
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
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Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

All discussions

Cozabear Does anyone else suffer with a fear from open spaces.
  • replies: 4

Since year 9 I have struggled with a fear of open spaces. Every-time i leave my house i feel detached from my body and get an overhwelming feeling of panic. I am wondering if anyone else is struggling with this and what have you done to help yourself... View more

Since year 9 I have struggled with a fear of open spaces. Every-time i leave my house i feel detached from my body and get an overhwelming feeling of panic. I am wondering if anyone else is struggling with this and what have you done to help yourself? I am getting to the point where i just don't want to leave my bed anymore.

Possummagic25 Placing intrusive thoughts
  • replies: 16

I struggle with intrusive thoughts. They are all about my relationship with my husband. How I feel about him and where our relationship is going. I am cognitively strong and I know to just ignore and not feed them. But I am after some strategies to r... View more

I struggle with intrusive thoughts. They are all about my relationship with my husband. How I feel about him and where our relationship is going. I am cognitively strong and I know to just ignore and not feed them. But I am after some strategies to release them from my mind. The only thing that seems to settle them is cuddle time with hubby. This is all new to me, I had my first attack about a month ago, following a few weeks of incinsistent intrusive thoughts and then a few days of intense thoughts following the seperation of an engaged couple close to me. I am on medication and am seeing a psychologist. But am looking for support on the 'down and out days' I am 27 a mum of 2 bouncing boys. And am determined to beat this. What do you do to help you through the bad days?? Feeling good today

nicham Weird Feelings throughout my body
  • replies: 13

Hi there I have been experiencing the weirdest sensations and I'm scared that I have MS, Parkinsons or Motor Neurons Disease. My doctor said she thinks it is probably Anxiety but has given me a referral to a neurologist. It happens at times when I'm ... View more

Hi there I have been experiencing the weirdest sensations and I'm scared that I have MS, Parkinsons or Motor Neurons Disease. My doctor said she thinks it is probably Anxiety but has given me a referral to a neurologist. It happens at times when I'm not stressed or anxious which is why it worries me. The feeling is like tremors within my body. It's hard to explain. My arms feel really weak and I feel that I have to really think about it to do complex things with my fingers like tie a knot. I've got muscle twitches in my eyelids and the side of my face sometimes. I'm always clenching my teeth. The feelings come on suddenly and then I worry about all of the things that they could be and they get worse. I have had depression on and off over the years with it getting quite bad last year however I got through that and was doing well. Although I still do often have panic attacks as well. I guess I'm just on here to see if anyone else has had these types of symptoms and if they know if these sorts of feelings are anxiety related. I have an appointment with a Neurologist but I have to wait until November. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Taylen_Bucello Constantly panic attacks
  • replies: 4

Hi my name is Taylen, I have been suffering with anxiety and panic attacks for over 8 years. I know it’s from my childhood and I am taking medication for it. Sometimes I won’t have it for a year then it will all hit me at once. The second a bad situa... View more

Hi my name is Taylen, I have been suffering with anxiety and panic attacks for over 8 years. I know it’s from my childhood and I am taking medication for it. Sometimes I won’t have it for a year then it will all hit me at once. The second a bad situation occurs I get in this stage of extreme panic attacks where I sweat, can hardly move, feel week and sometimes almost faint. This year has been very hard for me, I am a mother of two. One 3 year old girl and a 5 month old son. My partner went to hospital recently which has triggered my panic attacks back to the point where I feel anxious all the time. I NEED to go to the dentist as I have an abscess in my tooth and I can’t open my mouth very wide but even the thought of going to the dentist triggers me (hence while I am writing this at 2:30am) I had a panic attack 2 days ago for no reason. I was just out on a picnic with my partners family and all of a sudden it started so I had to rush home leaving my 5 month old (who is breastfed) and toddler with my partners mum as I felt like I am dying and needed to get home! Once I was home I felt a bit better. I have just changed my medication also. i guess what I’m trying to say is that....... I need help, not only do I feel like a crappy mum for not being able to go on adventures, catch busses, even go to the park for a family lunch!! But I can’t even bring myself to go to the dentist and get my health sorted I have a fear of dentists ever since I was heavily pregnant and went to hospital ICU for a week after having oral meningitis and almost dying and fainting almost every time I get a needle i need help over coming these things before I end up not being able to leave my house! I feel like it’s getting to that point, I wake up every day and feel hungover and drained and I am looking after my recovering partner who had severe pneumonia and is off work for a month and also my two children I’m drained, worried, scared and petrified please help me

kimdv Overthinking - to obessive levels
  • replies: 5

I'm not really sure where to start as I'm struggling with quite a range of issues and I'm not sure how to go about delving into it and really conveying the depth of the issues. I think my greatest concern is that I won't be able to express the depth ... View more

I'm not really sure where to start as I'm struggling with quite a range of issues and I'm not sure how to go about delving into it and really conveying the depth of the issues. I think my greatest concern is that I won't be able to express the depth of my issues and I won't get the help I need. My biggest issue currently is my overthinking, it's gotten to a point that has really taken control of my life, moods and possibly my personality. Quite often I found myself hung up on things I've said or done and I am trying to analyze in my mind other persons' possible reactions, thoughts and opinions of me and my actions. Along with that comes the thoughts about myself and how I stack up to other in terms of *being a good person* Im heavily aware that I will never please everyone and no matter how hard i try and I will never truly know what people think of me so I know it's unproductive and I know I'm wasting my time entertaining these thoughts, I'm very capable of thinking about it logically and yet I can't stop obsessing no matter how much logical thinking I use. Im frustrated at myself for not being a better person, for not acting a certain way etc, and I feel a lot of guilt about it all. When I react naturally to situations that make me uncomfortable or angry I overthink my reaction the situation to obsessive levels, even though it was natural, thinking that I'm a bad person for acting this way and that I should've acted a different way etc, which would mean I would be non-genuine to myself. I feel that my brain is close to snapping, these compulsions and overthinking almost feel like physical tension in my mind, it almost feels that my mind is rotting. I worry that everyone has negative feelings and opinions towards me and it stops me from enjoying life, from focusing or living the best life I can, I struggle to find interest and joy in things anymore, so it makes it hard to find hobbies or distractions to keep my mind occupied. I also find that I have a very bad short memory and I am almost startled when I can't remember recent information, I usually have fast bursts of panic when I cant remember things, or I can’t follow a train of thoughts without being interrupted by forgetting the train part way through. I almost feel that because Im so aware of my negative thoughts and can logically recognize them that no amount of thinking strategies will help me, Im not sure if medication will help, essentially my main concern is that this will never go away.

mehmeh Anxiety and Physical Symptoms
  • replies: 2

Hey, I am new here, i have been reading through different topics and feel this place has helped me a lot so i decided to share what i was going through. i was fine just a month ago until i had a random panic attack which lasted few seconds, felt like... View more

Hey, I am new here, i have been reading through different topics and feel this place has helped me a lot so i decided to share what i was going through. i was fine just a month ago until i had a random panic attack which lasted few seconds, felt like i might pass out and i called my partner straight away (she was just working outside the house) as soon as she came in i was totally fine. My father had panic attacks my twin brother passed out and had to an ambulance called on twice. he went through all the tests which came back clear, this was an year ago. so later i started of the same way, few panic attacks, shoulder tense which btw i recommend physio, clouded head and eyesight, back pain and random pains around the body scariest of them all is chest pain which my doctor said something about gas being released from stomach. My GP didn't ask me to do a single test and just said you have anxiety issues. well im like doesn't feel like it tho. i went in again to see someone else as my GP went away and after some hands on tests she said you dont need tests and said i am fine. but i am not convinced. chest pains were sharp and sometimes dull mostly in specific areas, sometimes they wake me up from my sleep but mostly i sleep okay. Jaw hurts because i think i clench my jaw in sleep and while i am awake too. i just recently started to go to a gym and it help with pain, which i think is probably only thing helping me right now along with my partner. i understand that given my family history everything does point towards anxiety (my dad was checked every month and he is fine) but i sometimes feel like i should go and ask for some tests done? also i would like to know what symptoms you get and how long do they last for?

JekyllAndHyde New here and would like advice and help with intrusive thoughts.
  • replies: 7

Hi there, I'm a 29 year old male who only started getting anxiety around mid-2016, had mild depression before then but dealt with it fairly easily. I tried keeping this anxiety and intrusive thoughts to myself out of hate for myself and guilt. It's c... View more

Hi there, I'm a 29 year old male who only started getting anxiety around mid-2016, had mild depression before then but dealt with it fairly easily. I tried keeping this anxiety and intrusive thoughts to myself out of hate for myself and guilt. It's come to the point where I feel pain in my chest as if it were a heart attack coming on. Not sure what to do or where to turn? I know I'm not an evil person, I have a good heart and mind but doubt always kicks in. And I hate it. Why do intrusive thoughts control and how can they affect the body in this change? How does the mind allow such messed up thoughts to enter your mind and have thoughts of things you'd never do in a million years? I don't know what to do and I freak out over it. I'm embarrassed and feel guilty if I go see a doctor about this and seriously don't know what to do or who to talk to!

petrichor_26 Lost, confused, and scared of what I’m finding in myself
  • replies: 3

Long time reader but first time poster so I hope this is okay… I’ve always felt worried about most things since I can remember, I thought I was just a shy person at first but there’s always been some sort of daily battle. It’s finally started messing... View more

Long time reader but first time poster so I hope this is okay… I’ve always felt worried about most things since I can remember, I thought I was just a shy person at first but there’s always been some sort of daily battle. It’s finally started messing with me to the point that I feel like a fraud, I’m so tired, I can’t keep up the facade anymore. I don’t know what’s worse, going to work and seeing people and having to put on a brave face or staying at home and be stuck with my 'self'. I recently went to see a GP and got a mental health plan put together but it’s 2 weeks until my first psych session and I’m not sure what to do until then, it seems so far away. Since then, it feels like I’ve ripped the band aid off and let the floodgates open. I can’t seem to turn off the anxiety, fear, sadness anymore. The world is such a beautiful place, why do I feel so lost and disconnected? I’ve told some things to the few people I have in my life because I know that seeking help and having a support network is a good thing but I can’t bring myself to burden them with this. I mean everyone has stuff going on in their lives. Sorry for the rambling, I just needed to tell someone, and I guess it’s easier done through a screen. Any tips to get by in the meantime would be greatly appreciated. For now, I’ll just keep at the waiting game.

Leeshs Anxiety causing nausea
  • replies: 8

Hi everyone I have suffered with anxiety before but nothing as crippling as what I am at the moment. My husband has gone away for placement for 5 weeks and my mum had a bad fall resulting in breaking her hip so she is currently in hospital. I am just... View more

Hi everyone I have suffered with anxiety before but nothing as crippling as what I am at the moment. My husband has gone away for placement for 5 weeks and my mum had a bad fall resulting in breaking her hip so she is currently in hospital. I am just not coping with all of this at all not like I usually would. So I am judging myself on how badly I am dealing with it when I should be better than this. I am constantly nauseous and have lost my appetite - can manage to get some sleep but am often woken by stomach pains / nausea. Dr gave me medication for nausea and am going to see my psychologist today but just terribly scared that I won't get through this challenging time.

Booklover17 Sensitivity
  • replies: 12

Hi everyone, Has anyone else felt extremely sensitive as part of their anxiety? (Note: I am seeing a Psychologist and will mention this to her). At the moment, I feel like anything will make me cry (I am not normally like this). Does anyone have any ... View more

Hi everyone, Has anyone else felt extremely sensitive as part of their anxiety? (Note: I am seeing a Psychologist and will mention this to her). At the moment, I feel like anything will make me cry (I am not normally like this). Does anyone have any tips/advice for calming down before crying?