
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
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Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

All discussions

Philli Finding it so hard to socialize.
  • replies: 1

My names Liam I'm a 21 year old male and have suffered from anxiety and depression for most my life. In high school anxiety first started to kick in and got worse as i got older. I used to walk around the school to avoid socializing with friends. If ... View more

My names Liam I'm a 21 year old male and have suffered from anxiety and depression for most my life. In high school anxiety first started to kick in and got worse as i got older. I used to walk around the school to avoid socializing with friends. If i was late to school i couldn't enter the classroom as I would get so nervous I would go into a panic. I dropped out of high school start of year 12 and went on working in a restaurant. I was 17 at the time and I got my first job as a kitchen hand and worked my way up making pizzas and cooking in the kitchen. Going to work was a burden everyday my anxiety would just get so bad that I just feel like I didn't belong. I feel like I don't belong anywhere. the buisness closed down down a year and a bit after and I was relieved that I didn't have to go back to work. Everyday I went I barely said a word, I would get so paranoid about with people were thinking about me. Anyways I didn't leave the house for about 3 years until mum convinced me to go see my gp. He prescribed me medication and have been upping the dose for 6 months now. I see a psychologist but it just doesn't help my anxiety levels are down but now I just get depressed at home. Today I had my first shift as a volunteer at an op shop and boy was it hard, not only do I get anxious but I start getting paranoid on what other people think on me. I just fell like I don't fit in, I've tried suicide and failed I am so stuck I just don't know what to do anymore. I don't want to be housebound anymore I want a life. Anyways Im only venting on here becuase i have no one else to talk to, Anyone else going thru the same thing I wish you the best.

mollymoon SSRIs not working
  • replies: 2

Hi everyone, About 6 months ago I started taking medication. My gp diagnosed with me social anxiety disorder. Since then I've been going to a psychologist who has been wonderfully helpful for my social anxiety but I still feel really depressed. I hav... View more

Hi everyone, About 6 months ago I started taking medication. My gp diagnosed with me social anxiety disorder. Since then I've been going to a psychologist who has been wonderfully helpful for my social anxiety but I still feel really depressed. I have improved with social situations- but I am now completely socially isolated having dropped out of uni. I also started self harming at around the time I went on another medication. I don't know how to bring this up with anyone because i feel like it isn't related to social anxiety- I haven't been to my psych in two months because I moved a few hours away. I am disappointed because I feel as though nothing I do is going to help me stop feeling miserable- it's kind of like trying to treat lung cancer on someone who still smokes- I am completely socially isolated and can't make friends. I need to get my licence and a job too. Thank you!

Spot2 Anxiety and struggling to eat.
  • replies: 6

Hi all, I'm new here and am needing some much-needed advice, I'm a little lost on what to do and have no one I can speak to about it. I've had anxiety since I was about 8 but for the past two years, it's been going pretty well! I always shake and my ... View more

Hi all, I'm new here and am needing some much-needed advice, I'm a little lost on what to do and have no one I can speak to about it. I've had anxiety since I was about 8 but for the past two years, it's been going pretty well! I always shake and my breath shortens when meeting new people, at social gatherings or at work for example but I've been able to use my coping mechanisms to handle that and it's been going okay. However, for the past week and a half or so, my anxiety is spiking a lot more than usual, I'm constantly feeling sick, as though I'm going to vomit and the thought of food or even a bite of food, just makes me feel so much worse. I'm struggling to drink water, tea, coffee or even to chew chewing gum. I've lost about 2-2.5kg and I'm already a very petite person, so losing the weight is scaring me. I've also got the shakes more consistently than normal. I'm really unsure what to do. I know I'm not sick with a bug because everything else is 100% normal for me, I don't have a cold and when I'm not feeling anxious, I feel like I can eat. When I do try to eat in the times where I'm not shaking or feeling anxious, I have a bite of something but the second I do, I feel like I'm going to throw up. I've always eaten pretty healthy and I love food, so this so not normal for me. I've never not been able to eat because of anxiety, it's come out in other ways before, but not like this. I'm very confused. If I lose any more weight, I'm going to be underweight but I can't get myself to eat. Does anyone have any tips? Thanks, B x

LilyLavenderArt Intrusive thoughts? Bipolar?
  • replies: 3

So there is a lot of mental health issues in my family (dad, brother, aunty etc) with bipolar, schizophrenia and borderline paranoia schizophrenia. I'm on anti anxiety and depression medication, but every 6 months I have to up my dose ( I haven't bee... View more

So there is a lot of mental health issues in my family (dad, brother, aunty etc) with bipolar, schizophrenia and borderline paranoia schizophrenia. I'm on anti anxiety and depression medication, but every 6 months I have to up my dose ( I haven't been officially diagnosed with anything specific) because the depression starts to hit. But me and my family think it might be more? For the first time in years (since about year 11?) I've gotten intrusive thoughts over the past few weeks, so I'm constantly battling myself. I get angry, I want someone to start a fight in the street just to hurt someone (even though I dont want to) just a few days ago I nearly got off the train because I was SO sure that it will blow up and I had to force myself to stay on because logically I knew that I was fine. I'm constantly fighting the intrusive thoughts that I can't just make go away. It feels like I'm split into two and it sucks. also I've come to terms with the fact that I can become obsessive over things like TV shows and characters, according to family members I am going to see my doctor for another higher dose yet again, but I am going to try and get diagnosed properly. Given these intrusive thoughts, paranoia and family history, does it sound like it could be more than just depression and social anxiety?

Ashleelhsa Postpone or persist?
  • replies: 4

I am struggling whether to decide to go forward with something or not. I have suffered anxiety for over 7 years. Since it came on, it's symptoms have been debilitating and are extremely physical. I get a foggy head, dizzy, feel really confused, can't... View more

I am struggling whether to decide to go forward with something or not. I have suffered anxiety for over 7 years. Since it came on, it's symptoms have been debilitating and are extremely physical. I get a foggy head, dizzy, feel really confused, can't hold a conversation with anyone and also feel excruciating pain in my entire body (from burning, to aching to stabbing pains). When it gets bad I can't move for weeks / months at a time. I eventually started taking medication which has been life changing but I still regularly experience debilitating days. As much as I have good days, the bad days are just as painful and debilitating and I still feel like they have complete hold over me. I don't know when they will come on, how long they will last and how bad I will feel. On top of this, I suffer dissociation where I feel like i lost connection with reality and myself. That is the most scary experience of all. I am currently seeing a psychologist as my symptoms have returned. I have some really important commitments / work opportunities coming up. As I have struggled with work since having anxiety, it is one of the biggest things I've taken on since and it is my absolute honour to have the opportunity. As much as I want to persevere with every part of me, I continue to suffer debilitating symptoms every few days. It is hard to describe it but it completely overwhelms me and exhausts me. I understand my psychologist wants to encourage me to try new things but my gut is saying no. It is causing me to have really bad thoughts and feelings of wanting to run away. I don't feel ready yet. My psychologist claims this is just fear, and overcoming it will help my anxiety, but I feel these are sort of 'generic' respons and that there is a lot more to it (a bad day isn't just a headache, its complete debilitation). I want with every part of me to do this, but I am still so ill. I feel like my psychologist isn't really hearing me. I know her desire is to encourage me, but is making me feel frustrated and worse. Sorry for the long thread. Any thoughts / opinions would be greatly appreciated.

scandanavfa need help figuring out what is happening in my mind before it gets worse
  • replies: 2

Hello! This is my first time posting here (or anywhere for that matter) but recently I have felt so overwhelmed and anxious to the point that I fear it is starting to affect my happiness and satisfaction from things as well as my relationships. I hav... View more

Hello! This is my first time posting here (or anywhere for that matter) but recently I have felt so overwhelmed and anxious to the point that I fear it is starting to affect my happiness and satisfaction from things as well as my relationships. I have always thought I was an introvert - mainly because I sometimes am too anxious to enter into social situations with people I’m not that close with but recently it is taking a different turn and making me feel a little bit worthless etc. It is making me feel insecure in my relationship with my girlfriend of 3 years and in turn making me spiral into a person I don’t like. I am not sure whether I should see my GP or tell my parents or what to do - but it feels like my mind is taking on more than it can handle in a way and I want to regain control of my self.

Scruffy1 Am I just wasting everyone’s time?
  • replies: 20

am I just wasting mine and my therapists time? I’ve been seeing a psychologist for the last couple of months for my anxiety. I’m am struggling to describe what I’m feeling inside when asked. I can describe the feelings I’m getting from the anxiety bu... View more

am I just wasting mine and my therapists time? I’ve been seeing a psychologist for the last couple of months for my anxiety. I’m am struggling to describe what I’m feeling inside when asked. I can describe the feelings I’m getting from the anxiety but other feelings are non existent even when I try to find them I just come up empty all the time. I can’t remember when I felt other feelings other than the few that I can easily describe. am I just wasting everyone’s time or do I just need more time to work on it? I really want to keep working on it but if I can’t get past this hurdle I feel there may be little hope of success

AnxiousAnn Hairdresser anxiety, tips on how to get through it?
  • replies: 8

My sister is getting married this weekend, and she has booked us all in to get our hair done. She has booked me in for a colour to a more natural tone, as it’s currently bright red, she doesn’t want a fireball in her wedding photos haha. But I’m so a... View more

My sister is getting married this weekend, and she has booked us all in to get our hair done. She has booked me in for a colour to a more natural tone, as it’s currently bright red, she doesn’t want a fireball in her wedding photos haha. But I’m so anxious about the appointment! I’m not scared of the results, but the whole experience of being at a hair dresser, and having the appointment, makes me anxious. And it feels silly to say but I’m anxious about being anxious! the hair dressers makes me feel uncomfortable right from the start. The beautiful ladies, the strong chemical smells, starring at myself in the mirror for hours on end. how can I get through it? What are your tips and tricks

ancnymous Very Unsure
  • replies: 3

Hi, I think that I may have anxiety. Though I've only had one panic attack (a few months ago) and one before that that I think was pretty minor. I've done all those online tests (I know they're not the best but they're all I feel comfortable doing) a... View more

Hi, I think that I may have anxiety. Though I've only had one panic attack (a few months ago) and one before that that I think was pretty minor. I've done all those online tests (I know they're not the best but they're all I feel comfortable doing) and all of them have stated that I probably have social anxiety. Are you just meant to know when you have anxiety? I mean how are you meant to tell? I've seen all over people with mental illnesses looking down on people self diagnosing and so I don't want to self diagnose but I'm also too scared to go to a doctor or tell my parents etc because if I don't have it, I'll feel stupid and I made people (maybe) worry for nothing. I'm not sure if that made any sense, but does anyone have advice? Thank you

louise12 Should I pursue teaching? (Anxious and shy)
  • replies: 7

Hi, ive just completed my business degree and completed an internship in HR Unpaid. The internship turned me off pursuing the business world as 9 to 5 desk job isn’t for her. I love to have the flexibility of working whilst standing up aswell. Howeve... View more

Hi, ive just completed my business degree and completed an internship in HR Unpaid. The internship turned me off pursuing the business world as 9 to 5 desk job isn’t for her. I love to have the flexibility of working whilst standing up aswell. However I’m not sure if it was my anxiety or the actual company that made me dislike the corporate world. My intern company were supportive in some ways and very unsupportive in other ways for eg. Always seem too busy to sit down and go through stuff I wasn’t too sure about. And whenever I seeked feedback from my supervisor with the work I competed she would always brush it off and never give it. I’m wondering now if I should try with HR again or should I pursue secondary teaching instead? I’m just scared my anxiety will get in the way and sometimes I can be quite awkward in unfamiliar/uncomfortable environments. Any advice would be appreciated. Thankyou