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Very Unsure

Community Member
Hi, I think that I may have anxiety. Though I've only had one panic attack (a few months ago) and one before that that I think was pretty minor. I've done all those online tests (I know they're not the best but they're all I feel comfortable doing) and all of them have stated that I probably have social anxiety. Are you just meant to know when you have anxiety? I mean how are you meant to tell? I've seen all over people with mental illnesses looking down on people self diagnosing and so I don't want to self diagnose but I'm also too scared to go to a doctor or tell my parents etc because if I don't have it, I'll feel stupid and I made people (maybe) worry for nothing. I'm not sure if that made any sense, but does anyone have advice? Thank you ❤️
3 Replies 3

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Ancnymous~

Trying to work out by yourself if you have anxiety, or most other things, is just about impossible. There is no way to judge, no standards to compare against. When I started to become ill I simply thought it was a character failing in me, and not illness at all. It was only a lot later I was properly diagnosed.

On-line test are not a particularly accurate way of finding things out that's true, but they do give enough of an indication for you to take matters a step further and seek a qualified opinion.

If you step back and look at things I'd expect you would agree it is better to go be tested and find things are OK rather than fail to go and have things build up instead. That's what I did and it made matters much worse. Having people worry about you might seem a problem, but I'm sure they would want the best for you.

Knowing what I know now I'd not hesitate, I'd go see my GP and set out how I was feeling. True it can be hard to take that first step, if you wanted you could write it all out first in point form and share the paper during a long consultation. At least afterwards you may have more peace of mind, endlessly worrying is not good.

I've made a few suggestions -what do you tihnk?


Community Member

Thank you Croix,

True, finding out that I don't have it is probably better than worry building up.

I'm going to start working up the courage to tell someone :')

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Ancnymous~

It can be a pretty daunting thing to open up to someone else, is there anyone in particular you 'd feel more comfortable talking to? Sometimes it can be a family member of course, though not necessarily parents.

If you get stuck and are under 25 I'd suggest talking it over with the Kids Help Line (1800 55 1800) who are pretty good and confidential.
