
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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wither The need to go bathroom is controlling my life ..
  • replies: 8

For almost 15 years now I've had an issue where I need to urinate quite frequently when in cars, or walking, or when out and about... Well that's how it started out anyway. It's gotten to the point a couple of years ago, where I worry about it so muc... View more

For almost 15 years now I've had an issue where I need to urinate quite frequently when in cars, or walking, or when out and about... Well that's how it started out anyway. It's gotten to the point a couple of years ago, where I worry about it so much, that I now have lots of safety behaviours around it. Things like even getting a hair cut are distressing now, or lining up in a supermarket line.. I think it's so engrained in me now, that it's just on auto pilot. It's almost like if there is a situation where I can't just leave on my own accord, the horrible feeling kicks in.This causes me great distress and it stops me doing things like driving in a car, (I always drive myself) but lately even going small distances in the car is causing huge problems... It feels like I just need to urinate instantly. I even drive myself some times now, and get other people to go separately, so I don't have to face the embarrassment of stopping and putting everyone out.I'm currently taking medication for depression (mostly caused by this!) and another which is meant to help with the anxiety, but it's not.I was seeing a pysch, but her solution was to "just hold on for as long as you can, and sit through the comfortableness" .. This isn't a solution.This problem is basically ruining my life and I really want to do something about it... Thanks.

Shy_Girl10 Anxiety and taking the first step
  • replies: 1

Hi This is only the second time i have posted here and really should do it more. My anxiety has gradually been getting worse and i just dont know what to do anymore. I feel like im annoying people/my best friend with my constant issues. I desperately... View more

Hi This is only the second time i have posted here and really should do it more. My anxiety has gradually been getting worse and i just dont know what to do anymore. I feel like im annoying people/my best friend with my constant issues. I desperately want to talk to my friend about how im feeling but just dont know how. I have been wanting to go see a GP to talk about my Mental health but finding it hard to take that step. I have never been good at talking to people, and always found messaging easier. Thinking about going and taking that step has me worried if people will judge me or what they will think of me.. I am in constant worry about what others think of me. Im not the prettiest person, or have that perfect figure, and ive been hating myself a lot for it. I want to get on top of my anxiety and im just about over it. I look at my friends and how they are, and how they look after thenselves, yet i struggle to even go see someone. How? Why? Any ideas what more i can do? Lisa

NMTB Anxiety - Your Favourite Quotes ... and not so favourite ones
  • replies: 6

Hi all, I don't know whether this thread will go anywhere, but you never know I suppose. It may bring a bit of pondering as well as a bit of amusement. The idea stems from over 30 years of reading and therapy. There have been gems of wisdom and, well... View more

Hi all, I don't know whether this thread will go anywhere, but you never know I suppose. It may bring a bit of pondering as well as a bit of amusement. The idea stems from over 30 years of reading and therapy. There have been gems of wisdom and, well, other stuff. I will kick off with my favourite quote about anxiety, because it speaks so well to my personal experience. Then I will balance it with a little gem of wisdom from a therapist. And no Grand Inquisitor has in readiness such terrible tortures as has anxiety, and no spy knows how to attack more artfully the man he suspects, choosing the instant when he is weakest, nor knows how to lay traps where he will be caught and ensnared, as anxiety knows how, and no sharp-witted judge knows how to interrogate, to examine the accused as anxiety does, which never lets him escape, neither by diversion nor by noise, neither at work nor at play, neither by day nor at night ― Soren Kierkegaard, The Concept of Dread (1844) Me: "I'm still having a lot of trouble getting on the motorbike. Once I start the ride I'm OK, I'm wrapped up in it, but sometimes I get trapped at Uni because I can't bring myself to get on the bike." Psych:"Did I tell you I traded my WRX on a Hyundai Getz? It's a really good little car, lot's of fun to drive" I promise that really happened, it's engraved on my memory! Cheers.

Guest_736 I'm losing all control :(
  • replies: 2

A few months ago, I met a girl at uni and we are now dating. I bought up my negative thoughts with her, as she experienced a time where she went through depression and anxiety. I've been referred to Headspace for anxiety and OCD. In our relationship,... View more

A few months ago, I met a girl at uni and we are now dating. I bought up my negative thoughts with her, as she experienced a time where she went through depression and anxiety. I've been referred to Headspace for anxiety and OCD. In our relationship, all has been well, my negative thoughts are still there, and she is helping me manage them. I have been using her as my backbone through a lot of it, however, recently she did something I didn't believe she'd do. I am only 18, however, I have been raised in a family where more than 1 piercing is shamed upon. The other day my girlfriend got her helix pierced. We did briefly have a conversation a few weeks before she got it, where I simply expressed I'm not fan. She accepted my opinion. However, when she got it, I felt sick in my stomach and disappointed. So I asked a few close people if I should bring it up or not, some said yes and some no. Despite this, I decided to bring it up since we have always been big on communication, even if it's not the prettiest of things. I have had this in my head for the past two and a half days, which is really been pulling me down. So i decided I would tell her. I expressed I was disappointed that she got it, but completely understand that it is something she wanted and enjoys. I also understand that I have no right to tell her what she can and can't do. We are both big on a 'non-controlive environment.' Something so small had triggered such as large reaction in my head. It is literally 1 earring, yet it has made me feel disgusting. I told her that it's not her fault, it's just that I have blown it up to something it's not, which I truly think I have. I'm not sure if it's my anxiety taking over? I was so hesitant to tell her, because I didn't want to hurt her, but it'd create more negative tension if I didn't. I want to be able to accept it, and be like "I'm glad you like it" and not let it take a mental toll like it has. I am frustrated with myself because I feel like I am becoming a controlive person and I don't want to. I feel like I am stuck, my head knows it shouldn't affect me this much, but my emotions against it are still there. I expressed to her that I didn't want to hurt her by telling her. She replied I didn't hurt her, and she understands. I feel like I am going along for an emotional ride with no control. We decided that this is a good challenge to work together on for future scenarios. I don't want her to remove it, I just want to have the ability to accept it.

Dutchie74 Constant fear of having a panic attack
  • replies: 4

Dear All, hope you are as well as can be. I have always suffered from anxiety which has turned into panic disorder a couple of weeks ago due to working a very stressful job with a bully of a boss (the girl I replaced was treated the same way and went... View more

Dear All, hope you are as well as can be. I have always suffered from anxiety which has turned into panic disorder a couple of weeks ago due to working a very stressful job with a bully of a boss (the girl I replaced was treated the same way and went on stress leave, never to return). I am on high BP medication, an anti-depressant and tranquillisers but my fear of having a panic attack seems to have intensified. I wake up with it, obsessing over how and what I am feeling. I stay in bed for hours. I am too scared to go anywhere even though I am aware walking is very beneficial. I went to the shops yesterday, already feeling anxious (what if I have an attack?) and did develop one. I fear fainting and do feel like laying down but that would look silly down the street. I made it home but the fear took a long time to subside. By sharing this I hope someone recognises my situation and may even offer some advice. I have been reading a lot about panic attacks and experimenting with breathing. Guess I have to be more patient but I just want to live a normal life again and enjoy it....All the best

JellJell Can't stop overthinking about my health!
  • replies: 5

Hi everyone Lately I haven't been feeling right and I just thought it might help to come on here and talk. I have anxiety. A lot of the time I overthink my health. I'm constantly thinking something is wrong. The past few days I have been stressing ov... View more

Hi everyone Lately I haven't been feeling right and I just thought it might help to come on here and talk. I have anxiety. A lot of the time I overthink my health. I'm constantly thinking something is wrong. The past few days I have been stressing over my heart. A few years ago I got really bad food poisoning and had to go through a bunch of heart tests because my heart rate was sitting high. I had EKGs and a monitor on for 24hours. My doctor determine I have a naturally high heart rate and occasionally suffer from palpitations. I honestly have been good for the past 6-8 months. No palpitations like I've had in the past etc. The start of this week out of nowhere I became really aware of my heart rate. Almost like I could constantly feel it. It wasn't beating fast it just feels like its beating hard. As the week has gone on it feels like it's skipping a beat every 1-2 mins. This has been going on for about 2-3 days now, today being the worst I've been feeling about it. It has me completely anxious and worried something is seriously wrong. When I'm busy and not focusing on it, it doesn't seem to be there. As soon as my mind isn't busy anymore I go straight back to thinking about it and feeling it. I have an appointment with my doctor but I can't get in until Monday. Does anyone think this is something I need to be seeking immediate medical attention over or does it sound like its linked with my anxiety? Anyones opinion or thoughts would be appreciated, I'm silently driving myself insane over this.

Fizz_wizz Anxiety over social media
  • replies: 6

Hi everyone Just wanting to vent a bit about Facebook everyone around me has Facebook but for years I've never wanted to set an account up as I'm really worried about bullying as I was bullied at school people keep telling me to get on it but it scar... View more

Hi everyone Just wanting to vent a bit about Facebook everyone around me has Facebook but for years I've never wanted to set an account up as I'm really worried about bullying as I was bullied at school people keep telling me to get on it but it scares the hell out of me but I feel like I'm missing out if i dont but there's that little voice in the back of my head warning me to stay away and then it sets of my anxiety is this normal and does anyone else feel this way? Thanks for reading.

losingit04 Anxiety about losing free time after starting full time work.
  • replies: 7

Hi guys, I'm no stranger to anxiety. I've probably had it since 13 (undiagnosed) and started seeing someone to talk about it at 18. I'm still pretty young (23) and I've just started my first full on job. For the next two weeks it's 9am-5pm everyday, ... View more

Hi guys, I'm no stranger to anxiety. I've probably had it since 13 (undiagnosed) and started seeing someone to talk about it at 18. I'm still pretty young (23) and I've just started my first full on job. For the next two weeks it's 9am-5pm everyday, after that I get put on a rotating roster that is about 55hrs per fortnight. I did uni last year and had all the summer for free time over the break while I looked for work. In the course of my life, I've never really had any full time work like this or any sort of real commitment. What I'm REALLY REALLY struggling with is the grind of only having something like... 6 or so hours to yourself after work and many of those are spent getting home, prepping or eating food, etc. When I get home I feel like shit. Then, in my supposed relax time, I feel like I don't have enough time to properly enjoy my free time/activities, etc. I worry about doing this for the rest of my life - that I won't have enough time to ME. The job itself is okay, the people are lovely, etc... I just feel so overwhelmed. The inner demon in me is screaming LEAVE, but I know I'll regret it so so much if I do. Plus, this job is actually a wonderful opportunity and could really help me in the future. I saw my psychologist yesterday and we worked on mindfulness techniques, etc. She explained that these thoughts are creating my reality and I need to shut them down. But it's so hard. I just want my old life back... but I KNOW I can't just do nothing for the rest of my life (even if I really want to) Has anyone else felt like this? What can I do to take my mind off these feelings?

cdan_sm learning how to cope
  • replies: 2

hello. two years ago, my cousin (who i hadn't spoken to for many years due to our mothers' disagreements) took her own life due to depression. i have always been a nervous person, but this seemed to set it off extremely. we used to be basically siste... View more

hello. two years ago, my cousin (who i hadn't spoken to for many years due to our mothers' disagreements) took her own life due to depression. i have always been a nervous person, but this seemed to set it off extremely. we used to be basically sisters, and when she was gone i missed her so much i couldn't breathe, whereas my siblings seemed a bit upset but recovered very quickly. this being said, it felt like i had no right to miss her because i didn't really know who she was. i now listen to her favourite music, amity affliction, a lot and that either helps or makes it worse but im coping. i am almost constantly anxious or nervous about something, and fit pretty much every symptom to multiple anxiety disorders. i also suffer from panic attacks. i am still in high school and after an "anonymous" test about mental health we all had to complete, my parents were contacted and were 'recommended' to take me to the school councellor. she is nice enough, but i don't really feel like i can tell her everything or discuss it really because she mostly just talks about how all i have to do is redirect nueral pathsways and stuff which doesn't help me. and now its like my parents have forgotten it was even an issue. i kind of want to see a therapist or psychologist, but i just found out my dads business isn't going well anymore so now we have to move house, so i don't want to put extra financial strain or pressure on them. i guess im just seeking advice or guidance of how to cope with all of this..? thanks xx

NMTB Seeking advice on how to face a hospital stay
  • replies: 3

Hey all, As I have mentioned elsewhere as a Newb to this forum, I am a veteran of a 40 year battle with anxiety (GAD, Social Phobia, PD, Agoraphobia) and over the past 10 years Depression added to the mix. I haven’t left the house, except for medical... View more

Hey all, As I have mentioned elsewhere as a Newb to this forum, I am a veteran of a 40 year battle with anxiety (GAD, Social Phobia, PD, Agoraphobia) and over the past 10 years Depression added to the mix. I haven’t left the house, except for medical appointments for that decade (and with a few heavily medicated family gathering exceptions). I haven’t seen my boy play football or do athletics in person (he is 9 years old) nor attended assemblies where he has been given awards. I haven’t even kicked a football with him in the local park. Such things are the source of much sadness and self-loathing. Anyway – I digress. Over the journey I have seen more psychologists and allied therapists than I care to remember but during the last 20 years or so I have restricted myself to psychiatric care and take a special interest in developments in medication rather than trends in psychotherapy (I emphasise that if CBT, hypnotism, meditation, mindfulness or a combination benefits you I think that’s great – just doesn’t work for me). So against that background, the recent diagnosis that I needed a hip replacement has put me in a quandary. I have previously only stayed in hospital during the day and indeed on one occasion discharged myself rather than stay the night after a motorbike crash. Don’t think that is an option this time! My psych will write a letter detailing my issues and medication regime but two issues loom large (i) I will be out of my house and my routine – just writing that sends the heart racing and the familiar symptoms cranking up (ii) I will not be in control of my medication. For most of them that is OK, but with the benzodiazepine class I adjust my dosage according to what I am facing. It is something I have done and refined (so as not to make them useless via development of tolerance) over the 30 years I have taken them. Yet in hospital, unless I keep a private stash, I will get an inadequate standard dose. Of the two issues (i) seems insurmountable. Has anyone else faced this sort of challenge and, if so, how did you deal with it? Cheers.