
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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BeyondBlue Hi! Check out this post if you're not sure how to start
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Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are... View more

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are really interested in what you might want to add to these conversations. We get it, having anxiety makes it hard to share in a public place. Remeber, this is anonymous and the Beyond Blue team are here to help if you need it This section is for people who are experiencing anixiety in some form in their lives. This might be in social settings, at work, or just in the day to day. You don’t need a diagnosis to post here. If it feels like the right spot for you post, go right ahead! We know that feeling anxious can make it hard to reach out so we want you to know that getting this far is amazing and a great start. A few tips for getting the most out of this section: Get involved when you can! Posting and replying is the heartbeat of this community and you DO have something worthile to share (when you’re ready ) Every experience is different. There is no competition here. We know how challenging anxiety can be and how it comes in all shapes and sizes. What you are experiencing will be respected and supported here. Trust yourself! You are the expert in your experience. This community works because people like you share what has worked for you. Thank you for getting involved and taking a look. We can’t wait to hear from you! Beyond Blue

All discussions

Meowface Tough day today - "wagged" work
  • replies: 5

Had a tough day today - woke up on the wrong side of the bed - didn't go for my walk which normally gets me going. Had to have some difficult conversations at work and had to drive between stores during the day. I felt really overwhelmed and took a l... View more

Had a tough day today - woke up on the wrong side of the bed - didn't go for my walk which normally gets me going. Had to have some difficult conversations at work and had to drive between stores during the day. I felt really overwhelmed and took a longer lunch break to go home and just curled up on the couch in my dressing gown for 30 minutes. I got back to work but felt a bit guilty about longer break - or maybe it's better than having the whole afternoon off with a panic attack? It can be hard to meet our every day responsibilities when we're struggling.

Karenh Just not coping, constant anxiety and pain.
  • replies: 2

Basically I've hit a pretty big low. I can feel myself being consumed by anxiety. my chest is constantly tight and I'm feeling afraid and paranoid. Sometimes I can meditate myself out of an episode, if I push myself to meditate. I've just started run... View more

Basically I've hit a pretty big low. I can feel myself being consumed by anxiety. my chest is constantly tight and I'm feeling afraid and paranoid. Sometimes I can meditate myself out of an episode, if I push myself to meditate. I've just started running again so hopefully if I can stick to it, that will help. I'm giving up drinking. I only drink once a month or so but I've come to realize that no matter how much fun I have, I will have attacks for day or weeks after. I told my partner I was low and that sometimes I just want to end it. He left me, he said he thought if he was out of my life that I would be happy. He packed his things when I was out of town and surprised me ☹. We are trying to work things out now but it's been a long road. He wants me to move to where he's based for work and quit my job to focus on my mental health. I'm considering this as I'm just so stuck right now. I guess I'm just looking for some stories of others getting themselves out of the lowest lows, I need some hope right now. I'm exhausted..

leeanne82 please help something happened last night
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Ok so what happened last night was i woke up around 11:15pm to rain, my veg were uncovered so i went to cover them up but was not coherent and not really there weird yes i know, anyway come back in still was not really coherent then i was and a very ... View more

Ok so what happened last night was i woke up around 11:15pm to rain, my veg were uncovered so i went to cover them up but was not coherent and not really there weird yes i know, anyway come back in still was not really coherent then i was and a very weird feeling came over me that if i went back to sleep that would be it i would be dead, that freaked me out and was so scared i was feeling sick and my head was not good, anyway fast forward to this morning and still not feeling good, my head not good had my cuppa and threw it up, so no breakfast. I have no idea what is going on, don't know if my body is telling me my health has taken a turn for the worse or what, it has really freaked me out, i even said to god its not my time yet please don't take me, also chest pain this morning was to my left side of my chest now now pain in my heart area, i called my dr to talk but it's her day off they said they were going to text her to call me but nothing yet, so i logged into mindspot and messaged my therapist, friends think maybe panic or anxiety attack

KMTE Sunday Blues
  • replies: 20

Does anybody else feel even worse on a Sunday? I feel like the working week takes alot of effort to get through most of the time and when it gets to the weekend it's like a rest almost. My anxiety is never as severe (obviously not always sometimes it... View more

Does anybody else feel even worse on a Sunday? I feel like the working week takes alot of effort to get through most of the time and when it gets to the weekend it's like a rest almost. My anxiety is never as severe (obviously not always sometimes it strikes no matter what day it is) on the weekend I have my husband and kids home which just having the company is a help and a distraction and if i need some time to just relax my husband is there with the kids. Also we tend to do fun things and while we keep busy the anxiety tends to stay relatively easy to manage (again not alwAys) also every Sunday we spend the day at my son and husbands sport I'm always anxious if I'm going to have any of my health anxiety symptoms that day or anxiety will take over in front of everyone which would be embarrassing. Also Sunday means its Monday tomorrow and I have to make my way through another school/work/sports/kinder gym week which at the moment im funding quiet difficult and draining. Can anyone else relate?

racer Undiagnosed but suspected anxiety
  • replies: 6

HI all, I'm new here and unsure but think I may have undiagnosed anxiety that I have just learned to live with. I also think this is starting to get out of control. As a child I suffered from debilitating shyness but learned to overcome by self talk.... View more

HI all, I'm new here and unsure but think I may have undiagnosed anxiety that I have just learned to live with. I also think this is starting to get out of control. As a child I suffered from debilitating shyness but learned to overcome by self talk. I am now finding myself encountering irrational thoughts, have feelings of dread, suffer from a random racing heart and always feel the cold (this one has a major impact as I get sick often). I have noticed my irrational thoughts but always disregarded them. However this week went for a quick trip to the snow with my family and as we were having a snowball fight I had the thought that now something bad was going to happen, found myself looking around for someone watching me and felt like I should get back to my 'normal / work life'. This made me realise that I feel like I need to be always doing the 'right' thing and hanging out, being lazy or just having fun with my family seems wrong. I teach and increasingly I feel I am not doing enough, I feel students, parents and other teachers are critical of me. I feel I will say or do the wrong thing at anytime and need to watch myself. I would appreciate any feedback as I am not sure what to think about all this. Thanks

Jay1 Living with Anxciety
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Hi I am new to this and I am seeking some help and advise. I love with anxciety and some days and months are a breeze however on my bad days I feel like I'm a tornado. I snapped it the other day at my husband I feel all alone I feel like my adult kid... View more

Hi I am new to this and I am seeking some help and advise. I love with anxciety and some days and months are a breeze however on my bad days I feel like I'm a tornado. I snapped it the other day at my husband I feel all alone I feel like my adult kids hate me and have no time for me . My past relationship haunts me from evidence of medical records I came across, and now I'm having flash backs of the situation. Lacking motivation for my job due to a negative work colleague. Any help and advise would be appreciated on how to cope and deal with this. I am not on any medication as doctor previously prescribed medication which I took for two days and threw the bottle away. I couldn't function I have two small boys that need me to be strong be their happy mummy again . Just need to feel love from my husband and patience and understanding instead my family all think I'm crazy

Diamondback Dramas in life cause my anxiety to subside
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So I know this is a weird one but over the last 9 months I have experienced anxiety I have tried everything I have my good days and my bad but it always seems to be there except when there is some drama in my life caused by one person which I try not... View more

So I know this is a weird one but over the last 9 months I have experienced anxiety I have tried everything I have my good days and my bad but it always seems to be there except when there is some drama in my life caused by one person which I try not to have contact with yesterday there were was some "drama" caused by this person and continuing and for the first time in a long time I have had 0 anxiety today has this happened to anyone else????

Sez93 Serious work problems, help me
  • replies: 9

Hello everyone out there, I'm really struggling with severe anxiety in my job. I'm a sewing machinist for a company that makes wedding gowns and I seriously have good days and bad, mostly bad! I'm good at what I do when I work on my own pieces at hom... View more

Hello everyone out there, I'm really struggling with severe anxiety in my job. I'm a sewing machinist for a company that makes wedding gowns and I seriously have good days and bad, mostly bad! I'm good at what I do when I work on my own pieces at home and I did quite well at college in my final year in 2016. But in a work environment, I get so nervous and I start screwing up and it all snowballs from there and I look like an incompetent idiot and they don't feel they can give me anything too difficult and they're stressing about me and that makes it worse. Sometimes I can have good, successful days where I get all my work done without any catastophies but it's not enough to stay on the team. I don't want to get out of bed in the morning. When I'm at work I'm usually do wound up that I can't eat but when I'm at home a eat too much. I talk to my boyfriend and he's very supportive but lately it feels like he's heard it all before and there's only so much I can vent to him. He wants me to quit so I can't go home upset cause I don't want to encourage him in that. I just feel so stupid and small and embarrassed every single day I have trouble sleeping and so I'm always exhausted in the mornings. If I've made mistakes or pissed someone off I can't forget about it. Most of all I just feel like a useless piece of crap who's a liability and all I want is to be a useful member of the team. What makes it worse is that I had a similar situation with an former job where I got fired and it hung over me for ages. I've been going online researching strategies and using apps for brain training but I don't know if they will help long term. Please help me, Sez

amelie-j Derealisation for the past two months
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Ever since I got back from a great trip, I've been more anxious about a lot of things. I'm definitely in my better days now from the past two months, but I'm still living with derealisation -- where I'm constantly spaced out, feel like I'm on autopil... View more

Ever since I got back from a great trip, I've been more anxious about a lot of things. I'm definitely in my better days now from the past two months, but I'm still living with derealisation -- where I'm constantly spaced out, feel like I'm on autopilot and not in control of anything I say or do, and there's a thought/question rooted within me that could all of this (life, my life) actually be real? A week and a bit ago I started experiencing depersonalisaion, where I would look in the mirror or at photos of myself and not even recognise myself and freak out because I don't know who I am. As I said, I am living in my better and happier days, but there's definitely still the constant derealisation. Is there any way to stop this, or at least make it better / ways to feel more present? Thank you.

Alexia1 Heart rate
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Has anyone had a panic attack where the heart rate has reached 250bpm at any stage... mine did for the first time and I can't stop thinking about it

Has anyone had a panic attack where the heart rate has reached 250bpm at any stage... mine did for the first time and I can't stop thinking about it