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Anxiety and struggling to eat.

Community Member

Hi all,

I'm new here and am needing some much-needed advice, I'm a little lost on what to do and have no one I can speak to about it.

I've had anxiety since I was about 8 but for the past two years, it's been going pretty well! I always shake and my breath shortens when meeting new people, at social gatherings or at work for example but I've been able to use my coping mechanisms to handle that and it's been going okay.

However, for the past week and a half or so, my anxiety is spiking a lot more than usual, I'm constantly feeling sick, as though I'm going to vomit and the thought of food or even a bite of food, just makes me feel so much worse. I'm struggling to drink water, tea, coffee or even to chew chewing gum. I've lost about 2-2.5kg and I'm already a very petite person, so losing the weight is scaring me. I've also got the shakes more consistently than normal. I'm really unsure what to do. I know I'm not sick with a bug because everything else is 100% normal for me, I don't have a cold and when I'm not feeling anxious, I feel like I can eat.

When I do try to eat in the times where I'm not shaking or feeling anxious, I have a bite of something but the second I do, I feel like I'm going to throw up.

I've always eaten pretty healthy and I love food, so this so not normal for me.

I've never not been able to eat because of anxiety, it's come out in other ways before, but not like this. I'm very confused. If I lose any more weight, I'm going to be underweight but I can't get myself to eat.

Does anyone have any tips?


B x

6 Replies 6

Community Member

hello and welcome

im sorry your experiencing this! considering this isnt normal for you id reccomend seeing your gp asap (or any gp), there could be another reason behind it. they often run some blood tests to check things like thyroid function as well. If you cant get in to see a dr within the next day or so id suggest going to the ed before you become to dehydrated. they can treat and run tests while your there.

Try to keep up your fluids, maybe put abit of cordial in the water so its more appealing..

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Spot2,

Welcome to the forums and thanks for reaching out! I'm sorry this is happening to you and it sounds like it's very distressing!

I have to agree with startingnew here in that it would be really helpful to see your GP. All of what you're describing can align with anxiety and anxiety can change and manifest in different ways - but seeing a GP can help to rule out anything else that might be going on.

I know you've mentioned that you don't feel like you have a bug but sometimes people can present with random symptoms - that's still okay and valid to go and see one!

It sounds like your question is more about eating though so there's a couple of things that come to mind.

- Eat small but regularly. You may even want to set an alarm to remind you. Are there foods that are easier to eat than others? Things like cruskits, white bread, soup etc can be easier to digest (and much less intimidating) then bigger meals.

- Stay hydrated. Smoothies and juices can be an excellent way to get nutrients in that you're not getting in otherwise and sustagen is often recommended for people who are having trouble eating or losing weight.

- See a dietician. These guys are really the specialists in food and nutrition so they can help give you extra strategies and tips to cope.

Hope this helps

Thank you startingnew for your response, I really greatly appreciate it! Apologies that I haven't responded in a few days.

Unfortunately, I'm scared of doctors, so booking myself an appointment, hasn't been a possibility, but I do have good news. I had a feeling that the lack of appetite and inability to eat was coming more so from the anxiety of losing a close friend of mine. We had had an argument two weeks ago now (just as I started having trouble to eat), and she refused to talk to me until yesterday. We finally have had a chat about things and gotten everything off of our chests, and the moment that happened I was hungry again. I managed to eat a lot for dinner last night and I've had breakfast and lunch today! So, things are looking up! We're meeting again tonight to clear the air, but if at some point I randomly feel ill again and unable to eat, I will book myself in to see a doctor, but, for now, I believe that it was just because of a little tiff with my friend. Which is very silly, but she's one of my only friends and it got me rather worried.

Thank you so much again!

Thank you romantic_thi3f for your response and your helpful guidance as well!

I made sure to eat something small, even if it did make me feel ill as I know food is necessary to keep us going, and without it I may have really struggled at uni and work this week, so thank you for that tip! The juice idea was good too, but it made me feel kinda sick, so I stuck to the small bites of food, whenever I could.

I've managed to eat a meal last night for dinner, as well as breakfast and lunch this today! So, I think things are looking up!

As I explained in my reply to startingnew, I had had an argument with a close friend of mine, but since clearing things up with her, I've been able to eat again. If I do feel ill again though, I will see a doctor, I'm just not the biggest fan of doctors (they scare me a little).

I feel as though, the anxiety about losing my friend was the root cause for my inability to eat, and I'm really hoping that was the case. I've gained weight already, just from the few meals I've had so I'm overjoyed about that as well.

Thank you again!

hello Spot, thanks for checking back in with us.

that is really good news! seems things are back on the right track. please dont hesisitate to come and chat to us anytime 🙂

Hey Spot2,

Great to hear back from you and thanks for checking in!

YAY!! I’m so glad that you’re starting to eat again! It sounds like a lot of the things that were making you lose your appetite and struggle to eat have kind of disappeared now?!
Either way I’m super glad that things are looking up.

In the future though, I do think it would be good to see if you can see a doctor. Maybe you can find one through a family member or friend - that way if they feel comfortable with them maybe you can too - or you could even bring someone with you?
Unfortunately life always throws us lots of struggles so making sure that you can eat even when you are struggling is important.

All the best and feel free to check in again anytime!