
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

All discussions

Romy Paranoid about mental illness
  • replies: 5

I have anxiety issues, and I tend to overthink A LOT! Does anyone else with anxiety find that they often overthink and get paranoid about developing another mental illness. For example, when I was learning about schizophrenia at university, I was sca... View more

I have anxiety issues, and I tend to overthink A LOT! Does anyone else with anxiety find that they often overthink and get paranoid about developing another mental illness. For example, when I was learning about schizophrenia at university, I was scared I would get it. My whole life I have been skinny, I could eat whatever I wanted and not put on weight. I've noticed the last couple of months that I'm not as skinny as I used to be (since getting in a long-term relationship - HA!). I'm not fat or overweight, I know that, but I am taking more care to eat healthy and try to eat less crappy food. The point I am getting to is, I'm now paranoid that I mat develop an eating disorder. My friend was just diagnosed with bulimia so it's on my mind a lot, and I also am doing a mental health placement for uni where there are eating disorder patients. I have not significantly reduced what I've been eating, have just been trying healthier options. I have not purged in any way, and I do not plan to. However, tonight I looked up how many calories I should be eating per day and I added up all the calories I normally consume (which was a normal amount), and now I'm concerned that I'm showing obsessive food behaviour by doing this. Does anyone else get this idea in their head that they may develop a mental illness? I'm not disgusted with my body, I just want to make sure I take care of my body cause I obviously now can't eat whatever I want like I used to.

Chickenhead Anxiety slowly escalating
  • replies: 3

So I'm not sure I really have anything to ask, I just am feeling anxious and I'm not sure how to deal with it right now. I usually talk to my husband, but it's partly him I'm worrying about. I'm now full term so will have a baby anytime in the next 3... View more

So I'm not sure I really have anything to ask, I just am feeling anxious and I'm not sure how to deal with it right now. I usually talk to my husband, but it's partly him I'm worrying about. I'm now full term so will have a baby anytime in the next 3 weeks. I'm trying really hard not to stress about the birth. Hubby is having health issues and has been told if he degenerates at all he's to go straight to the ER. He's seen the GP who has given a referral but he won't be seen for probably a few months. Meanwhile our toddler is happy as anything but we've just agreed she will stay with my parents during the labour. She's never had time away from us and hasn't spent much time with her grandparents, so I'm concerned she won't cope. I trust my parents will take good care of her, my husband is uncomfortable because he doesn't trust his mother and I think is projecting that onto my parents. But what option do we have?? There's really no one else who could take her. But I'm sorry he feels that way, and it's weighing on my mind. I spent Thursday in hospital being monitored for pre-eclampsia, but I honestly believe most of my symptoms are anxiety related. Blood pressure, headache, nausea... So, as I started with, I'm not really sure what I'm asking, I guess it's just about sharing where I'm at.

Sunday1991 Catastrophic and irrational thoughts
  • replies: 6

Oh boy.. Where do I begin. So I've had anxiety for years but at least I have managed to function. At the moment however that is not the case or if I am trying to get on with my day it is extremely uncomfortable and stressful. So I have a bit of every... View more

Oh boy.. Where do I begin. So I've had anxiety for years but at least I have managed to function. At the moment however that is not the case or if I am trying to get on with my day it is extremely uncomfortable and stressful. So I have a bit of everything: depression, anxiety, ocd and possibly adhd. All these together make like so hard. You know the common way to think about someone with OCD is the are afraid of germs.. Well I'm am the opposite of this. I am so terrified I am going to pass on germs and some kind of infection onto somebody even though I know I am super hygienic and clean I am. I live in an apartment and my occupation is cleaning so every time I a touch door knob, button for an elevator, recyle and rubbish bin I always wipe it over with water and a fresh cloth to ease the anxiety of making someone sick. With my cleaning I now always wear gloves even if they aren't necessary because I honestly believe my hands are contaminated and could make someone sick. I guess my biggest fear is making someone ill so this is why I have these thoughts and behaviors. Also if I touch certain things with my bare hands for example: a spoon in the draw, I then start to believe ALL the cutlery, tea towels, other untelsils and draws are now contaminated so then J grab all the utensils, put them in the dishwasher (so I'm also waisting water and money) put some gloves on, grab paper towel and spray and I start sterilising the draws. It takes up a lot of my time and I get so irritated, my fight or flight spirals, I feel so depressed, so stressed and I cry a lot.. Like a lot.. I am aware and acknowledge this is serious irrational thinking and it's all apart of anxiety but to be rational, be calm and not let the anxiety take over is the hard part. Anxiety is all I know and i seriously want that to change more than anything. Would love to hear some feedback. Much Regards Sunday

Matho61 Long time sufferer, first time poster
  • replies: 3

Well I bit the bullet and now I’m here. Unfortunately anxiety/depression is in my genes with even family members taking their life over it, but that was before help was available like it is today. Been off and on the meds most of my life. As of yeste... View more

Well I bit the bullet and now I’m here. Unfortunately anxiety/depression is in my genes with even family members taking their life over it, but that was before help was available like it is today. Been off and on the meds most of my life. As of yesterday I was off them for 5 months and life was bloody fantastic. Then 3 weeks ago I started to feel flat again but brushed it off by ignoring it. That didn’t work and it looked like it suddenly had me by the throat again, damn. At work yesterday (a 12 hour shift) it got the better of me. I was spiraling out of control, this was the worse I’ve ever felt in my life. What an overwhelming sickening feeling, this feeling has been with me for about a week now, but yesterday it was so intense that I thought I was going to collapse. I left work by saying I had a mini family crisis at home and luckily there was a medical clinic open on a Sunday. My family doctor has been away for 2 months but explained everything to this new doctor. He has put me back on the meds and given me a week off. Because of this being my third or fourth relapse with depression/anxiety, it looks like now I will have to stay on the meds for the rest of my life. Problem is I’m going to have to wait a few weeks before they kick in. My current mixed feelings are overwhelming. Guilt for taking time off work again, the continuing feeling of nausea, anxiety levels peaking all the time, uncontrollable tears, zero sleep and dreading the day ahead of me. I truely hope it gets better from here as these feelings are extremely intense and impossible to cope with.

glassninja Running away from depression and relationships
  • replies: 3

On the outside I seem pretty put together - 27, ambitious, moving overseas for a great job in marketing soon, confident, calm, fun to be around. Underneath it's not that peachy. I've had mild depression since I was a teenager, but was finally diagnos... View more

On the outside I seem pretty put together - 27, ambitious, moving overseas for a great job in marketing soon, confident, calm, fun to be around. Underneath it's not that peachy. I've had mild depression since I was a teenager, but was finally diagnosed with that and GAD when I was 23. It stemmed from an emotionally abusive relationship I'd had and then gotten out of at 21. But since diagnosis, the anxiety's grown to encompass basically any interpersonal relationship I have, whether that's work or relationships - I constantly feel like I need to prove myself and apologize. I have a reputation for being guarded and emotionally closed off as a result. I'm in regular therapy, but it's really hard to break that habit even with my therapist. Even all my friends tell me how guarded I am. The worst thing is, I'm SO good when I'm single. I'm so aware of the pitfalls of being that abuse survivor who falls into the same patterns again that I've gone completely the other way where I've just eschewed any emotion ever that would make me feel vulnerable. Then I let my guard down and get into a relationship and fall in love and when we break up it's like it takes everything in me to put myself back together again. It's made me such an avoidant person. Better to avoid relationships altogether than go through the utter emotional turbulence of being in or getting over one, right? Today the thing that's set me off is SUPER small - a guy I met spent weeks chasing me and telling me how much he liked me and loved spending time with me, and we ended up dating for a few weeks but he got too busy so I broke up with him. Today he went and deleted me off all his social media. Anyone else, I wouldn't care. But it really set me off today. Like, am I just not worth anyone's time? Is that what it is? When am I going to be worth someone's time? Is moving overseas going to solve my problems or am I going to still have them on TOP of just being alone? I feel like there's this thing inside me I can't get away from. I've noticed that every time I've broken up with someone or gone through something difficult, I've just picked up and moved overseas. I think I keep trying to run away from it but it follows me everywhere. I try to go camping and hiking, I keep wanting to just get away. I just want to be happy and normal and I can't figure out how to get there.

Elliemaybe Overwhelmed with life,and my mum is sick
  • replies: 2

Hi all, I have been feeling really stressed recently about pretty much everything. I find myself overthinking pretty much everything and I'm just really exhausted. To put it in perspective, I find the idea of opening a door (that hasn't been labelled... View more

Hi all, I have been feeling really stressed recently about pretty much everything. I find myself overthinking pretty much everything and I'm just really exhausted. To put it in perspective, I find the idea of opening a door (that hasn't been labelled with push/pull) really stressful, which seems like a silly thing to worry about. Pretty much everything I overthink. I am 25 with no licence because I panic everytime I try to drive. This last week has been hell for me because my mum had to have open heart surgery. The next day she ended up losing consciousness and needed CPR. She is stable now but still in ICU. Now all I find myself doing is going over every possible scenario in my head, to the point where I am in tears because I have played out her funeral in my head. I am so stressed, and so tired. I can't remeber the last day I didn't have a headache. My whole body aches all the time, I feel like my body is over 60 years old and I am only 25. If I could stay in bed all day I would. I honestly don't know how I am finding the strength to get up and go to work every day. I just wish I could be carefree for a day, just to know what it feels like. At the very least I would like to be able to confidently try to open any door I come across.

Hopeli My husband does not support me while I am having anxiety
  • replies: 1

Hi there, I was living with my husband's family for more than a year including his brother (27 years) who has intellectual disability. He always opened my door without knocking on it, sometimes opened the bathroom door while he was taking shower nake... View more

Hi there, I was living with my husband's family for more than a year including his brother (27 years) who has intellectual disability. He always opened my door without knocking on it, sometimes opened the bathroom door while he was taking shower naked, and always calling my name. He was trying to touch my thigh last time. Those have been making me so uncomfortable. After moving out, I started to have panic attack and anxiety. I went to see psychologist, and I was a little better, but I am now still having post traumatic stress disorded that I always have flashback. However, my husband seems never tried to understand my situation while I am suffering everyday. I have explained to him for so many times how I felt and what I need from him, but what he does is just protecting his family, and yelled at me saying that he has done his best. I am considering if I still need this husband in my life, as he is making my feeling even worse.

Dylan121121 A small story and hopefully some advice.
  • replies: 4

Hello all, my name is dylan and im 25 years old. I seen a doctor about depression/ anxiety 5 years ago. Since then have taken 4 differant antidepressants, seen 1 pschologist and 2 pschiatrists. The main problems were intrusive thoughts/ anxious thoug... View more

Hello all, my name is dylan and im 25 years old. I seen a doctor about depression/ anxiety 5 years ago. Since then have taken 4 differant antidepressants, seen 1 pschologist and 2 pschiatrists. The main problems were intrusive thoughts/ anxious thoughts, paranoia. Currently i get a weird thoughts that when i see another male that i may get into a fight and lose. Also get thoughts and fears my partner may cheat. Antidepressants and excercise has helped the most. There are days when i think there's no such thing as mental illness which is other peoples opinions rubbing off. I just hate the fact i may need medication and theres times when ive stopped taking it. I know it helps but i hate to feel i have a problem and i hate buying it. Realistically medication and excercise improves my quality of life and it is something i need to stick too. I hope someone can give me some encouragement or advice.

roogirl Health anxiety in old age
  • replies: 4

Hello, I seem to be suffering a lot this year from health anxiety. I've been ill off and on quite a lot this year and not up to scratch once again at the moment. Have to have some tests (not life threatening) however, for me it's always the what ifs.... View more

Hello, I seem to be suffering a lot this year from health anxiety. I've been ill off and on quite a lot this year and not up to scratch once again at the moment. Have to have some tests (not life threatening) however, for me it's always the what ifs. What if it's a brain tumour or some other form of cancer. My doctor is always telling me, no that's your anxiety talking. Once the anxiety kicks in the worst thing for me is the light headedness and feeling a bit out of it. I find this really debilitating and I'm always worried it will never go away. I know this is unreasonable, but the feeling always returns. I retired earlier this year and that has also been a bit of a struggle trying to find your feet in a new kind of world. I volunteer and am part of a walking group, but at the end of the day, I still go home to an empty house. While I have lived alone for a long period of time now, once my anxiety kicks in I feel isolated and afraid. I have a supportive family and friends, plus I see a clinical psychologist. By the way, my health anxiety commenced about 4 years ago with a misdiagnosis and wrong treatment. It's been quite a struggle. Any suggestions or opinions are always gratefully received. Roogirl

Bols Anxiety attack out of the blue
  • replies: 4

First time posting, I just had an anxiety attack for the first time in years. It felt like it came out of nowhere. One minute I was getting ready for work the next hyperventilating on the floor and sobbing my heart out. I forgot how awful it felt. My... View more

First time posting, I just had an anxiety attack for the first time in years. It felt like it came out of nowhere. One minute I was getting ready for work the next hyperventilating on the floor and sobbing my heart out. I forgot how awful it felt. My chest still hurts. For the first time I actually booked a dr's appointment and talked to a friend. Normally I'd shut down and isolate myself for a week. So that's good. But I know I have to change things in my life to have a chance to enjoy it. What I need is to get out of my head and safety of my isolation. But I don't know how and I guess the build up of ignoring that is making me anxious. What I want to know is how to break out of the rut. I always feel ashamed to admit I have anxiety it feels like a weakness or failure on my part. And feel like I will always feel less than others. And not worth people's time.