
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
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Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

All discussions

camilagrace My parents dont understand my anxiety...
  • replies: 2

So in the last year, i discovered that i have anxiety. I was reading an article and everything seemed to describe me. So i did some more research and yep, i definitely have it. It took me a while to open up to my parents to tell them but when i did t... View more

So in the last year, i discovered that i have anxiety. I was reading an article and everything seemed to describe me. So i did some more research and yep, i definitely have it. It took me a while to open up to my parents to tell them but when i did they brushed it off as 'normal teenage behaviour'. I've researched like everything there is to know about the topic so i know that i have it but they dont seem to understand. I also have big sleeping troubles which is also linked to anxiety and gut problems - another symptom. I've had panic attacks in front of them and they seem to think im just hormonal or something. They dont understand that my heart literally feels like its beating out of my chest and im having trouble breathing and i physically CANNOT stop crying. And at school, for hours and hours on end i cant take my focus off this one thing that is worrying me. I dont know how to explain to them that i have a serious problem so that they actually understand that something is wrong. Please help xx (dont know if any of that made any sense)

soulsickness Evening Anxiety - Why is it worse at night?
  • replies: 6

Hello everyone - Just wanted to throw out my experiences with anxiety worsening in the evening. Lately I've been travelling okay throughout the day, but at night I start experiencing those terrible physical anxiety symptoms. I really like being able ... View more

Hello everyone - Just wanted to throw out my experiences with anxiety worsening in the evening. Lately I've been travelling okay throughout the day, but at night I start experiencing those terrible physical anxiety symptoms. I really like being able to curl up in bed and have some relaxation time at the end of the day, so this increased anxiety in the evening is really throwing me. Does anyone else find that anxiety worsens in the evening/before bed? Any advice on how to deal with this? I hope you're all well and coping okay.

UltimaMic Anxiety and Taking the Next Employment Steps - Any Advice
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Hi All, I have read other useful posts and have been thinking about something for a while. I am guy in his 30's and live with GAD in Sydney, I work as an accountant and have previously had to leave work as I had extreme anxiety and depression over 3-... View more

Hi All, I have read other useful posts and have been thinking about something for a while. I am guy in his 30's and live with GAD in Sydney, I work as an accountant and have previously had to leave work as I had extreme anxiety and depression over 3-4 years ago. For a while my life was in limbo and I was in a bad place. Thankfully I am still here and have had many a counselling session and psychologist visits to get me in a better place. I have struggled but now found some stable employment. (I found my disability services provider was quite limited in how they understood and could empathise with mental illness as opposed to physical illness). I have worked as assistant accountant for over two years now and find the work unfulfilling and even a little bit devaluing given my qualifications. I constantly question whether I should just appreciate it and stay in the job. Most of my peers who have similar qualifications have advanced well with their careers and I am plodding along and most of my colleges are university graduates in their 20's. I want to move forward however my current workplace does not have a mental health plan or support and I feel I would need that if I were to try to move forward within my employer. I have a very limited social network after I withdrew myself a lot after my mental health episode. I have had a lot of problems with mainstream recruitment agencies in regards to sharing about my mental health and their reactions and subsequent devaluation of my profile. (yep its discrimination but what can I do about it? as I have signed up to their services). Can anyone recommend a recruitment agency that works with professionals with mental illness? Any advice on next steps - I dont want to push myself to the extent where I have another breakdown however I do want to grow in my career. Its hard to get the balance right

Suz0 Job stress rumination anyone?
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I have a demanding job I worked so hard to get and wanted so badly. I have just returned after extended travel leave and sense that ppl don’t trust me. I have made some bad decisions in the past and in the litigous modern workplace I find myself conv... View more

I have a demanding job I worked so hard to get and wanted so badly. I have just returned after extended travel leave and sense that ppl don’t trust me. I have made some bad decisions in the past and in the litigous modern workplace I find myself convincing myself that I will lose my job. I keep finding past situations to stress and ruminate over. This is not new. I have been doing this at work since I was a checkout worker at the age of 15 I was once on medication and it helped a bit. Can anyone relate to the catastrophising?

LauraRH Rabbit caught in the headlights - too afraid to move on with life
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Hi I'm Laura and I'm new to BB. The bad - I had a traumatic year last year in which I was made redundant, suffered workplace issues, broke up from a long term relationship and returned back to Sydney after a failed move overseas. The good - I came ho... View more

Hi I'm Laura and I'm new to BB. The bad - I had a traumatic year last year in which I was made redundant, suffered workplace issues, broke up from a long term relationship and returned back to Sydney after a failed move overseas. The good - I came home, rebuilt my life and have got to a place where I thought things would be OK... lovely house, great job, amazing new man (who's moving interstate in Oct but that's another story). But it's not enough, I still feel sad and fed up often. Even as I write this I'm fed up hearing my own story, it occupies my thoughts constantly. To the point where I've been diagnosed with depression and anxiety, have medication and a counsellor. I've suffered from low mood my whole life but this is a new level, it's been a very long time since I've truly felt like myself. Anyway, I'm starting to feel a little better of late (I've spent the best part of the year floating along, amazed sometimes that I'm still able to 'do life' and that people want to be around me). I feel like it's time to move on and get myself back, and by doing this I'm thinking I might quit my job and either join my new guy interstate at some stage or if we don't work out, make the big move to leave Sydney and travel / contract work my way around Australia. But I'm terrified, absolutely terrified. The thing that drives me crazy is that I know I have low self worth, a fear of failure and I feel almost chemically wired to look at my glass as half full. I fear that I'll lose my guy, go broke and end up back in Sydney because I'm living proof that apparently you can't run away from your problems. But then I have these infrequent moments when I can see that maybe, just maybe everything might be OK. What a relief! I'm too scared to leave my job, my house, touch my savings, because I no longer believe in me or trust my resilience for potentially challenging times ahead. I just want to pack my life up, hit the road and see what happens, go find myself. I've never invested in myself like this before, whenever I've made a big move before it's always been as a couple, I'd like to to something on my own just for me whilst I have the freedom and money. As much as I would love a life in SA with my new guy next year, we are very new and I'd like to focus initially on making me happy independently of him, if we're meant to be, we're meant to be. I'd love to hear from anyone that's been in my situation, and maybe get some reassurance that maybe the grass its actually greener!

Crosscheck Newbie Post :)
  • replies: 5

So, I'm new here. Over the years I've struggled with multiple different 'genres' of mental health, but the underlying theme (or cause I suppose) for all of my different journeys would be my anxiety. I was a part of an online group years ago focused o... View more

So, I'm new here. Over the years I've struggled with multiple different 'genres' of mental health, but the underlying theme (or cause I suppose) for all of my different journeys would be my anxiety. I was a part of an online group years ago focused on eating disorders, and while it made me feel connected to others who were going through what I was at the time, it was honestly a terrible forum for sharing and encouraging bad behaviours. I know I'm rambling, but I guess what I'm trying to say is I would love to be a part of a positive and supportive platform focused on something I know I need help with, and where I can see and talk to others who are going through the same thing. Don't get me wrong, my family and friends are great, but sometimes they just genuinely can't understand where I'm coming from and end up hurting more than helping. I'd love to hear from anyone who's engaged in this whole deal. If you like it, and what you get out of it, anything really. Thanks guys!

SleepNathan Anxiety, Sleeping Problems, Constant Worrying. Not Myself. Lets help each other.
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Hello Everyone, My name is Nathan I'm new here. I'd thought I'd join this forum in the hopes of trying to help myself and others with other people. I'll keep it short as I'm limited on characters. I have Anxiety and Sleeping problems. All started 6 w... View more

Hello Everyone, My name is Nathan I'm new here. I'd thought I'd join this forum in the hopes of trying to help myself and others with other people. I'll keep it short as I'm limited on characters. I have Anxiety and Sleeping problems. All started 6 weeks ago when I couldn't sleep for almost 4 days. I have tried some pills to help me but do not like the side effects for Anxiety and for Sleeping. I'm cold turkey I want to train my mind to overcome what I'm going through. I have constant worry/anxiety throughout the day most things/thoughts can increase my anxiety. I constantly struggle with sleep each night though I do get some Z's luckily. I don't feel like myself I feel spaced out detached. Things that once brought me joy and happiness no longer do. I feel paralyzed sometimes. I panic easily. I'm in a constant battle with my own mind, I feel as though this will be my life from now on. Even though logically thinking it does not have to be. I try to keep positivity alive within myself, it is hard and I do struggle. What terrifies me the most is not being able to sleep, sleep is on my mind nearly every minute of every day. And the little things that increase my Anxiety along with it. It seems to get worse at night because I dread not being able to sleep. I worry about what time I should go to bed, what time to make dinner, should I eat dinner early 2-3pm to avoid and upset stomach, lack of appetite along with it. What time to have a shower, do chores around the house. I try to do all these things before nighttime as though I feel if I don't I'll feel terrible,horrible. I just want to feel normal again, I've had small amounts of Anxiety in the past but nothing like this. I need help, reassurances anything and everything (besides Drugs). I know I'm not alone in this and there are probably people who have it worse then I do and feel sorry and sad for everyone affected by this disgusting, hideous symptom and hope we all can talk to each other about it and help each other get through this. I'm seeing a Psychologist today for CBT it's putting me at ease like a slight weight has been lifted, I look forward to it. I hate feeling this way. Will, can, does it get better ? Any and all help is appreciated. Thank you everyone, I hope you all have a great day and get through any and all problems you are currently facing.

chloel7 ED's and anxiety
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ive noticed that there arent many ED discussions on forum so im not sure if iwill get any replies but since the start of this year i developed some bad eating habits which have now progressed into something much worse. i've come to a point where i ne... View more

ive noticed that there arent many ED discussions on forum so im not sure if iwill get any replies but since the start of this year i developed some bad eating habits which have now progressed into something much worse. i've come to a point where i need to tell someone but i feel like they will think i'm trying to get attention. its like i'm constantly struggling on what i should eat or what exercises i have to do depending on the food. i've completely lost all my concentration and enthusiasm for so many things and often find it hard for myself to concentrate during school.i constantly worry about everything and often get heart palpitations.(my heart beats irregularly fast at random times during the day) i cant keep hiding my emotions from everyone but don't know what to do. i definitely dont want to talk to my family yet or any of my close friends. do any of you have any tips on who to tell or any experience with telling someone like a school counselor or teacher? thx- Chloe

Quercus Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria and ADHD
  • replies: 3

Hi everyone... I was speaking to a friend today who asked me whether I had looked into or asked my psychiatrist about Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria. She explained that it is common in people with ADHD (like me) to display an extreme reaction to perce... View more

Hi everyone... I was speaking to a friend today who asked me whether I had looked into or asked my psychiatrist about Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria. She explained that it is common in people with ADHD (like me) to display an extreme reaction to perceived (or real) criticism and rejection. What she described made me laugh (somewhat bitterly) because it described my thoughts and actions perfectly. She talked about the reaction being so severe it triggers feelings of worthlessness and pain and even suicidal thoughts. Has anyone else had experience with anything similar? Nat

JJ_ Help please! What is this?
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Hey, I used this once before and you wonderful people helped me understand that I actually had OCD. So I’m hoping you can help again. I’ve had GAD and panic disorder for 9 years now. I used to get breathless from the moment I woke up, to when I fell ... View more

Hey, I used this once before and you wonderful people helped me understand that I actually had OCD. So I’m hoping you can help again. I’ve had GAD and panic disorder for 9 years now. I used to get breathless from the moment I woke up, to when I fell asleep. Obviously that’s concerning so I got checked, blood, heart X-rays the lot. Was just diagnosed with severe anxiety. So obviously since then I’ve just dealt with this on and off breathing issue while also on medication. (Just knowing that is was because of my anxiety) The medication has helped, I only get small Bursts of breathlessness where I need to breathe deep etc BUT, It’s been 9 years now that this breathlessness has been running and I’m just getting more concerned as I go.. I do know I have anxiety but what if this is actually physical?? I just want to know if anyone else have had this problem or similar? Because I don’t see the point in going back for a full body physical check up if I had one at the peak of my mental illness and nothing came back. I really don’t want to live breathless for ever. and if it is anxiety which is HIGHLY probable cause I’m not dead yet of physical health. Any tips on what I should do? Go back and change up my meds? Etc Thank you.