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Anxiety over social media

Community Member

Hi everyone

Just wanting to vent a bit about Facebook everyone around me has Facebook but for years I've never wanted to set an account up as I'm really worried about bullying as I was bullied at school people keep telling me to get on it but it scares the hell out of me but I feel like I'm missing out if i dont but there's that little voice in the back of my head warning me to stay away and then it sets of my anxiety is this normal and does anyone else feel this way?

Thanks for reading.

6 Replies 6

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Fizz wizz

Facebook definitely has its pros and cons therefor its important you set up some firm rules for yourself if you do decide to join. The rules may look something like this:

  • Only accept or send out friend requests concerning people you know and like, people who are thoughtful. You might only ending up having 2 or 3 good friends on Facebook, which may be enough for you (aka Make it about quality, not quantity)
  • Use Facebook to follow pages that are inspirational and uplifting, not stressful
  • Disconnect from any people or pages which cause you offense or discomfort (and don't feel guilty about it). For example, you might decide to follow a page which involves a community who fights for the rights of people who are or have been bullied. It may seem inspirational to begin with but over time you notice it is a rather hateful angry place filled with many personal triggers. Unfollow, without any doubt. Being a compassionate sort of gal, I decided to follow (in support) a page which uplifts men who are, themselves, experiencing domestic violence. Whilst there were some guys there reaching out for genuine help and support (my heart goes out to them), this place was more so a vent for women haters. It became quite offensive when it could have been a productive forum to inspire change.
  • If you don't want it oozing into other parts of your life, turn off phone and email notifications when it comes to new posts and stuff

Of course, just because everyone else seems to be connected to social media, doesn't mean you have to connect. If you have no valid reason to join don't feel any pressure to do so.

I think the #1 rule when it comes to social media is 'Always remain aware of how you wish to manage it, don't let it manage you and your thoughts/emotions'. It can be a resource for pleasure or a resource for pain. Make sure it is a portal to pleasure, so that logging in is always a pleasure.

Take care of yourself Fizz wizz

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Fizz

We have chatted before on the forums and its really great to have your input as always!

'The Rising' has provided excellent (and up to date) advice where social media is concerned

When you have the time there is a thread about Facebook where many people have posted their thoughts about how they feel using social media/Facebook. Its a copy & paste link if you want to have a look and are more than welcome to have your say if you wish too 🙂


my kind thoughts


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hey Fizz wizz,

I endorse all therising had to say and will only relate what I have done in relation to Facebook.

As I wished to share photo's of my kids with my family members and trusted close friends (and see what they are up to) I just set up a basic profile and created a "secret" group (that the public can't see or access) that has as its members just family and close friends. It has proved very positive in easily keeping up to date within my small circle.


Community Member


Thank you to everyone for their posts I like how you NMTB have it set up I could probably cope with doing that I got bullied a lot in school and i guess that has really made an impact on my life i feel vulnerable if I'm on Facebook like people will be making fun of whatever I may post. I am an adult now and you would think that people would be over bullying but unfortunately even some adults bully.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hey Fizz Wizz,

I was fortunate not to personally experience any significant bullying in school, although I certainly witnessed it. A close friend took large amounts of time off school to avoid the kid who was singling him out for intimidation. As to adults - well some people don't really "grow up" much do they?

It is so common to see footage of people behaving appallingly to someone else on commercial news. In addition I have also witnessed more subtle forms of bullying in the workplace - I am sure many books have been written by psychologists seeking to explain the causes of bullying behaviour and the bully personality "type". I'm just a layperson and the terms I would use to describe them are not suitable for this Forum!!! (-:


Hello Fizz Wizz

if you want to have your say on Facebook you are more than welcome. The copy & paste link is below for you!


(thankyou NMTB for mentioning a safe way to set up a Facebook presence!)

my kind thoughts
