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Is there any assistance for getting a job with anxiety?

Community Member

Hi there,

Just wondering if anyone knows of any assistance available for getting a job when you have anxiety problems? Whether it be government
assistance or anxiety friendly employers or recruitment agencies?

The process of searching for jobs, preparing resumes, applying, interviews, first days etc. sends my anxiety haywire. I simply can’t
get through the process. I want to work; I’m not looking for welfare payments or alike. But short of being hypnotised, it’s simply not possible for me to go through the traditional job application process at the moment. I think there is more chance of me making a living by hunting and gathering my own food then getting a job…

I am seeing a psychologist and we’re working on it, but I'll run out of discounted sessions long before I can see myself being confident enough to get a job.


4 Replies 4

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi bm, welcome

Well, I've done the rejection if society attempts and did not succeed. Google-

Topic: fortress of survival- beyondblue

A real necessity if you arent doung it is relaxation classes and/or techniques. Try finding a class nearby.

I dont think there is the assistance out there you need. Bare in mind not many job applicant dont have anxiety applying for work. Just saying how stressful it can be.

try breaking away from the resume thing regularly and then returning. Clearing your mind works well.

Good luck

Tony WK

Community Member

Hi B Murf,

It has taken me 3 years to finally get a job. I have also found the process of searching for jobs, preparing resumes, cover letters, key selection criteria, completing documents to apply for jobs makes my anxiety sky rocket. I struggle immensely to get through the traditional job application process. I also really wanted to work much earlier. The Government has employment services who help people with various types of disabilities to gain work. One doesn't need to be claiming welfare payments to qualify. If you approach Centrelink, ask to have a job capacity assessment done by an allied health professional. You will need a Centrelink medical certificate from your GP. If it's deemed that you need assistance to get employment then you will be referred to DES program in your local area. Depending on where you live you will be assigned an organisation. On contact with them you will then be assigned with an Employment Consultant. Not sure which state you are in but I was matched with Ostara who deal specifically with employment and Mental Health. I hope this information helps.

Community Member

Hi B Murf,

Anxiety and job hunting is hard work! After having a bad job experience I lost all confidence in myself and thought I would never be able to work.

I am not aware of any assistance available, but I think what Grow said is very useful!

If you can get yourself to an interview, I think you will get a gut instinct about a place straight away, that's what I have found anyway.

If you think it's necessary, or appropriate, maybe you could mention your concerns about your mental health straight away? But I would try to gauge how that would be received first.

Have you contacted a recruitment agency? They may be able to help point you in the right direction of employers

Sorry I can't suggest any more, but if you just want to vent or talk, please feel free to do so.

Good luck 🙂


Community Member

I did approach centerlink about this very issue but the gave me nothing. Then, 12 months later, I was contacted by Ability Options. They offer support for mental illness in many different ways. They can write your resume, they can help you find work with the hours you want and they can even call around and "create" employment for you, especially for the over 50's.

I was upfront and told them about my panic attacks, my driving phobia, etc.

I would recommend them.