started getting anxious about 2 months ago because I learned that I had tinnitus (ringing in ears). Now I think I figured it was actually a result of my anxiety... being overly sensitive. For the las... View more

Hello. I feel like I am going crazy (literally). I started getting anxious about 2 months ago because I learned that I had tinnitus (ringing in ears). Now I think I figured it was actually a result of my anxiety... being overly sensitive. For the last 3 days I feel like I have actually got concrete in my head. I am freaking out because I feel like I can't think straight, there is pressure in my head.. My hearing is frazzled (I have OK hearing)... Just losing it mentally. Doc prescribed me medication, but I am afraid to take it because I have heard it can make tinnitus worse. Does anyone know what on earth is going on with my head here? Is it anxiety? Is it something else? Is it common for people to have really foggy minds and focus on it continually. I am usually not too bad during the day, but night time is a lot worse. I really need some relief here it is taking over my life. Thanks!

Lani_S No right to feel this way
  • replies: 5

Hi, first time posting here which is really scary. After about pretty much all my life, I feel like I'm finally (sort of) ready to admit to myself I have a problem. But in saying that I feel like I have no right to feel the way I do with so many othe... View more

Hi, first time posting here which is really scary. After about pretty much all my life, I feel like I'm finally (sort of) ready to admit to myself I have a problem. But in saying that I feel like I have no right to feel the way I do with so many other people in the world going through more traumatic things in their life which is more 'understandable'. 80% of the time I can't even explain the why in which I feel the way I do. Which is the most frustrating part to it. It comes and goes. The days I feel, to some extent 'normal' I get so angry at myself for letting myself get that way for what it seems like no reason. At this point I'm in control and I feel good. Then out of no where it hits me again. This could be after a couple days or 6 months later... but it always comes back. I'm usually good at hiding it but lately it's been near impossible. My husband knows, I think he always knew but I never gave it a name until he said it out loud. And it's scary. I don't want to be vulnerable and be labelled as someone that has anxiety. It feels way to common with everyone that it seems like the norm. But I don't feel normal. I don't like not being in control and bursting out crying the second someone ask me if I'm ok. And being a burden on anyone makes me want to hide it even more. Because physically I'm fine. So I have no excuse. This runs in my family and certain things has happened years ago I believe makes my anxiety worse, but again people gone through much worse and I feel I have no right to take up people's time in worrying about me when there's others that need more help, feel like I'm being selfish asking for help. And going to the doctors, what do you say? How do you bring it up? I'm really scared to reach out and even writing this I feel horrible to even bring it to attention..

Navy Need help
  • replies: 21

I am a 25 year old female and i need help coping with panic attacks. I have become scared of the panic attacks. Im not working scared to be alone, i rely a lot on my mum and boyfriend to always be with me, im scared to drive all in which i ha... View more

I am a 25 year old female and i need help coping with panic attacks. I have become scared of the panic attacks. Im not working scared to be alone, i rely a lot on my mum and boyfriend to always be with me, im scared to drive all in which i have had a panic attack and now avoiding these situations because im scared it will happen again. I am seeing a psychologist and i am on natural herb tablets and vitamins but i need strategies on how to overcome it all. Or how to cope. Anyone in a similar situation?

Rasah Anxiety needs to stop
  • replies: 4

Im having a massive panic attack and im using this to calm myself down. My anxiety has just gone through the roof in the last 4 mths and it is everyday it is wearing me out Im so scared of dying that I dont sleep the doctors just try to medicate me u... View more

Im having a massive panic attack and im using this to calm myself down. My anxiety has just gone through the roof in the last 4 mths and it is everyday it is wearing me out Im so scared of dying that I dont sleep the doctors just try to medicate me up and I panic more because Im by myself with my kids so I dont want sleeping tablets and people arnt getting it they look at me like im stupid I am so scared and I just need it to go away I really feel like Im going mental insane to the point where it feels like eveything stops for like 5 seconds and thats it and then I breathe again and go into panic attack I just need this to stop . It is starting to really take over my fear of death is too extreme I just want it to stop

Miranda888 Toilet OCD Anxiety
  • replies: 7

Hi all, this is my first time posting. I feel like my OCD/anxiety relating to toilets is starting to affect my life and I'm looking for help. For the last 10 years I have felt like I need to go to the toilet before leaving anywhere. I hate long drive... View more

Hi all, this is my first time posting. I feel like my OCD/anxiety relating to toilets is starting to affect my life and I'm looking for help. For the last 10 years I have felt like I need to go to the toilet before leaving anywhere. I hate long drives or drives where I don't know where I'm going or could end up stuck in traffic because what if I have an accident and wet my pants. I have two young kids and that hasn't helped because it makes it harder to stop everything and find a toilet if I need so there are some mornings where I go 3 times in a row before leaving the house. I feel embarrassed and I'm so over it! Can anyone relate or have any tips?

scavera fist time posting would like some feed back on anxiety
  • replies: 4

hey i am billie i am 24 years old and i suffer a boarder line personalty disorder i recently just qiut smoking witch has increased my anxiety levels i been getting chest pains n haven't been able to calm my self down like i used to w.with my bpd its ... View more

hey i am billie i am 24 years old and i suffer a boarder line personalty disorder i recently just qiut smoking witch has increased my anxiety levels i been getting chest pains n haven't been able to calm my self down like i used to w.with my bpd its even harder i my anxiety is heighten already as is i been put on medication, i ben taking this for over two and a half years n has worked but now it seems to take the edge off but not fully help i am suffering anxiety that bad i been to hospital three times since i quit smoking would like some advice would like to know i am no the only one that gets this type of anxiety also how would u deal with this i am not coping at all....

Nathan_431 Telephobia
  • replies: 11

I just can't deal with the telephone. The anticipation of the telephone ringing and the ring itself even if I have it set to vibrate, I have to have the phone off. Receiving phone calls is a problem rather than making a call because not knowing who i... View more

I just can't deal with the telephone. The anticipation of the telephone ringing and the ring itself even if I have it set to vibrate, I have to have the phone off. Receiving phone calls is a problem rather than making a call because not knowing who is on the other end. It affects me to gain employment, I'm ok with Facebook, instagram etc..., I try to get people to email otherwise they can't get hold of me. Everybody's default mode of contact is the telephone. This problem has been getting worse overtime. Living in a relatively small regional city it feels I'm the only one. Does anyone have problems using or have anxiety with the phone?

electric_storm Nervous system crashing
  • replies: 9

Hi all, new poster here. Had anxiety on and off for a few years, but lately it's gotten so bad I feel like my nervous sysem just can't cope. I'm dealing with esophagul spasms, palpitations, head pressure, dizziness, breathing difficulty, can't eat or... View more

Hi all, new poster here. Had anxiety on and off for a few years, but lately it's gotten so bad I feel like my nervous sysem just can't cope. I'm dealing with esophagul spasms, palpitations, head pressure, dizziness, breathing difficulty, can't eat or sleep properly, so wired my nerves are firing all over the place etc... I've convinced I have a vagus nerve disorder and tonight paranoid about having had a mini stroke. Anyone else been through all this? Any hints?

McCraggen Terrible health anxiety
  • replies: 7

Hey everyone. Im 33 and male and I have had health anxiety virtually all my life. As a result of that i WAS a heavy drinker. Recently after a bout of illness I gave up drinking (about 3 months ago) And after the first month of sobriety i went and had... View more

Hey everyone. Im 33 and male and I have had health anxiety virtually all my life. As a result of that i WAS a heavy drinker. Recently after a bout of illness I gave up drinking (about 3 months ago) And after the first month of sobriety i went and had the full gamete of tests done. All showed up fine except for the ross river virus i was tested for (was having symptoms) Now at 3 months I am getting nausea on and off throughout the day, i have had all sorts of anxiety related symptoms over the last 3 months its just this one has popped up and caught me off guard. Now im starting to think something is seriously wrong with me again, i have been to the docs about 6 times over the last 3 months and they say that its probly just the ross river. But i cant help thinking its something else. Its exhausting thinking like this all the time, waiting for something bad to happen. Has anyone else experienced this sort of thing?

Chirchir I believe I have so much to give,but not living up to i!
  • replies: 2

Writing this ,has made me nervous already,I am already thinking how will everyone in the forum percieve my information,that's how bad things are at the moment.The fact that I have to live everyday of my life trying not to heart others can be really c... View more

Writing this ,has made me nervous already,I am already thinking how will everyone in the forum percieve my information,that's how bad things are at the moment.The fact that I have to live everyday of my life trying not to heart others can be really challenging.To be can you live your live being super nice to everyone?Ah ,it not realistic...,how can you feel your living your best life when your drunk? How can you live your life stressing how someone felt after a certain situation...?"people pleasing syndrom".seriously I spend three quarters of my life thinking than doing actual stuff.I can't remember when I last relaxed.I sleep at night but at the same time thinking.I even think on behalf of people and even solve their problems in my mind...The only things I focus on in a conversation is how I'm gonna be judged or stereotyped by others.people approval is one of my best source of motivation.I don't like to be told nice stuff coz I strive to do things trying to live to the expectation,I don't like to be told "that's the wrong way" either coz that's the end of where I was going.who wants to live such kind of a life?At Uni I know most answers but can't speak up and the feeling that everyone think I'm stupid is the only thing in my mind during class time.I have said so much lies unintentionally,I have embraced other people credits unintentionally,I have agreed to things without understanding the idea...The best words I like using is "yes, thanks,sorry".sincerely is this realistic?Smiling with no words is my way of building rapport with new people I meet....I look at other people talking and I think to my self....when is my day,really! Am I the only one.Let me cut off the story,............crying out loud......I need help