
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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Elzbelz 24yr old woman with Anxiety and depression
  • replies: 3

Hi All, I'm so glad that these forums exist. Currently i'm at my desk at work, on 4hours sleep (12.30am- 4.30am). I had my first ever panic attack about 1&1/2 years ago - ended up in hospital with numbness on my entire left side from lack of oxygen i... View more

Hi All, I'm so glad that these forums exist. Currently i'm at my desk at work, on 4hours sleep (12.30am- 4.30am). I had my first ever panic attack about 1&1/2 years ago - ended up in hospital with numbness on my entire left side from lack of oxygen in my body - that was awful. Since then, the feeling has not stopped, its every day (maybe not all day) but everyday. Yesterday i decided to take myself to the doctor to seek some medication that may help me focus my mind into bettering myself and basically help me get my sh*t together. I'm nervous to take my first tablet as i have always positive i could beat this on my own - 'naturally' I'd love to hear about your experiences with seeking advise from Councillors and certain things that really helped get your life in order a little more. I've been out of home since i was 18y/o and always maintained full time work, a 5 & 1/2yr relationship, a tidy home and my three cats. After working over 50hrs a week for so long, it finally hit me that i was SO unhappy. I ended my relationship (partly from guilt that i didn't want my partner to deal with me) and mostly because he was a pretty crap boyfriend, close minded and business driven (not for me). ANYWAY - i thought this anxiety i was experiencing was purely situational, but now i have a great job, decent pay, a WONDERFUL boyfriend and amazing friends.. but i cannot shake this feeling - i just feel like a bit of a over dramatic weirdo -i know there are people out there facing actual problems. Looking forward to hearing from you all xxx

Danoro Tips to deal with my anticipatory anxiety
  • replies: 3

A little background: I'm 28 y old and for the last 3 years I am struggling with anxiety. My mom suffers from severe anxiety since her mid 20's as well.. At first I thought I had heart problems since all my symptoms were related to that area.. (fast h... View more

A little background: I'm 28 y old and for the last 3 years I am struggling with anxiety. My mom suffers from severe anxiety since her mid 20's as well.. At first I thought I had heart problems since all my symptoms were related to that area.. (fast hearbeat, chest pain, dizziness). After I found out it was anxiety, I was having hard time dealing with it.. I was very depressed that I have to go through all of those terrifying symptoms all over again and again without any way of stopping this forever. Lately it's being harder for me to remain calm, mainly because of my job and life in general. I also gave up on a vacation since I was afraid that I'll get anxiety attack during the flight, and there will be nothing that could be done to help me. My main fear is getting an intense anxiety attack that I won't be able to control. when I'm visualising myself in that situation I'm afraid that I'll start yelling / hold my head and cry. It's weird because it never happened before, all the times I had anxiety attack it was "only" fast heartbeat and feeling dizzy sometimes I might feeling a bit detached liked i'm going crazy but i'm usually calming myself down in 10 minutes. But still.. my fear from losing control is actually controlling me.. whenever I go out I feel like I want to go home to my "safe" spot where I could manage my anxiety. I'm getting tired of this feeling and I hope that I can do something to feel better.

AplaceToStart how can i tell my parents about my issues?
  • replies: 2

I'm having trouble right now. I have been struggling with anxiety and what i assume to be depression for up to a year now and i'm fed up. I have plans to get my mental health checked out at somewhere like 'Head Space' to see if it's anything really w... View more

I'm having trouble right now. I have been struggling with anxiety and what i assume to be depression for up to a year now and i'm fed up. I have plans to get my mental health checked out at somewhere like 'Head Space' to see if it's anything really worth worrying about. however, there lies the problem. I am a 15 year old boy. I can't tell if i'm right or wrong and i don't know where what i say sits in this day and age. this is the kind of thought that keeps me from asking my parents to take time out of their day to take me to see someone about my mental health. It's just a scary thought that they won't listen to me or they'll think i'm lying and laugh it off like it's nothing. And even if they do listen, what if it's nothing and i'm just overreacting? what happens then? Have i wasted their time on something that was never there in the first place? I really need help with this. I can't keep thinking the way i am now without someone knowing that i am like this. Your help and advice would heavily be appreciated.

Avoider Avoiding Relationships & People
  • replies: 2

Hi, It has recently been pointed out to me by a close friend that I push people away. She's not wrong. 3 years ago I lost my mother very suddenly and ever since I have avoided building relationships with people. This is for both friendships and roman... View more

Hi, It has recently been pointed out to me by a close friend that I push people away. She's not wrong. 3 years ago I lost my mother very suddenly and ever since I have avoided building relationships with people. This is for both friendships and romantic partners. In my mind when I meet someone I can already see the 'beginning' 'middle' and 'end'. If someone starts to get close to me my head and my anxiety tells me to run, so I do. This never used to bother me before because to me this was a protective mechanism stopping me from getting hurt, however I now have no social life and spend all my time working or studying and not interacting with people. I do not put effort into creating new relationships and get incredibly anxious when i even think about inviting people into my life. This has become very lonely and has made me scared of pretty much everyone. How do I get over being so scared and meet people without the voice in my head telling me to run every time?

Eadie Mothers anxiety about dying
  • replies: 3

HI, I just came on here to see if anyone else has felt the same feelings of overwhelming responsibility for a child that they had a panic attack about it. Im generally ok, have never spoken to a counsellor before or seeked help apart from talking wit... View more

HI, I just came on here to see if anyone else has felt the same feelings of overwhelming responsibility for a child that they had a panic attack about it. Im generally ok, have never spoken to a counsellor before or seeked help apart from talking with friends and my partner. We have a 2 year old and I am at home with him 2 nights a week while my partner away for work. I guess I am a sensitive and emotional person who can empathise with others to the point I can get quite upset putting myself in their shoes. Last night I had this horrible sinking feeling that I wasn't going to wake up. I felt sad about myself dying but the thought that sent me into a panic was that our child would be stuck in his cot, without food or water and may not be found for a day or so. I kept picturing that he would be crying out for me and would be so upset that I wasn't coming to get him. I kept picturing his little face, him collapsing from being exhausted from the crying, hunger and unchanged nappy that I had to get up and put food and water out for him incase I didn't wake up and unlock the door so the neighbours could come in. It was horrible because it could happen right? I know that the chances are pretty unlikely but bad stuff does happen. what am I supposed to do now? It was horrible and still lingers today 12 hours later. I texted my partner to get him to call me in the morning and if I didn't answer to send help for our baby. A few weeks ago I had a nightmare where I saw my baby looking for me, crying with his head down, dissapointed and loosing hope that I would find him. I saw him from afar and couldnt find him. I had this awful feeling of letting him down and not being there for him. I don't know if this is normal for a new parent or if im going through a stage of adjustment or if I am needing help. I want to be there for my family. im irritable, tired and feel guilty alot these days. Mothers guilt is a word that gets thrown around but not sure that what im experiencing is that, hormonal changes, survival instinctual stuff or anxiety. Does anyone else have a similar story or any thoughts on this?

pierrette random anxiety triggers
  • replies: 3

Hi, Does anyone else have random/specific triggers to their anxiety? For some reason, open doors and windows stress me out so much, in summer when my mum has opened everything I have to go around and close all of them, and I feel bad because of cours... View more

Hi, Does anyone else have random/specific triggers to their anxiety? For some reason, open doors and windows stress me out so much, in summer when my mum has opened everything I have to go around and close all of them, and I feel bad because of course she wants them open when it’s hot, but just having them open makes me so angry and anxious, I freak out and my heart beats fast and my palms get sweaty. Also, autotuned voices in music annoy me in general but whenever I hear it playing really quietly, but still able to be heard, I have a similar reaction and puts me on the brink of tears, sometimes making me cry or scream. Sometimes the sound comes up in my dreams too or I can just imagine it so clearly it has the same effect. Am I alone in this? Do you have things like this? Thanks

mood I'm confident but I'm anxious
  • replies: 2

Hi, I want to thank you for reading this first, this is my first forum post. I'm 13 years old and I'm in the hardest point in my life right now, school anxiety is overwhelming, I've been diagnosed with a severe anxiety disorder and I often feel like ... View more

Hi, I want to thank you for reading this first, this is my first forum post. I'm 13 years old and I'm in the hardest point in my life right now, school anxiety is overwhelming, I've been diagnosed with a severe anxiety disorder and I often feel like an outcast, even when i know I'm not and when people make the effort to be my friend I still feel unsteady, school has always been a problem for me, even more so now. I've always been sensitive but i guess these unfavourable events forced me to toughen up a bit and guard myself more, I'm very confident in myself but it isnt the same for my ability to go back to mainstream school, every time i think about walking into the school gates and being in the presence of people make me very nauseous, dizzy, tired and often it physically paralyzes me , I have no idea why. My therapy sessions are fine, I feel like im more and more confident, but the second I think about going to school everything i've talked about and learnt is thrown out the window, it's like someone reached into my head and pulled out every nice thing about school and replaced it with unrealistic doubts which is even more confusing because i know it's unrealistic, i know that nothing bad will happen yet my mind gets so hysteric and my entire body shuts down still, Im so confused to my situation, im confident but im anxious and it's really draining, i dont want to give up but i know i cant muster up enough willpower to actually go through with any of my psychologists plans and i feel helpless

Taylen_Bucello Iphone apps to help panic attacks
  • replies: 4

Hi!!! Does anyone know of any good apps for my iPhone to help me with my panic attacks? i have been getting them a lot and need something g to get my mind off it thank you in advance

Hi!!! Does anyone know of any good apps for my iPhone to help me with my panic attacks? i have been getting them a lot and need something g to get my mind off it thank you in advance

sharpie2 Adjustment, health anxiety. Help!
  • replies: 14

Hey guys, I'm a 23 year old mate fit, generally healthy and new to this forum, so hello to you all. The past 4 months have been different for me, after I was told that I was being made redundant at my old job. Sure enough when you think of the potent... View more

Hey guys, I'm a 23 year old mate fit, generally healthy and new to this forum, so hello to you all. The past 4 months have been different for me, after I was told that I was being made redundant at my old job. Sure enough when you think of the potential consequences of redundancy, you get anxious, feel hopeless and de-motivated. Anyway, the days and weeks after this moment brought me light headedness, muscle vibrations/twitches, pins and needles in my body, and brain fog/spaced out, tinnitus as well? Yep. It's almost like it all snuck up on me! I broke down about it one night. I then noticed that this worry affected me on the soccer field as well, didn't want to make that 5 extra metres for a slide tackle, shortness of breath etc. I was worried (love a good bit of health anxiety after a friend of mine died of brain cancer earlier this year) so went to my GP, had blood tests done, all clear, then he diagnosed me with mild depression and anxiety, referring me to a psychologist in the process. It took me 2 months to have the balls to see a psychologist, and in the mean time I couldn't help myself with Dr Google (which you guys talk about a lot) I've stressed over life threatening illnesses and debilitating diseases. Bare in mind I'm a great eater and a good exerciser. Psychology helped me a lot, he said I had a bit of adjustment disorder, and also he went about changing my thought processes with my ill health obsession. I started feeling better and felt confident in managing it. I also started taking b complex and fish oil caps to boost energy levels at work, because some days I just could not function. I felt great for 2 weeks, been playing my soccer as normal, going out etc and enjoying myself. Recently my symptoms have come back and also I've had tightness in the front of my neck, shaky, weak, fatigued, naturally I think thyroid issues or lymphoma etc and my mind is in overdrive! So I started stressing over them and bang I'm off to the GP tomorrow again to discuss it. Can anyone relate to this? Sorry for the rant but I feel better putting this out there!

Puppies Trichotillomania
  • replies: 2

Hello. I’ve posted on these forums before, seeking assistance with supporting my partner who has depression/anxiety but have not previously thought to post about my own struggles. I have had Trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder) for 10 years. I we... View more

Hello. I’ve posted on these forums before, seeking assistance with supporting my partner who has depression/anxiety but have not previously thought to post about my own struggles. I have had Trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder) for 10 years. I went through my entire high school years and uni with trichotillomania. Throughout this whole time it has only been my eyebrows/eyelashes. I have only started getting help (seeing a psych) at the beginning of this year. I’m not sure if it is working as well as I had hoped because we often go off on tangents about other aspects of my life (such as uni, partner etc) and the focus isn’t always the Trichotillomania. I find that I get increasingly anxious before each appointment. Sometimes I may not have an appointment for a month or two , and when I am called about the opportunity for an extra appointment I just say I can’t go (even if I am available for it). I’m not sure what to do in regards to the psychologist - whether I should keep going to the appointments or just stop going altogether. I also haven’t spoken to anyone else who has/had Trichotillomania. I’d like to hear from others who have been dealing with the feelings that surround the urges (guilt, anxiety, anger, sadness, feeling unattractive, like a failure, etc.) and how you overcame trichotillomania. I have been doing research and have recently come across some sites that talk about medication that actually stops the urges. I feel that if I could get rid of the feeling/urge that it would be easier for me to overcome it. The urges are 99% of the time uncontrollable (and the feeling doesn’t go away until I pull hair). I also find that my anxiety spikes when I try to fight against the urge. I don’t feel better until I pull hair. Has anyone been prescribed medication for this? Or has anyone stopped trichotillomania in any other ways? thanks - puppies