
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
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Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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Ovenroastedpickles Really struggling at the moment
  • replies: 3

Last weekend I had a panic attack for the first time in about 4 years and i'm struggling to deal with the lingering after effects. After the panic attack occured I was in a state of high anxiety for 48 hours afterwards with it slowly reducing as time... View more

Last weekend I had a panic attack for the first time in about 4 years and i'm struggling to deal with the lingering after effects. After the panic attack occured I was in a state of high anxiety for 48 hours afterwards with it slowly reducing as time hascontinued. Its been a week now and i'm struggling with waves of anxiety, racing thoughts, intrusive thoughts, boughts of crying and disassociation. I have been to see my doctor and we're going to put me on a mental health plan and probably look at medication. I've dealt with anxiety and depression since I was a teenager and have always been able to self manage and cope. I have spent many sleepless nights learning new coping strategies and practicing putting them in place. They work pretty well most of the time for mild symptoms. This last weekend was the worst i've ever experienced and none of my usual methods were helping at all. I got desperate to the point where I ended up having medication to help calm the physical and mental symptoms. Sad to say this did nothing to aleviate any of my anxiety surprisingly. I am feeling much better today then I have recently but the thing I'm really struggling with is the disassociation and withdrawal/isolation. My partner is the most amazing person in the world. Despite him going through the death of a family member he's been there to comfort me through this whole episode but it's making me feel worse. I can even muster up the strength to even try at the moment. I love him so much but at the moment I cant find anything under the heavy blanket of fog I feel right now. We have been together for almost two years and this is the first time he's experienced me this way, though I have been honest about my struggles in the past. My defence mechanism when I feel this way is just to withdraw from life until I feel well enough to start reintergrating but I've never had to do this when I have someone who loves and cares about me. I feel like i'm bringing him down and if I dont snap out of it soon he's either going to get super sad or mad Not really sure what I want from this post but writing helps. Thanks for listening

SorrelTansy Panic, Anxiety - new to this journey
  • replies: 7

Hi everyone last weekend, I pretty much had a breakdown after holding grief in for nearly all my life of 60years. So now I have a mental health plan, antidepressants and benzodiazepines (when needed). I know it’s a process but the inconsolable sobbin... View more

Hi everyone last weekend, I pretty much had a breakdown after holding grief in for nearly all my life of 60years. So now I have a mental health plan, antidepressants and benzodiazepines (when needed). I know it’s a process but the inconsolable sobbing, the irrational behaviour and panic at times, is quite difficult to go through. At times I’m just so irrational that I can’t even think of all those things I’m supposed to do when it happens. I get caught up in it and then it passes. Also the tingly, electrical feeling that is chronic anxiety. Very difficult to deal with as is the breathlessness. I know it’s a process until the medication kicks in but what can I do until then? I’m so afraid to take benzodiazepines because my Dr did warn me that it’s addictive. i want to call beyond blue to chat but feel like a nuisance and won’t be able to stop crying

KKR [Does it get easier?] 3 weeks after my first ever panic attack - medication, therapy and confiding in colleagues and loved ones
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3 weeks ago I was sitting on my bed working away on my laptop preparing for an upcoming event. My partner arrived home and asked me how my day was..I began explaining my day was not unlike any other when all of the sudden I began hyperventilating unc... View more

3 weeks ago I was sitting on my bed working away on my laptop preparing for an upcoming event. My partner arrived home and asked me how my day was..I began explaining my day was not unlike any other when all of the sudden I began hyperventilating uncontrollably. I became disorientated and found myself crawling across the bedroom floor reaching for a wall in hopes of finding a sense of stability somehow. I was terrified and trying to ask my partner to call the ambulance but I couldn't get the words out. I simply couldn't speak. I genuinely believed I was having a stroke or minor heart attack. After some minutes, my breathing began to normalise and I was able to get to the bathroom to throw back 2 benzodiazepine tablets. I climbed into bed, pulled the covers up and laid awake the entire night staring around the room. I found this particularly frightening as i've never been able to keep my eyes open after having 1 tablet, let alone 2. I knew something wasn't right. I went to the GP the following day and after clearing my physical examination, he explained he was quiet sure what i'd experienced was a panic attack and that it was possible I may experience another in the future. I've since been administered anti-depressants and have started seeing a psychotherapist once a week. Needless to say, I have never felt less like myself than what I do right now. At the moment I don't feel as though anyone in my life seems to fully comprehend how scared, alone and spaced out i'm feeling on a daily basis. Maybe someone here may understand when I say...I feel equal parts of wanting to be cuddled and reassured and equal parts of wanting to be completely isolated from the world. I haven't been the same since the panic attack, since starting this medication and since telling colleagues and friends whats really going on with me. It's all happened so fast and although I've been the one to take the initiative and seek support, I do feel as though i'm losing control of my identity in a way. Please someone tell me this journey get's easier.

IndianaDreaming Anxiety, panic attacks and living with a phobia
  • replies: 5

Hi, I am new to the community here and would like to share my experience with anxiety and phobia. I have suffered anxiety for many years now and was referred to three years ago by a GP to a psychologist for Social Anxiety and General Anxiety. I went ... View more

Hi, I am new to the community here and would like to share my experience with anxiety and phobia. I have suffered anxiety for many years now and was referred to three years ago by a GP to a psychologist for Social Anxiety and General Anxiety. I went to one session and never went back. The truth is, I couldn't even bring myself to tell my GP what was the true cause of my anxiety and suffering. I have a debilitating phobia of throwing up, and this year (almost three years later) after having my phobia more or less under control, I relapsed back into phobia and reached a point where I lost weight due to fear of eating, in fear that it would lead to me being sick. I know that my fear is irrational but it just feels so real. I always get comments from friends and family about my eating habits, I generally stick to bland foods (bread, biscuits, bananas, pasta) and trying new foods is a nightmare for me. I was overseas a few months ago when my phobia reached its peak effect - I was having at least two panic attacks a day, unable to eat any meals and sticking to biscuits or bananas which are my safe foods. My family could not understand my behaviour and panic attacks because I still can't bring myself to tell my friends and family the true nature of this phobia as it is so embarrassing. I have made a lot of progress in the past few months, though I still avoid going to restaurants/eating in public as much as possible. I look at other people and wonder how they can go about their day not worrying about what may happen if they eat. The past few weeks were great, I was eating at least two meals a day (not in public) which was a significant improvement for me. But now during exam period, anxiety has yet again taken over me completely, I'm sometimes unable to do any study for hours as I wait for my panic attacks to pass. I also was told a story that triggered me on the weekend which threw most of my eating improvements out the window as I have now reverted back to old habits and skipping meals in fear I will be sick. My fear is so strong that even being told a story about someone being violently sick or hearing someone say the word can make me revert back to my skipping meals and avoiding danger food habits.. I'd love to have the courage to tell my family and friends about what is really causing my debilitating anxiety, and seek help from a doctor, but it's too embarrassing. I want to seek the help I need but I'm worried that I'll never find the right treatment.

SaltPep Newbie - looking to feel more independent when unwell
  • replies: 5

Hi everyone, This is my first post. I’ve decided to join to use this forum to give me another tool for support without relying so heavily on my key supports (husband and sister who are both wonderful). Being overly-dependent on them when I am unwell ... View more

Hi everyone, This is my first post. I’ve decided to join to use this forum to give me another tool for support without relying so heavily on my key supports (husband and sister who are both wonderful). Being overly-dependent on them when I am unwell has become somewhat of a habit - to the point of needing one of them with me nearly 24/7, or at the very least having them “on call” constantly. This of course leaves me feeling petrified of being unable to handle it should they be unavailable, and lowers my sense of independence. I have a great psychiatrist (who helped me identify the above) and psychologist, and have just completed a couple of weeks in hospital to stabilise my anxiety and OCD and transition medications. I’ve never been to hospital for this before (aside from a short admission at age 11 to get my initial diagnosis) and was terrified. But I settled and felt really good for a lot of it, and benefitted well from the structure. Of course, now I am out, I’m terrified too. But I think that’s normal. Today is my first day at home without my husband, so dealing with my anxiety on my own, and it’s been up and down. And so I found myself here. As part of my OCD/anxiety I am prone to “reassurance seeking”, so I think I need to be careful with how I use this forum to make sure I don’t end up using it for that purpose. Any tips from people who feel they have a good balance on this would be very welcome - I don’t want to replace one unhealthy coping mechanism with another! Thanks

Barnzey87 Anxiety - going back to work
  • replies: 3

Hey everyone, So I've had a pretty rough 7-9 weeks. I've been going to my doctor each week trying and testing new things. I had a major anxiety episode 2 years ago so I've gone through this before. However my last doctor appointment he told me, there... View more

Hey everyone, So I've had a pretty rough 7-9 weeks. I've been going to my doctor each week trying and testing new things. I had a major anxiety episode 2 years ago so I've gone through this before. However my last doctor appointment he told me, there isn't much he can do and i just need to force myself back into life. Now i haven't been sitting at home all the time, i went out every now and then to the shops and my friends house but i always had trouble. I have one week till i go back to work, and my new tablet will hopefully kick in more after the 12 days ive been taking it. however ive been having new symptoms (since last time) and i just want to know if others have gone through it. I'm really scared about going back, i just don't think its a smart move. So currently im only getting 5-6 hours asleep a night, which isn't normal for me. When i wake up im always in uncomfortable stomach pain and it takes like 4-5 hours before i seem to be able to do normal things around the house. (i just lay and watch tv) Little things always seem give me a little anxiety attack, like car reeving outside, someone knocking on the door. When i go out, im always in uncomfortable pain , and sometimes it gets the better off me and i just want to drive back home. I'm only eating one small meal a day which i think is causing one of my other main problems. When i seem to exert myself, 30mins later i need to lay down to catch my breath. I just don't have the energy. Now for the moment i can manage at home, but I'm still hoping the tablet kicks in more soon. But does anyone else have these type of symptoms with anxiety? Its a lot to take in and very draining. Its effecting my relationship as I'm always sad, and just want to lay down/relax.

Matho61 Anxiety, I’m losing control ATM
  • replies: 5

I am having out of control episodes with my anxiety that I’ve never experienced before in my life. Even had to leave work the other day as I thought I was going to collapse and needed to take a few days off. I’ve always had some form of anxiety as it... View more

I am having out of control episodes with my anxiety that I’ve never experienced before in my life. Even had to leave work the other day as I thought I was going to collapse and needed to take a few days off. I’ve always had some form of anxiety as it runs in our family but the last 2 weeks I’ve been having attacks that are the worse ever in my life. Effecting my sleep, feeling sick, headaches. Even now I’m in bed where I should be relaxing and asleep but I’m stressing about work, the wedding I have to attend to next week and just the day ahead of me. I feel like I’m going to completely lose it. It’s the worse feeling ever, give me two broken legs any day. Has anyone here ever been that out of control bad and thought you were going to explode in your mind?

Louise117 Work and Anxiety
  • replies: 3

I suffer from long term generalized anxiety but at the moment am experiencing extreme anxiety related to work. I am finding it hard to return and am currently taking unpaid leave. Can anyone suggest fresh career options that might suit someone with a... View more

I suffer from long term generalized anxiety but at the moment am experiencing extreme anxiety related to work. I am finding it hard to return and am currently taking unpaid leave. Can anyone suggest fresh career options that might suit someone with anxiety problems. I work in aged care atm and have also worked in an office. Anything with a small team structure would be the kind of thing I have in mind.

greenlabrador23 Looking for a wingman
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I'm going through so far what has been a really rough year for me. I've been able to hold it together thus far but I don't know how much i have left in me to go on.I already feel so isolated and alone as my friends are in a different city. All i want... View more

I'm going through so far what has been a really rough year for me. I've been able to hold it together thus far but I don't know how much i have left in me to go on.I already feel so isolated and alone as my friends are in a different city. All i want is someone to talk to as it's been very long since i've had buddy to talk things through. I read about a wingman, and it doesn't actually provides a form for me to fill out to get in contact with someone so i thought i ask here in this forum.

Romy Paranoid about mental illness
  • replies: 5

I have anxiety issues, and I tend to overthink A LOT! Does anyone else with anxiety find that they often overthink and get paranoid about developing another mental illness. For example, when I was learning about schizophrenia at university, I was sca... View more

I have anxiety issues, and I tend to overthink A LOT! Does anyone else with anxiety find that they often overthink and get paranoid about developing another mental illness. For example, when I was learning about schizophrenia at university, I was scared I would get it. My whole life I have been skinny, I could eat whatever I wanted and not put on weight. I've noticed the last couple of months that I'm not as skinny as I used to be (since getting in a long-term relationship - HA!). I'm not fat or overweight, I know that, but I am taking more care to eat healthy and try to eat less crappy food. The point I am getting to is, I'm now paranoid that I mat develop an eating disorder. My friend was just diagnosed with bulimia so it's on my mind a lot, and I also am doing a mental health placement for uni where there are eating disorder patients. I have not significantly reduced what I've been eating, have just been trying healthier options. I have not purged in any way, and I do not plan to. However, tonight I looked up how many calories I should be eating per day and I added up all the calories I normally consume (which was a normal amount), and now I'm concerned that I'm showing obsessive food behaviour by doing this. Does anyone else get this idea in their head that they may develop a mental illness? I'm not disgusted with my body, I just want to make sure I take care of my body cause I obviously now can't eat whatever I want like I used to.