
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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BeyondBlue Hi! Check out this post if you're not sure how to start
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Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are... View more

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are really interested in what you might want to add to these conversations. We get it, having anxiety makes it hard to share in a public place. Remeber, this is anonymous and the Beyond Blue team are here to help if you need it This section is for people who are experiencing anixiety in some form in their lives. This might be in social settings, at work, or just in the day to day. You don’t need a diagnosis to post here. If it feels like the right spot for you post, go right ahead! We know that feeling anxious can make it hard to reach out so we want you to know that getting this far is amazing and a great start. A few tips for getting the most out of this section: Get involved when you can! Posting and replying is the heartbeat of this community and you DO have something worthile to share (when you’re ready ) Every experience is different. There is no competition here. We know how challenging anxiety can be and how it comes in all shapes and sizes. What you are experiencing will be respected and supported here. Trust yourself! You are the expert in your experience. This community works because people like you share what has worked for you. Thank you for getting involved and taking a look. We can’t wait to hear from you! Beyond Blue

All discussions

  • replies: 4

Hi Guys, I've never posted before but am here now because i am in the thick of what I call an episode. I had major anxiety on tuesday and it hasnt stopped since...the joy of 4am wake ups with anxiety. A little back ground. I had my first anxious epis... View more

Hi Guys, I've never posted before but am here now because i am in the thick of what I call an episode. I had major anxiety on tuesday and it hasnt stopped since...the joy of 4am wake ups with anxiety. A little back ground. I had my first anxious episode when I was 21 and it lasted 2 weeks, of which time I cried, shook, couldnt eat or sleep properly, had the upset stomach parents took me to the doc so many times that week to then finally be told I had GAD and was put on medication. Fast forward 18 years and whilst it is usually well managed with medication etc I find myself just as baffled as i was back then. As in when I feel anxious I get asked what are you thinking answer generally is nothing. Its the racing heart, the sweating, the shaking, the nausea and diarrhoea, the restlessness, the not wanting to be left alone, the racing weird dream like thoughts I get when I am trying to rest. I have spent so much time and money on psychologists and am currently doing CBT and mindfulness but I truly dont know how to change the way I think because I dont actually know what I am thinking about. Yes there are times when there are triggers; death, health and overthinking past events but more often than not it just jumps out of no where and smacks me in the face. Does anyone get this? I hope this episode doesnt last too long...i miss laughing and feeling normal.

Meg789 Anxiety strikes
  • replies: 2

Hello, This is my first post on any forums. I have been suffering from anxiety and depression for some years now. My anxiety has been getting worse lately. I don't want to leave the house, unless it's for work. When I'm around people, I think everyon... View more

Hello, This is my first post on any forums. I have been suffering from anxiety and depression for some years now. My anxiety has been getting worse lately. I don't want to leave the house, unless it's for work. When I'm around people, I think everyone is judging me - thinking they don't like me. Feeling like I'm not good enough for anyone. I'm even anxious about writing this, that people will judge etc. I know my thoughts are unrealistic but there is always that doubt which stops me from moving forward.

chrisy225 New Job Anxiety
  • replies: 2

Every time i get a new job, i am fine for the interview portion it and when i start my first day the anxiety kicks in. I can't sleep, my heart starts to pound, my appetite is gone and when i do eat i start to feel sick and nauseas. The longest time i... View more

Every time i get a new job, i am fine for the interview portion it and when i start my first day the anxiety kicks in. I can't sleep, my heart starts to pound, my appetite is gone and when i do eat i start to feel sick and nauseas. The longest time i've been able to hold a job was 3 months i was starting to like that job but due to unforeseen circumstances we all got let go. I recently gotten accepted for a new job. It was my first day of training the other day (4 hours) and i didn't expect the job to be so demanding. When applying for the job the ad said Receptionist, so knowing i already had basic knowledge of being one i would apply for it. On the first day of training i found out that our role was being a receptionist, office duties and help with physio clients (machines and doing beds etc.) I was quickly becoming overwhelmed and anxiety started to quickly set in as the boss is quickly annoyed if you don't get things right quickly. Trying to learn everything at once was getting to my head, time felt so slow and my memory felt like it didn't exist at all. I pushed through the 4 hours and went home and just broke down crying. For the next two day i didn't have training and all i could feel was my heart beating fast and my appetite was none existence. I didn't want to get out of bed, all i want to do is sleep and stay home. I have another 3 hour training session tomorrow and all i've been thinking if i should tell my new employer that all this is giving me anxiety or i should just quit and try to find another job less demanding. Everyone i talk to seems to not understand what i am feeling. So i thought i would post on here in hopes that someone understands me. Everyone i have told just try and encourage me i can do it and i commend them for that but in my head it feels like it doesn't help. Maybe it is my state of mind. Does anyone have any tips?

Jackson1994 First time seeing a psych
  • replies: 5

Tomorrow is my first appointment seeing a psychologist at so scared

Tomorrow is my first appointment seeing a psychologist at so scared

luft_ Forgetfulness and confusion - can this be caused by anxiety?
  • replies: 8

Hello to all, Recently I have been under a lot of stress at work and in life. I run my own business in a high-stress industry where many egos exist, as well as endless deadlines and navigating endless politics with high profile people. I always thoug... View more

Hello to all, Recently I have been under a lot of stress at work and in life. I run my own business in a high-stress industry where many egos exist, as well as endless deadlines and navigating endless politics with high profile people. I always thought I would enjoy this sort of work, but after several years I am really beginning to dislike it. Lately I have noticed that I haven't been able to remember many things - deadlines at work, emails I have had to write, phone calls I have needed to return. I even lost $2000 worth of dry cleaning somehow. My partner has been noticing my forgetfulness too - I can't seem to remember to perform basic tasks at home, I have even been forgetting to pay the rent and electricity bill. Life seems like a series of deadlines and never-ending lists for me at the moment - but perhaps that is what life is and I haven't developed a resilience and discipline for it? Maybe that's the whole problem? Maybe I need to get a grip? I do have ADHD but I have not taken treatment since childhood, as it isn't particularly bad, but now I am beginning to think it may be a problem. I've also become particularly short with people lately, and have gone as far as being horrible, verbally abusive and nasty to those closest to me. I am not a big drinker but in the past two weeks I have gotten drunk to the point of saying the nastiest things (which I don't mean) to my partner. Unforgivable things. This was right after he had taken me on holidays for my birthday too. He didn't deserve any of it and I am ashamed of my behaviour. Two days before Christmas 2016, my grandmother passed away. She had essentially raised me as a child more than my mother had, and seeing her deteriorate - her body riddled with cancer - over a period of 6 months was deeply distressing. She died right before Christmas, and rather than being able to mourn at home, in bed, alone for a week, I was thrust into all the activities that come with Christmas and NY - including in-laws who were visiting from overseas, seeing extended friends and family, parties etc. I had time off but I feel like I didn't ever get time to process it. Perhaps on a whim, a month later I resigned from my job as I had received an offer elsewhere - which has turned out to be the wrong move too. I don't really know what to do - I am finding everything in my life too hard, I'm procrastinating, forgetting everything and can't seem to get a hold of anything and it's terrifying.

Jambo123 Dreading work
  • replies: 9

Hi... Just joined tonight and reading some other posts has gave me the confidence to get this off my chest. I had a workplace injury about a year ago which resulted in an operation and light duties for a long period of time. I was treated well and do... View more

Hi... Just joined tonight and reading some other posts has gave me the confidence to get this off my chest. I had a workplace injury about a year ago which resulted in an operation and light duties for a long period of time. I was treated well and done everything asked of me to the best of my capabilities. In the last month or so i have been back on full duties but hv felt a change in attitude from certain parties. During my light duties i was privy to a few instances where a certain manager lost his temper and verbally abused an employee. I felt uncomfortable and anxious being in earshot of this. Since back on full duties (.about a month) i hv been taken in to this managers office 3 times for differing reasons. He was belittling in his manner and has shattered my self esteem... I hv been moved to a lesser position and feel his eyes are on me constantly. I am not good with confrontation and am getting knots in my stomach.. Struggling to switch off my brain at nights afinding it increasingly difficult to drag myself from bed for my shifts. I hv called the employee assistance programme and have had one consultation... I hv also spoke to my gp and had a few days off recently when it all felt too much. I want to quit and find a job i can enjoy again but to compound matters i hv lost my license atm so i am stuck until i get my license back. It just feels totally hopeless and it is draining the life out of me.

KatBX Stark Raving GAD...!
  • replies: 5

Hi everyone. I'm posting here for the first time to see if anyone has helpful hints for my anxiety? I have been a self-employed contractor for 25 years. Its taken a long time to build up my network, but I have been relatively successful and fed and c... View more

Hi everyone. I'm posting here for the first time to see if anyone has helpful hints for my anxiety? I have been a self-employed contractor for 25 years. Its taken a long time to build up my network, but I have been relatively successful and fed and clothed myself. Many times it as been a struggle, almost virtually living hand to mouth. Not being able to relax and enjoy my life much of the time as I am too worried about where the next job will come from. As a result my relationships have been disastrous, I've never married or had kids as I would have liked too. I've had to travel away for work, which have been fabulous opportunities, but I have lost a two boyfriends as they felt rejected. I've just been trying to support myself. I had to go where the work was. I just don't want to end up on the street. I'm finding it hard to focus on anything and being proactive and I'm constantly haunted by the image of a Zero bank balance. The anxiety has got so bad that I just don't enjoy the process of doing my work anymore. I race through and make mistakes and just don't have the attention to detail that I used to have. It feels like performance anxiety. Heart palpitations, shaky hands, sweats. I think I'm crap, I'm a fraud, no-one likes working with me, my clients are judging me. Its affecting the quality of my work and my care-factor. I have lost confidence in myself. I have have been on antidepressants in the past, but after a few months I just don't feel or care about anything. When I'm not working its either not leaving my room or writing enormous 'to-do' lists to fool myself into being proactive, but then I just get over-whelmed and end up doing bugger all. I've been told I should perhaps look into some other line of work. But I just don't know what I could do? I don't have any other skills. And the idea of having to re-train is just so overwhelming. I don't have enough savings to take time off to do so. The stress of having to 'sell myself' to get work is just too much. Its hard to spruik something you don't believe in. Some of my lack of motivation, I'm sure, is a resentment about my industry as I feel that its not let me have fulfilling life, because of how much stress and anxiety it causes me. I don't want to be alone forever. I just want some sort of job security. But I'm a fool thinking that being a freelancer. Thanks in advance if you have any good ideas to help me see all this in from a better perspective.... K

Mamaof2 Terrified of going to sleep
  • replies: 11

Hi everyone, Just wondering if anyone has anything similar. My health anxiety is usually worst right before bed, I become obsessed with the idea that something is wrong with me. Heart palpitations get worse, I feel VERY spaced out and weird, and just... View more

Hi everyone, Just wondering if anyone has anything similar. My health anxiety is usually worst right before bed, I become obsessed with the idea that something is wrong with me. Heart palpitations get worse, I feel VERY spaced out and weird, and just terrified of I don't even know what. I really need sleep as my days are long and naps are out of the question. I'm sick of being so scared. Anyone else in the same boat?

Rachos New job anxiety
  • replies: 3

I started a new job about 2 months ago and have been gradually facing more and more problems with my anxiety, largely as a result of my perceived poor job performance and my own personal job satisfaction. Initially I felt that the work was less stimu... View more

I started a new job about 2 months ago and have been gradually facing more and more problems with my anxiety, largely as a result of my perceived poor job performance and my own personal job satisfaction. Initially I felt that the work was less stimulating or challenging than my previous role, this role is far more administrative and has much less autonomy on projects. Initially I felt like my skills were far above what was required for the job. But then I started to get really critical feedback on my work from my supervisor. I think it is just the nature of the people I work with, but the feedback started to really get me down. Because of the lack of autonomy, everything had to be checked by my supervisor before it was finalised, but everything I sent her she wanted changed in some way. I started to doubt my skills, and I got really upset about the job itself. Job performance is really important to me, and I am now feeling like I cannot cope with the tasks I am being asked to do, despite walking into the job initially with the confidence that I was more than capable of doing what was asked of me. I have spoken to my boss who says she is really happy with my performance, however my personal perception every time I get negative feedback is that I am terrible at my job and that I am useless and incompetent. My anxiety is so bad now that I cannot sleep and can barely bring myself to come into work every day. I have started looking for other jobs now. But now I am so anxious about hearing back about the next stage that I cannot think of anything else, I am literally just refreshing my emails and staring at my phone hoping that I get an email or a call back. I get so down when 5pm comes everyday because I know that means another 12+ hours until a potential callback. I am so nervous about the prospect of going into the long weekend without a callback and knowing that would mean 3 days without knowing. I am not necessarily looking for advice. I do know what I could/should do to manage my anxiety at the moment, but I just keep slipping back into this same place. I think I just need to vent about where I am at right now. I have my fingers crossed that I will get one of the jobs I have applied for and will hopefully be in a more supportive environment where my work is appreciated and where I feel like I am making a good contribution to the team and hopefully that will turn things around for me. Thanks for reading.

gloria10 Advice with anxiety
  • replies: 3

Hi all, So I'm having a tough time with my anxiety at the moment. A short while ago I decided to walk away from a job as I knew it wasn't suitable and it was a very toxic environment. With some things I've been dealing with I find I have less toleran... View more

Hi all, So I'm having a tough time with my anxiety at the moment. A short while ago I decided to walk away from a job as I knew it wasn't suitable and it was a very toxic environment. With some things I've been dealing with I find I have less tolerance for things like that at the moment. I have found some work for the time being, but I am concerned about telling my folks as they get very agressive when I make a choice like that, it's always wrong. I think its because when I was young I made some poor choices, as we do, and its like I have to run everything by them now. Ideally, I'd like to be honest with them about the whole thing but I feel like I have to make up a story in order make them happy. I guess now I don't want to tell them as much as I used to. Has anyone else been through this before? What advice do you have for telling people things they may not want to hear? Many thanks!