
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

All discussions

kezza_187 Panic Attacks through the night
  • replies: 2

Hi All, I will try to keep it brief. I have been treated for anxiety for the last approx 10 years. Medication / Phsycologist / Psychiatrist / Counsellors / Hypnos / GP's etc etc. I have, like many people, experienced several of the symptoms but never... View more

Hi All, I will try to keep it brief. I have been treated for anxiety for the last approx 10 years. Medication / Phsycologist / Psychiatrist / Counsellors / Hypnos / GP's etc etc. I have, like many people, experienced several of the symptoms but never ever has it affected me once I'm asleep or given me heart palpitations. 3 times in the last 5 nights I have woken in the middle of the night with my heart beating out of my chest, I am shaking, feel nauseous, and I'm as stiff as a surf board like I'm frozen in fear. Even during the day I have noticed my heart racing. I also fainted 2 weeks ago in a cafe. I was talking to a friend about my Dad's cancer returning and the issues with my kids Dad and then next minute I was on the floor covered in sweat. The ambulance came and checked me over and they agree that it was more than likely stress related.My body is hitting me with some 'new' things lately and as it is 'new' to me it definitely isn't helping my already anxious ways. I went to the GP and she suggested that I have a 24 hour ECG and some other tests just in case. I did decrease my medication (in consultation with my GP) but I have slowly felt that my anxiety is getting worse again. The side effects from my past medication makes me scared to go back on it. I guess I am wondering why on earth my body is developing new symptoms to anxiety? For 10 years I always had the same symptoms and learnt to recognise them for anxiety. I am so confused as to why these 'new' symptoms are coming my way. I also know little to nothing about what is happening to me at night time. I have read through google that it could be nocturnal panic attacks. I would really appreciate some information about what could be triggering this, why it happens, is it anxiety or could it be something else (in your opinion). Has anyone over come these without medication? The kids Dad is talking about "anxiety rehab" which isn't really an option for me as I am the main carer for the kids. Has anyone attended this and had success or any further info? Thanks for any advice

cakeboss anxiety.
  • replies: 3

Hi does anyone else get a warm fluttery feeling in some parts of body is this related to anxiety .I suffer anxiety and panick attacks under stress.I have tried relaxation tapes .

Hi does anyone else get a warm fluttery feeling in some parts of body is this related to anxiety .I suffer anxiety and panick attacks under stress.I have tried relaxation tapes .

Amy97 I need help
  • replies: 4

I have been an a a anxiety andpanic attacks sufferer for about 6 years. I'm finding it so hard to deal with. I have no idea what causes the anxiety. I see a GP and psychologist regularly but this doesn't seem to help. I feel so sick and sometimes I c... View more

I have been an a a anxiety andpanic attacks sufferer for about 6 years. I'm finding it so hard to deal with. I have no idea what causes the anxiety. I see a GP and psychologist regularly but this doesn't seem to help. I feel so sick and sometimes I can't eat for days. I'm on medication but I'm not sure if it's right for me. Does anyone have any tips to manage this when you don't know the cause? And how do you get rid of anxiety if you don't know the cause of it? I really need some support

olly1 Workplace change and depression/anxiety
  • replies: 2

Hi everyone, I've posted here before - I suffer with MD and anxiety disorder and etc etc. I am also full time carer to my partner who has Mental Health issues as well. I was after some outside opinion. I've currently transferred from my very comforta... View more

Hi everyone, I've posted here before - I suffer with MD and anxiety disorder and etc etc. I am also full time carer to my partner who has Mental Health issues as well. I was after some outside opinion. I've currently transferred from my very comfortable job where I was under stimulated and bored to a more active job that is in a nicer area and closer to my family. I am pretty high functioning, can use CBT and take medication to manage my anxiety and depression well. However, Since I've moved to this area I have grown increasingly disappointed with the outcome of the transition due to several factors. The major of these is a toxic co-worker. After 2 weeks in I'm incredibly disheartened. I've sunken into my depression, I'm highly anxious, given up everything I enjoy and am fighting hard to deal with my emotions again. I do not want to become suicidal again ( I've experienced this situation before so I know how badly I cope). I really feel I've made a terrible mistake. I was so comfortable. My questions are. Do I continue to work in this environment? Do I push myself when I know ultimately I cannot expect this co-worker to change. Should I leave now and find other employment/work? ( This will not be a problem for me. I'm highly sort after). Do I want to put myself through a lot of stress and push myself? I'm so sad at the moment I cannot trust what my mind tells me. What are others thoughts? Right now I want to leave and run away - but that sounds a lot like fight or flight talking to me.

Unravel What do i need to be treated for
  • replies: 2

Hi everyone, My story could go several thousand words long, but im at work and i don't have the time to write that or bore you with all the details. 7 years ago i had a couple of panic attacks out of nowhere due to extreme fear, which put me into hos... View more

Hi everyone, My story could go several thousand words long, but im at work and i don't have the time to write that or bore you with all the details. 7 years ago i had a couple of panic attacks out of nowhere due to extreme fear, which put me into hospital for a couple of days. The very first few months was terrible, trying all kinds of different medications i found one that didn't make me sick. very quickly i developed GAD, for a whole year i couldn't watch tv or radio or see any bad news going on in the world as it would trigger me to have a panic attack. Fast forward to now, and i havent been on medication for about 2 years. I have had 2 kids, been through a somewhat serious surgery, and been through issues with my wife which developed GBS. Very tough times i have been through a lot, but survived it. Today i work full time, support my family and life is pretty good. Until i realise that i'm never getting better and every day is a struggle with my anxiety. I have always thought that a panic attack is the type of attack that would put me in hospital, so when people ask me do i get them i say no. but after doing some reading, i realise that i get them all the time.. im just really good at handling it so that it doesnt consume me and put me into hospital. i can control it over 10 minutes or so when it happens, but the truth is i guess i do get panic attacks all the time. Simple everyday tasks like driving, if i drive further than i like, that brings on serious anxiety for me. Yesterday i took my family to the circus which i have never been to, yes that was hard sitting in a tight space and looking for any exit i could as soon as i walked in. once i started seeing the circus performers up really high with no ropes doing crazy things, that triggered me, but i calmed myself. simple things like this i believe are actually panic attacks but i am just good at controlling them. Anyway I have decided i might try some medication again to see if i can make my every day life more comfortable. Previously i have been on medication which i found out helps GAD but not Panic Disorder. Im starting to think maybe i need to think about a different medication specifically for panic disorder? general doctors can only know so much about everything. does anyone have any suggestions on what i should be doing? thanks.

studentteacher18 Student Teacher Anxiety tips?
  • replies: 5

Hi everyone! This is my first post and after reading many different threads, I feel an accepting vibe which I have been longing for quite a while now. I am currently completing my last year of my bachelor of education (primary) at university and I ca... View more

Hi everyone! This is my first post and after reading many different threads, I feel an accepting vibe which I have been longing for quite a while now. I am currently completing my last year of my bachelor of education (primary) at university and I cannot wait to finish. Along with my course I also completed a health and physical education extension which allows me to teach health and physical education up to year 10. Because of this extension, last year during my third year of university, I had to undertake 2x 2 week placements at a high school, which at first I was really excited about. I met my mentor teacher on the first day of placement, which I immediately felt intimidated and at times spoken down to. This automatically made me feel extremely uncomfortable, and at times not wanted. He bombarded me with lesson plans to teach year 11 and 12 students that very same day, and when I explained to him of my extension, he refused to listen to my concerns and urged me to teach his VCE students. After I explained myself many times about the fact I couldn't teach VCE students, he eventually gave in and told me that good and effective student teachers would have listened to him. I went home crying that night and felt so anxious that I could not stop shaking. The next day I spoke to my university placement coordinator, and explained to her how I was feeling. She was extremely helpful and told me that if I didn't want to teach then so be, and if I felt like observing was the best option for this round of placement then so be it. I felt a little better with the circumstance, however I dreaded going back to that school. I eventually took a few year 10 health lessons, which I taught the lessons with enthusiasm and will to teach the students. However after every lesson, my supervising teacher would only give me negative feedback, and non-constructive feedback. This made me feel really small. After those 2 weeks were over, I felt great again- but never forgot how horrible I felt. The next round of placement were at another school, and my mentor teacher was so much nicer and gave me positive feedback every day. My anxiety returned throughout this placement, but i got through it easier. Now I am currently completing my final placement with Prep students, which is an amazing experience, however because of my horrible high school placement, I have major anxiety sometimes which really makes me feel low Does anybody have any tips to help my anxiety? Thank you kindly!

startingnew how to cope with triggering threads?
  • replies: 2

hi everyone i think this is the right place to put this thread.. im wondering how other people cope when they come to read a triggering thread/post? i know there is a delay in responses due to moderation but the wait sometimes makes me nervous when i... View more

hi everyone i think this is the right place to put this thread.. im wondering how other people cope when they come to read a triggering thread/post? i know there is a delay in responses due to moderation but the wait sometimes makes me nervous when i start to read triggering posts and when i cant answer it or feel helpless to post it really sets my anxiety off i know its not up to me how people respond or feel etc and thats why we do have the moderators to monitor as well but it still really sets my anxiety off, im wondering how other members cope with triggering posts?

Last_weeks_hero Anxiety surrounding work and relationships
  • replies: 1

Hi, I've had issues with anxiety and depression for as long as I can remember. A couple of years ago things got pretty bad and I sought help from my GP and ended up on medication and seeing a psychologist. Eventually I felt stable enough to come off ... View more

Hi, I've had issues with anxiety and depression for as long as I can remember. A couple of years ago things got pretty bad and I sought help from my GP and ended up on medication and seeing a psychologist. Eventually I felt stable enough to come off the medication and went on functioning reasonably well. But in the past 12 months things have gotten progressively worse and I feel very much like I'm on the edge of a serious breakdown. There area two main sources of anxiety in my life, they stem pretty clearly from a complete lack of self-worth: Firstly, I am working in my first full time job. I did an undergraduate degree in marine biology and was unable to find work, so I made the decision to complete a masters in environmental engineering which I was never passionate about. I'm now working for an environmental consultancy and am completely uninspired by the work and the people. I feel completely defeated that I've spent all this time studying to end up somewhere that makes me miserable. I spend every day at my computer by myself stuck in my own head. The worst part is I have no idea what other options I have. I don't have a clue what I'd rather be doing and I can't help but think I'd feel the same in any job. Secondly, and probably the biggest issue is my relationship. I've spent the past 6 months with a girl that I am completely in love with but she's leaving in a week to go traveling and that will be the end of us. She was clear when we started seeing each other that she would be leaving and wasn't looking for anything serious which I accepted at the time. But then we spent more and more time together and really connected. I have asked about whether there'd be a chance to reconnect when she comes back but she says she wants no expectations. She doesn't see herself in a serious relationship in the foreseeable future. I guess my real issue is understanding how someone could behave in the way she does when she's around me but be so casual about walking away. It makes me feel expendable. I have a constant tightness in my chest. I can't focus at work. I feel sick all the time. I am not motivated to do anything. I dwell on every interaction wondering what people are thinking of me. I am on medication again but I don't really feel as if it's doing anything. I've seen a psych twice now but in a way she's making it worse by dredging up things I didn't even realise were affecting me. I don't know what to do. But I know this job is making me miserable.

CourtneyJ Trapped by your safety bubble
  • replies: 1

So as a sufferer of anxiety for almost of my life I've created a "safety bubble" around myself which is basically contains my life. As you would expect this bubble is there to protect me as much as possible from uncertainty. I wake up at the same tim... View more

So as a sufferer of anxiety for almost of my life I've created a "safety bubble" around myself which is basically contains my life. As you would expect this bubble is there to protect me as much as possible from uncertainty. I wake up at the same time everyday, leave the house at the same time, drive to the same train station, park in the same spot, catch the same train, eat the same breakfast, get to work at the same time, sit at the same desk, do the same work, leave work at the same time, get on the train, go home, watch TV, go to bed. On the weekend to do the normal chores around the house, go shopping for food and not much else. Of course occasionally I do other things like have coffee or lunch with friends or even take in a football game but this is only maybe once a month. I have my hair cuts already booked at 6 month intervals with the same hair dresser and basically get the same haircut every time. And most of the time I'm perfectly happy inside my little bubble. I have friends and family (although I don't get along with most of them but that's a much bigger story) I work hard and my boss loves me... But there are times (like right now) where my safety bubble feels more like a prisoner that I need to escape. I feel like doing something completely out of character like shave my head, punch a wall or quit my job. Does anyone else feel like this?

Raynor feeling desperate
  • replies: 7

on wednesday i have to talk to an international audience of experts in another country. i can't. i know all the good advice about how to manage it. i've done it all. i'm well prepared. it makes no difference. and i can't not go unless im seriously il... View more

on wednesday i have to talk to an international audience of experts in another country. i can't. i know all the good advice about how to manage it. i've done it all. i'm well prepared. it makes no difference. and i can't not go unless im seriously ill. in hospital.