
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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Mauzy Newbie kicking the anxiety way of life
  • replies: 16

Hi I'm a looong time sufferer of anxiety which has this year resulted in depression after a long period of stress. Medication has help sort the depression alongside excercise and some great support from family and a few choice friends. I've now decid... View more

Hi I'm a looong time sufferer of anxiety which has this year resulted in depression after a long period of stress. Medication has help sort the depression alongside excercise and some great support from family and a few choice friends. I've now decided to deal with the anxiety with meditation and after a week I'm noticing tiny changes already. Little things aren't bothering me as much, instead of waking during the night with my head buzzing with thoughts I feel more control over those thoughts, and am just feeling a little more positive. I think I just hit a wall and needed to take control of the monster which is anxiety. As for the Christmas stress I experience every year, I'm acknowledging it but not letting anxiety consume me. I AM IN CHARGE not my anxiety!!

azarrah Anxiety and its physical symptoms: a vicious cycle
  • replies: 5

Hi everyone. I want to post this thread because I've been needing to get my thoughts out for a while. I finished school last year. I loved having a purpose and goal. It was comfortable, whilst still being mentally stimulating. I never fully registere... View more

Hi everyone. I want to post this thread because I've been needing to get my thoughts out for a while. I finished school last year. I loved having a purpose and goal. It was comfortable, whilst still being mentally stimulating. I never fully registered that I was leaving, even during the final week. Life felt surreal, and has done so since my very last class…and we’re halfway through Semester 1 of uni now. I started having random shakiness in December. It turned into an almost-fainting episode and a horrible January in which I completely panicked, blew my health situation out of proportion, and became very physically ill. Lethargic, terrified all the time that something was seriously wrong, ended up hyperventilating and had to go to hospital, shaky, dizzy, mentally cloudy, you name it, I had it. It was a vicious cycle whereby the more I worried, the worse my health became. Although some doctors suggested stress, I insisted I wasn't anxious. I realise now that I was extremely stressed, both about my health and about finishing school. I was just suppressing it. The doctors did a whole bunch of blood tests and concluded that I was in perfect health. I was convinced something was wrong neurologically, although no doctor would entertain this for a second. So the issue was dropped. I felt much better when I had a new purpose: cleaning out our house to rent it, which was a serious chore. I settled in here well, although I was still mentally foggy . Now I’m constantly on the brink of tears, have a poor memory (when it’s usually excellent), apathy, my body trembles constantly, has minor muscle twitches and is tense, always feel tired but never want to go to bed. None of the symptoms are that bad, but I blow them out of proportion; especially the mental fogginess, which is driving me mad. I prided myself on being witty and sharp, which I’m just not anymore. I guess I have two problems: the first is that I never got over facing the real world. This caused anxiety symptoms, which I didn’t realise at the time, and I took it to be a physical health problem…which caused more anxiety. I’m definitely going to see a psychologist about this as I’m sick of it. I want to know how to manage it and feel better. I’m terrified that I never will. In the meantime, anybody more experienced have words of wisdom for convincing themselves they’re not dying, or how to get over leaving behind a life you knew? I’d really appreciate all messages

DPK Major Anxiety in new role at work
  • replies: 11

I'm desperate for sme advice or reassurance... I've worked for the same government organisation for 5 years... 4 months ago I was promoted to a higher up position on a 12 month Mat leave contract with a strong likelihood of permanency. There was no t... View more

I'm desperate for sme advice or reassurance... I've worked for the same government organisation for 5 years... 4 months ago I was promoted to a higher up position on a 12 month Mat leave contract with a strong likelihood of permanency. There was no training and I have had to rely on help from some co-workers I am close to... there is a lot of misinformation in this role and I have got my wires crossed on MANY occasions and made a lot of mistakes already... recently, one of the co-workers that was helping me (who I considered a friend) became frustrated and has been rude to me ever since. I feel like I'm constantly on the verge of tears when I don't know how to do something or approach a problem. The one good thing is my manager is relatively easy going and has not addressed any work performance issues with me yet, but I am in a CONSTANT state of fear that clients/co-workers know I don't know what I'm talking about... I find myself lying awake at night... running through everything I have to do the next day. I have always struggled with anxiety but have only recently been diagnosed with anxiety/depression and I'm considering meditation. my dilemma is this... as much as I DESPERATELY want to return to my old role, the soonest I could request to go back is end of Nov... i don't know if I can last that long And anyone who has ever come into this role on a temp basis has been made permanent, so if I do request to go back, it will be perceived as though I was incompetent or wasted everyone's time for a year... what can I do???

Asha85 Anxiety about car accidents
  • replies: 3

Hi everyone im new here. I have a number of disabilities and chronic health issues. As a child my brother was in a car accident but i was very young and a medication interaction has robbed me of my long term memory anyway. After recently losing my be... View more

Hi everyone im new here. I have a number of disabilities and chronic health issues. As a child my brother was in a car accident but i was very young and a medication interaction has robbed me of my long term memory anyway. After recently losing my best friend in a car accident two weeks ago it would be understandable but for the last year since ive got with my boyfriend who is an excellent driver and wonderful man, i have crippling anxiety that he will be in an accident. I ask him to msg me when he is home safe but it is so severe to be to the point of nausea and vomiting. I try distracting myself but in the evening particularly once it is dark i find it so hard to deal with. Any thoughts or coping ideas?

Maggie2 When family members don't understand anxiety
  • replies: 5

Hi everyone! And hello fellow anxiety-peeps. Nice to make your e-acquaintance. Over the past few years, my anxiety - especially my social anxiety - has gotten worse. I'm on meds, using mindfulness apps, and generally trying to look after myself and k... View more

Hi everyone! And hello fellow anxiety-peeps. Nice to make your e-acquaintance. Over the past few years, my anxiety - especially my social anxiety - has gotten worse. I'm on meds, using mindfulness apps, and generally trying to look after myself and keep myself relatively robust under such circumstances. Trying to get into a psych again, but I keep putting it off because it's scary. My partner's family were getting increasingly mad at me for flaking at events and "ignoring" people (because many don't know what my panic attacks look like, I just look "mad" and silent). So, I decided to make a video about what my anxiety is, what it feels like to have it, how other people in my life help me to feel safe, and so what my family can also do to help. It seemed more authentic than a letter and generally, the response has been good. Except for my mother in law. She didn't get. Among other things, she praised the breadth of strategies I was utilising, but because I'm in a bad patch right now, she suggested I'm not trying hard enough to manage my condition. She also suggested I'm not a good parent because my anxiety limits me. Which is a massive dig, because if my kid doesn't grow up to understand that people have all kinds of things going on and that doesn't make them any less of a person, then clearly *that* would be a failure. Understandably I'm a bit upset at this. Having social anxiety and being absolutely non-confrontational, I don't know how to deal with having my best attempt at communication taken the wrong way. Has anyone else been through similar? I know I need to give myself some time, hash it out with my partner ways to approach it, but right now I'm feeling quite deflated and little. What are your recommendations? Cheers! Maggie

ATHL2017 New Job and scared about not being able to speak properly
  • replies: 3

Hi all, First time poster but I have been using Beyondblue for a while. I have a new job tomorrow and its a telemarketing job. I have been so nervous and anxious that I can't speak properly. I think the anxiety is causing me to lisp and I'm scared th... View more

Hi all, First time poster but I have been using Beyondblue for a while. I have a new job tomorrow and its a telemarketing job. I have been so nervous and anxious that I can't speak properly. I think the anxiety is causing me to lisp and I'm scared that this may make me look bad during my first week or even lose my job. I probably know that its anxiety causing these thoughts but they really are impacting my daily life and I hope that after I start work, it will go away. Thanks for reading, this is probably more of a rant to relieve some anxiety but I needed an outlet before tomorrow.

kalli My anxiety is getting me, help myself
  • replies: 3

A few years ago after suffering unexplained symptoms, I went to see a psychologist & was instantly diagnosed with anxiety. Thankfully she taught me a few ways to help control & reduce my symptoms which after a few months seemed to work. After this, t... View more

A few years ago after suffering unexplained symptoms, I went to see a psychologist & was instantly diagnosed with anxiety. Thankfully she taught me a few ways to help control & reduce my symptoms which after a few months seemed to work. After this, the symptoms appeared very rarely and I was able to quickly gain control and tell myself "its all in your head, you're okay". 6 months ago I went overseas for the first time in 10 years and was faced with these symptoms all over again... Constant dizziness, hot flashes, feeling faint or shaky, loss of appetite and the URGE to escape. Since returning home these symptoms have become worse & worse to the point where I am experiencing them multiple times, every single day. This has interfered with my entire life to the point where I exclude myself from social events because of the fear that I will experience a panic attack & no one will be able to help me or I will just end up embarrassing myself. It has affected me at work to the point where I sometimes leave early.. I can't do things like go to the bank or wait in line. I've become so impatient that if I'm at a place for longer than 15-30mins I begin to feel so ill and almost as if I'm going to pass out or die. Today was the final straw... I went to do some shopping (my favourite hobby) and within 20 mins of being under bright lights and around so many people I began to feel very spaced out, light headed and extremely hot. I quickly thought to myself I NEED to get out of here so I rushed for the door which felt like it was so far away that I began to feel worse & worse as I rushed to my car. The minute I sat in my car and turned on the air con I felt fine again... PLEASE someone tell me I'm not going crazy. I'm so sick of these feelings, I just want it all to go away and to be able to enjoy the things I love to do. I'm so scared that I'm going to end up locking myself up at home because that's the only place I feel safe. I don't want to result to medication, I just want to be able to help myself. I know I have it in me... I just need the tools to be able to gain support again. Anyone else feeling the same? What works for you??

Traveller73 Panic attack
  • replies: 4

Hi. My anxiety has been managed for a while now (relaxation, tai chi and mindfulness) . Today at work,out of the blue I had what I believe is a panic attack. Sudden increase heart rate, light headedness, wanting to escape office. My heart rate went u... View more

Hi. My anxiety has been managed for a while now (relaxation, tai chi and mindfulness) . Today at work,out of the blue I had what I believe is a panic attack. Sudden increase heart rate, light headedness, wanting to escape office. My heart rate went up to 120bpm but has now come down to 100. I have been doing some meditation and just now some exercise. I have an app called 30 day fitness challenge which has been great if time poor. Still not at resting heart rate and still feel jittery. I wish someone couldd fix this, everytime I manage my symptoms, they do come back. I have an upcoming holiday worried about (2weeks time) and this happened last year; but literally twice as bad. This year only half as anxious but stii anxious. Why does the anxiety have to reappear?? I try all the right things-I think!

Miss1234 Anyone Feeling nauseous and more?
  • replies: 5

My anxiety has come back after 2 years. I don't even know why? Is this normal? I was so emotional today for no reason just really down. I felt really nauseous and as if I needed to go to the loo but never did. Has anyone felt like this? And how long ... View more

My anxiety has come back after 2 years. I don't even know why? Is this normal? I was so emotional today for no reason just really down. I felt really nauseous and as if I needed to go to the loo but never did. Has anyone felt like this? And how long will it last? Sorry it's been so long I've forgotten what to do.

B_Murf Seeking help with physical pain from anxiety
  • replies: 2

Hi there! I'm new and I'm seeking your help and some clarification. I've suffered from pretty severe social anxiety all my life. And while I understand anxiety is purely mental, for me the physical symptoms it causes are far worse. The main issue I h... View more

Hi there! I'm new and I'm seeking your help and some clarification. I've suffered from pretty severe social anxiety all my life. And while I understand anxiety is purely mental, for me the physical symptoms it causes are far worse. The main issue I have is physical pain. On the average day I'm fine, but if there is a future event I'm anxious about I'll have stomach pain (spasms) hours or sometimes days in advance, I can hardly eat, diarrhoea, vomiting and all in all nastiness. I often feel that mentally I can handle the situation but with all the physical pain included it's a nightmare. So like a lot of people I just avoid these situations and can live a happy life - but sooner or later something comes along that can't be avoided and now that I'm unemployed, now is that time. So I want to seek professional help - I'm trying to understand the process, from what I've read it something like this: #1 Go to a GP. - I don't have a GP so do you just lucky dip one off the white pages? - Are there anxiety specific GP's? #2 the GP will give some advice? Possibly refer to a physiologist - Is this referral to go to any psychologist or do you get referred to a certain psychologist i.e. Mr Beans on Smith Street? #3 You go to the psychologist and talk about your feelings and stuff - I'm not going to talk this away anytime soon so I imagine this will take many visits and won't be cheap? #4 - If medication would be a useful treatment then you get referred to a psychiatrist? Or does the GP refer you to a psychiatrist when you initially visit? #5 - Repeat step 3 except a psychiatrist can prescribe medication if appropriate I know it may sound strange but I find the medical field quite intimidating - I haven't even been to a doctor since I was a kid. Thanks very much. Murf