
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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BeyondBlue Hi! Check out this post if you're not sure how to start
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Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are... View more

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are really interested in what you might want to add to these conversations. We get it, having anxiety makes it hard to share in a public place. Remeber, this is anonymous and the Beyond Blue team are here to help if you need it This section is for people who are experiencing anixiety in some form in their lives. This might be in social settings, at work, or just in the day to day. You don’t need a diagnosis to post here. If it feels like the right spot for you post, go right ahead! We know that feeling anxious can make it hard to reach out so we want you to know that getting this far is amazing and a great start. A few tips for getting the most out of this section: Get involved when you can! Posting and replying is the heartbeat of this community and you DO have something worthile to share (when you’re ready ) Every experience is different. There is no competition here. We know how challenging anxiety can be and how it comes in all shapes and sizes. What you are experiencing will be respected and supported here. Trust yourself! You are the expert in your experience. This community works because people like you share what has worked for you. Thank you for getting involved and taking a look. We can’t wait to hear from you! Beyond Blue

All discussions

CourtneyJ Trapped by your safety bubble
  • replies: 1

So as a sufferer of anxiety for almost of my life I've created a "safety bubble" around myself which is basically contains my life. As you would expect this bubble is there to protect me as much as possible from uncertainty. I wake up at the same tim... View more

So as a sufferer of anxiety for almost of my life I've created a "safety bubble" around myself which is basically contains my life. As you would expect this bubble is there to protect me as much as possible from uncertainty. I wake up at the same time everyday, leave the house at the same time, drive to the same train station, park in the same spot, catch the same train, eat the same breakfast, get to work at the same time, sit at the same desk, do the same work, leave work at the same time, get on the train, go home, watch TV, go to bed. On the weekend to do the normal chores around the house, go shopping for food and not much else. Of course occasionally I do other things like have coffee or lunch with friends or even take in a football game but this is only maybe once a month. I have my hair cuts already booked at 6 month intervals with the same hair dresser and basically get the same haircut every time. And most of the time I'm perfectly happy inside my little bubble. I have friends and family (although I don't get along with most of them but that's a much bigger story) I work hard and my boss loves me... But there are times (like right now) where my safety bubble feels more like a prisoner that I need to escape. I feel like doing something completely out of character like shave my head, punch a wall or quit my job. Does anyone else feel like this?

Raynor feeling desperate
  • replies: 7

on wednesday i have to talk to an international audience of experts in another country. i can't. i know all the good advice about how to manage it. i've done it all. i'm well prepared. it makes no difference. and i can't not go unless im seriously il... View more

on wednesday i have to talk to an international audience of experts in another country. i can't. i know all the good advice about how to manage it. i've done it all. i'm well prepared. it makes no difference. and i can't not go unless im seriously ill. in hospital.

Raevin Unknown anxiety for 17 years
  • replies: 4

So it turns out I've self medicated my anxiety with alcoholism for the last 17 years without even knowing. I decided 80 days ago my addictive habits had to stop, I gave up my daily alcohol and cigarette habit of 17 years. I can now barely bring mysel... View more

So it turns out I've self medicated my anxiety with alcoholism for the last 17 years without even knowing. I decided 80 days ago my addictive habits had to stop, I gave up my daily alcohol and cigarette habit of 17 years. I can now barely bring myself to go to work through complete fear of I'm not even sure what? I have never felt this way before and it is scaring the life out of me. I went to my first AA meeting Friday night which helped but work is just killing me! Some nights I don't want to go to bed as I know the next step is waking up and having to go to work! All I want to do is have a drink to calm my nerves but ultimately know this is not the solution!!

gloria10 Separation anxiety
  • replies: 3

Hello, Thanks for reading my post. I'm finding my anxiety is increasing at the moment and I'm looking at ways to manage it. I've had it for years and I'm not surprised that it has resurfaced. So, my parents are away at the moment. We have a co-depend... View more

Hello, Thanks for reading my post. I'm finding my anxiety is increasing at the moment and I'm looking at ways to manage it. I've had it for years and I'm not surprised that it has resurfaced. So, my parents are away at the moment. We have a co-dependant relationship and I normally call my parents at least once a day. I have improved and can have days where I manage fine without them, however, they are away for a month and I am having to cope on my own with no one to turn to, which is why I'm writing this post. I guess the thing that I'm finding hardest is that my mum worries about everything going wrong and we all try to compensate for that. I've been trying to make sure everything is perfect eg having no anxiety, not getting emotional and not having any problems with work and I am struggling. I guess I'm most afraid that she'll come back and be angry at me for one thing or another. I cant please her. I also feel like I can't call them which is hardest. I'm also still adjusting to a relatively new job so any advice on that would be great. I expect to learn things straight away and I feel like my boss expects that too which is extra pressure. I'm wondering where I might find advice on dealing with separation anxiety. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you

shygirlk Switching off from work
  • replies: 4

Hi Im having such a difficult time switching off after work, I have hobbies to do and outside interests though I still struggle, and I find myself going over everything that has happened in the day, in tiny detail, what I said, what their reaction wa... View more

Hi Im having such a difficult time switching off after work, I have hobbies to do and outside interests though I still struggle, and I find myself going over everything that has happened in the day, in tiny detail, what I said, what their reaction was, what could I have don't different, it does my head in and I just want to be able to switch off from work. What does everyone else do to help clear their head and switch off from work?

Ajames the devil in me
  • replies: 3

Hi, first posting so here goes. Just started a new job, more responsibility than ever before, but its the job I've always wanted. I'm middle aged but late to the industry (financial services). New job is new everything - new people, new systems, new ... View more

Hi, first posting so here goes. Just started a new job, more responsibility than ever before, but its the job I've always wanted. I'm middle aged but late to the industry (financial services). New job is new everything - new people, new systems, new software. Have always suffered from anxiety on a low level, I'd call it trivial really compared to what other people have to deal with. Also have aspergers traits but diagnosed as not having it. My father died earlier this year so I'm thinking that was the catalyst for what is happening now. First 2 days at new work was quite traumatic mentally. Crushing anxiety on both days before work, driving to work and first few hours there, involving heart racing, nervous sweating, mental & physical revulsion of actually turning up at my new workplace. People at work are very nice, no problems there. Now its Sunday, had a worry free day yesterday but now its creeping back in for work tomorrow. And of course it annoys me that I'm not like most other people seem to be, especially others my age, in that they seem to be generally mature and worry free, even though I don't know that for sure. I have a supportive wife but she has her own issues, and 2 grown up boys but they are struggling with life a bit too, no jobs at the moment. I have a need (for myself more than anything / anyone else) to succeed in this new job but I'm worried (again) that I won't be able to because of my anxiety. Have wanted to post something like this on facebook etc but haven't had the nerve, most people my age & older would not really understand, they would have the "oh just get on with it" mentality, and its not something I would feel able to discuss with mates, guys aren't supposed to feel like this are they?

nootnoot Constantly changing my mind
  • replies: 1

For as long as I can remember I've always changed my mind. Mainly it is about what I'm doing with my life. I've changed my mind about what I'm studying at uni and have never finished a full degree. I've wanted to go live and work overseas even but ch... View more

For as long as I can remember I've always changed my mind. Mainly it is about what I'm doing with my life. I've changed my mind about what I'm studying at uni and have never finished a full degree. I've wanted to go live and work overseas even but changed my mind. I have been studying nursing for the past 6 months because I wanted to be a nurse but now since I'm not doing so well I've decided to go back and finish social work. People in my life have always said I change my mind and for some reason it annoys them. If I didn't change my kind so much I would have achieved my goals years ago. I have had bad anxiety and depression before so maybe it's coming back again? When things do get hard I tend to give up. I deal with the stress which then makes me depressed. I was so excited about studying nursing and I could see myself being one and now that excitement has gone. I am looking forward to finishing social work off as I only have 18 months left. Why am I like this?

Believee Anxiety/Stressing/Insomnia
  • replies: 4

After my first child was born 6 years ago I had a postnatal depression but not trated and than i had anxiety now and then. I had two psychologists but after seeing them 2/3 times I stopped. At the moment i feel like crying all the time. I have palpit... View more

After my first child was born 6 years ago I had a postnatal depression but not trated and than i had anxiety now and then. I had two psychologists but after seeing them 2/3 times I stopped. At the moment i feel like crying all the time. I have palpitations and I'm panicking every time a have to go to sleep. I would be sleeping and suddenly wake up in the middle of the night with anxiety. Im always worried that something is wrong and i visit gps all the time. In past 6 months i had couple of blood tests, MRI, eye test, heart ultrasound, holtermonitor. My husband is very nice and supportive but he doesn't understand me how i feel. Im feeling like my marriage is falling apart. I stress about everything. I have two beautiful, healthy kids who are 6 and 3. Im in such a bad mood that i don't want to do anything, i feel sorry for my kids. When I'm anxious I scream at them and that breaks my heart. I don't have friends, i don't go out, i don't do anything for myself. Im always with the kids. All my friends are working or busy. Its been maybe 2 months I talked to anyone except my husband or parents in person. I feel shit, sometimes i want to talk to someone other than my husband but i don't have anyone. I started seeing a psychologist 3 months ago, but i cant see any improvement. She is always busy and its very hard to see her. My gp told me the other day that i have a chronic anxiety but the psychologist told me i dont have any metal problems. When i get anxiety i can't stop worrying about my heart, i get palpitations and i think i have heart problems. I saw my cardiologist a month ago, he did ultrasound, holter monitor and everything looks normal. Couple of PACs but he said all good. After that i was fine for 3 weeks. Last weekend I suddenly woke up and since than i feel anxious. Again I think there is something wrong with my heart. I did blood test and all good, did onother holter monitor still waiting for the results. When im stressing i dont breath properly, im shaking, my chest is tense. I cant relax. Plus im having trouble with sleeping. Now is 4am and im still awake. And its been like this for a week. Tonight is my worst night, I usually sleep 2-4 hours when im feeling anxious. I really don't know what else to do, i feel so stuck and scared. Im having an appoitment on Tuesday with some lady, she is a counsellor/life coach and yoga instructor as weel. Im trying so many things because im so desperate to feel better. Please help

Nicki_85 Panic Disorder/Anxiety When Not Working
  • replies: 5

Hi All - I was wondering if anyone else gets this. Everytime I have time off from work my anxiety sky rockets, I recently had a baby and have taken a year off, 3 months into it and my anxiety and panic is getting difficult. Another new symptom I am g... View more

Hi All - I was wondering if anyone else gets this. Everytime I have time off from work my anxiety sky rockets, I recently had a baby and have taken a year off, 3 months into it and my anxiety and panic is getting difficult. Another new symptom I am getting is, I will be walking along the street and all of a sudden I feel like ive forgotton how to walk, also that my legs aren't mine or I don't feel connected to my legs?! This seems to happen on the days I'm tired if the baby had a late night. I also have been getting thoughts of 'is this real' like the feeling you get when your really engrossed in a movie and when it finishes you sort of 'come to' and everything feels a bit surreal. I never really experienced this much before, my history is of having a big panic attack once a year then go back to feeling like my normal self. I am on and SSRI medication 7 years and have a therapist. I have spoken to him about these symptoms and he has assured me its just a symptom of sever anxiety where your brain kind of 'shuts down' and that's why you feel disconnected. Please tell me I'm not insane and this might go away!!

Larnzi Acceptance of anxiety, a first step
  • replies: 3

Hi All, I was officially diagnosed with anxiety a week ago after years & years of a loud overthinking overanalysing mind with behaviour towards others that made no sense but I have learned was a response to my fear which is losing people from my life... View more

Hi All, I was officially diagnosed with anxiety a week ago after years & years of a loud overthinking overanalysing mind with behaviour towards others that made no sense but I have learned was a response to my fear which is losing people from my life because they don't like me anymore & being lonely. I had a breakthrough a few days ago & it was DAMN HARD realising it. I realised that there have been some people over the years I have been particularly drawn too for some reason or another,usually because they are happy & positive people but because I was so scared of losing them I would become too clingy, waaay too nice & just too full on I guess. It's not easy recognising your faults. I've had a crap week because of it because I have realised the people I have hurt or made feel uncomfortable & for me, someone who shows kindness & care to those I care about, that was a hard to accept. So I took a big step, I decided to apologise & try to make amends with those people as a form of trying to accept it & start a new blank book, so to speak. One conversation was probably the hardest I have ever had in my life. I bared all. I said all my faults. I explained what is going on in my head 24/7. I even said that sometimes I would rather have some other disease that can be cured rather than this one that messes with your head. I took blame for screwing things up & misreading what I thought was a friendship, instead I was seen as a work colleague. I won't lie, it hurt, A LOT hearing that. I guess I can expect that things will be awkward for a while because I made them feel uncomfortable around me but I feel better for admitting the truth & my fault. I don't know if it is possible but I just hope that one day the awkwardness between us will disappear & we can go back to talking our normal crap that we talk, just without my assumed "friends" tag. I have missed our talking crap so much. Here I am a couple days later & I still feel the guilt for making someone feel the way I did. I know me starting that conversation was courageous but I feel so far from that at the moment. I know it's not "my" fault & I didn't choose to have my head wired with anxiety, I know it was anxieties fault but it's still hard to accept.